轻量级超分网络:Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-timeMM21_ECBSR 和 eSR

news2025/2/28 23:28:26


  • ECBSR(Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-timeMM21_ECBSR)
    • 1. 作者目的是开发一个高效的适合移动端的超分网络。
    • 2. 作者决定使用plain net ,但是效果不好,因此利用重参数化方法,丰富特征表示。
    • 3. re-parameterization for efficient inference
    • 4. 结果
  • edge-SR
    • 1.转置卷积上采样 和 pixel shuffle的区别
    • 2.pooling or downsample 可能有aliasing artifacts
    • 3.单层网络eSR-MAX
    • 4.eSR-TM, eSR-TR, eSR-CNN

ECBSR(Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-timeMM21_ECBSR)

1. 作者目的是开发一个高效的适合移动端的超分网络。

多分支结构,以及dense connections 可以丰富特征提取和表示, 虽然不会引入太多 FLOPs, 但是会牺牲并行化速度,以及受到DDR 低带宽的影响。

另外一些 delite conv等其他卷积方法也有被提出来提高 网络性能,但是在GPU,NPU上可能没有被很好的优化。

因此作者计划 使用平坦 的网络结构 和 常规的卷积方法。

2. 作者决定使用plain net ,但是效果不好,因此利用重参数化方法,丰富特征表示。


  1. 一个单独的conv-3x3

  2. conv-1x1 + conv-3x3: expanding-and-squeezing

  3. conv-1x1 + sobelx

  4. conv-1x1 + sobely(图中和代码不一致)


  5. conv-1x1 + laplasian 显示提取图像的边缘特征




3. re-parameterization for efficient inference

整体网络结构:ecb模块 和 一个pixel shuffle

## parameters for ecbsr
scale: 2
colors: 1
m_ecbsr: 4
c_ecbsr: 16
idt_ecbsr: 0
act_type: 'prelu'
pretrain: null

1 + 4 个 conv
1 个 pixel shuffle
class ECBSR(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, module_nums, channel_nums, with_idt, act_type, scale, colors):
        super(ECBSR, self).__init__()
        self.module_nums = module_nums
        self.channel_nums = channel_nums
        self.scale = scale
        self.colors = colors
        self.with_idt = with_idt
        self.act_type = act_type
        self.backbone = None
        self.upsampler = None

        backbone = []
        backbone += [ECB(self.colors, self.channel_nums, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type=self.act_type, with_idt = self.with_idt)]
        for i in range(self.module_nums):
            backbone += [ECB(self.channel_nums, self.channel_nums, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type=self.act_type, with_idt = self.with_idt)]
        backbone += [ECB(self.channel_nums, self.colors*self.scale*self.scale, depth_multiplier=2.0, act_type='linear', with_idt = self.with_idt)]

        self.backbone = nn.Sequential(*backbone)
        self.upsampler = nn.PixelShuffle(self.scale)
    def forward(self, x):
        y = self.backbone(x) + x
        y = self.upsampler(y)
        return y


class ECB(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, inp_planes, out_planes, depth_multiplier, act_type='prelu', with_idt = False):
        super(ECB, self).__init__()

        self.depth_multiplier = depth_multiplier
        self.inp_planes = inp_planes
        self.out_planes = out_planes
        self.act_type = act_type
        if with_idt and (self.inp_planes == self.out_planes):
            self.with_idt = True
            self.with_idt = False

        self.conv3x3 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.conv1x1_3x3 = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-conv3x3', self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, self.depth_multiplier)
        self.conv1x1_sbx = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-sobelx', self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, -1)
        self.conv1x1_sby = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-sobely', self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, -1)
        self.conv1x1_lpl = SeqConv3x3('conv1x1-laplacian', self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, -1)

        if self.act_type == 'prelu':
            self.act = nn.PReLU(num_parameters=self.out_planes)
        elif self.act_type == 'relu':
            self.act = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        elif self.act_type == 'rrelu':
            self.act = nn.RReLU(lower=-0.05, upper=0.05)
        elif self.act_type == 'softplus':
            self.act = nn.Softplus()
        elif self.act_type == 'linear':
            raise ValueError('The type of activation if not support!')

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.training:
            y = self.conv3x3(x) + \
                self.conv1x1_3x3(x) + \
                self.conv1x1_sbx(x) + \
                self.conv1x1_sby(x) + \
            if self.with_idt:
                y += x
            RK, RB = self.rep_params()
            y = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=RK, bias=RB, stride=1, padding=1) 
        if self.act_type != 'linear':
            y = self.act(y)
        return y

    def rep_params(self):
        K0, B0 = self.conv3x3.weight, self.conv3x3.bias
        K1, B1 = self.conv1x1_3x3.rep_params()
        K2, B2 = self.conv1x1_sbx.rep_params()
        K3, B3 = self.conv1x1_sby.rep_params()
        K4, B4 = self.conv1x1_lpl.rep_params()
        RK, RB = (K0+K1+K2+K3+K4), (B0+B1+B2+B3+B4)

        if self.with_idt:
            device = RK.get_device()
            if device < 0:
                device = None
            K_idt = torch.zeros(self.out_planes, self.out_planes, 3, 3, device=device)
            for i in range(self.out_planes):
                K_idt[i, i, 1, 1] = 1.0
            B_idt = 0.0
            RK, RB = RK + K_idt, RB + B_idt
        return RK, RB


class SeqConv3x3(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, seq_type, inp_planes, out_planes, depth_multiplier):
        super(SeqConv3x3, self).__init__()

        self.type = seq_type
        self.inp_planes = inp_planes
        self.out_planes = out_planes

        if self.type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
            self.mid_planes = int(out_planes * depth_multiplier)
            conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.inp_planes, self.mid_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
            self.k0 = conv0.weight
            self.b0 = conv0.bias

            conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.mid_planes, self.out_planes, kernel_size=3)
            self.k1 = conv1.weight
            self.b1 = conv1.bias
        elif self.type == 'conv1x1-sobelx':
            conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
            self.k0 = conv0.weight
            self.b0 = conv0.bias

            # init scale & bias
            scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_planes, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
            self.scale = nn.Parameter(scale)
            # bias = 0.0
            # bias = [bias for c in range(self.out_planes)]
            # bias = torch.FloatTensor(bias)
            bias = torch.randn(self.out_planes) * 1e-3
            bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_planes,))
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias)
            # init mask
            self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_planes, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
            for i in range(self.out_planes):
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 0] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 1, 0] = 2.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 0] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 2] = -1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 1, 2] = -2.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 2] = -1.0
            self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)

        elif self.type == 'conv1x1-sobely':
            conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
            self.k0 = conv0.weight
            self.b0 = conv0.bias

            # init scale & bias
            scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_planes, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
            self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(scale))
            # bias = 0.0
            # bias = [bias for c in range(self.out_planes)]
            # bias = torch.FloatTensor(bias)
            bias = torch.randn(self.out_planes) * 1e-3
            bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_planes,))
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(bias))
            # init mask
            self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_planes, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
            for i in range(self.out_planes):
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 0] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 1] = 2.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 2] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 0] = -1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 1] = -2.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 2] = -1.0
            self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)

        elif self.type == 'conv1x1-laplacian':
            conv0 = torch.nn.Conv2d(self.inp_planes, self.out_planes, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
            self.k0 = conv0.weight
            self.b0 = conv0.bias

            # init scale & bias
            scale = torch.randn(size=(self.out_planes, 1, 1, 1)) * 1e-3
            self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(scale))
            # bias = 0.0
            # bias = [bias for c in range(self.out_planes)]
            # bias = torch.FloatTensor(bias)
            bias = torch.randn(self.out_planes) * 1e-3
            bias = torch.reshape(bias, (self.out_planes,))
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(bias))
            # init mask
            self.mask = torch.zeros((self.out_planes, 1, 3, 3), dtype=torch.float32)
            for i in range(self.out_planes):
                self.mask[i, 0, 0, 1] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 1, 0] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 1, 2] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 2, 1] = 1.0
                self.mask[i, 0, 1, 1] = -4.0
            self.mask = nn.Parameter(data=self.mask, requires_grad=False)
            raise ValueError('the type of seqconv is not supported!')

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
            # conv-1x1
            y0 = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=self.k0, bias=self.b0, stride=1)
            # explicitly padding with bias
            y0 = F.pad(y0, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'constant', 0)
            b0_pad = self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
            y0[:, :, 0:1, :] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, -1:, :] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, :, 0:1] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, :, -1:] = b0_pad
            # conv-3x3
            y1 = F.conv2d(input=y0, weight=self.k1, bias=self.b1, stride=1)
            y0 = F.conv2d(input=x, weight=self.k0, bias=self.b0, stride=1)
            # explicitly padding with bias
            y0 = F.pad(y0, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'constant', 0)
            b0_pad = self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
            y0[:, :, 0:1, :] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, -1:, :] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, :, 0:1] = b0_pad
            y0[:, :, :, -1:] = b0_pad
            # conv-3x3
            y1 = F.conv2d(input=y0, weight=self.scale * self.mask, bias=self.bias, stride=1, groups=self.out_planes)
        return y1
    def rep_params(self):
        device = self.k0.get_device()
        if device < 0:
            device = None

        if self.type == 'conv1x1-conv3x3':
            # re-param conv kernel
            RK = F.conv2d(input=self.k1, weight=self.k0.permute(1, 0, 2, 3))
            # re-param conv bias
            RB = torch.ones(1, self.mid_planes, 3, 3, device=device) * self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
            RB = F.conv2d(input=RB, weight=self.k1).view(-1,) + self.b1
            tmp = self.scale * self.mask
            k1 = torch.zeros((self.out_planes, self.out_planes, 3, 3), device=device)
            for i in range(self.out_planes):
                k1[i, i, :, :] = tmp[i, 0, :, :]
            b1 = self.bias
            # re-param conv kernel
            RK = F.conv2d(input=k1, weight=self.k0.permute(1, 0, 2, 3))
            # re-param conv bias
            RB = torch.ones(1, self.out_planes, 3, 3, device=device) * self.b0.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
            RB = F.conv2d(input=RB, weight=k1).view(-1,) + b1
        return RK, RB

4. 结果



1.转置卷积上采样 和 pixel shuffle的区别


2.pooling or downsample 可能有aliasing artifacts

using an anti–aliasing low–pass filter and then downsamples the image.

This process is implemented in tensor processing frameworks with strided convolutional
layers where the kernel or weight parameters correspond to the low–pass filter coefficients.


一个卷积,一个pixel shuffle, 一个max
卷积输出的通道数: sxsxchannel





class edgeSR_TM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_id):
        self.model_id = model_id

        assert self.model_id.startswith('eSR-TM_')

        parse = self.model_id.split('_')

        self.channels = int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('C')][0][1:])
        self.kernel_size = (int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('K')][0][1:]), ) * 2
        self.stride = (int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('s')][0][1:]), ) * 2

        self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(self.stride[0])
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
        self.filter = nn.Conv2d(
        nn.init.xavier_normal_(self.filter.weight, gain=1.)
        self.filter.weight.data[:, 0, self.kernel_size[0]//2, self.kernel_size[0]//2] = 1.

    def forward(self, input):
        filtered = self.pixel_shuffle(self.filter(input))

        value, key = torch.split(filtered, [self.channels, self.channels], dim=1)
        return torch.sum(
            value * self.softmax(key),
            dim=1, keepdim=True

class edgeSR_TR(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, model_id):
        self.model_id = model_id

        assert self.model_id.startswith('eSR-TR_')

        parse = self.model_id.split('_')

        self.channels = int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('C')][0][1:])
        self.kernel_size = (int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('K')][0][1:]), ) * 2
        self.stride = (int([s for s in parse if s.startswith('s')][0][1:]), ) * 2

        self.pixel_shuffle = nn.PixelShuffle(self.stride[0])
        self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
        self.filter = nn.Conv2d(
        nn.init.xavier_normal_(self.filter.weight, gain=1.)
        self.filter.weight.data[:, 0, self.kernel_size[0]//2, self.kernel_size[0]//2] = 1.

    def forward(self, input):
        filtered = self.pixel_shuffle(self.filter(input))

        value, query, key = torch.split(filtered, [self.channels, self.channels, self.channels], dim=1)
        return torch.sum(
            value * self.softmax(query*key),
            dim=1, keepdim=True




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Spring framework Day 23:容器事件

前言 容器事件是 Spring Framework 中的一个重要概念&#xff0c;它提供了一种机制&#xff0c;使我们能够更好地了解和响应 Spring 容器中发生的各种事件。通过容器事件&#xff0c;我们可以在特定的时间点监听和处理容器中的各种状态变化、操作和事件触发&#xff0c;以实现…


目录 一、如何进行高效的IO 以read/recv为例 二、五种IO模型 三、常见的高级IO 四、非阻塞IO 1、recv和send自带的非阻塞IO 2、可以将文件描述符设为非阻塞 2.1open自带的非阻塞IO 2.2通过fcntl函数将一个文件描述符设置为非阻塞 2.3非阻塞IO的返回值判定 三、多路转…