tracy 学习

news2025/2/21 6:37:13


Tracy 支持分析 CPU(为 C、C++ 和 Lua 集成提供直接支持。同时,互联网上存在许多其他语言的第三方绑定,例如 Rust 、Zig、C # 、 OCaml 、 Odin等。 )、GPU(所有主要图形 API:OpenGL、Vulkan、Direct3D 11/12、OpenCL。)、内存分配、锁定、上下文切换、自动将屏幕截图归因于捕获的帧等等。

Client ,采样数据的生产者,即我们要分析的程序

Server ,采样数据的接受者,同时是一个数据的viewer,并支持数据存储,以及导出csv。


1. Add the Tracy repository to your project directory.

2. Tracy source files in the project/tracy/public directory.

3.  Add TracyClient.cpp as a source file. •

4. Add tracy/Tracy.hpp as an include file.

5. Include Tracy.hpp in every file you are interested in profiling.

6.  Define TRACY_ENABLE for the WHOLE project.

7.  Add the macro FrameMark at the end of each frame loop. •

8. Add the macro ZoneScoped as the first line of your function definitions to include them in the profile. •

9. Compile and run both your application and the profiler server. 

10. Hit Connect on the profiler server.

11. Tada! You’re profiling your program!



#define TracyPlot( name, val ) tracy::Profiler::PlotData( name, val )

    static tracy_force_inline void PlotData( const char* name, int64_t val )
        if( !GetProfiler().IsConnected() ) return;
        TracyLfqPrepare( QueueType::PlotDataInt );
        MemWrite( &item->, (uint64_t)name );// 名称,之所以搞成了值,是为了避免拷贝
        MemWrite( &item->plotDataInt.time, GetTime() );// 时间
        MemWrite( &item->plotDataInt.val, val );// 折线图的值

template<typename T>
tracy_force_inline void MemWrite( void* ptr, T val )
    memcpy( ptr, &val, sizeof( T ) );

#define TracyLfqPrepare( _type ) \
    moodycamel::ConcurrentQueueDefaultTraits::index_t __magic; \
    auto __token = GetToken(); \
    auto& __tail = __token->get_tail_index(); \
    auto item = __token->enqueue_begin( __magic ); \
    MemWrite( &item->hdr.type, _type );

#define TracyLfqCommit \ __magic + 1, std::memory_order_release );



A Fast General Purpose Lock-Free Queue for C++

Memory Reordering Caught in the Act

#include <windows.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Set either of these to 1 to prevent CPU reordering
#define USE_CPU_FENCE              1
#define USE_SINGLE_HW_THREAD       0

//  MersenneTwister
//  A thread-safe random number generator with good randomness
//  in a small number of instructions. We'll use it to introduce
//  random timing delays.
#define MT_IA  397
#define MT_LEN 624

class MersenneTwister
    unsigned int m_buffer[MT_LEN];
    int m_index;

    MersenneTwister(unsigned int seed);
    // Declare noinline so that the function call acts as a compiler barrier:
    __declspec(noinline) unsigned int integer();

MersenneTwister::MersenneTwister(unsigned int seed)
    // Initialize by filling with the seed, then iterating
    // the algorithm a bunch of times to shuffle things up.
    for (int i = 0; i < MT_LEN; i++)
        m_buffer[i] = seed;
    m_index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < MT_LEN * 100; i++)

unsigned int MersenneTwister::integer()
    // Indices
    int i = m_index;
    int i2 = m_index + 1; if (i2 >= MT_LEN) i2 = 0; // wrap-around
    int j = m_index + MT_IA; if (j >= MT_LEN) j -= MT_LEN; // wrap-around

    // Twist
    unsigned int s = (m_buffer[i] & 0x80000000) | (m_buffer[i2] & 0x7fffffff);
    unsigned int r = m_buffer[j] ^ (s >> 1) ^ ((s & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
    m_buffer[m_index] = r;
    m_index = i2;

    // Swizzle
    r ^= (r >> 11);
    r ^= (r << 7) & 0x9d2c5680UL;
    r ^= (r << 15) & 0xefc60000UL;
    r ^= (r >> 18);
    return r;

//  Main program, as decribed in the post
HANDLE beginSema1;
HANDLE beginSema2;
HANDLE endSema;

int X, Y;
int r1, r2;

DWORD WINAPI thread1Func(LPVOID param)
    MersenneTwister random(1);
    for (;;)
        WaitForSingleObject(beginSema1, INFINITE);  // Wait for signal
        while (random.integer() % 8 != 0) {}  // Random delay

        // ----- THE TRANSACTION! -----
        X = 1;
        MemoryBarrier();  // Prevent CPU reordering
        _ReadWriteBarrier();  // Prevent compiler reordering only
        r1 = Y;

        ReleaseSemaphore(endSema, 1, NULL);  // Notify transaction complete
    return 0;  // Never returns

DWORD WINAPI thread2Func(LPVOID param)
    MersenneTwister random(2);
    for (;;)
        WaitForSingleObject(beginSema2, INFINITE);  // Wait for signal
        while (random.integer() % 8 != 0) {}  // Random delay

        // ----- THE TRANSACTION! -----
        Y = 1;
        MemoryBarrier();  // Prevent CPU reordering
        _ReadWriteBarrier();  // Prevent compiler reordering only
        r2 = X;

        ReleaseSemaphore(endSema, 1, NULL);  // Notify transaction complete
    return 0;  // Never returns

int main()
    // Initialize the semaphores
    beginSema1 = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 99, NULL);
    beginSema2 = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 99, NULL);
    endSema = CreateSemaphore(NULL, 0, 99, NULL);

    // Spawn the threads
    HANDLE thread1, thread2;
    thread1 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread1Func, NULL, 0, NULL);
    thread2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, thread2Func, NULL, 0, NULL);

    // Force thread affinities to the same cpu core.
    SetThreadAffinityMask(thread1, 1);
    SetThreadAffinityMask(thread2, 1);

    // Repeat the experiment ad infinitum
    int detected = 0;
    for (int iterations = 1; ; iterations++)
        // Reset X and Y
        X = 0;
        Y = 0;
        // Signal both threads
        ReleaseSemaphore(beginSema1, 1, NULL);
        ReleaseSemaphore(beginSema2, 1, NULL);
        // Wait for both threads
        WaitForSingleObject(endSema, INFINITE);
        WaitForSingleObject(endSema, INFINITE);
        // Check if there was a simultaneous reorder
        if (r1 == 0 && r2 == 0)
            printf("%d reorders detected after %d iterations\n", detected, iterations);
    return 0;  // Never returns

上面的VC++ 代码,可直观的体验内存序异常

无锁编程需要解决的是:编译器和CPU 为了优化,只保证单线程的内存序和代码顺序一致。

为了让多线程编码变得可行,需要增加恰当的指令,让编译器和cpu 都保证内存一致性(粒度不同性能不同)

A Fast Lock-Free Queue for C++


tracy 在工作线程拿到对应的数据后,会将其插入到plot 列表中。

之后在主线程的渲染循环中,展示在UI 上:





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