LangChain 71 字符串评估器String Evaluation衡量在多样化数据上的性能和完整性

news2025/2/25 15:33:28


  1. LangChain 60 深入理解LangChain 表达式语言23 multiple chains链透传参数 LangChain Expression Language (LCEL)
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  11. LangChain 70 Evaluation 评估、衡量在多样化数据上的性能和完整性


1. 字符串评估器String Evaluation





  • evaluation_name评估名称:指定评估的名称。
  • requires_input 必要输入:布尔属性,用于指示评估器是否需要输入字符串。如果为真,当未提供输入时,评估器将抛出错误。如果为假,如果提供了输入,则会记录警告,表明输入在评估中不会被考虑。
  • requires_reference 需要参考:布尔属性,用于指定评估器是否需要参考标签。如果为真,当未提供参考时,评估器将抛出错误。如果为假,如果提供了参考,则会记录警告,表明参考在评估中不会被考虑。


  • aevaluate_strings 异步评估字符串:异步评估链或语言模型的输出,支持可选的输入和标签。
  • evaluate_strings 同步评估字符串:同步评估链或语言模型的输出,支持可选的输入和标签。


2. 标准评估 Criteria Evaluation



3. 使用CriteriaEvalChain无需参考资料 Usage without references


from langchain.evaluation import load_evaluator

from dotenv import load_dotenv  # 导入从 .env 文件加载环境变量的函数
load_dotenv()  # 调用函数实际加载环境变量

from langchain.globals import set_debug  # 导入在 langchain 中设置调试模式的函数
set_debug(True)  # 启用 langchain 的调试模式

# from langchain.evaluation import load_evaluator
# evaluator = load_evaluator("criteria", criteria="conciseness")

# This is equivalent to loading using the enum
from langchain.evaluation import EvaluatorType
evaluator = load_evaluator(EvaluatorType.CRITERIA, criteria="conciseness")

eval_result = evaluator.evaluate_strings(
    prediction="What's 2+2? That's an elementary question. The answer you're looking for is that two and two is four.",
    input="What's 2+2?",
print('eval_result >> ', eval_result)

3.1 输出格式

所有字符串评估器都暴露了一个 evaluate_strings(或 async aevaluate_strings)方法,该方法接受:

  • 输入input (str)- 发送给agent代理的输入。
  • 预测 prediction(str)- 预测的回应。

评估器返回包含以下值的字典:- 分数:二进制整数0到1,其中1意味着输出符合标准,0则相反 - 值:对应分数的“Y”或“N” - 推理:从LLM生成的“思维链条推理”字符串,在创建分数之前产生。


(.venv)  ~/Workspace/LLM/langchain-llm-app/ [develop*] python Evaluate/                                                       ⏎
[chain/start] [1:chain:CriteriaEvalChain] Entering Chain run with input:
  "input": "What's 2+2?",
  "output": "What's 2+2? That's an elementary question. The answer you're looking for is that two and two is four."
[llm/start] [1:chain:CriteriaEvalChain > 2:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
  "prompts": [
    "Human: You are assessing a submitted answer on a given task or input based on a set of criteria. Here is the data:\n[BEGIN DATA]\n***\n[Input]: What's 2+2?\n***\n[Submission]: What's 2+2? That's an elementary question. The answer you're looking for is that two and two is four.\n***\n[Criteria]: conciseness: Is the submission concise and to the point?\n***\n[END DATA]\nDoes the submission meet the Criteria? First, write out in a step by step manner your reasoning about each criterion to be sure that your conclusion is correct. Avoid simply stating the correct answers at the outset. Then print only the single character \"Y\" or \"N\" (without quotes or punctuation) on its own line corresponding to the correct answer of whether the submission meets all criteria. At the end, repeat just the letter again by itself on a new line."
[llm/end] [1:chain:CriteriaEvalChain > 2:llm:ChatOpenAI] [7.17s] Exiting LLM run with output:
  "generations": [
        "text": "The criterion to evaluate the submission is \"conciseness\". This requires the answer to be brief, to the point, and without unnecessary information or explanation.\n\nAssessing the submission, the responder did not solely provide the answer. The submission included additional commentary: \"That's an elementary question.\" This part of the response is not integral to answering the question and thus adds unnecessary length and detail.\n\nFurthermore, the phrase, \"The answer you're looking for is\" also adds unneeded length to the answer. A more concise response would simply state the answer: \"four\".\n\nConsidering these points, the submission does not meet the criterion of conciseness, as it contains unnecessary extraneous detail and is not as brief as it could be.\n\nN\nN",
        "generation_info": {
          "finish_reason": "stop",
          "logprobs": null
        "type": "ChatGeneration",
        "message": {
          "lc": 1,
          "type": "constructor",
          "id": [
          "kwargs": {
            "content": "The criterion to evaluate the submission is \"conciseness\". This requires the answer to be brief, to the point, and without unnecessary information or explanation.\n\nAssessing the submission, the responder did not solely provide the answer. The submission included additional commentary: \"That's an elementary question.\" This part of the response is not integral to answering the question and thus adds unnecessary length and detail.\n\nFurthermore, the phrase, \"The answer you're looking for is\" also adds unneeded length to the answer. A more concise response would simply state the answer: \"four\".\n\nConsidering these points, the submission does not meet the criterion of conciseness, as it contains unnecessary extraneous detail and is not as brief as it could be.\n\nN\nN",
            "additional_kwargs": {}
  "llm_output": {
    "token_usage": {
      "completion_tokens": 151,
      "prompt_tokens": 192,
      "total_tokens": 343
    "model_name": "gpt-4",
    "system_fingerprint": null
  "run": null
[chain/end] [1:chain:CriteriaEvalChain] [7.18s] Exiting Chain run with output:
  "results": {
    "reasoning": "The criterion to evaluate the submission is \"conciseness\". This requires the answer to be brief, to the point, and without unnecessary information or explanation.\n\nAssessing the submission, the responder did not solely provide the answer. The submission included additional commentary: \"That's an elementary question.\" This part of the response is not integral to answering the question and thus adds unnecessary length and detail.\n\nFurthermore, the phrase, \"The answer you're looking for is\" also adds unneeded length to the answer. A more concise response would simply state the answer: \"four\".\n\nConsidering these points, the submission does not meet the criterion of conciseness, as it contains unnecessary extraneous detail and is not as brief as it could be.\n\nN",
    "value": "N",
    "score": 0
eval_result >>  {'reasoning': 'The criterion to evaluate the submission is "conciseness". This requires the answer to be brief, to the point, and without unnecessary information or explanation.\n\nAssessing the submission, the responder did not solely provide the answer. The submission included additional commentary: "That\'s an elementary question." This part of the response is not integral to answering the question and thus adds unnecessary length and detail.\n\nFurthermore, the phrase, "The answer you\'re looking for is" also adds unneeded length to the answer. A more concise response would simply state the answer: "four".\n\nConsidering these points, the submission does not meet the criterion of conciseness, as it contains unnecessary extraneous detail and is not as brief as it could be.\n\nN', 'value': 'N', 'score': 0}







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