If kube-scheduler in your cluster is static pod, Open-Local will run a Job in every master node to edit your /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml file by default, you can see it in init-job file.
And you can also configure your kube-scheduler manually, especially when kube-scheduler in the cluster are not static pod.
Set .extender.init_job to false in values.yaml before install Open-Local, this will not run init-job.
Create a file, name it kube-scheduler-configuration.yaml, and put it in /etc/kubernetes/ path of every master node.
集群总的kube-scheduler是静态pod,open-local将在每个主节点上运行一个作业来编辑 /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml,文档地址open-local/kube-scheduler-configuration.md at main · alibaba/open-local · GitHub