IPQ6010 vs IPQ8072 What’s the difference?|802.11AX WiFi6 Solution DR6018 DR8072

news2024/10/5 13:58:55

IPQ6010 vs IPQ8072 What’s the difference?|802.11AX WiFi6 Solution DR6018 DR8072

IPQ6010 vs IPQ8072: In-Depth Comparison and Selection Guide

The rapid evolution of networking technologies has driven continuous innovation in routers and network devices. Amidst this dynamic landscape, Qualcomm has introduced a series of powerful network processors, including the IPQ6010 and IPQ8072. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison of these two processors to provide readers with insights into their features and applications, aiding in informed decision-making when selecting networking equipment.

IPQ6010 Overview

Technical Specifications
Processor Performance:

The IPQ6010 boasts a 1.8G GHz processor, ensuring swift data processing.

Network Speed Support:

With support for 2x2 On-board 2.4GHz radio, up to 573Mbps physical Data Rate,2x2 On-board 5GHz radio, up to 1201Mbps physical Data Rate, it excels in high-speed data transfer, crucial for bandwidth-intensive applications.

Use Cases:

Ideal for industrial AP,Long distance PTP,mining, and scenarios with moderate data traffic.

IPQ8072 Overview

Technical Specifications
Processor Performance:

The IPQ8072 features a 2.2 GHz processor, providing robust performance for demanding networking tasks.

Network Speed Support:

Boasting On-board 5GHz radio, up to 2475 Mbps physical data rate,On-board 2.4GHz radio, up to 1147Mbps physical data rate, it excels in scenarios requiring ultra-fast data transfer, making it suitable for high-demand applications.

Use Cases:

Tailored for enterprise environments, data centers, and scenarios with high data traffic.

Pros and Cons


Exceptional processing power for demanding applications.

Ideal for large-scale networks and data-intensive tasks.

Enhanced scalability for future-proofing network infrastructure.


Higher cost compared to the IPQ6010.

Overkill for smaller networks or less data-intensive applications.

Performance Comparison

Processor Performance

The IPQ8072 outshines the IPQ6010 in processing power, making it the preferred choice for high-performance networking environments.

Network Speed

While both processors support high-speed networks, the IPQ8072's faster data transfer capabilities make it better suited for bandwidth-intensive tasks.

How to Choose

Personal Needs Analysis

Consider the size and demands of your network.

Evaluate the anticipated data traffic and performance requirements.

Assess the scalability needed for future growth.

Price Comparison

IPQ6010 provides a cost-effective solution for moderate requirements.

IPQ8072, though pricier, offers unparalleled performance for high-demand applications.

Brand and Reliability Considerations

Both processors come from Qualcomm, a reputable brand in the networking industry.

Consider past user experiences and reviews to gauge reliability.

By thoroughly examining the technical specifications, performance comparisons, and use cases of IPQ6010 and IPQ8072, readers can gain a better understanding of these processors' characteristics. When selecting networking equipment, it is advised to evaluate comprehensively based on individual needs, budget considerations, and brand reliability. Through in-depth research and analysis, one can ensure that their chosen network devices meet future requirements while delivering outstanding performance and reliability.

Wallys offers the IPQ6010/IPQ8072 CPUs in the following router models:


PRODUCTS_Wallys Communications (Suzhou ) Co., LTD

Qualcomm-Atheros IPQ6010 Quad-core ARM 64bit A53 @ 1.8GHz Processor

1GB DDRL3L System Memory

32MB NOR Flash, 256MB NAND Flash

Supports Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

2x2 On-board 2.4GHz radio, up to 573Mbps physical Data Rate

2x2 On-board 5GHz radio, up to 1201Mbps physical Data Rate

Supports QUECTEL RM500Q-GL

Supports QCN9074 WiFi 6E Card

Supports Openwifi

Supports QSDK


PRODUCTS_Wallys Communications (Suzhou ) Co., LTD

Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8072A AR Quad Core CPU

On-board 5GHz radio, up to 2475 Mbps physical data rate; On-board 2.4GHz radio, up to 1147Mbps physical data rate

8 MB NOR Flash, 256MB NAND Flash (Optional up to 1GB)

Supports 11ax TX Beamforming, 11ac/ax MU-MIMO DL and UL, OFDMA DL and UL

Supports Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)

1GB DDR3L System Memory (Optional up to 2GB)

M.2 connector supporting QCN9074 production

Feel free to explore the provided links for more detailed specifications and features.Or Contact Wallys sales team via sales1@wallystech.com for any inquiry.

About Wallys

Wallys, a WiFi technology leader for 15 years, specializes in developing router boards, network cards, and Industrial Wireless APs. With a seasoned R&D team, Wallys excels in resolving WiFi issues, custom protocol development, and optimizing Qualcomm chips. The company offers one-stop services from design to production, delivering high-quality wireless solutions across industries. Known for OEM, ODM, and JDM services.







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