
news2025/2/25 14:02:56

1 文本格式

using namespace std;

// A BTree node
class BTreeNode
    int* keys;  // An array of keys
    int t;      // Minimum degree (defines the range for number of keys)
    BTreeNode** C; // An array of child pointers
    int n;     // Current number of keys
    bool leaf; // Is true when node is leaf. Otherwise false


    BTreeNode(int _t, bool _leaf);   // Constructor

    // A function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
    void traverse();

    // A function to search a key in subtree rooted with this node.
    BTreeNode* search(int k);   // returns NULL if k is not present.

    // A function that returns the index of the first key that is greater
    // or equal to k
    int findKey(int k);

    // A utility function to insert a new key in the subtree rooted with
    // this node. The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
    // function is called
    void insertNonFull(int k);

    // A utility function to split the child y of this node. i is index
    // of y in child array C[].  The Child y must be full when this
    // function is called
    void splitChild(int i, BTreeNode* y);

    // A wrapper function to remove the key k in subtree rooted with
    // this node.
    void remove(int k);

    // A function to remove the key present in idx-th position in
    // this node which is a leaf
    void removeFromLeaf(int idx);

    // A function to remove the key present in idx-th position in
    // this node which is a non-leaf node
    void removeFromNonLeaf(int idx);

    // A function to get the predecessor of the key- where the key
    // is present in the idx-th position in the node
    int getPred(int idx);

    // A function to get the successor of the key- where the key
    // is present in the idx-th position in the node
    int getSucc(int idx);

    // A function to fill up the child node present in the idx-th
    // position in the C[] array if that child has less than t-1 keys
    void fill(int idx);

    // A function to borrow a key from the C[idx-1]-th node and place
    // it in C[idx]th node
    void borrowFromPrev(int idx);

    // A function to borrow a key from the C[idx+1]-th node and place it
    // in C[idx]th node
    void borrowFromNext(int idx);

    // A function to merge idx-th child of the node with (idx+1)th child of
    // the node
    void merge(int idx);

    // Make BTree friend of this so that we can access private members of
    // this class in BTree functions
    friend class BTree;

class BTree
    BTreeNode* root; // Pointer to root node
    int t;  // Minimum degree

    // Constructor (Initializes tree as empty)
    BTree(int _t)
        root = NULL;
        t = _t;

    void traverse()
        if (root != NULL) root->traverse();

    // function to search a key in this tree
    BTreeNode* search(int k)
        return (root == NULL) ? NULL : root->search(k);

    // The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
    void insert(int k);

    // The main function that removes a new key in thie B-Tree
    void remove(int k);


BTreeNode::BTreeNode(int t1, bool leaf1)
    // Copy the given minimum degree and leaf property
    t = t1;
    leaf = leaf1;

    // Allocate memory for maximum number of possible keys
    // and child pointers
    keys = new int[2 * t - 1];
    C = new BTreeNode * [2 * t];

    // Initialize the number of keys as 0
    n = 0;

// A utility function that returns the index of the first key that is
// greater than or equal to k
int BTreeNode::findKey(int k)
    int idx = 0;
    while (idx < n && keys[idx] < k)
    return idx;

// A function to remove the key k from the sub-tree rooted with this node
void BTreeNode::remove(int k)
    int idx = findKey(k);

    // The key to be removed is present in this node
    if (idx < n && keys[idx] == k)

        // If the node is a leaf node - removeFromLeaf is called
        // Otherwise, removeFromNonLeaf function is called
        if (leaf)

        // If this node is a leaf node, then the key is not present in tree
        if (leaf)
            cout << " The key" << k << " is does not exist in the tree\n";

        // The key to be removed is present in the sub-tree rooted with this node
        // The flag indicates whether the key is present in the sub-tree rooted
        // with the last child of this node
        bool flag = ((idx == n) ? true : false);

        // If the child where the key is supposed to exist has less that t keys,
        // we fill that child
        if (C[idx]->n < t)

        // If the last child has been merged, it must have merged with the previous
        // child and so we recurse on the (idx-1)th child. Else, we recurse on the
        // (idx)th child which now has atleast t keys
        if (flag && idx > n)
            C[idx - 1]->remove(k);

// A function to remove the idx-th key from this node - which is a leaf node
void BTreeNode::removeFromLeaf(int idx)

    // Move all the keys after the idx-th pos one place backward
    for (int i = idx + 1; i < n; ++i)
        keys[i - 1] = keys[i];

    // Reduce the count of keys


// A function to remove the idx-th key from this node - which is a non-leaf node
void BTreeNode::removeFromNonLeaf(int idx)

    int k = keys[idx];

    // If the child that precedes k (C[idx]) has atleast t keys,
    // find the predecessor 'pred' of k in the subtree rooted at
    // C[idx]. Replace k by pred. Recursively delete pred
    // in C[idx]
    if (C[idx]->n > = t)
        int pred = getPred(idx);
        keys[idx] = pred;

    // If the child C[idx] has less that t keys, examine C[idx+1].
    // If C[idx+1] has atleast t keys, find the successor 'succ' of k in
    // the subtree rooted at C[idx+1]
    // Replace k by succ
    // Recursively delete succ in C[idx+1]
    else if (C[idx + 1]->n > = t)
        int succ = getSucc(idx);
        keys[idx] = succ;
        C[idx + 1]->remove(succ);

    // If both C[idx] and C[idx+1] has less that t keys,merge k and all of C[idx+1]
    // into C[idx]
    // Now C[idx] contains 2t-1 keys
    // Free C[idx+1] and recursively delete k from C[idx]

// A function to get predecessor of keys[idx]
int BTreeNode::getPred(int idx)
    // Keep moving to the right most node until we reach a leaf
    BTreeNode* cur = C[idx];
    while (!cur->leaf)
        cur = cur->C[cur->n];

    // Return the last key of the leaf
    return cur->keys[cur->n - 1];

int BTreeNode::getSucc(int idx)

    // Keep moving the left most node starting from C[idx+1] until we reach a leaf
    BTreeNode* cur = C[idx + 1];
    while (!cur->leaf)
        cur = cur->C[0];

    // Return the first key of the leaf
    return cur->keys[0];

// A function to fill child C[idx] which has less than t-1 keys
void BTreeNode::fill(int idx)

    // If the previous child(C[idx-1]) has more than t-1 keys, borrow a key
    // from that child
    if (idx != 0 && C[idx - 1]->n > = t)

    // If the next child(C[idx+1]) has more than t-1 keys, borrow a key
    // from that child
    else if (idx != n && C[idx + 1]->n > = t)

    // Merge C[idx] with its sibling
    // If C[idx] is the last child, merge it with its previous sibling
    // Otherwise merge it with its next sibling
        if (idx != n)
            merge(idx - 1);

// A function to borrow a key from C[idx-1] and insert it
// into C[idx]
void BTreeNode::borrowFromPrev(int idx)

    BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
    BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx - 1];

    // The last key from C[idx-1] goes up to the parent and key[idx-1]
    // from parent is inserted as the first key in C[idx]. Thus, the  loses
    // sibling one key and child gains one key

    // Moving all key in C[idx] one step ahead
    for (int i = child->n - 1; i > = 0; --i)
        child->keys[i + 1] = child->keys[i];

    // If C[idx] is not a leaf, move all its child pointers one step ahead
    if (!child->leaf)
        for (int i = child->n; i > = 0; --i)
            child->C[i + 1] = child->C[i];

    // Setting child's first key equal to keys[idx-1] from the current node
    child->keys[0] = keys[idx - 1];

    // Moving sibling's last child as C[idx]'s first child
    if (!child->leaf)
        child->C[0] = sibling->C[sibling->n];

    // Moving the key from the sibling to the parent
    // This reduces the number of keys in the sibling
    keys[idx - 1] = sibling->keys[sibling->n - 1];

    child->n += 1;
    sibling->n -= 1;


// A function to borrow a key from the C[idx+1] and place
// it in C[idx]
void BTreeNode::borrowFromNext(int idx)

    BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
    BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx + 1];

    // keys[idx] is inserted as the last key in C[idx]
    child->keys[(child->n)] = keys[idx];

    // Sibling's first child is inserted as the last child
    // into C[idx]
    if (!(child->leaf))
        child->C[(child->n) + 1] = sibling->C[0];

    //The first key from sibling is inserted into keys[idx]
    keys[idx] = sibling->keys[0];

    // Moving all keys in sibling one step behind
    for (int i = 1; i < sibling->n; ++i)
        sibling->keys[i - 1] = sibling->keys[i];

    // Moving the child pointers one step behind
    if (!sibling->leaf)
        for (int i = 1; i < = sibling->n; ++i)
            sibling->C[i - 1] = sibling->C[i];

    // Increasing and decreasing the key count of C[idx] and C[idx+1]
    // respectively
    child->n += 1;
    sibling->n -= 1;


// A function to merge C[idx] with C[idx+1]
// C[idx+1] is freed after merging
void BTreeNode::merge(int idx)
    BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
    BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx + 1];

    // Pulling a key from the current node and inserting it into (t-1)th
    // position of C[idx]
    child->keys[t - 1] = keys[idx];

    // Copying the keys from C[idx+1] to C[idx] at the end
    for (int i = 0; i < sibling->n; ++i)
        child->keys[i + t] = sibling->keys[i];

    // Copying the child pointers from C[idx+1] to C[idx]
    if (!child->leaf)
        for (int i = 0; i < = sibling->n; ++i)
            child->C[i + t] = sibling->C[i];

    // Moving all keys after idx in the current node one step before -
    // to fill the gap created by moving keys[idx] to C[idx]
    for (int i = idx + 1; i < n; ++i)
        keys[i - 1] = keys[i];

    // Moving the child pointers after (idx+1) in the current node one
    // step before
    for (int i = idx + 2; i < = n; ++i)
        C[i - 1] = C[i];

    // Updating the key count of child and the current node
    child->n += sibling->n + 1;

    // Freeing the memory occupied by sibling

// The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
void BTree::insert(int k)
    // If tree is empty
    if (root == NULL)
        // Allocate memory for root
        root = new BTreeNode(t, true);
        root->keys[0] = k;  // Insert key
        root->n = 1;  // Update number of keys in root
    else // If tree is not empty
        // If root is full, then tree grows in height
        if (root->n == 2 * t - 1)
            // Allocate memory for new root
            BTreeNode* s = new BTreeNode(t, false);

            // Make old root as child of new root
            s->C[0] = root;

            // Split the old root and move 1 key to the new root
            s->splitChild(0, root);

            // New root has two children now.  Decide which of the
            // two children is going to have new key
            int i = 0;
            if (s->keys[0] < k)

            // Change root
            root = s;
        else  // If root is not full, call insertNonFull for root

// A utility function to insert a new key in this node
// The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
// function is called
void BTreeNode::insertNonFull(int k)
    // Initialize index as index of rightmost element
    int i = n - 1;

    // If this is a leaf node
    if (leaf == true)
        // The following loop does two things
        // a) Finds the location of new key to be inserted
        // b) Moves all greater keys to one place ahead
        while (i > = 0 && keys[i] > k)
            keys[i + 1] = keys[i];

        // Insert the new key at found location
        keys[i + 1] = k;
        n = n + 1;
    else // If this node is not leaf
        // Find the child which is going to have the new key
        while (i > = 0 && keys[i] > k)

        // See if the found child is full
        if (C[i + 1]->n == 2 * t - 1)
            // If the child is full, then split it
            splitChild(i + 1, C[i + 1]);

            // After split, the middle key of C[i] goes up and
            // C[i] is splitted into two.  See which of the two
            // is going to have the new key
            if (keys[i + 1] < k)
        C[i + 1]->insertNonFull(k);

// A utility function to split the child y of this node
// Note that y must be full when this function is called
void BTreeNode::splitChild(int i, BTreeNode* y)
    // Create a new node which is going to store (t-1) keys
    // of y
    BTreeNode* z = new BTreeNode(y->t, y->leaf);
    z->n = t - 1;

    // Copy the last (t-1) keys of y to z
    for (int j = 0; j < t - 1; j++)
        z->keys[j] = y->keys[j + t];

    // Copy the last t children of y to z
    if (y->leaf == false)
        for (int j = 0; j < t; j++)
            z->C[j] = y->C[j + t];

    // Reduce the number of keys in y
    y->n = t - 1;

    // Since this node is going to have a new child,
    // create space of new child
    for (int j = n; j > = i + 1; j--)
        C[j + 1] = C[j];

    // Link the new child to this node
    C[i + 1] = z;

    // A key of y will move to this node. Find location of
    // new key and move all greater keys one space ahead
    for (int j = n - 1; j > = i; j--)
        keys[j + 1] = keys[j];

    // Copy the middle key of y to this node
    keys[i] = y->keys[t - 1];

    // Increment count of keys in this node
    n = n + 1;

// Function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
void BTreeNode::traverse()
    // There are n keys and n+1 children, traverse through n keys
    // and first n children
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        // If this is not leaf, then before printing key[i],
        // traverse the subtree rooted with child C[i].
        if (leaf == false)
        cout << " " << keys[i];

    // Print the subtree rooted with last child
    if (leaf == false)

// Function to search key k in subtree rooted with this node
BTreeNode* BTreeNode::search(int k)
    // Find the first key greater than or equal to k
    int i = 0;
    while (i< n && k > keys[i])

    // If the found key is equal to k, return this node
    if (keys[i] == k)
        return this;

    // If key is not found here and this is a leaf node
    if (leaf == true)
        return NULL;

    // Go to the appropriate child
    return C[i]->search(k);

void BTree::remove(int k)
    if (!root)
        cout << " The tree is empty\n";

    // Call the remove function for root

    // If the root node has 0 keys, make its first child as the new root
    //  if it has a child, otherwise set root as NULL
    if (root->n == 0)
        BTreeNode* tmp = root;
        if (root->leaf)
            root = NULL;
            root = root->C[0];

        // Free the old root
        delete tmp;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    BTree t(3); // A B-Tree with minimum degree 3


    cout << " Traversal of tree constructed is\n";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 6\n ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 13\n ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 7\n ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 4\n ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 2\n ";
    cout << endl;

    cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 16\n ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;

2 代码格式

using namespace std;

// A BTree node
class BTreeNode
	int* keys;  // An array of keys
	int t;      // Minimum degree (defines the range for number of keys)
	BTreeNode** C; // An array of child pointers
	int n;     // Current number of keys
	bool leaf; // Is true when node is leaf. Otherwise false


	BTreeNode(int _t, bool _leaf);   // Constructor

	// A function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
	void traverse();

	// A function to search a key in subtree rooted with this node.
	BTreeNode* search(int k);   // returns NULL if k is not present.

	// A function that returns the index of the first key that is greater
	// or equal to k
	int findKey(int k);

	// A utility function to insert a new key in the subtree rooted with
	// this node. The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
	// function is called
	void insertNonFull(int k);

	// A utility function to split the child y of this node. i is index
	// of y in child array C[].  The Child y must be full when this
	// function is called
	void splitChild(int i, BTreeNode* y);

	// A wrapper function to remove the key k in subtree rooted with
	// this node.
	void remove(int k);

	// A function to remove the key present in idx-th position in
	// this node which is a leaf
	void removeFromLeaf(int idx);

	// A function to remove the key present in idx-th position in
	// this node which is a non-leaf node
	void removeFromNonLeaf(int idx);

	// A function to get the predecessor of the key- where the key
	// is present in the idx-th position in the node
	int getPred(int idx);

	// A function to get the successor of the key- where the key
	// is present in the idx-th position in the node
	int getSucc(int idx);

	// A function to fill up the child node present in the idx-th
	// position in the C[] array if that child has less than t-1 keys
	void fill(int idx);

	// A function to borrow a key from the C[idx-1]-th node and place
	// it in C[idx]th node
	void borrowFromPrev(int idx);

	// A function to borrow a key from the C[idx+1]-th node and place it
	// in C[idx]th node
	void borrowFromNext(int idx);

	// A function to merge idx-th child of the node with (idx+1)th child of
	// the node
	void merge(int idx);

	// Make BTree friend of this so that we can access private members of
	// this class in BTree functions
	friend class BTree;

class BTree
	BTreeNode* root; // Pointer to root node
	int t;  // Minimum degree

	// Constructor (Initializes tree as empty)
	BTree(int _t)
		root = NULL;
		t = _t;

	void traverse()
		if (root != NULL) root->traverse();

	// function to search a key in this tree
	BTreeNode* search(int k)
		return (root == NULL) ? NULL : root->search(k);

	// The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
	void insert(int k);

	// The main function that removes a new key in thie B-Tree
	void remove(int k);


BTreeNode::BTreeNode(int t1, bool leaf1)
	// Copy the given minimum degree and leaf property
	t = t1;
	leaf = leaf1;

	// Allocate memory for maximum number of possible keys
	// and child pointers
	keys = new int[2 * t - 1];
	C = new BTreeNode * [2 * t];

	// Initialize the number of keys as 0
	n = 0;

// A utility function that returns the index of the first key that is
// greater than or equal to k
int BTreeNode::findKey(int k)
	int idx = 0;
	while (idx < n && keys[idx] < k)
	return idx;

// A function to remove the key k from the sub-tree rooted with this node
void BTreeNode::remove(int k)
	int idx = findKey(k);

	// The key to be removed is present in this node
	if (idx < n && keys[idx] == k)

		// If the node is a leaf node - removeFromLeaf is called
		// Otherwise, removeFromNonLeaf function is called
		if (leaf)

		// If this node is a leaf node, then the key is not present in tree
		if (leaf)
			cout << " The key" << k << " is does not exist in the tree\n";

		// The key to be removed is present in the sub-tree rooted with this node
		// The flag indicates whether the key is present in the sub-tree rooted
		// with the last child of this node
		bool flag = ((idx == n) ? true : false);

		// If the child where the key is supposed to exist has less that t keys,
		// we fill that child
		if (C[idx]->n < t)

		// If the last child has been merged, it must have merged with the previous
		// child and so we recurse on the (idx-1)th child. Else, we recurse on the
		// (idx)th child which now has atleast t keys
		if (flag && idx > n)
			C[idx - 1]->remove(k);

// A function to remove the idx-th key from this node - which is a leaf node
void BTreeNode::removeFromLeaf(int idx)

	// Move all the keys after the idx-th pos one place backward
	for (int i = idx + 1; i < n; ++i)
		keys[i - 1] = keys[i];

	// Reduce the count of keys


// A function to remove the idx-th key from this node - which is a non-leaf node
void BTreeNode::removeFromNonLeaf(int idx)

	int k = keys[idx];

	// If the child that precedes k (C[idx]) has atleast t keys,
	// find the predecessor 'pred' of k in the subtree rooted at
	// C[idx]. Replace k by pred. Recursively delete pred
	// in C[idx]
	if (C[idx]->n > = t)
		int pred = getPred(idx);
		keys[idx] = pred;

	// If the child C[idx] has less that t keys, examine C[idx+1].
	// If C[idx+1] has atleast t keys, find the successor 'succ' of k in
	// the subtree rooted at C[idx+1]
	// Replace k by succ
	// Recursively delete succ in C[idx+1]
	else if (C[idx + 1]->n > = t)
		int succ = getSucc(idx);
		keys[idx] = succ;
		C[idx + 1]->remove(succ);

	// If both C[idx] and C[idx+1] has less that t keys,merge k and all of C[idx+1]
	// into C[idx]
	// Now C[idx] contains 2t-1 keys
	// Free C[idx+1] and recursively delete k from C[idx]

// A function to get predecessor of keys[idx]
int BTreeNode::getPred(int idx)
	// Keep moving to the right most node until we reach a leaf
	BTreeNode* cur = C[idx];
	while (!cur->leaf)
		cur = cur->C[cur->n];

	// Return the last key of the leaf
	return cur->keys[cur->n - 1];

int BTreeNode::getSucc(int idx)

	// Keep moving the left most node starting from C[idx+1] until we reach a leaf
	BTreeNode* cur = C[idx + 1];
	while (!cur->leaf)
		cur = cur->C[0];

	// Return the first key of the leaf
	return cur->keys[0];

// A function to fill child C[idx] which has less than t-1 keys
void BTreeNode::fill(int idx)

	// If the previous child(C[idx-1]) has more than t-1 keys, borrow a key
	// from that child
	if (idx != 0 && C[idx - 1]->n > = t)

	// If the next child(C[idx+1]) has more than t-1 keys, borrow a key
	// from that child
	else if (idx != n && C[idx + 1]->n > = t)

	// Merge C[idx] with its sibling
	// If C[idx] is the last child, merge it with its previous sibling
	// Otherwise merge it with its next sibling
		if (idx != n)
			merge(idx - 1);

// A function to borrow a key from C[idx-1] and insert it
// into C[idx]
void BTreeNode::borrowFromPrev(int idx)

	BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
	BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx - 1];

	// The last key from C[idx-1] goes up to the parent and key[idx-1]
	// from parent is inserted as the first key in C[idx]. Thus, the  loses
	// sibling one key and child gains one key

	// Moving all key in C[idx] one step ahead
	for (int i = child->n - 1; i > = 0; --i)
		child->keys[i + 1] = child->keys[i];

	// If C[idx] is not a leaf, move all its child pointers one step ahead
	if (!child->leaf)
		for (int i = child->n; i > = 0; --i)
			child->C[i + 1] = child->C[i];

	// Setting child's first key equal to keys[idx-1] from the current node
	child->keys[0] = keys[idx - 1];

	// Moving sibling's last child as C[idx]'s first child
	if (!child->leaf)
		child->C[0] = sibling->C[sibling->n];

	// Moving the key from the sibling to the parent
	// This reduces the number of keys in the sibling
	keys[idx - 1] = sibling->keys[sibling->n - 1];

	child->n += 1;
	sibling->n -= 1;


// A function to borrow a key from the C[idx+1] and place
// it in C[idx]
void BTreeNode::borrowFromNext(int idx)

	BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
	BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx + 1];

	// keys[idx] is inserted as the last key in C[idx]
	child->keys[(child->n)] = keys[idx];

	// Sibling's first child is inserted as the last child
	// into C[idx]
	if (!(child->leaf))
		child->C[(child->n) + 1] = sibling->C[0];

	//The first key from sibling is inserted into keys[idx]
	keys[idx] = sibling->keys[0];

	// Moving all keys in sibling one step behind
	for (int i = 1; i < sibling->n; ++i)
		sibling->keys[i - 1] = sibling->keys[i];

	// Moving the child pointers one step behind
	if (!sibling->leaf)
		for (int i = 1; i < = sibling->n; ++i)
			sibling->C[i - 1] = sibling->C[i];

	// Increasing and decreasing the key count of C[idx] and C[idx+1]
	// respectively
	child->n += 1;
	sibling->n -= 1;


// A function to merge C[idx] with C[idx+1]
// C[idx+1] is freed after merging
void BTreeNode::merge(int idx)
	BTreeNode* child = C[idx];
	BTreeNode* sibling = C[idx + 1];

	// Pulling a key from the current node and inserting it into (t-1)th
	// position of C[idx]
	child->keys[t - 1] = keys[idx];

	// Copying the keys from C[idx+1] to C[idx] at the end
	for (int i = 0; i < sibling->n; ++i)
		child->keys[i + t] = sibling->keys[i];

	// Copying the child pointers from C[idx+1] to C[idx]
	if (!child->leaf)
		for (int i = 0; i < = sibling->n; ++i)
			child->C[i + t] = sibling->C[i];

	// Moving all keys after idx in the current node one step before -
	// to fill the gap created by moving keys[idx] to C[idx]
	for (int i = idx + 1; i < n; ++i)
		keys[i - 1] = keys[i];

	// Moving the child pointers after (idx+1) in the current node one
	// step before
	for (int i = idx + 2; i < = n; ++i)
		C[i - 1] = C[i];

	// Updating the key count of child and the current node
	child->n += sibling->n + 1;

	// Freeing the memory occupied by sibling

// The main function that inserts a new key in this B-Tree
void BTree::insert(int k)
	// If tree is empty
	if (root == NULL)
		// Allocate memory for root
		root = new BTreeNode(t, true);
		root->keys[0] = k;  // Insert key
		root->n = 1;  // Update number of keys in root
	else // If tree is not empty
		// If root is full, then tree grows in height
		if (root->n == 2 * t - 1)
			// Allocate memory for new root
			BTreeNode* s = new BTreeNode(t, false);

			// Make old root as child of new root
			s->C[0] = root;

			// Split the old root and move 1 key to the new root
			s->splitChild(0, root);

			// New root has two children now.  Decide which of the
			// two children is going to have new key
			int i = 0;
			if (s->keys[0] < k)

			// Change root
			root = s;
		else  // If root is not full, call insertNonFull for root

// A utility function to insert a new key in this node
// The assumption is, the node must be non-full when this
// function is called
void BTreeNode::insertNonFull(int k)
	// Initialize index as index of rightmost element
	int i = n - 1;

	// If this is a leaf node
	if (leaf == true)
		// The following loop does two things
		// a) Finds the location of new key to be inserted
		// b) Moves all greater keys to one place ahead
		while (i > = 0 && keys[i] > k)
			keys[i + 1] = keys[i];

		// Insert the new key at found location
		keys[i + 1] = k;
		n = n + 1;
	else // If this node is not leaf
		// Find the child which is going to have the new key
		while (i > = 0 && keys[i] > k)

		// See if the found child is full
		if (C[i + 1]->n == 2 * t - 1)
			// If the child is full, then split it
			splitChild(i + 1, C[i + 1]);

			// After split, the middle key of C[i] goes up and
			// C[i] is splitted into two.  See which of the two
			// is going to have the new key
			if (keys[i + 1] < k)
		C[i + 1]->insertNonFull(k);

// A utility function to split the child y of this node
// Note that y must be full when this function is called
void BTreeNode::splitChild(int i, BTreeNode* y)
	// Create a new node which is going to store (t-1) keys
	// of y
	BTreeNode* z = new BTreeNode(y->t, y->leaf);
	z->n = t - 1;

	// Copy the last (t-1) keys of y to z
	for (int j = 0; j < t - 1; j++)
		z->keys[j] = y->keys[j + t];

	// Copy the last t children of y to z
	if (y->leaf == false)
		for (int j = 0; j < t; j++)
			z->C[j] = y->C[j + t];

	// Reduce the number of keys in y
	y->n = t - 1;

	// Since this node is going to have a new child,
	// create space of new child
	for (int j = n; j > = i + 1; j--)
		C[j + 1] = C[j];

	// Link the new child to this node
	C[i + 1] = z;

	// A key of y will move to this node. Find location of
	// new key and move all greater keys one space ahead
	for (int j = n - 1; j > = i; j--)
		keys[j + 1] = keys[j];

	// Copy the middle key of y to this node
	keys[i] = y->keys[t - 1];

	// Increment count of keys in this node
	n = n + 1;

// Function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
void BTreeNode::traverse()
	// There are n keys and n+1 children, traverse through n keys
	// and first n children
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
		// If this is not leaf, then before printing key[i],
		// traverse the subtree rooted with child C[i].
		if (leaf == false)
		cout << " " << keys[i];

	// Print the subtree rooted with last child
	if (leaf == false)

// Function to search key k in subtree rooted with this node
BTreeNode* BTreeNode::search(int k)
	// Find the first key greater than or equal to k
	int i = 0;
	while (i< n && k > keys[i])

	// If the found key is equal to k, return this node
	if (keys[i] == k)
		return this;

	// If key is not found here and this is a leaf node
	if (leaf == true)
		return NULL;

	// Go to the appropriate child
	return C[i]->search(k);

void BTree::remove(int k)
	if (!root)
		cout << " The tree is empty\n";

	// Call the remove function for root

	// If the root node has 0 keys, make its first child as the new root
	//  if it has a child, otherwise set root as NULL
	if (root->n == 0)
		BTreeNode* tmp = root;
		if (root->leaf)
			root = NULL;
			root = root->C[0];

		// Free the old root
		delete tmp;

// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
	BTree t(3); // A B-Tree with minimum degree 3


	cout << " Traversal of tree constructed is\n";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 6\n ";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 13\n ";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 7\n ";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 4\n ";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 2\n ";
	cout << endl;

	cout << " Traversal of tree after removing 16\n ";
	cout << endl;

	return 0;




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