
news2024/10/3 0:21:50

    • register_extended_attention_pnp
      • 1. 为所有BasicTransformerBlock layer的attn1重构forward
      • 2. 对其中的部分attn1(8个)注入injection_schedule使用PnP操作
      • 3. sa_forward
      • 3. sa_3frame_forward
    • register_conv_injection
    • set_tokenflow
    • make_tokenflow_attention_block


tokenflow的Model构建逻辑是先加载原始的Stable Diffusion,然后重新注册需要修改的UNet的模块,修改操作的调用首先在run_tokenflow.py中:

self.init_method(conv_injection_t=pnp_f_t, qk_injection_t=pnp_attn_t)

想看懂后面的代码, 首先需要看懂SD的BasicTransformerBlock的源码,最好再看看PnP的源码 pnp-diffusers,因为TokenFlow就是基于PnP改进而来的。

    def init_method(self, conv_injection_t, qk_injection_t):
        self.qk_injection_timesteps = self.scheduler.timesteps[:qk_injection_t] if qk_injection_t >= 0 else []
        self.conv_injection_timesteps = self.scheduler.timesteps[:conv_injection_t] if conv_injection_t >= 0 else []
        register_extended_attention_pnp(self, self.qk_injection_timesteps)
        register_conv_injection(self, self.conv_injection_timesteps)

(1)register_extended_attention_pnp:replace unet 的 self attention(扩展为KV来自多帧,同时完成inject。
(2)register_conv_injection:replace conv 的 conv_injection (UpBlock的第二个resnet block,完成inject。
(3)set_tokenflow:replace unet 的 16 BasicTransformerBlock to TokenFlowBlock。
其中,qk_injection_timestepsconv_injection_timesteps是两个timestep list,用于控制PnP Inject操作只在前几个step执行。

除了这些对UNet Model的修改,源码中batched_denoise_step函数为了先编辑关键帧也进行了register_pivotal设置关键帧id。在编辑每个batch时前进行了register_batch_idx设置batch id。在预测噪声前register_time为UNet的某些layer设置step t。

接下来,我们将按照顺序一个一个解析,tokenflow在推理过程中,对原始Stable Diffusion模型做的修改。


register_extended_attention_pnp函数的作用:为UNet的所有BasicTransformerBlock layer的attn1(16个)重构forward函数为extend attention的sa_forward,但只对其中的部分attn1(8个)注入injection_schedule使用PnP操作。


class BasicTransformerBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim, n_heads, d_head, dropout=0., context_dim=None, gated_ff=True):
        self.attn1 = CrossAttention(query_dim=dim, heads=n_heads, dim_head=d_head, dropout=dropout)  # is a self-attention
        self.ff = FeedForward(dim, dropout=dropout, glu=gated_ff)
        self.attn2 = CrossAttention(query_dim=dim, context_dim=context_dim,
                                    heads=n_heads, dim_head=d_head, dropout=dropout)  # cross attention
        self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
        self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
        self.norm3 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)

    def forward(self, x, context=None):
        x = self.attn1(self.norm1(x)) + x
        x = self.attn2(self.norm2(x), context=context) + x
        x = self.ff(self.norm3(x)) + x
        return x

入参register_extended_attention_pnp函数传入的两个必须参数是unet modelinjection_scheduleinjection_schedule用于控制推理过程中PnP Injection执行的时间步,因为我们希望只在前几个timestep进行PnP操作




1. 为所有BasicTransformerBlock layer的attn1重构forward

根据 register_forward_fun 判断使用那种sa_forward,然后遍历unet的每个模块,判断改模块是否继承自BasicTransformerBlock ,如果有则为其修改forward,但将其injection_schedule置空(即不执行PnP)。

    module_names = []
    register_forward_fun = sa_3frame_forward if is_3_frame else sa_forward
    for module_name, module in model.unet.named_modules():
        if isinstance_str(module, "BasicTransformerBlock"):
            # replace BasicTransformerBlock.attn1's forward with sa_forward
            module.attn1.forward = register_forward_fun(module.attn1)
            # set injection_schedule empty[] for BasicTransformerBlock.attn1
            setattr(module.attn1, 'injection_schedule', [])
    print(f"all change {len(module_names)} layer's BasicTransformerBlock.attn1.forward() for extended_attention_pnp...")
    print(module_names)  # up_blocks.1.attentions.0.transformer_blocks.0

isinstance_str 判断x的继承的类型列表中是否包含cls_name类:

def isinstance_str(x: object, cls_name: str):
    for _cls in x.__class__.__mro__:
        if _cls.__name__ == cls_name:
            return True
    return False





2. 对其中的部分attn1(8个)注入injection_schedule使用PnP操作

在res_dict 的指示下,对具体的attn1修改forward函数,同时为其注册injection_schedule,使用PnP操作。

    res_dict = {1: [1, 2], 2: [0, 1, 2], 3: [0, 1, 2]}  # upblock's self-attention layers
    # we are injecting attention in blocks 4 - 11 of the Unet UpBlock, so not in the first block of the lowest resolution
    for res in res_dict:  # res = 1
        for block in res_dict[res]:  # res_dict[res] = [1, 2]
            module = model.unet.up_blocks[res].attentions[block].transformer_blocks[0].attn1
            module.forward = sa_forward(module)
            setattr(module, 'injection_schedule', injection_schedule)



3. sa_forward

PnP的操作:因为TokenFlow的输入同时考虑了PnPclassifer-free guidance,所以原本UNet输入的单个latent变成了3份source_latents + x + x(其中一个 x 对应edit_prompt一个 x 对应null_promptsource_latents对应了source_prompt)。

latent_model_input =[source_latents] + ([x] * 2))  

这样就可以在Unet推理的时候,直接从输入的latents x中切片,分为3份将source_latents注入到uncond_latentscond_latents(PnP的注入就是直接替换),对于self-attention,我们只替换Q和K。

source_latents = x[:n_frames]
uncond_latents = x[n_frames:2*n_frames]
cond_latents = x[2*n_frames:]
# source inject uncond
q[n_frames:2*n_frames] = q[:n_frames]
k[n_frames:2*n_frames] = k[:n_frames]
# source inject cond
q[2*n_frames:] = q[:n_frames]
k[2*n_frames:] = k[:n_frames]

Extend_Attention:tokenflow实现扩展的self-attention使用,因为对于第i帧,计算self attention时,Q是第i帧的特征,KV要来自其他所有帧,所以要repeat一下K和V,方便后面计算。
T b a s e = S o f t m a x ( Q i ; [ K i 1 , . . . , K i k ] d ) ⋅ [ V i 1 , . . . , V i k ] T_{base}=Softmax(\frac{Q^i;[K^{i1},...,K^{ik}]}{\sqrt{d}})\cdot[V^{i1},...,V^{ik}] Tbase=Softmax(d Qi;[Ki1,...,Kik])[Vi1,...,Vik]

# KV reshape and repeat for extend_attention: Softmax(Q_i_frame @ K_all_frame) @ V_all_frame
# (n_frames, seq_len, dim) -> (1, n_frames * seq_len, dim) -> (n_frames, n_frames * seq_len, dim)
k_source = k[:n_frames]
k_uncond = k[n_frames:2 * n_frames].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
k_cond = k[2 * n_frames:].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
v_source = v[:n_frames]
v_uncond = v[n_frames:2 * n_frames].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
v_cond = v[2 * n_frames:].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)

因为逐帧进行计算,而且多头注意力逐头进行计算,构造双重for循环计算attention 得到第 i 帧第 j 头的 attention out,最后分别concat帧维度和头维度得到最终atention结果:

Q @ K -> sim:
(b, 1, seq_len, dim//head) @ (b, 1, dim//head, frame*seq_len) -> (b, 1, seq_len, frame*seq_len)

sim @ V -> out:
(b, 1, seq_len, frame*seq_len) @ (b, 1, frame*seq_len, dim//head) -> (b, 1, seq_len, dim//head)

cat each head's out:
(b->n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head) -> (n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head)

cat each frame's out:
(n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head) -> (n_frames, heads, seq_len, dim//heads)


def sa_forward(self):
        to_out = self.to_out  # self.to_out = [linear, dropout]
        if type(to_out) is torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList:
            to_out = self.to_out[0]
            to_out = self.to_out
        def forward(x, encoder_hidden_states=None, attention_mask=None):  
            is_cross = encoder_hidden_states is not None  # corss-attention or self-attention

            h = self.heads
            batch_size, sequence_length, dim = x.shape  # (3*n_frames, seq_len, dim)
            # batch: 前n_frames个样本为source feature, 中间n_frames个样本为uncond featur, 后n_frames个样本为cond feature
            n_frames = batch_size // 3
            # source_latents = x[:n_frames], uncond_latents = x[n_frames:2*n_frames], cond_latents = x[2*n_frames:]
            encoder_hidden_states = encoder_hidden_states if is_cross else x
            q = self.to_q(x)
            k = self.to_k(encoder_hidden_states)
            v = self.to_v(encoder_hidden_states)

            # PnP Injection QK:只需要sample过程中的前几个timestep进行injection (判断t是否符合),且只在UpBlock进行inject
            if self.injection_schedule is not None and (self.t in self.injection_schedule or self.t == 1000):
                # source inject into unconditional
                q[n_frames:2 * n_frames] = q[:n_frames]
                k[n_frames:2 * n_frames] = k[:n_frames]
                # source inject into conditional
                q[2 * n_frames:] = q[:n_frames]
                k[2 * n_frames:] = k[:n_frames]

            # KV reshape and repeat for extend_attention: Softmax(Q_i_frame @ K_all_frame) @ V_all_frame
            # (n_frames, seq_len, dim) -> (1, n_frames * seq_len, dim) -> (n_frames, n_frames * seq_len, dim)
            k_source = k[:n_frames]
            k_uncond = k[n_frames:2 * n_frames].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
            k_cond = k[2 * n_frames:].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
            v_source = v[:n_frames]
            v_uncond = v[n_frames:2 * n_frames].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
            v_cond = v[2 * n_frames:].reshape(1, n_frames * sequence_length, -1).repeat(n_frames, 1, 1)
            # project QKV's source, cond and uncond, respectively 
            q_source = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(q[:n_frames])  # q (n_frames*heads, seq_len, dim//heads)
            q_uncond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(q[n_frames:2 * n_frames])
            q_cond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(q[2 * n_frames:])
            k_source = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(k_source)  # kv (n_frames*heads, n_frames * seq_len, dim//heads)
            k_uncond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(k_uncond)
            k_cond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(k_cond)
            v_source = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(v_source)
            v_uncond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(v_uncond)
            v_cond = self.reshape_heads_to_batch_dim(v_cond)
            # split heads
            q_src = q_source.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length, dim // h)
            k_src = k_source.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length, dim // h)
            v_src = v_source.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length, dim // h)
            q_uncond = q_uncond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length, dim // h)
            k_uncond = k_uncond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length * n_frames, dim // h)
            v_uncond = v_uncond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length * n_frames, dim // h)
            q_cond = q_cond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length, dim // h)
            k_cond = k_cond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length * n_frames, dim // h)
            v_cond = v_cond.view(n_frames, h, sequence_length * n_frames, dim // h)

            out_source_all = []
            out_uncond_all = []
            out_cond_all = []
            # each frame or single_batch frames
            single_batch = n_frames<=12
            b = n_frames if single_batch else 1  # b=1
            # do attention for each frame respectively. frames [frame:frame=b]
            for frame in range(0, n_frames, b):
                out_source = []
                out_uncond = []
                out_cond = []
                # do attention for each head respectively. head j
                for j in range(h):
                    # do attention for source, cond and uncond respectively, (b, 1, seq_len, dim//head) @ (b, 1, dim//head, frame*seq_len) -> (b, 1, seq_len, frame*seq_len)
                    sim_source_b = torch.bmm(q_src[frame: frame+ b, j], k_src[frame: frame+ b, j].transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale
                    sim_uncond_b = torch.bmm(q_uncond[frame: frame+ b, j], k_uncond[frame: frame+ b, j].transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale
                    sim_cond = torch.bmm(q_cond[frame: frame+ b, j], k_cond[frame: frame+ b, j].transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale
                    # append each head's out, (b, 1, seq_len, frame*seq_len) @ (b, 1, frame*seq_len, dim//head) -> (b, 1, seq_len, dim//head)
                    out_source.append(torch.bmm(sim_source_b.softmax(dim=-1), v_src[frame: frame+ b, j]))
                    out_uncond.append(torch.bmm(sim_uncond_b.softmax(dim=-1), v_uncond[frame: frame+ b, j]))
                    out_cond.append(torch.bmm(sim_cond.softmax(dim=-1), v_cond[frame: frame+ b, j]))
                # cat each head's out, (b->n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head) -> (n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head)
                out_source =, dim=0)
                out_uncond =, dim=0) 
                out_cond =, dim=0) 
                if single_batch: # if use single_batch, view single_batch frame's out
                    out_source = out_source.view(h, n_frames,sequence_length, dim // h).permute(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(h * n_frames, sequence_length, -1)
                    out_uncond = out_uncond.view(h, n_frames,sequence_length, dim // h).permute(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(h * n_frames, sequence_length, -1)
                    out_cond = out_cond.view(h, n_frames,sequence_length, dim // h).permute(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(h * n_frames, sequence_length, -1)
                # append each frame's out
            # cat each frame's out, (n_frames, 1, seq_len, dim//head) -> (n_frames, heads, seq_len, dim//heads)
            out_source =, dim=0)
            out_uncond =, dim=0)
            out_cond =, dim=0)
            # cat source, cond and uncond's out, (n_frames, heads, seq_len, dim//heads) -> (3*n_frames, heads, seq_len, dim//heads)
            out =[out_source, out_uncond, out_cond], dim=0)
            out = self.reshape_batch_dim_to_heads(out)
            return to_out(out)
        return forward

3. sa_3frame_forward

因为使用了PnP:每次进行self attention不再是像sa_forward一样,对输入repeat重复n_frames,而是 source_latent 进行正常的KV来自单帧的self attention forward_originaluncond_latentcond_latent 进行 KV 来自相邻3帧 的self attention forward_extended

每次计算第 i 帧的attention时(window_size=3),以第 i 帧为中心 ,取下标=[i-1, i, i+1]的3帧作为KV:

 def sa_3frame_forward(self):  # self attention只是扩展到连续的 3 个关键帧,而不是所有关键帧。
        to_out = self.to_out
        if type(to_out) is torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList:
            to_out = self.to_out[0]
            to_out = self.to_out
        # 原始的UNet attention forward
        def forward_original(q, k, v):
            n_frames, seq_len, dim = q.shape
            h = self.heads
            head_dim = dim // h
            q = self.head_to_batch_dim(q).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)
            k = self.head_to_batch_dim(k).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)
            v = self.head_to_batch_dim(v).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)

            out_all = []
            for frame in range(n_frames):
                out = []
                for j in range(h):
                    sim = torch.matmul(q[frame, j], k[frame, j].transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale # (seq_len, seq_len)                                            
                    out.append(torch.matmul(sim.softmax(dim=-1), v[frame, j])) # h * (seq_len, head_dim)

                out =, dim=0).reshape(-1, seq_len, head_dim) # (h, seq_len, head_dim)
                out_all.append(out) # n_frames * (h, seq_len, head_dim)
            out =, dim=0) # (n_frames * h, seq_len, head_dim)
            out = self.batch_to_head_dim(out) # (n_frames, seq_len, h * head_dim)
            return out
        # extend UNet attention forward(all frames)
        def forward_extended(q, k, v):
            n_frames, seq_len, dim = q.shape
            h = self.heads
            head_dim = dim // h
            q = self.head_to_batch_dim(q).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)
            k = self.head_to_batch_dim(k).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)
            v = self.head_to_batch_dim(v).reshape(n_frames, h, seq_len, head_dim)

            out_all = []
            window_size = 3
            for frame in range(n_frames):  # frame=32, window_size=3: window=[14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
                out = []
                # sliding window to improve speed.  以当前帧frame为中心,取window_size大小的帧,如frame_idx=1时, window: [0, 1, 2]
                window = range(max(0, frame-window_size // 2), min(n_frames, frame+window_size//2+1))  
                for j in range(h):
                    sim_all = []  # 存当前帧frame和window内3帧的sim,len(sim_all)=3
                    for kframe in window:  # (1, 1, seq_len, head_dim) @ (1, 1, head_dim, seq_len) -> (1, 1, seq_len, seq_len)
                        # 当前帧frame 依次和window内的帧kframe,计算sim存入sim_all
                        sim_all.append(torch.matmul(q[frame, j], k[kframe, j].transpose(-1, -2)) * self.scale) # window * (seq_len, seq_len)
                    sim_all =, seq_len, seq_len).transpose(0, 1) # (seq_len, window, seq_len)
                    sim_all = sim_all.reshape(seq_len, len(window) * seq_len) # (seq_len, window * seq_len)
                    out.append(torch.matmul(sim_all.softmax(dim=-1), v[window, j].reshape(len(window) * seq_len, head_dim))) # h * (seq_len, head_dim)

                out =, dim=0).reshape(-1, seq_len, head_dim) # (h, seq_len, head_dim)
                out_all.append(out) # n_frames * (h, seq_len, head_dim)
            out =, dim=0) # (n_frames * h, seq_len, head_dim)
            out = self.batch_to_head_dim(out) # (n_frames, seq_len, h * head_dim)

            return out
        def forward(x, encoder_hidden_states=None, attention_mask=None):
            batch_size, sequence_length, dim = x.shape
            h = self.heads
            n_frames = batch_size // 3
            is_cross = encoder_hidden_states is not None
            encoder_hidden_states = encoder_hidden_states if is_cross else x
            q = self.to_q(x)
            k = self.to_k(encoder_hidden_states)
            v = self.to_v(encoder_hidden_states)

            if self.injection_schedule is not None and (self.t in self.injection_schedule or self.t == 1000):
                # inject unconditional
                q[n_frames:2 * n_frames] = q[:n_frames]
                k[n_frames:2 * n_frames] = k[:n_frames]
                # inject conditional
                q[2 * n_frames:] = q[:n_frames]
                k[2 * n_frames:] = k[:n_frames]

            # source_latent 正常的self attention, uncond 和 cond进行 KV来自相邻3帧的self attention
            out_source = forward_original(q[:n_frames], k[:n_frames], v[:n_frames])  
            out_uncond = forward_extended(q[n_frames:2 * n_frames], k[n_frames:2 * n_frames], v[n_frames:2 * n_frames])
            out_cond = forward_extended(q[2 * n_frames:], k[2 * n_frames:], v[2 * n_frames:])
            out =[out_source, out_uncond, out_cond], dim=0) # (3 * n_frames, seq_len, dim)

            return to_out(out)

        return forward




conv_forward中只比普通的ResnetBlock2D的forward多了一步PnP Inject的操作:

if self.injection_schedule is not None and (self.t in self.injection_schedule or self.t == 1000):
                source_batch_size = int(hidden_states.shape[0] // 3)
                # inject unconditional
                hidden_states[source_batch_size:2 * source_batch_size] = hidden_states[:source_batch_size]
                # inject conditional
                hidden_states[2 * source_batch_size:] = hidden_states[:source_batch_size]



def set_tokenflow(model: torch.nn.Module):
    Sets the tokenflow attention blocks in a model.
    for _, module in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance_str(module, "BasicTransformerBlock"):
            # 16个 module.__class__ = <class 'diffusers.models.attention.BasicTransformerBlock'>
            make_tokenflow_block_fn = make_tokenflow_attention_block 
            # 将BasicTransformerBlock作为父类,外面再套一层TokenFlowBlock类
            module.__class__ = make_tokenflow_block_fn(module.__class__)

            # Something needed for older versions of diffusers
            if not hasattr(module, "use_ada_layer_norm_zero"):
                module.use_ada_layer_norm = False
                module.use_ada_layer_norm_zero = False
    return model




  • 关键帧,就存下pivot_hidden_states
  • 非关键帧,取非关键帧与关键帧的source_latent,计算其与关键帧的余弦相似度cosine_sim,shape=(n_frames * seq_len, len(batch_idxs) * seq_len),求得相似度最大的帧下标idx,然后为source、uncond、cond 堆叠3份。
    • 如果当前batch不是第一个batch,len(batch_idxs) =2, 分别保存最相似的帧下标到idx1和idx2
    • 如果是第一个batch,len(batch_idxs) =1,保存最相似的帧下标到idx1
			batch_size, sequence_length, dim = hidden_states.shape  # (batch, seq_len, dim)
            n_frames = batch_size // 3  # batch = 3 * n_frames: source + uncond + cond
            mid_idx = n_frames // 2
            hidden_states = hidden_states.view(3, n_frames, sequence_length, dim)  # (source + uncond + cond, n_frames, seq_len, dim)

            norm_hidden_states = self.norm1(hidden_states).view(3, n_frames, sequence_length, dim)

            if self.pivotal_pass:  # is_pivotal = True # 关键帧,存下
                self.pivot_hidden_states = norm_hidden_states  # (3, n_frames, sequence_length, dim) ,关键帧的n_frames=5
            else:  # is_pivotal = False # 非关键帧,与关键帧计算source_latent的cosine_sim
                idx1 = []
                idx2 = []
                batch_idxs = [self.batch_idx]  # 每batch_size帧进行一批处理,batch_idx是第几个batch,如32帧,batch_size=8,batch_idx可以为0或1或2或3或4
                if self.batch_idx > 0:  # 如果不是第一个batch
                    batch_idxs.append(self.batch_idx - 1)  # 加入前一个batch的idx,如当前batch_idx=1时,再加入0,则batch_idxs=[1,0]
                # 取source_latent的非关键帧与关键帧计算cosine_sim,如果batch_idxs=[1,0],则只拿第0个batch和第1个batch的关键帧和其norm_hidden_states计算sim
                sim = batch_cosine_sim(norm_hidden_states[0].reshape(-1, dim),  # (n_frames*sequence_length, dim)
                                        self.pivot_hidden_states[0][batch_idxs].reshape(-1, dim))  # (len(batch_idxs)*sequence_length, dim)
                if len(batch_idxs) == 2:  # 如果不是第一个batch, 分别保存最相似的帧下标到idx1和idx2
                    # sim: (n_frames * seq_len, len(batch_idxs) * seq_len),  len(batch_idxs)=2
                    sim1, sim2 = sim.chunk(2, dim=1) 
                    idx1.append(sim1.argmax(dim=-1))  # (n_frames * seq_len) 个数,每个数在[0,76]之间
                    idx2.append(sim2.argmax(dim=-1))  # (n_frames * seq_len) 个数,每个数在[0,76]之间
                else:  # 如果是第一个batch,保存最相似的帧下标到idx1

                # 为source、uncond、cond 堆叠3份
                idx1 = torch.stack(idx1 * 3, dim=0) # (3, n_frames * seq_len)
                idx1 = idx1.squeeze(1)
                if len(batch_idxs) == 2:
                    idx2 = torch.stack(idx2 * 3, dim=0) # (3, n_frames * seq_len)
                    idx2 = idx2.squeeze(1)

接下来依次进行Self-Attention attn1Cross-Attention attn2、和Feed-forward ff其中Cross-Attention和Feed-forward没有任何改变,唯一改变的就是Self-Attention过程

  • 对于关键帧,计算 self-attention 结果,并将其保存下来。
  • 对于非关键帧,将其与关键帧的 attention 结果进行融合。融合方式为加权平均,权重由帧与关键帧之间的距离决定。如果非关键帧是第一个 batch 中的帧,则直接使用关键帧的 attention 结果。如果非关键帧是第二个 batch 中的帧,则计算与第一个 batch 中的关键帧和第二个 batch 中的关键帧的 attention 结果,然后进行加权平均。权重由帧与两个关键帧之间的距离决定。具体公式如下:
    w e i g h t = ∣ s − p 1 ∣ / ( ∣ s − p 1 ∣ + ∣ s − p 2 ∣ ) weight = |s - p1| / (|s - p1| + |s - p2|) weight=sp1∣/(sp1∣+sp2∣)
    其中,s 表示帧的编号,p1 表示第一个关键帧的编号,p2 表示第二个关键帧的编号。
			# 1. Self-Attention
            cross_attention_kwargs = cross_attention_kwargs if cross_attention_kwargs is not None else {}
            if self.pivotal_pass:
                # norm_hidden_states.shape = 3, n_frames * seq_len, dim
                self.attn_output = self.attn1(
                        norm_hidden_states.view(batch_size, sequence_length, dim),
                        encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states if self.only_cross_attention else None,
                # 3, n_frames * seq_len, dim - > 3 * n_frames, seq_len, dim
                self.kf_attn_output = self.attn_output 
                batch_kf_size, _, _ = self.kf_attn_output.shape
                self.attn_output = self.kf_attn_output.view(3, batch_kf_size // 3, sequence_length, dim)[:,
                                   batch_idxs]  # 3, n_frames, seq_len, dim --> 3, len(batch_idxs), seq_len, dim

            # gather values from attn_output, using idx as indices, and get a tensor of shape 3, n_frames, seq_len, dim
            if not self.pivotal_pass:
                if len(batch_idxs) == 2:
                    attn_1, attn_2 = self.attn_output[:, 0], self.attn_output[:, 1]
                    attn_output1 = attn_1.gather(dim=1, index=idx1.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, dim))
                    attn_output2 = attn_2.gather(dim=1, index=idx2.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, dim))

                    s = torch.arange(0, n_frames).to(idx1.device) + batch_idxs[0] * n_frames
                    # distance from the pivot
                    p1 = batch_idxs[0] * n_frames + n_frames // 2
                    p2 = batch_idxs[1] * n_frames + n_frames // 2
                    d1 = torch.abs(s - p1)
                    d2 = torch.abs(s - p2)
                    # weight
                    w1 = d2 / (d1 + d2)
                    w1 = torch.sigmoid(w1)
                    w1 = w1.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(3, 1, sequence_length, dim)
                    attn_output1 = attn_output1.view(3, n_frames, sequence_length, dim)
                    attn_output2 = attn_output2.view(3, n_frames, sequence_length, dim)
                    attn_output = w1 * attn_output1 + (1 - w1) * attn_output2
                    attn_output = self.attn_output[:,0].gather(dim=1, index=idx1.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, dim))

                attn_output = attn_output.reshape(
                        batch_size, sequence_length, dim)  # 3 * n_frames, seq_len, dim
                attn_output = self.attn_output
            hidden_states = hidden_states.reshape(batch_size, sequence_length, dim)  # 3 * n_frames, seq_len, dim
            hidden_states = attn_output + hidden_states  # res_connect




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