中科大 Epc 综合英语备考 之 单词篇

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  • Lesson EPC Last Day on Earth
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onset/ˈɒnset/n.令人不愉快的事情的激烈开端The onset of winter was unusually early this year. 今年冬天来得异常早。
encompass (compass-罗盘,范围,en-进入这个范围就是围绕,包含)/ɪnˈkʌmpəs/v.包括(大量事物),围绕The course encompasses a wide range of subjects. 这门课程涵盖了广泛的主题。
entrepreneur(enterprise-企业,进取心,enter-进入某领域pris-抓起相关工作)/ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː( r)/n.企业家He is a successful entrepreneur who started his own business from scratch. 他是一个成功的企业家,从零开始创办了自己的公司。
lyrics/ˈlɪrɪks/n.歌词I love the lyrics of this song, they are so meaningful. 我喜欢这首歌的歌词,它们很有意义。
denounce (de-完全,加强 + nounc-说,报告 + -e)/dɪˈnaʊns/v.谴责The government denounced the coup attempt as a terrorist act. 政府谴责政变企图是一种恐怖行为。
scramble/ˈskræmbl/v.攀爬,争夺The children scrambled over the rocks to get to the beach. 孩子们爬过岩石去海滩。
augment(联想argument-争吵不断增加-augment)/ɔːɡˈment/v.增加He augmented his income by working as a freelance writer. 他通过做自由撰稿人来增加收入。
Briton/ˈbrɪtn/n.英国人(尤指古代不列颠人)The ancient Britons were conquered by the Romans. 古代不列颠人被罗马人征服了。
plugged/plʌɡd /adj.插入的,塞入的He plugged his phone into the charger. 他把手机插入充电器。
tuppence/ˈtʌpəns /n.两便士,比如微不足道的东西(月亮与两便士)I don’t care tuppence about what he thinks. 我不在乎他怎么想。
nay/neɪ /adv.甚至,不仅如此He is not only a good writer, but nay, a great one. 他不仅是一个好作家,而且是一个伟大的作家。
vault/vɔːlt /n./v.撑杆跳;跳跃She won the gold medal in the vault. 她在撑杆跳项目中获得了金牌。
ethnic/ˈeθnɪk /adj.民族的;种族的The country is divided along ethnic lines. 这个国家按照民族划分。
enclave/ˈenkleɪv /n.飞地(指隶属于某一行政区管辖但不与本区毗连的土地)The old town is a medieval enclave within the modern city. 老城区是现代城市中的一块中世纪飞地。
slot/slɒt /n./v.位置;插入,安置He slotted the key into the lock. 他把钥匙插入锁孔。
mangle(联想谐音芒果被破坏)/ˈmæŋɡl /v.破坏,损坏He mangled the speech with his poor pronunciation. 他因为发音不好而破坏了演讲。
croon/kruːn /v.低吟,清唱She crooned a lullaby to her baby. 她给她的宝宝唱摇篮曲。
goof (姑父犯愚蠢的错误)/ɡuːf /n./v.愚蠢的错误;犯错误,闹笑话He made a goof in his report. 他在报告中犯了一个错误。
gaffe/ɡæf /n.失态,过失He made a terrible gaffe by insulting the hostess. 他冒犯了女主人,犯了一个可怕的失态。
echelon/ˈeʃəlɒn /n.阶级,层次;权威级别,组织中的等级He reached the upper echelons of his profession. 他达到了他职业的最高层次。
flub (姑父在club犯错误)/flʌb /v./n.犯错误;错误,失误He flubbed his lines in the play. 他在戏里念错了台词。
officialdom (official-官员/əˈfɪʃəldəm /n.官场,官僚作风He was frustrated by the bureaucracy and officialdom of the government. 他对政府的官僚主义和官场作风感到沮丧。
irk (联想annoy)/ɜːk /v.使烦恼,激怒It irks me to see him waste his talents. 看到他浪费自己的才能,我很恼火。
Anglicism/ˈæŋɡlɪsɪzəm/n.英式英语He prefers to use Anglicisms rather than Americanisms in his writing. 他喜欢在写作中使用英式英语而不是美式英语。
prod/prɒd/v.督促,鼓励She prodded him to finish his homework. 她督促他完成作业。
rear-guard(快到尾rear了还在守卫guard)/ˌrɪə ˈɡɑːd/adj.后卫;即使不太可能成功,斗争仍在继续的They fought a rear-guard action against the new regulations. 他们对新规定进行了一场不太可能成功的斗争。
clamp(clam-蛤蜊夹住)/klæmp/v.夹住;镇压,固定The government clamped down on illegal immigration. 政府严厉打击非法移民。
balk 这只狗一直bark-犬吠却balk-畏缩不前/bɔːk/v.畏缩不前;妨碍He balked at the idea of jumping off the cliff. 他对跳下悬崖这个想法感到畏惧。
flunk(弗朗克考试不及格)/flʌŋk/v.考试不及格He flunked math and had to repeat the course. 他数学不及格,不得不重修这门课程。
reinstate(重re回in原来的状态state)/ˌriːɪnˈsteɪt/v.使恢复He was reinstated as the captain of the team after he apologized. 他道歉后又被恢复为队长。
clipped/klɪpt/adj.省略,简洁的She spoke in a clipped accent that was hard to understand. 她说话带着一种省略的口音,很难听懂。
inroad(军队正在in路上road)/ˈɪnrəʊd/n.入侵,侵袭The new supermarket has made inroads into the profits of the local shops. 新超市侵占了当地商店的利润。
primordial/praɪˈmɔːdiəl/adj.原始的,最初的The primordial soup is a hypothetical mixture of organic molecules that gave rise to life on Earth. 原始汤是一种假设的有机分子混合物,它是地球上生命的起源。
ooze/uːz/n./v.沉积物;渗出,流出The wound oozed blood. 伤口渗出血来。
ineluctable/ˌɪnɪˈlʌktəbl/adj.无法逃避的,不可避免的Death is ineluctable for all living beings. 死亡对所有生灵都是无法逃避的。
inexorable(exorable-可说服的,心软的)/ɪnˈeksərəbl/adj.不可阻挡的,无法改变的,无情的The inexorable march of time waits for no one. 不可阻挡的时间之流不等人。
often as not/ˌɒf(ə)n əz ˈnɒt/adv.经常,往往He often as not forgets to lock the door. 他往往忘记锁门。
bet on/bet ɒn /v.打赌,押注He bet on the wrong horse and lost all his money. 他押错了马,输光了所有的钱。
scoff at/skɒf æt /v.嘲笑,轻视He scoffed at her suggestion as impractical. 他嘲笑她的建议不切实际。
stumble over/ˈstʌmbl ˌəʊvə( r) /v.结巴,说话不流利He stumbled over his words when he saw her. 他看到她时说话结巴了。
cream puff/ˈkriːm pʌf /n.懦夫,软弱无能的人Don’t be such a cream puff, stand up for yourself. 别这么窝囊,为自己争取权益。
brain drain/ˈbreɪn dreɪn /n.人才流失,人才外流The country is suffering from a brain drain as many of its skilled workers emigrate. 这个国家正遭受人才流失之苦,因为许多有技能的工人移民了。
lose out/luːz aʊt /v.失败,吃亏If you don’t act fast, you’ll lose out to your competitors. 如果你不快点行动,你就会输给你的竞争对手。
appeal to/əˈpiːl tuː /v.吸引,对…有吸引力This movie appeals to both young and old audiences. 这部电影吸引了年轻和老年观众。
snob appeal/ˈsnɒb əˌpiːl /n.对(比较势利眼的顾客)有吸引力Some products rely on snob appeal to sell, such as luxury cars and designer clothes. 一些产品依靠势利眼效应来销售,比如豪华汽车和设计师服装。



1. The young mother croon sweet lullaby as she rocked the baby to sleep.

  • A. whispered
  • B. hummed
  • C. murmured
  • D. mumbled

正确答案:B. hum 哼(曲子)

  • whisper 低语,故意小声说话,只让身边人听到;
  • murmur 持续地低声说,不容易听清楚;
  • mumble 小声嘟囔,轻声抱怨,难以听清。

2. At the Security Council of the United Nations the following year, Khrushchev, then First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, committed another diplomatic gaffe.

  • A. mockery
  • B. offensive
  • C. indiscretion
  • D. mischief

正确答案:C. indiscretion 轻率,不慎的言行,言行失检

  • mockery 嘲笑
  • offensive 冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的
  • mischief 淘气;恶作剧;顽皮

3. The young President claims that with his good common sense and good instincts he can have the country get over the economic recession.

  • A. deyaluation
  • B. deflation
  • C. depression
  • D. inflation

正确答案:C. depression 沮丧;不景气;经济衰退

  • deyaluation 贬值,货币贬值
  • deflation 通货紧缩 (货币供应量不足,物价趋于下行)
  • inflation 通货膨胀(流通中所需的货币量大于实际的需求量,即货币超发导致货币贬值,最终引发物价持续且全面的上涨。)

4. It would be irrational to expect a sound understanding of the intricate plot from a child.

  • A. absurd
  • B. irretrievable
  • C. bothersome
  • D. irregular

正确答案:A. absurd 荒谬的,可笑的

  • irrational 不合理的,荒谬的;intricate 难理解的;难解决的
  • irretrievable 无法挽回的;不可纠正的
  • bothersome 引起麻烦的;困扰人的
  • irregular 不规则的

5. In spite of the political disturbances for years,the birthrate of the African country has continued to vault.

  • A. boast
  • B. vibrate
  • C. soar
  • D. descend

正确答案:C. soar 急升,激增,猛增;翱翔

  • boast 自夸;自吹自擂
  • vibrate 振动;摆动
  • descend 下降;下来

6. Market-economy practice doesn’t in any sense mean dishonesty or cheating.It irks me to see typical local products bearing imitation foreign brands.

  • A. vomits
  • B. irritates
  • C. faints
  • D. revolves

正确答案:B. irritate 使发怒;刺激

  • vomit 呕吐;吐
  • faint 昏倒;昏厥
  • revolve (使)转动,(使)旋转

7. Based on my experience with the railroad travel here for past years, we dare not bet on the train arriving on time.

  • A. count on
  • B. figure out
  • C. gamble on
  • D. stick to

正确答案:A. count on 指望;依靠,依赖

  • bet on 赌……,指竞赛中的打赌,也指双方对有疑惑之事争执不下的打赌。在口语中,bet 作“确信,敢说”解。
  • gamble on 赌博;投机、冒风险;多指投机,为获得某物或牟利而冒大险,含孤注一掷意味。
  • figure out 解决;想出
  • stick to 遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等)

8. In a broader sense of development,adolescence encompasses psychological,social and moral terrain as well as the strictly physical aspects of maturation.

  • A. encircles
  • B. constitutes
  • C. comprises
  • D. surrounds

正确答案:C. comprise 包含;由…组成

  • encircle 环绕;包围
  • surround 包围,围住;围绕;与…紧密相关;喜欢结交(某类人)

区分 encircle 和 surround:

  • encircle 侧重在某事物周围围成圈状
    The house is encircled by a high fence.
  • surround 普通用词,既可指环绕、围绕,也可指军事上的包围
    Gwen sat at her desk, surrounded by books and papers.
  • constitute 组成,构成;制定(法律等)
    常用来 强调 “事物的部分占整体的比重”
    Male students constitute less than a quarter of the class.

区分 comprise 和 compose:

  • 动词 “comprise” 的意思是 “包括,包含”,主语是 由不同部分组成的事物整体
    – The city comprises eight districts.
  • 而动词 “compose” 则表示 “组成,构成”,主语是 构成事物的各个部分
    – Eight districts compose the city.

参考链接:BBC英语教学,可以通过邮箱地址:questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk 与其取得联系,讨论英语学习的方方面面。

9. The victims in the flood-ravaged areas are now scrambling for the reconstruction of their homeland.

  • A. enhancing
  • B. winning
  • C. attempting
  • D. striving

正确答案:D. strive 努力,奋斗;斗争,反抗

  • enhance 增强
  • win (在比赛、赛跑、选举等中)赢得
  • attempt(为超越某事物的)尝试,努力

10. Dr.Miller has long contended that China was,according to Marco Polo’s description,the first in the world to build huge ships with separate watertight bulkheads.

  • A. contented
  • B. asserted
  • C. contested
  • D. confirmed

正确答案:B. assert 声称,断言
翻译:长期以来米勒博士一直认为,根据马可波罗(Marco Polo)的描述,中国是世界上第一个建造具有独立水密舱壁的大型船舶的国家。

  • contend (尤指在争论中)声称,主张
  • content 满意的,满足的;(杂志或书的)目录;内容
  • contest 争辩;争取赢得(比赛、选举等)
  • confirm 确认;(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明


1. The fierce floods have () the whole nation into showing a belated concern for ecosystem protection.

  • A. committed
  • B. prodded
  • C. prompted
  • D. motivated

正确选项:B. prod 刺激,督促;刺,戳

  • commit 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等);犯罪
  • prompt 鼓励,提示;促使
  • motivate 激励;激发…的积极性

2. It was not until the third morning of the bitter battle that the besieged infantry regiment was () with fresh troops.

  • A. armored
  • B. anguished
  • C. assaulted
  • D. augmented

正确答案:D. augment 增加

  • armored 武装的;装甲的
  • anguish 苦恼;使苦恼
  • assault 猛烈攻击

3. One ant hole may () a long and solid dike and cause the collapse.

  • A. erupt
  • B. elude
  • C. erase
  • D. erode

正确答案:D. erode 侵蚀

  • erupt (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出;突然发生
  • elude 躲避;逃避

4. Planetary scientists believe ridges and valleys formed when sections of the crust broke into plates of sheet ice and () each other.

  • A. bumped into
  • B. appealed to
  • C. stumbled over
  • D. fought over

正确答案:A. bump into 撞到;碰到

5. He is () on the point that the inefficiency of the language teaching in China has, in part at least, resulted from the mechanical and indiscriminate application of foreign theories and methods.

  • A. inexorable
  • B. inexcusable
  • C. inexplicable
  • D. inexpressible

正确答案:A. inexorable 不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的

  • inexcusable 不可宽恕的;无法原谅的
  • inexplicable 费解的;无法解释的
  • inexpressible 无法形容的;难以言传的

6. They will have to leave the college because they have ( ) out this year.

  • A. flung
  • B. flunked
  • C. flushed
  • D. flashed

正确答案:B. flunk 考试不及格

  • flush(用水)冲洗净,冲洗
  • flash 闪光;(使)闪现,映出

7. I am now trying to put across some essentials of the ( ) of the Chinese calligraphy.

  • A. ethnics
  • B. aesthetics
  • C. ethnology
  • D. anthropology

正确答案:B. aesthetics 美学

  • calligraphy 书法;书法艺术
  • ethnology 民族学
  • anthropology 人类学

8. At first many people ( ) the modern painter’s works,but later they have turned out to be highly regarded and valuable.

  • A. puffed out
  • B. snatched at
  • C. poured out
  • D. scoffed at

正确答案:D. scoff at 嘲笑

  • puff out 鼓起(双颊);喷;吹
  • snatch at 抢夺;抓住
  • pour at 倾倒

9. When the official got a chance to talk,he would produce,often as not,an endless stream of hackneyed and stereotyped ( ).

  • A. jargon
  • B. expressions
  • C. slang
  • D. idioms

正确答案:B. expression 表达

  • hackneyed 陈腐的;stereotyped 刻板的,老一套的
  • jargon 行话;行业术语
  • slang 俚语;行话,黑话
  • idiom 成语;习语

10. Their every effort at creative teaching was ( )by the so-called official syllabus which was dogmatic and specious.

  • A. bolted
  • B. balked
  • C. backed
  • D. bulked

正确答案:B. balk 妨碍

  • bolt 门闩;闩门;螺栓
  • bulk (使)形成大块,聚成大量;增加



gumption/ˈɡʌmpʃn/n.进取心,魄力She had the gumption to start her own business. 她有创业的魄力。
level-headed/ˌlevlˈhedɪd/adj.有判断力的;明智的He is a level-headed person who can handle any crisis. 他是一个有判断力的人,能够应对任何危机。
repose/rɪˈpəʊz/n./v.休息,睡眠;使休息,使安放He reposed on the sofa after a long day. 他经过一整天的劳累后在沙发上休息。
allocate/ˈæləkeɪt/v.分配,分派The government allocated funds for the project. 政府为这个项目分配了资金。
interrogation(interrogate-审问)/ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃn/n.审问,质问He was subjected to hours of interrogation by the police. 他被警方审问了数小时。
grit 联想 spirit-精神=spunk-勇气+grit-毅力 /ɡrɪt /n./v.毅力;咬紧牙关;勇气He showed a lot of grit in overcoming his injury. 他在克服伤痛时表现出了很大的勇气。
bestow (联想grant-授予)/bɪˈstəʊ /v.授予,赠与The medal was bestowed upon him by the president. 这枚勋章是由总统授予他的。
spunk/spʌŋk /n.勇气,胆量She’s got a lot of spunk, I admire her. 她很有胆量,我佩服她。
sling/slɪŋ /v./n.抛掷;吊索,弹弓He slung his bag over his shoulder and left. 他把包扔在肩上就走了。
reverence/ˈrevərəns /n./v.敬礼,崇敬;尊敬,敬畏He bowed his head in reverence to the old man. 他低头向老人致敬。
chasuble/ˈtʃæzjʊbl /n.举行弥撒时神父穿的无袖长袍The priest wore a purple chasuble for the Lenten service. 牧师在四旬斋礼拜时穿了一件紫色的无袖长袍。
drape (联想hang-悬挂)/dreɪp /v./n.悬垂;悬挂物,窗帘She draped a scarf around her neck. 她围了一条围巾在脖子上。
pouch/paʊtʃ /n./v.小包;邮袋;使成袋状He put the letter in a pouch and sent it by air mail. 他把信放在一个邮袋里,用航空邮寄出去。
extract/ɪkˈstrækt /v./n.提取;摘录,选段He extracted a tooth from the patient’s mouth. 他从病人的口中拔出一颗牙齿。
dump (联想 dumpling-饺子倾倒下锅)/dʌmp /v./n.倾倒;丢弃,乱扔;垃圾场,堆放处He dumped his old clothes in the bin. 他把旧衣服扔进了垃圾桶。
tilt/tɪlt /v./n.倾斜;倾斜度,倾向He tilted his head to one side and listened. 他把头歪向一边,仔细听着。
commuter/kəˈmjuːtə( r) /n.通勤者,经常乘坐公交车往返者,月季票乘客He is a commuter who travels by train every day. 他是一个每天乘火车通勤的人。
fringe (联想edge-边缘)/frɪndʒ /n./v.边缘;作为…的边缘,围绕The lake is fringed with trees. 湖边长满了树。
bleak (联想break-破碎的,或者联想leak-泄露,核泄漏人们都离开了就很荒凉的)/bliːk /adj.没有希望的;荒凉的;暗淡的The future looks bleak for the fishing industry. 渔业的前景看起来很暗淡。
spat (sport 运动的鞋套)/spæt /n.鞋套,鞋罩;小争吵They had a spat over money. 他们因为钱吵了一架。
threadbare (thread 线都 bare 裸露了,就是破旧的)/ˈθredbeə( r) /adj.破旧的,陈腐的,贫穷的His clothes were threadbare and dirty. 他的衣服破旧而肮脏。
whack (黑客 hacker 给我重重一击)/wæk /v./n.重击;重击声,重击物He whacked the ball with his bat. 他用球棒猛击球。
callus (老蒋打电话 call 给我们 us)/ˈkæləs/n.老茧,茧子He had calluses on his hands from working with tools. 他因为使用工具而手上长了老茧。
wean/wiːn/v.停止做(某事),断奶She weaned herself off smoking. 她戒掉了吸烟。
grime/ɡraɪm/n.污垢,灰尘His face was covered with grime. 他的脸上沾满了污垢。
pore (o 小洞洞是毛孔)/pɔː( r)/n.毛孔,气孔She has very fine pores on her skin. 她的皮肤毛孔很细。
stick/stɪk/n./v.枝条,棍,手杖;刺,插入He stuck a fork into the cake. 他把叉子插进蛋糕里。
snarl(斯娜奥-snarl 扯着嗓子咆哮,狗叫)/snɑːl/v./n.咆哮着说;咆哮声,混乱状态He snarled at me to get out of his way. 他咆哮着让我让开。
canvass/ˈkænvəs/v.游说;拉选票;征求意见He canvassed for votes in his district. 他在自己的选区拉选票。
beckon (beck贝克向我招手)/ˈbekən/v.招手示意;举手召唤He beckoned me to follow him. 他向我招手示意让我跟着他走。
midget (只能到get中间mid)/ˈmɪdʒɪt/n.侏儒,极小的东西(有时被认为是冒犯的)He felt like a midget among the tall basketball players. 他觉得自己在高个子篮球运动员中间像个侏儒。
batch/bætʃ/n.一批,作为一个团体处理的事情的数量He baked a batch of cookies for his friends. 他为他的朋友们烤了一批饼干。
treat/triːt/v./n.对待,治疗;请客,款待;享受,乐事He treated her with kindness and respect. 他对她以善意和尊重相待。
maxim (i'm max都听我的叫格言)/ˈmæksɪm/n.格言,准则His maxim was “Honesty is the best policy”. 他的格言是“诚实为上策”。
moan (一个男人-man口袋里空空o就抱怨)/məʊn/v./n.抱怨,呻吟;抱怨声,呻吟声He moaned about the weather all day. 他整天抱怨天气。
top-drawer (上面的画家是一流的)/ˌtɒp ˈdrɔː( r) /adj.一流的,最高级的,最优秀的He is a top-drawer lawyer who can handle any case. 他是一个顶尖的律师,能够处理任何案件。
clasp (学生抱紧老师说不想下课-class)/klɑːsp /v./n.握住,抱紧;扣子,钩子She clasped him in her arms. 她紧紧地抱住了他。
trudge/trʌdʒ /v./n.跋涉,步履艰难地走;艰难的行走He trudged through the snow to the bus stop. 他艰难地穿过雪地走到公交车站。
surly/ˈsɜːli /adj.粗暴的,脾气坏的,不友好的He gave me a surly look and walked away. 他给了我一个不悦的眼神就走了。
make sth of oneself/meɪk sʌmθɪŋ əv wʌnself /v.实现,成功He made something of himself by working hard. 他通过努力工作实现了自己。
(like) a bump on a log/laɪk ə bʌmp ɒn ə lɒɡ /n.呆头呆脑的,无所作为的(人或事物)He just sat there like a bump on a log, doing nothing. 他就像个木头人一样坐在那里,什么也不做。
throw in/θrəʊ ɪn /v.免费赠送,无偿给予He threw in a free dessert with our meal. 他给我们的饭菜免费赠送了一道甜点。
size up/saɪz ʌp /v.估计,评估She sized up the situation and decided to act quickly. 她估计了一下形势,决定迅速行动。
be blessed with/bi blest wɪð /v.有…的福气,拥有…的优点或天赋She is blessed with a beautiful voice. 她有着美妙的嗓音。
embark on/upon sth/ɪmˈbɑːk ɒn/əpɒn sʌmθɪŋ /v.开始着手做某事He embarked on a new career as a teacher. 他开始了一份新的教师职业。
put sb down as sth/pʊt sʌmbədi daʊn əz sʌmθɪŋ /v.认为某人是某种类型的人I put him down as a liar. 我认为他是个骗子。
break down/breɪk daʊn /v.征服,击败They broke down the enemy’s defenses. 他们击破了敌人的防御。
sales pitch/seɪlz pɪtʃ /n.推销,销售宣传He gave me his sales pitch about why I should buy his product. 他给我讲了一通为什么我应该买他的产品的推销话。
brim with/brɪm wɪð /v.溢出,充满Her eyes brimmed with tears. 她的眼睛含满了泪水。
hit the jackpot/hɪt ðə ˈdʒækpɒt /v.中大奖,赚大钱,获得巨大成功He hit the jackpot when he sold his novel to Hollywood. 他把自己的小说卖给好莱坞时,赚了大钱。



1. Having been promoted to be President,he behaves as though the very top drawer he enjoys automatically bestows the right to be obeyed.

  • A. confers
  • B. confides
  • C. confutes
  • D. confronts

正确答案:A. confer 授予(奖项、学位、荣誉或权利)

  • confide (向某人)吐露(隐私、秘密等);倾诉
  • confute 驳倒;驳斥
  • confront 使面对,使对付;对抗

2. This time, even top-flight politicians were hopelessly powerless to break down suspicion between the two parties.

  • A. dispel
  • B. breed
  • C. arouse
  • D. deepen

正确答案:A. dispel 消除,驱逐

  • breed 繁殖;培育(动植物)
  • arouse 激起,引起(感情、态度)

3. The mother couldn’t help moaning when she watched her son coming home,his face covered with dirt and sweat.

  • A. crooning
  • B. whispering
  • C. complaining
  • D. murmuring

正确答案:C. complain 抱怨

4. With one hand she clasped his head,her lips,red and moist as pomegranate seed,lightly touching his forehead.

  • A. knocked
  • B. held
  • C. stroked
  • D. struck

正确答案:B. hold 握住,拿住,抱住

  • stroke 轻抚(动物的毛皮);抚摩;中风
  • strike 罢工

5. The manager would grumble for minutes when that surly woman in the dress department burst in.

  • A. gracious
  • B. gruff
  • C. mannerly
  • D. bright

正确答案:B. gruff 粗暴的;态度生硬的

  • gracious 亲切的;(上帝)仁慈的
  • mannerly 有礼貌的;有礼貌地
  • bright 明亮的;聪明的

6. With the young reporter at his side, he ventured in the light of day into Main Street or strode up and down on the rickety front porch of his own house, talking excitedly.

  • A. walked cautiously
  • B. walked unsteadily
  • C. walked mutely
  • D. walked energetically

正确答案:D. walked energetically 精力充沛地走,stride 阔步走

  • cautious 谨慎的;小心的
  • unsteady 颤抖的;站不稳的
  • mute 沉默的;无声的;哑的

7. Two months after the A&P was founded, coffee, and extracts were added to the sales.

  • A. essence
  • B. liquid
  • C. beverage
  • D. juice

正确答案:D. juice 果汁
翻译:在 A&P 成立两个月后,咖啡和提取物被添加到销售的东西中。

  • essence 本质;实质
  • beverage (除水以外的)饮料

8. Lywood wondered how the mother could cool her anger by whacking with a club her wayward son, who had just broken their neighbor’s window.

  • A. whipping
  • B. threatening
  • C. spanking
  • D. beating

正确答案:D. beat 敲打

  • whip 鞭打;鞭笞
  • threaten 威胁;恐吓
  • spank 打(小孩的)屁股;用手打

9. He received a few sticks of antique furniture with haircloth by inheritance upon the death of his aunt.

  • A. frames
  • B. pieces
  • C. sets
  • D. lumps

正确答案:B. piece 片,条,块,件

  • lump 块,团
  • set 一套,一副,一组,一群人

10. As all the desks and chairs were coated with half an inch of grime, those early birds gave their classroom a spring cleaning.

  • A. dye
  • B. dust
  • C. stain
  • D. tint

正确答案:B. dust 灰尘

  • dye 染料;染液
  • stain 污渍
  • tint 色调;染发剂


1. The managing director attempted to () the public responses to the new product before he would take further action.

  • A. size up
  • B. sit through
  • C. settle on
  • D. sketch in

正确答案:A. size up 估计

  • sit through 坐着挨到(电影、讲座、会议等)结束
  • settle on 选择;选定
  • sketch in 草图;约略地补充

2. William, dean of the department, stretched his authority and for several years put down his home telephone bill ( ) a business cost.

  • A. for
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. at

正确答案:B. put down to 把…归因于…

3. The dying man, speechless with his ailment, () to his side his son, who was waiting outside the surgical ward.

  • A. summoned
  • B. called
  • C. dismissed
  • D. beckoned

正确答案:D. beckon 招手

  • summon 传唤,传讯(出庭)
  • dismiss 解雇

4. Last year this time, the candidate () all the voters in this district, which finally won him a seat in the parliament.

  • A. confirmed
  • B. conversed
  • C. convinced
  • D. canvassed

正确答案:D. canvass 游说,拉选票

  • convince 说服;使确信

5. The old man set off before dawn and () through deep snow all the way home with many a rest on any secluded bench he came across.

  • A. strode
  • B. trudged
  • C. swaggered
  • D. waddled

正确答案:B. trudge 跋涉;步履艰难地走

  • stride 大步走;阔步行走
  • swagger 大摇大摆地走;神气十足地走
  • waddle 摇摇摆摆地走;(鸭子似地)蹒跚行走,摇摆地行走

6. Beneath his gruff exterior, he is () with a rare kindheartedness, which has been little noted by the average person around him.

  • A. blinded
  • B. blended
  • C. blessed
  • D. blunted

正确答案:C. be blessed with 拥有;享有…的

  • blind 使失明;使目眩
  • blend 混合
  • blunt 使减弱;使(尖端、刃)变钝

7. It demands professional instruction and technical guidance to () a talented amateur into a brilliant actor.

  • A. form
  • B. mold
  • C. model
  • D. shape

正确答案:B. mold 塑造((人的)性格,气质,类型);用模子制作

  • form 构成,是……的组成部分;形状,外形
  • model 将…做成模型;模型,模范,模特儿
  • shape 塑造((某人或某物的)样子,外表);形成,设计;形状

词语辨析,参考 剑桥词典

8. Upon the half-decayed veranda of a small frame house that stood near the () of a ravine, a fat little man walked nervously up and down.

  • A. brink
  • B. brim
  • C. margin
  • D. edge

正确答案:D. edge 边,边缘;(变故的)边缘

  • brink (事情发生的)边缘;(峭壁、崖的)边缘
  • brim(容器的)边
  • margin 页边空白,白边

词语辨析,参考 剑桥词典

9. The mother has persistently tried every means possible to () her son from self-centeredness.

  • A. control
  • B. forbid
  • C. wean
  • D. restrain

正确答案:C. wean 使得断念,使放弃

  • restrain 阻止,制止

10. The government at last () to pressure of the press and agreed to take some action against it.

  • A. bowed
  • B. consented
  • C. connived
  • D. counteracted

正确答案:A. bow bow…to 向…低头,向…屈服

  • consent 许可,允许;同意
  • connive 密谋;搞阴谋
  • counteract 抵消;对抗;减少



appropriate(合适就占用)/əˈprəʊpriət/v./adj.占用,挪用;适当的,恰当的He was accused of appropriating the company’s funds. 他被指控挪用了公司的资金。
premise (promise-承诺要有前提-premise)/ˈpremɪs/n./v.前提,假定;以…为前提The argument is based on a false premise. 这个论点建立在一个错误的前提上。
muddle (联想mud-泥泞)/ˈmʌdl/v./n.弄乱;混乱,困惑He muddled up the names and dates. 他把名字和日期弄混了。
implacable(联想placable-宽容的,im-不)/ɪmˈplækəbl/adj.不可改变的,难和解的He was implacable in his determination to revenge. 他报复的决心不可动摇。
marginal(联想margin-边缘)/ˈmɑːdʒɪnl/adj.边缘的,微不足道的The difference between the two candidates was marginal. 两位候选人之间的差距很小。
mystify (联想mystery-神秘)/ˈmɪstɪfaɪ /v.使神秘化;使迷惑,使困惑His disappearance mystified his friends and family. 他的失踪使他的朋友和家人感到困惑。
taps/tæps /n.熄灯号;葬礼的安息号,在军事葬礼上吹响的号角;对(烈士)深切的感情They played taps at his funeral. 他们在他的葬礼上吹奏了安息号。
whimper(联想whisper低语,有人低语有人抽泣)/ˈwɪmpə( r) /v./n.呜咽,啜泣;啜泣声The dog whimpered when it saw its owner. 狗看到主人时呜咽起来。
shirk (谐音社恐,就是逃避)/ʃɜːk /v.逃避,规避(责任、义务等)He never shirked his duty as a father. 他从不逃避作为父亲的责任。
lust (累死他还想要某物)/lʌst /n./v.贪求,渴望;对…有强烈欲望He lusted after power and fame. 他贪求权力和名声。
bully/ˈbʊli /n./v.欺凌弱小者;欺负,威吓He was bullied at school by bigger boys. 他在学校里受到了大个子男孩的欺负。
brawl/brɔːl /n./v.喧闹,斗殴;大声争吵,打架斗殴A brawl broke out in the bar. 酒吧里发生了一场斗殴。
swingout (swing摇摆)/ˈswɪŋaʊt /n./v.挥臂击球;挥臂击球式(高尔夫球术语)He made a perfect swingout and hit the ball far away. 他做了一个完美的挥臂击球,把球打得很远。
bum/bʌm /n./v.懒汉;游手好闲者;乞讨,蹭He’s been bumming around since he lost his job. 自从他失业后,他就一直游手好闲。
secular/ˈsekjələ( r) /adj.世俗的,现世的,非宗教的He is more interested in secular matters than spiritual ones. 他对世俗的事情比精神的事情更感兴趣。
grandiose (联想grand宏大的)/ˈɡrændiəʊs /adj.宏伟的;浮夸的;宏大的He had grandiose plans for his future. 他对自己的未来有着宏大的计划。
infantile (联想infant婴儿)/ˈɪnfəntaɪl /adj.幼稚的;初期的;婴儿期的His jokes are infantile and boring. 他的笑话幼稚而无聊。
chatter (比chat还能聊)/ˈtʃætə( r) /v./n.喋喋不休;喋喋不休的谈话,啁啾声She chattered away about her holiday. 她没完没了地谈论她的假期。
chronicler (chronic漫长的,article文章,er人)/ˈkrɒnɪklə( r)/n.编年史者,年代记录者He was a chronicler of the French Revolution. 他是法国大革命的编年史者。
compassion/kəmˈpæʃn/n.同情,怜悯He showed compassion for the homeless. 他对无家可归的人表示同情。
swagger (swag摇晃)/ˈswæɡə( r)/v./n.大摇大摆地走,趾高气扬地行走或行事He swaggered into the room with a confident smile. 他带着自信的微笑大摇大摆地走进了房间。
macho/ˈmætʃəʊ /adj./n.大男子气概的;大男子主义者He has a macho image that appeals to some women. 他有一种大男子气概的形象,吸引了一些女人。
blowhard (努力地hard,吹blow)/ˈbləʊhɑːd /n.吹牛的;唠唠叨叨的He’s just a blowhard who likes to hear himself talk. 他只是一个爱吹牛的人,喜欢听自己说话。
underscore (under score分数不够的要强调)/ˌʌndəˈskɔː( r) /v.强调,突出The report underscores the need for more action. 这份报告强调了需要采取更多行动的必要性。
obsession (sess词根表坐,obs直播,坐着看直播是痴迷)/əbˈseʃn /n.痴迷,着迷He has an obsession with cleanliness. 他对清洁有着痴迷。
squalid (quality质量不好就是肮脏的)/ˈskwɒlɪd /adj.肮脏的,卑鄙的,不道德的They lived in squalid conditions. 他们生活在肮脏的环境中。
temper/ˈtempə( r) /v./n.加强;脾气,情绪He tempered his criticism with praise. 他在批评中加入了赞美。
puncher (punch拳打,er人)/ˈpʌntʃə( r) /n.用拳头猛击的人;打孔机He is a good puncher, but not a good boxer. 他是一个打得重的人,但不是一个好的拳击手。
do sth the hard way/duː sʌmθɪŋ ðə hɑːd weɪ /v.艰苦奋斗;费力地做某事(通常指有更简单或更聪明的方法)He learned English the hard way, by reading books and watching movies. 他通过阅读书籍和看电影来学习英语,这是一种费力的方法。
call (up) on sb/sth/kɔːl (ʌp) ɒn sʌmbədi/sʌmθɪŋ /v.需要;拜访;号召;请…回答问题(老师)The situation calls for urgent action. 这种情况需要紧急行动。
come up/kʌm ʌp /v.发生,出现;上来,上升;被提出,被讨论A problem came up during the meeting. 会议中出现了一个问题。
strike out/straɪk aʊt /v.三击未中出局(棒球术语);划掉,删除;失败He struck out three times in the game. 他在比赛中三次三振出局。
lust for sth/lʌst fɔː sʌmθɪŋ /v.贪求,渴求He lusted for power and glory. 他贪求权力和荣耀。
down the line/daʊn ðə laɪn /adv.最终;在将来的某个时候;忠实地,诚实地He may regret his decision down the line. 他可能会在将来的某个时候后悔他的决定。
have (take or get) sb’s number/hæv (teɪk ɔː ɡet) sʌmbədiz ˈnʌmbə( r) /v.了解某人的真实意图和动机;看穿某人的把戏Don’t try to fool me, I have your number. 别想骗我,我看穿了你的把戏。
give way to sth/sb/ɡɪv weɪ tuː sʌmθɪŋ/sʌmbədi /v.为…所替代,为…让路;屈服于,让步于The old buildings gave way to new skyscrapers. 老建筑为新的摩天大楼所取代。
tune in (to sth)/tjuːn ɪn (tuː sʌmθɪŋ) /v.收听,调谐(收音机或电视机);注意,关注(某事或某人)Tune in next week for another episode of this show. 下周继续收听这个节目的另一集。
Pack it in(把东西打包压箱底不干了,停止)/pæk ɪt ɪn/v.停止,结束Pack it in, you two, or I’ll send you to bed. 你们两个停下来,不然我就让你们上床睡觉。



1. Although truth and justice may be the most powerful impulses to show moral courage, there are others: compassion is one of these.

  • A. commotion
  • B. contribution
  • C. sympathy
  • D. apathy

正确答案:C. sympathy 同情心

  • commotion 喧闹;喧嚣;混乱;骚动
  • contribution 贡献,奉献;捐款
  • apathy 无兴趣,懈怠;(尤指对重要事情的)漠不关心

2. Until the vice presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, most of these who held the office remained marginal political figures.

  • A. elementary
  • B. primary
  • C. secondary
  • D. bordering

正确答案:C. secondary 次要的
翻译:在西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)担任副总统之前,这些人中的大多数仍然是边缘政治人物。

  • elementary 基本的;初级的,基础的
  • bordering 接壤的,毗邻的

3. Those who leave their post to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important assignments will be punished.

  • A. assume
  • B. undertake
  • C. withhold
  • D. evade

正确答案:D. evade 逃避

  • assume 假定,假设
  • undertake (开始)做,承担,从事(尤指耗时或困难之事)
  • withhold 拒绝给与;扣留

4. Confucian philosophy holds that music is a means of calming the passions and of dispelling unrest and lust, rather than as a form of amusement.

  • A. greediness
  • B. craving
  • C. emotion
  • D. affection

正确答案:B. craving 渴求,渴望

  • greediness 贪吃;贪财;贪婪
  • emotion 感情,情感;情绪;激情
  • affection 喜爱;钟爱;挚爱

5. On going back to school, George, an impudent urchin of ten years old, remembered perfectly well being thrashed by Joseph Sedley, when the latter was a big, swaggering guy.

  • A. pretentious
  • B. athletic
  • C. stout
  • D. robust

正确答案: A. pretentious 自命不凡的;(尤指在文学艺术方面)炫耀的,矫饰的,自以为是的

  • impudent (尤指对年长者或上级)放肆的,无礼的
  • athletic 强壮的;擅长运动的
  • stout (尤指上年纪的人腰部)粗壮结实的
  • robust (人或动物)强壮的;(东西或系统)坚固的,耐用的,结实的

6. He wrote a story about a ten-year-old boy who humorously faces realistic problems, such as being beaten up by the class bully.

  • A. offender
  • B. bum
  • C. tough
  • D. rival

正确答案:C. tough 暴徒

  • offender 罪犯;有罪者,犯法的人
  • bum 乞丐;劣质的,无用的
  • tough 粗暴的人,暴徒;粗鲁的;困难的,棘手的;结实的
  • rival 竞争对手,敌手;可与…相媲美,比得上

7. His mind was distracted from his studies because those women were chattering in the backyard like a flock of magpies.

  • A. gossiping
  • B. giggling
  • C. addressing
  • D. whispering

正确答案:A. gossip 闲聊;流言蜚语

  • giggle(因为感到有趣、窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑,傻笑
  • address 演讲,演说;地址,住址

8. The rules he laid down helped transform boxing’s image form that of a spectacle of brawling to that of a contest of skill and agility.

  • A. upsetting
  • B. uprising
  • C. grinning
  • D. fighting

正确答案:D. fighting 打架,斗殴

  • uprising 起义;暴动
  • grin 露齿笑,咧嘴笑,龇牙笑

9. It’s just as hard to do your duty when men are sneering at you as when they are shooting at you.

  • A. assaulting
  • B. scoffing
  • C. disdaining
  • D. detesting

正确答案:B. scoff 嘲笑

  • assault 殴打;袭击,攻击
  • disdain 轻视,蔑视,鄙视
  • detest 憎恨;厌恶,讨厌

10. “But-but-oh, for God’s sake”,do come and live near me, and-and -come and see me from time to time”, whimpered out the unfortunate man.

  • A. sobbed
  • B. howled
  • C. roared
  • D. complained

正确答案:A. sob 呜咽,哭诉

  • howl (狼、狗)长嚎,嗥叫
  • roar 吼叫;咆哮


1. He has a hobby of collecting colorful ( ) found in old graveyards.

  • A. maxims
  • B. inscriptions
  • C. proverbs
  • D. carvings

正确答案:B. inscription (石头或金属上)刻写的文字,碑文,铭文

  • proverb 谚语,格言
  • carving 雕刻品;雕刻图案;雕刻技艺

2. Many ancient religious rituals and customs have been carried over into modern times and incorporated into both ( ) and religious observations.

  • A. deliberate
  • B. conscientious
  • C. spectacular
  • D. secular

正确答案:D. secular 世俗的;长期的

  • deliberate (常指坏事)有意的,故意的,蓄意的
  • conscientious 认真的;尽心尽责的;一丝不苟的
  • spectacular 壮观的,壮丽的;令人惊叹的

3. A brave or ( ) fighter carries out a dangerous mission, not without fear, but without letting fear preventing him from doing his duty.

  • A. prominent
  • B. gallant
  • C. bold
  • D. timid

正确答案:B. gallant 英勇的

  • prominent 著名的;重要的
  • bold 勇敢的,无畏的
  • timid 羞怯的;胆小的,胆怯的

4. The researchers argued that only a(n) ( ) rise in atmospheric radio activity resulted from the test.

  • A. original
  • B. implacable
  • C. negligible
  • D. insensible

正确答案:C. negligible 微不足道的

  • insensible 失去知觉的

5. The detective was first puzzled then thoroughly ( ) as to why she had never mentioned her husband of diaries entries she had made.

  • A. doubted
  • B. mystified
  • C. suspected
  • D. defined

正确答案:B. mystify 使迷惑不解;使困惑

  • doubt(尤指对好坏、真实性的)怀疑,疑虑,疑问
  • suspect 怀疑,猜想,认为(某事有可能)

6. Many Chinese painters preferred less ( ) subjects than did the western painters, often selecting a single tree or a rock with bamboo.

  • A. grandiose
  • B. agreeable
  • C. entertaining
  • D. including

正确答案:A. grandiose 宏大的,宏伟的

  • entertaining 使人愉快的;有趣的

7. Jefferson had no constitutional authority to buy the territory from France, but Congress eventually ( ) funds and approved the land deal.

  • A. incorporated
  • B. compelled
  • C. appropriated
  • D. obliged

正确答案:C. appropriate 拨款;挪用;占用

  • incorporate 包含;将…包括在内
  • compelled 被迫的,不得不的
  • oblige 强迫,迫使;(尤指按别人要求的去做以)讨好,帮助,为…效劳

8. Many cultures do not value openness and directness because, to them, openness and directness seem rude and destructively ( ).

  • A. young
  • B. adolescent
  • C. infantile
  • D. juvenile

正确答案:C. infantile 幼稚的,初期,稚嫩

  • juvenile 青少年的

9. If we glimpse the unutterable, it is unwise to try to ( ) it nor should we seek to invest with significance what we cannot grasp.

  • A. humiliate
  • B. pronounce
  • C. chatter
  • D. utter

正确答案:D 出声;说;讲

  • humiliate 羞辱,使丢脸
  • pronounce 发(音),读(音)
  • utter 说,讲;出声

10. During the 1980s the increase in reports of violent use of guns ( ) a major problem in the United States.

  • A. underscored
  • B. understated
  • C. underestimated
  • D. undervalued

正确答案:A. underscore 强调,突显

  • understate 对…轻描淡写;不如实陈述;避重就轻地说
  • underestimate 低估;(对…)估计不足
  • undervalue 低估,轻视;对…认识不足



proxemic/prɒkˈsiːmɪk/adj.空间关系学的,与空间距离有关的Proxemic communication is the study of how people use space to communicate. 空间关系学交流是研究人们如何利用空间来交流的。
ego (自我e已go走了)/ˈiːɡəʊ/n.自我,自尊心,自负He has a big ego and can’t take criticism. 他很自负,不能接受批评。
attenuate/əˈtenjueɪt/v.使减弱,使变细,使衰退The drug attenuates the symptoms of the disease. 这种药物能减轻疾病的症状。
doorjamb (让door站jam起来的是门框)/ˈdɔːdʒæm /n.门柱,门框He leaned against the doorjamb and watched her. 他靠在门柱上看着她。
presumptuous/prɪˈzʌmptʃuəs /adj.冒昧的,放肆的,自负的It would be presumptuous of me to comment on his work. 我对他的工作发表评论是很冒昧的。
partition (联想 part 一部分一部分就是要隔断)/pɑːˈtɪʃn /n./v.隔断,分割;分隔,划分They partitioned the room into two sections. 他们把房间分成了两个部分。
stockade/stɒˈkeɪd /n.关押囚犯的围栏;用栅栏围住或保护的地方The prisoners were kept in a wooden stockade. 囚犯们被关在一个木制的围栏里。
document/ˈdɒkjumənt /n./v.文件;证明,证实He documented his journey with photographs. 他用照片记录了他的旅程。
nightmarish (联想噩梦nightmare)/ˈnaɪtmɛərɪʃ /adj.梦魇般的;令人毛骨悚然的He had a nightmarish vision of being chased by a monster. 他做了一个被怪物追赶的恐怖梦。
inadvertent (联想advertent注意的)/ˌɪnədˈvɜːtənt/adj.无意的,非故意的,不注意的He apologized for his inadvertent mistake. 他为自己的无意之失道歉。
intact/ɪnˈtækt/adj.完整的,未受损的,未被改变的The vase remained intact despite being dropped. 尽管被摔了一下,花瓶仍然完好无损。
rescind/rɪˈsɪnd/v.废除,取消,撤销(法律、协议、命令等)The government rescinded the tax increase. 政府取消了增税。
flimsy/ˈflɪmzi /adj./n.不结实的,易损坏的;薄纸,打字纸The evidence against him was flimsy. 针对他的证据很不牢靠。
sloppy/ˈslɒpi /adj.马虎的;凌乱的;过于感伤的His work was sloppy and full of errors. 他的工作马虎而且错误百出。
epitomize/ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz /v.成为…的典范,概括,摘要She epitomizes elegance and good taste. 她是优雅和品味的典范。
substantial(下面-sub站stan得住的就是实质性的)/səbˈstænʃl /adj.实质性的;重大的;结实的;大量的He ate a substantial breakfast before leaving. 他在离开之前吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。
conspiratorial (conspirator-共谋者)/kənˌspɪrəˈtɔːriəl /adj.阴谋的;密谋的;共谋的He gave me a conspiratorial wink and whispered in my ear. 他给了我一个密谋的眨眼,然后在我耳边低声说。
hierarchical/ˌhaɪəˈrɑːkɪkl /adj.等级制度的;分层级别的;按等级划分的The company has a hierarchical structure with many levels of management. 这家公司有一个分层级别的结构,有许多层次的管理。
strenuously (要想有strength-优势就要奋发地)/ˈstrenjuəsli /adv.奋发地,勤奋地,积极地He strenuously denied the allegations. 他奋力否认了指控。
engender (因en性别-gender而产生)/ɪnˈdʒendə( r) /v.产生,引起His speech engendered a lot of controversy. 他的演讲引起了很多争议。
regimentation/ˌredʒɪmenˈteɪʃn /n.严格管理;严密组织;刻板化He hated the regimentation of army life. 他讨厌军队生活的严格管理。
deterrent/dɪˈterənt /n./adj.威慑力;遏制,制止;遏制的,制止的Nuclear weapons are a deterrent to war. 核武器是战争的遏制力量。
anathema/əˈnæθəmə /n.讨厌的东西或人;诅咒,强烈的谴责Violence is anathema to him. 他非常讨厌暴力。
bolt/bəʊlt /v./n.固定;螺栓,闩锁;突然逃跑;闪电He bolted the door and turned off the lights. 他闩上了门,关掉了灯。
be at stake(stake-股份,赌注)/bi æt steɪk /v.在危险中;处于成败关头Thousands of lives are at stake in this war. 这场战争牵涉到数千人的生命。
intrude on/upon sb/sth/ɪnˈtruːd ɒn/əpɒn sʌmbədi/sʌmθɪŋ /v.侵犯;打扰;闯入I don’t want to intrude on your privacy. 我不想侵犯你的隐私。
bring sth into focus/brɪŋ sʌmθɪŋ ˈɪntu fəʊkəs /v.使某物清晰可见或轮廓分明;使某事引起注意或重视The crisis brought the need for reform into focus. 危机使改革的必要性更加突出。
go to any lengths (to do sth)/ɡəʊ tu ˈeni leŋθs (tu du sʌmθɪŋ) /v.不择手段(做某事);竭尽全力(做某事)He would go to any lengths to get what he wanted. 他为了得到自己想要的东西不择手段。
warm up (to sth)/wɔːm ʌp (tu sʌmθɪŋ) /v.(使)兴奋起来;(使)热情高涨;(对…)感兴趣或友好起来The crowd warmed up to the speaker as he cracked some jokes. 当演讲者开了一些笑话时,观众对他兴奋起来。
leave sth/sb out (of sth)/liːv sʌmθɪŋ/sʌmbədi aʊt (əv sʌmθɪŋ) /v.排除;不包括;忽略Don’t leave me out of the fun. 别把我排除在乐趣之外。
and the like/ænd ðə laɪk /n.等等;以及诸如此类He enjoys reading books, magazines, and the like. 他喜欢阅读书籍、杂志等等。



1. Pasteur’s method of immunization by injecting the attenuated virus was used successfully in the treatment of rabies.

  • A. decayed
  • B. refined
  • C. weakened
  • D. cultivated

正确答案: C. weaken 削弱,减弱

  • decay 腐蚀;衰败,衰弱
  • cultivate 栽培,种植;培养,培育

2. The Pyramids of Egypt, built at Giza during the 4th Dynasty, are the oldest of the seven wonders and the only ones remaining intact today.

  • A. unimagined
  • B. unrivaled
  • C. undamaged
  • D. unoccupied

正确答案:C. undamaged 未损坏的

  • unrivaled 无与伦比的;没有对手的;无可匹敌的

3. Seeking to control inflation, Kennedy in April 1962 forced several of the leading steel companies to rescind a price increase.

  • A. repeal
  • B. enforce
  • C. evade
  • D. constrain

正确答案:A. repeal 撤销,废除

  • enforce 使服从(法律);(强制)实行,执行,把…强加于
  • evade 逃脱,躲开;回避,逃避
  • constrain 限制;约束;束缚

4. English scorn for Native Americans no doubt derived in large measure from the tension and friction generated by the English desire to acquire more and more land.

  • A. impulse
  • B. strain
  • C. rage
  • D. clash

正确答案:D. clash 冲突

  • tension (精神上的)紧张,焦虑,焦急
  • friction (观点不同者之间的)摩擦,不和
  • impulse 冲动,突然的强烈欲望
  • strain 压力,拉力;(肌肉等软组织的)损伤
  • rage(一阵)盛怒;(一阵)狂怒

5. Planning for the future becomes difficult when activities that could help tomorrow’s generations may seem idealistic to those for whom survival is at stake.

  • A. at risk
  • B. at a loss
  • C. at random
  • D. at any cost

正确答案:A. at risk 处境危险

  • at random = by chance 任意地;随意地;随机地
  • at a loss 不知所措,困惑;(经营)亏本地
  • at any cost 无论如何;在任何代价下

6. The notion that human beings can know anything absolutely, as God knows, seemed to be highly presumptuous.

  • A. erroneous
  • B. over-confident
  • C. ridiculous
  • D. unworkable

正确答案:B. over-confident 过于自信的

  • erroneous 错误的,不正确的
  • ridiculous 愚蠢的;荒唐的,可笑的
  • unworkable (计划)不可行的,难以实施的

7. To reach Greece, German troops had to be sent through the Balkan countries, all of them officially neutral. Hitler managed to bully these countries into accepting the passage of German troops.

  • A. provoke
  • B. intimidate
  • C. crush
  • D. trick

正确答案:B. intimidate 恐吓;威胁

  • provoke 激起,引起(尤指负面反应)
  • crush 挤压,拥挤;弄皱(纸或布);压坏

8. Files are lost when they are inadvertently deleted, when on-disk information about their storage is damaged, or when the disk is damaged.

  • A. unalterably
  • B. unintentionally
  • C. undoubtedly
  • D. undesirably

正确答案:B. unintentionally 无意中

  • unalterably 不可改变地
  • undesirably 讨厌的;不良分子

9. In the history of religions and cultures, nature worship as a definite and complex system of belief or as a predominant form of religion has not been well documented.

  • A. advocated
  • B. enhanced
  • C. circulated
  • D. proved

正确答案:D. proved 证明

  • advocate 主张,拥护,支持,提倡
  • circulate (使)循环;(使)流通

10. Primitive accumulation in English economic history was epitomized by the record of land enclosure.

  • A. exemplified
  • B. initiated
  • C. motivated
  • D. categorized

正确答案:A. exemplified 例示;举例说明;例证;是…的典型

  • initiate 开始,创始
  • categorize 对…进行分类,将…归类


1. A person’s religious beliefs and forms of worship are matters of strictly private conscience, into which no government act or official may___.

  • A. interfere
  • B. intrude
  • C. intervene
  • D. infringe

正确答案:B. intrude 打扰,闯入,侵扰(不必要或不受欢迎的参与)

  • interfere 干涉,干预(积极的参与)
  • intervene 干涉,干预;调停(是指需要参与到一种情况中来改变结果或防止某些事情发生)
  • infringe 违反,违背(规定、法律等)

2. Essential to all automatic-control mechanisms is the feedback principle, which enables a designer to ___ a machine with the capacity for self-correction.

  • A. install
  • B. feed
  • C. endow
  • D. implant

正确答案:C. endow 天生赋予;捐钱,捐赠,资助

  • implant (手术中)植入,移植;灌输(想法)

3. Having to ask for assistance was ___for many men who had thought of themselves as self-sufficient and breadwinners for their families.

  • A. humiliating
  • B. perplexing
  • C. challenging
  • D. irritating

正确答案:A. humiliating 丢脸的;使人蒙受耻辱的

  • perplexing 令人不解的,迷惑的
  • irritating 恼人的,令人厌烦的

4. NATO troops were sent into Bosnia to oversee the implementation of the agreement, which calls for the of the ___republic into Muslim-Croat and Serb areas.

  • A. acquisition
  • B. separation
  • C. partition
  • D. dislocation

正确答案:C. partition 分割;隔断

  • acquisition 获得;收购
  • dislocation 负面影响,混乱,紊乱

5. Slum structures are characterized by ___materials, lack of underground sewerage, unsanitary conditions, and tenements of one-room apartments.

  • A. feeble
  • B. flimsy
  • C. flexible
  • D. faint

正确答案:B. flimsy 脆弱的;不结实的;劣质的

  • feeble 虚弱的;衰弱的,无力的
  • flexible 灵活的;可变通的
  • faint 微弱的;不清晰的;微小的

6. A highly adapted hibernator, such as a ground squirrel, will ___underground at the appropriate season, reduce its body temperature drastically within a few hours, and become dormant.

  • A. revert
  • B. retreat
  • C. resort
  • D. recede

正确答案:B. retreat 撤退;后退

  • revert 回复
  • resort 度假胜地;旅游胜地
  • recede 逐渐远离;变得模糊,逐渐淡漠

7. When people are said to have bad grammar, the inference is that they ___the rules of accepted usage associated with the language they speak.

  • A. leave over
  • B. leave off
  • C. leave out
  • D. leave behind

正确答案:C. leave out 遗漏;省略

  • leave over 离开;剩下
  • leave off 停止,中断(做某事)
  • leave behind 把…抛在后面;永久离开;留下,抛下

8. America’s secondary school adjusted itself more and more to preparing the young for everyday living, and it went to great ___ to accommodate the generality of young America with courses in driving, cookery, carpentry, and the like.

  • A. endeavors
  • B. lengths
  • C. ventures
  • D. attempts

正确答案:B. lengths 长度;(书或文件等的)篇幅

  • go to great lengths to 竭尽全力;不遗余力
  • endeavor 努力;尽力,试图
  • venture (有风险的)企业;投机活动;商业冒险

9. ___ the potential of new technology and the accompanying advances in science, it is possible to foresee a world in which a relatively stable human population can live at a high level of material affluence.

  • A. On the point of
  • B. For the sake of
  • C. In view of
  • D. As a result of

正确答案:C. In view of 鉴于;考虑到

  • On the point of 正要…之际;就要…之时
  • For the sake of 为了…起见

10. The Balkan Pact, a mutual-defense agreement between Greece, Turkey, Romania, and Yugoslavia, was intended to guarantee the signatories’ territorial ___ and political independence against attack by another Balkan state.

  • A. integrity
  • B. prosperity
  • C. originality
  • D. continuity

正确答案:A. integrity 完整

  • prosperity 成功;(尤指经济上的)繁荣,昌盛



intrigue (联想interest兴趣)/ɪnˈtriːɡ /v./n.激起…的兴趣;阴谋,密谋The mystery story intrigued me. 这个神秘的故事引起了我的兴趣。
adolescence(adol 成年 + -escence 动作的起始)/ˌædəˈlesns /n.青春期;成长期Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. 青春期是从童年到成年的过渡期。
unencumbered (encumber阻碍)/ˌʌnɪnˈkʌmbəd /adj.不受限制的;无负担的;无阻碍的He felt unencumbered by the past. 他觉得自己不受过去的拖累。
improvisational (improvise即兴创作)/ˌɪmprəvaɪˈzeɪʃənl /adj.即兴的;无准备的;即席创作的He is good at improvisational comedy. 他擅长即兴喜剧。
coherence(co-一起到到这儿here就是一致)/kəʊˈhɪərəns /n.一致;连贯性;凝聚性The coherence of his argument impressed the audience. 他的论点的连贯性给观众留下了深刻的印象。
arbitrary (arbiter仲裁人)/ˈɑːbɪtrəri /adj.随心所欲的;专横的;武断的His decision was arbitrary and unfair. 他的决定是随心所欲和不公平的。
individuation (individual有个性的)/ɪnˌdɪvɪdʒuˈeɪʃn /n.个性化;个体化;个别化He stressed the importance of individuation in education. 他强调了教育中个性化的重要性。
autonomous(autonomy自治,自治权)/ɔːˈtɒnəməs /adj.独立的,自制的;自治的;自主的The region became fully autonomous in 1995. 这个地区在1995年实现了完全自治。
exacerbate(exac加重,恶化)/ɪɡˈzæsəbeɪt /v.使加剧;使恶化;激怒The bad weather exacerbated the traffic problems. 恶劣的天气加剧了交通问题。
anomalous(anomaly异常,反常现象)/əˈnɒmələs /adj.异常的;不规则的;不恰当的His behavior was anomalous and unpredictable. 他的行为异常而不可预测。
peer/pɪə( r) /n./v.同等地位的人,同龄人;仔细看,盯着看,费力地看He peered at me over his glasses. 他透过眼镜盯着我看。
amnesia/æmˈniːziə /n.健忘症,[内科] 记忆缺失;遗忘症(对某一事件或一段时间内发生事情完全或部分遗忘)He suffered from amnesia after the accident. 他在事故后患上了健忘症。
self-made (靠自己self做到了made)/ˌself ˈmeɪd/adj.靠个人奋斗成功的He is a self-made millionaire. 他是一个白手起家的百万富翁。
generalize (把普遍的general概括概括)/ˈdʒenrəlaɪz /v.概括;推广;归纳You can’t generalize from a few examples. 你不能根据几个例子就作出一般性的结论。
conversely(converse相反的)/ˈkɒnvɜːsli /adv.相反地;反过来说He was regarded as honest by some, and conversely as a liar by others. 有些人认为他诚实,而另一些人则反过来认为他是个骗子。
nostalgia/nɒˈstældʒə /n.乡愁;怀旧之情He felt a wave of nostalgia for his childhood. 他对童年感到一阵怀旧。
contour/ˈkɒntʊə( r) /n./v.外形,轮廓;画轮廓;使…成曲线形The map shows the contour of the coastline. 地图显示了海岸线的轮廓。
realm(这个大门m真的real是我的领域)/relm/n.领域,范围;王国,国度The issue is beyond the realm of our discussion. 这个问题超出了我们讨论的范围。
par excellence/pɑːr eksəˈlɒns /adj./adv.出类拔萃的;最卓越的;极其地;非常地He is a diplomat par excellence. 他是一个出类拔萃的外交家。
utilitarian (utility实用)/juːˌtɪlɪˈteəriən /adj./n.实用的;功利的;功利主义者;实用主义者The furniture was plain and utilitarian. 家具朴素而实用。
pilgrimage/ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ /n./v.朝拜之行;朝圣之地;朝圣;到朝圣地朝拜或参观He made a pilgrimage to Mecca. 他去麦加朝圣。
cosmos(cos数学函数,mos计算机mos管,数学+计算机=宇宙)/ˈkɒzmɒs /n.宇宙;和谐;秩序;一种花卉(波斯菊)The cosmos is vast and mysterious. 宇宙是广阔而神秘的。
doctrinaire(doctrine教条)/ˌdɒktrɪˈneə( r) /adj./n.教条主义的;空谈理论的;教条主义者;空谈理论者He was criticized for being too doctrinaire in his approach. 他因为在处理问题上太过教条主义而受到批评。
constrict (一起con严肃strict会让人收缩)/kənˈstrɪkt /v.压缩;束紧;收缩(血管、肌肉等)The snake constricted its prey to death. 蛇把猎物勒死了。
mores(风俗还有更多more)/ˈmɔːreɪz/n.习俗;风俗Mores vary from culture to culture. 风俗因文化而异。
jettison (他开喷气式飞机jet抛弃我)/ˈdʒetɪsn/v.放弃,处理掉(不需要或不想要的东西)He jettisoned his old friends when he became famous. 他成名后就抛弃了他的老朋友。
aspiration/ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/n.渴望;抱负He had high aspirations for his career. 他对自己的事业有着高远的抱负。
nihilism (nihil虚无)/ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm /n.虚无主义;怀疑论;无政府主义He was accused of spreading nihilism among the youth. 他被指控在青年中散布虚无主义思想。
hegemonic/ˌhedʒəˈmɒnɪk /adj.霸权的;支配的;领导的The US is often seen as a hegemonic power in the world. 美国常被视为世界上的霸权国家。
impoverish(poverty贫穷)/ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃ /v.使贫穷;使贫瘠;使枯竭The war impoverished the country. 战争使这个国家贫穷了。
vacuous(vacuo真空)/ˈvækjuəs /adj.空的;空虚的;空洞的;无意义的His smile was vacuous and meaningless. 他的微笑是空洞而毫无意义的。
void/vɔɪd /adj./n./v.无效的;空的;缺乏的;空隙;空虚感;使无效;清空The contract was declared void by the court. 合同被法院宣布无效。
make sense/meɪk sens /v.有意义;讲得通;言之有理His explanation doesn’t make sense to me. 我听不懂他的解释。
in a sense/ɪn ə sens /adv.在某种意义上;从某种角度看In a sense, he was right. 在某种意义上,他是对的。
above all/əˈbɒv ɔːl /adv.最重要的是;首先;尤其是Above all, be honest with yourself. 最重要的是,对自己要诚实。
give birth to sth/sb/ɡɪv bɜːθ tu sʌmθɪŋ/sʌmbədi /v.产生,造成;生(孩子)She gave birth to twins. 她生了一对双胞胎。
in part/ɪn pɑːt /adv.部分地;在某种程度上His success was due in part to his hard work. 他的成功在一定程度上归功于他的努力工作。
get to the bottom of sth/ɡet tu ðə ˈbɒtəm əv sʌmθɪŋ /v.弄清真相;查明原因We need to get to the bottom of this mystery. 我们需要弄清这个谜团的真相。
on one’s own/ɒn wʌnz əʊn /adv.独立地;独自地;主动地;凭自己的能力或资源He did it on his own initiative. 他是主动做的。
(be) trapped in sth/sb/(bi) træpt ɪn sʌmθɪŋ/sʌmbədi/v.被困在…里;被…所困扰They were trapped in a burning building. 他们被困在一栋着火的建筑里。



1. Theorists argue that dependence upon foreign capital, technology, and expertise encumbers economic development in developing countries.

  • A. imposes
  • B. hinders
  • C. sustains
  • D. eliminates

正确答案:B. hinder 阻碍

  • impose 把(尤指信仰或生活方式)强加于;推行;强制实行;打扰,麻烦
  • eliminate 排除,消除;清除;(比赛中)淘汰

2. “Death of a salesman” reveals the aloneness of an ordinary, undistinguished man.Undeniably poignant, the play approaches true tragedy.

  • A. miserable
  • B. pessimistic
  • C. vigorous
  • D. distressing

正确答案:D. distressing 使痛苦的;悲伤的;使烦恼的

  • poignant 令人痛苦的,酸楚的;深深打动人的
  • miserable 痛苦的,可怜的;令人难受的,令人痛苦的
  • pessimistic 悲观的;悲观主义的
  • vigorous 充满活力的;精力充沛的

3. Self-acceptance, environmental mastery and autonomy usually improve as a person ages and gains life experience.

  • A. maturity
  • B. intellect
  • C. independence
  • D. awareness

正确答案:C. independence 独立地

  • awareness 意识;察觉,觉悟

4. The idea that people fall into certain personality type categories in relation to bodily characteristics has intrigued numerous modern psychologists.

  • A. provoked
  • B. gratified
  • C. inspired
  • D. fascinated

正确答案:D. fascinated 吸引

  • provoke 激起,激怒;挑衅
  • gratify 使高兴;使满意

5. In the human brain there are approximately 10000000000 neurons. Each neuron has its own function, depending on its intrinsic properties and location.

  • A. integral
  • B. inherent
  • C. internal
  • D. intimate

正确答案:B. inherent 固有的,与生俱来的

  • intrinsic 内在的,固有的;本身的
  • integral 完整的;不可或缺的
  • internal (机构)内部的;本身的;本质
  • intimate 亲密的;密切的

6. Humanistic themes and techniques were woven deeply into the development of Italian Renaissance art; conversely, the general theme of “art” was prominent in humanistic discourse.

  • A. oppositely
  • B. consequently
  • C. evidently
  • D. presently

正确答案:A. oppositely 反向地;在相反的位置

  • evidently 显然;明显地
  • presently 目前;眼下

7. During the period of the Ming Dynasty, the fortification of the Great Wall reached a length of about 2400 km, following the course of rivers instead of conforming to the contours of the mountains and valleys in its path.

  • A. slopes
  • B. ranges
  • C. outlines
  • D. tunnels

正确答案:C. outlines 轮廓

  • conform 符合;遵守(规则、法律等);顺应(大多数人或社会)
  • slope 斜坡

8. More than one-half of the national population now live in the central cities .This distribution of population exacerbates the effects of natural disaster in a zone prone to seismic activity.

  • A. minimizes
  • B. manifests
  • C. counteracts
  • D. aggravates

正确答案:D. aggravates 加重;使恶化

  • manifest 表明;显示,显现
  • counteract 抵消;抵抗,抵制

9. It has proved to be more profitable to concentrate on the specific explanation of individual cases of change in animal behavior rather than to search for broad explanatory principles that end up being nearly vacuous.

  • A. boundless
  • B. truthless
  • C. listless
  • D. meaningless

正确答案:D. meaningless 无意义的

  • boundless 无限的;无止境的
  • listless 无精打采的,没有活力的;不热情的

10. Genesis is still regarded by many as a literal account of creation, the view of most Christians and Jews. Others see the book as myth or legend expressive merely of tribal beliefs, superstitions, and mores.

  • A. doctrines
  • B. additions
  • C. customs
  • D. modes

正确答案:C. customs 习俗

  • doctrine 学说;教条
  • mode 模式,方式;形式,风格


1. The history of Namibia is not well chronicled. its () geographic position limited contact with the outside world until the nineteenth century.

  • A. alienated
  • B. inherited
  • C. isolated
  • D. individuated

正确答案:C. isolated 偏远的

  • alienated 疏远的;被疏远的
  • individuated 使个性化的

2. These Protestants stressed ethical and moral behavior, rather than () to formal creeds, as essential to Christian life.

  • A. coherence
  • B. adherence
  • C. inference
  • D. recurrence

正确答案:B. adherence 坚持;遵守;遵循

  • inference 推断
  • recurrence 重现;复发

3. His formal education being private and scanty, Symons considered himself self-educated and as a writer, ().

  • A. self-styled
  • B. self-satisfied
  • C. self-made
  • D. self-willed

正确答案:C. self-made 白手起家的,自我奋斗的

  • self-styled 自封的;自诩的
  • self-satisfied 自鸣得意的;沾沾自喜的
  • self-willed 任性的;固执的;倔强的

4. Military communications or signaling () all means of transmitting messages, orders, and reports, both in the field and at sea and bet ween headquarters and distant installations or ships.

  • A. constitute
  • B. comprise
  • C. compose
  • D. compound

正确答案:B. comprise 由…组成

  • compound 化合物;混合物;复合物

5. Adult hood was viewed as a time of (), a period when what had been developed earlier was utilized.

  • A. continuity
  • B. affinity
  • C. conformity
  • D. individuality

正确答案:A. continuity 连续性

  • affinity 密切关系;喜爱
  • conformity 一致性;(对社会规则的)遵从,遵守

6. Although China has so many people and its economic output per person is small, it has one of the world’s largest economies () its total economic production.

  • A. in advance of
  • B. in relation to
  • C. in terms of
  • D. in accord with

正确答案:C. in terms of 从……的角度

  • in advance of 在…之前;超过
  • in relation to 与…有关;与…相比较
  • in accord with (与…)一致;(与…)相符

7. The arteries expand and then () with each beat of the heart, a rhythmic movement that may be felt as the pulse.

  • A. constrict
  • B. shrink
  • C. dwindle
  • D. wither

正确答案: A. constrict 紧缩

  • shrink (使)缩水;退缩
  • dwindle (逐渐)减少;缩小
  • wither (使)枯萎,萎缩

8. Abusive parents and caretakers may try to () their methods of punishment as a way of punishing children for being “bad” or of scaring them into being “good”.

  • A. testify
  • B. identify
  • C. certify
  • D. justify

正确答案:D. justify 证明

  • testify (尤指出庭)作证;证明,证实;见证(上帝的存在)
  • certify (尤指书面)证实;颁发(或授予)专业合格证书
  • identify 识别;确认;说明身份

9. The contributions of Greece and Rome in philosophy and religion, poetry and drama ,and in the ( ) of specific speculation stand in spectacular contrast with their relatively limited contributions in technology.

  • A. prospect
  • B. realm
  • C. feature
  • D. scene

正确答案:B. realm 范围,领域

  • prospect 前景;展望

10. In the third century BC, Chu and two other states, Chi in the east and Qin in the west, finally absorbed all of the other little states and began a () struggle for supreme control of China.

  • A. desperate
  • B. radical
  • C. profound
  • D. extreme

正确答案:A. desperate 令人绝望的

  • radical 激进的;根本的;极端的
  • profound 巨大的,重大的;(思想)深邃的

Lesson EPC Last Day on Earth


drain/dreɪn /v./n.流入;排水;耗尽;下水道The water slowly drained away. 水慢慢流走了。
crystallization/ˌkrɪstəlaɪˈzeɪʃn /n.结晶;具体化The crystallization of salt from seawater is a physical change. 盐从海水中结晶是一种物理变化。
at the peak of sth/æt ðə piːk əv sʌmθɪŋ /adv.在…的巅峰时期;在…的最高点He was at the peak of his career when he died. 他死时正处于事业的巅峰。
outstretched/ˌaʊtˈstretʃt /adj.伸展的;延伸的He reached out with an outstretched hand. 他伸出一只伸直的手。
push oneself up/pʊʃ wʌnself ʌp /v.把…推高;使…上升;俯卧撑(健身动作)He pushed himself up to a sitting position. 他把自己推到一个坐着的姿势。
exile/ˈeksɪl /n./v.流亡者;流放;放逐;使流亡;使流放;使放逐He spent 15 years in exile in France. 他在法国流亡了15年。
banish/ˈbænɪʃ /v.放逐、赶走;消除(念头、感情等)He was banished from his homeland for political reasons. 他因政治原因被放逐出国。
expel/ɪkˈspel /v.驱逐;开除;发射He was expelled from school for cheating. 他因为作弊被学校开除了。
gilded/ˈɡɪldɪd /adj./v.镀金的;熠熠生辉的The gilded dome shone in the sun. 镀金的圆顶在阳光下闪闪发光。
glint/ɡlɪnt /v./n.闪烁;闪光;闪耀;闪耀物The sun glinted on the water. 阳光在水面上闪烁。
glitter/ˈɡlɪtə( r)/v./n.闪亮;闪耀;闪光;光彩夺目Her eyes glittered with excitement. 她的眼睛因兴奋而闪亮。
imperceptibly/ˌɪmpəˈseptəbli/adv.察觉不到地;极细微地He nodded imperceptibly to indicate his agreement. 他微微点头表示同意。
drowsing/ˈdraʊzɪŋ/adj./v.打瞌睡的;昏昏欲睡地He was drowsing on the sofa. 他在沙发上打瞌睡。
at his elbow/æt hɪz ˈelbəʊ/adv.在他的身边;在他手边She was always at his elbow, ready to help. 她总是在他身边,随时准备帮忙。
fogging/ˈfɒɡɪŋ/n./v.使困惑;起雾;使模糊The fogging of the windows made it hard to see outside. 窗户上的雾使得很难看到外面。
serum/ˈsɪərəm/n.血清;浆液;乳清He injected himself with snake venom and serum. 他给自己注射了蛇毒和血清。
antidote/ˈæntɪdəʊt/n.解毒药;解毒剂;矫正方法There is no antidote to this poison. 这种毒药没有解药。
ingrained/ɪnˈɡreɪnd /adj.根深蒂固的;深入的;难以去除的His habits are deeply ingrained. 他的习惯根深蒂固。
jot/dʒɒt /v./n.匆匆写下;少量;一点点He jotted down her phone number on a piece of paper. 他匆匆地把她的电话号码写在一张纸上。
jerky scrawl/ˈdʒɜːki skrɔːl /n.潦草写下、记下;潦草的字迹;乱涂乱画His handwriting was a jerky scrawl that was hard to read. 他的字迹是一种潦草的涂鸦,很难辨认。
set about sth/sb/set əˈbaʊt sʌmθɪŋ/sʌmbədi /v.着手,开始;攻击,袭击He set about his homework with enthusiasm. 他热情地着手做作业。
resurgent/rɪˈsɜːdʒənt /adj.复兴的;恢复生机活力的;再度流行的The resurgent economy gave people hope for the future. 复苏的经济给人们带来了对未来的希望。
dune/duːn /n.沙丘;沙山;沙堆The children enjoyed playing on the dunes. 孩子们喜欢在沙丘上玩耍。
glass slide/ɡlɑːs slaɪd /n.载玻片(显微镜用)He put the specimen on a glass slide and examined it under the microscope. 他把标本放在载玻片上,在显微镜下观察。
poignant/ˈpɔɪnjənt/adj.令人沉痛的;令人心酸的He told us a poignant story of love and loss. 他给我们讲了一个关于爱与失去的令人心酸的故事。
take time off/teɪk taɪm ɒf/v.休息;请假;暂停工作或学习He took time off to visit his family. 他请了假去看望他的家人。
throb/θrɒb/v./n.跳动;悸动;跳动声;悸动感His voice was throbbing with emotion.他的声音激动得颤抖。
fan out/fæn aʊt/v.扩散开;呈扇形展开;搜索The soldiers fanned out across the field. 士兵们呈扇形在田野上展开。
called away/kɔːld əˈweɪ/v.被叫走了;被叫开了He was called away on urgent business. 他因为紧急的事情被叫走了。
detachment/dɪˈtætʃmənt/拆卸;独立;超然;公正;冷漠n.Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment.我在这份公开信里写的每一个词都出自于爱、自我认同、独立和真正的心满意足。
seduce/sɪˈdjuːs/v.引诱;诱惑;勾引He tried to seduce her with promises of money. 他试图用金钱的诱惑来引诱她。
hail/heɪl /v./n.招手(请出租车或公共汽车停下);赞扬;招呼;下冰雹He hailed a taxi and left. 他招了一辆出租车就走了。
threshold/ˈθreʃhəʊld /n.门槛;阈值He stepped across the threshold into the dark room. 他跨过门槛走进黑暗的房间。
bound/baʊnd /v./n./adj.跳跃;弹回;限制;受约束的The dog bounded towards its owner. 狗向它的主人跳去。
rattle/ˈrætl /v./n.(使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音;吓唬;使紧张不安;咔嗒声;拨浪鼓;喋喋不休的人The baby was playing with a rattle. 婴儿正在玩拨浪鼓。
exult/ɪɡˈzʌlt /v.欢腾;欢快;狂喜;欢欣鼓舞;兴高采烈He exulted in his victory. 他为自己的胜利而欢腾。
elixir/ɪˈlɪksə( r) /n.灵丹妙药;长生不老药;万能药here is no elixir of life in the world. 世界上没有长生不老药。
lagoon/ləˈɡuːn/n.小淡水湖;泻湖;环礁湖The island is surrounded by a turquoise lagoon. 岛屿被一片碧绿的环礁湖环绕。
lollipop/ˈlɒlɪpɒp/n.棒棒糖;冰棍She bought a lollipop for her little brother. 她给她的小弟弟买了一个棒棒糖。
starch/stɑːtʃ/v./n.把(衣服、床单等)浆一浆;淀粉;浆糊He starched his shirt collar to make it stiff. 他给衬衫领子浆了一下,使它挺硬。
brink/brɪŋk/n.边缘,边际;危险边缘He’s pulled the company back from the brink. 他使公司起死回生。
on the brink of sth/ɒn ðə brɪŋk əv sʌmθɪŋ/adv.在…的边缘;在…的危险中;在…的关键时刻The country was on the brink of civil war. 这个国家处于内战的边缘。
smother/ˈsmʌðə( r) /v./n.扼制;使窒息;被压制的感情He smothered her with kisses. 他热烈地吻她。
piece together/piːs təˈɡeðə /v.拼凑成;拼合;拼接He tried to piece together the events of that night. 他试图拼凑出那晚发生的事情。
assemble/əˈsembl /v./n.组装、聚集;集会They assembled in the meeting room. 他们在会议室集合。
impartiality/ˌɪmpɑːʃiˈæləti /n.公正,公平;不偏不倚The judge must act with impartiality. 法官必须公正行事。
irrevocable/ɪˈrevəkəbl/adj.无法改变的;不可更改的;不能取消的The decision is irrevocable once you sign the contract. 一旦你签了合同,这个决定就无法改变了。
irreversible/ɪrɪˈvɜːsəbl/adj.不可逆转,不可改变的;不能撤销的The damage to the environment is irreversible. 对环境造成的损害是不可逆转的。
quicken/ˈkwɪkən/v.加快,加速;使…活跃His pulse quickened at the sight of her. 看到她,他的脉搏加快了。
arouse/əˈraʊz/v.激起;唤醒The speech aroused the anger of the crowd. 演讲激起了人群的愤怒。
rejoice/rɪˈdʒɔɪs/v.非常高兴;深感欣喜;使…高兴We rejoiced at the news of his recovery. 我们听到他康复的消息感到非常高兴。
stack/stæk/vt.堆积,叠放;堆积如山I’ve got stacks of work to do. 我有一大堆活儿要做。
gasp/ɡasp/v.喘息,倒抽一口气;大吃一惊She gasped at the wonderful view. 如此美景使她惊讶得屏住了呼吸。
blur/blɜːr/vt.模糊,使不清晰;使模糊不清Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off. 我摘掉眼镜什么都变得模糊不清。
frown/fraʊn/v.皱眉,蹙眉;不满She frowned with concentration. 她全神贯注,紧锁双眉。
frown upon/on/fraʊn ʌpon/v.不满,反对I suppose they frown upon that sort of thing nowadays. 我想如今人们不会赞同这事情。
vulnerable/ˈvʌlnərəbl/adj.脆弱的,易受伤害的She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own. 她独自站在那里,看上去弱不禁风。
call forth/kɔːl fɔːrθ/vt.唤起,激发;召集Great crises often call forth gifted leaders. 危急存亡之际常能产生天才的领袖。



1. The black cultures are not well supported by formal institutions or the government, owing both to doubts as to what would enable rather than smother their development and to a lack of fiscal resources.

  • A. extinguish
  • B. stimulate
  • C. initiate
  • D. suppress

正确答案:D. suppress 镇压,抑制

  • stimulate 刺激;促进;促进(身体某部分)的功能
  • initiate 开始;发起

2. With the rise of naturalistic writing demanding realism, slang began to creep into English literature even though many people who aspired to gentility banished it from the home.

  • A. expelled
  • B. banned
  • C. rejected
  • D. exempted

正确答案:A. expell 驱逐,排出

  • exempt 豁免;免除

3. Much of what is now known about the history of Rome was pieced together from surviving objects and illuminated manuscripts.

  • A. deduced
  • B. assembled
  • C. assimilated
  • D. detached

正确答案:B. assemble 装配,组合

  • deduce 推断;演绎;推论
  • assimilate (使)同化;使吸收,使接受(想法、态度等)
  • detach 拆卸;(使)分开,脱离;离开

4. Because he had been emotionally involved with the client, he was unable to examine the issue with detachment.

  • A. impartiality
  • B. isolation
  • C. Independence
  • D. disclosure

正确答案:A. impartiality 公正,公平;不偏不倚

  • disclosure 公开;披露,透露

5. Reading these books brought back poignant memories of her school life during the Cultural Revolution.

  • A. painful
  • B. delightful
  • C. agreeable
  • D. comfortless

正确答案:A. painful 痛苦的,心酸的

6. Goats are agile animals in the wild state, bounding from rock to rock and landing with both front feet close together.

  • A. strolling
  • B. jogging
  • C. leaping
  • D. chasing

正确答案:C. leaping 跳跃

  • stroll 散步;闲逛;溜达
  • jog 慢跑(尤指锻炼)

7. The colouring of granite is not uniform but has a salt-and-pepper quality and may glint with quartz crystals.

  • A. glitter
  • B. dazzle
  • C. click
  • D. spark

正确答案:A. glitter 闪烁

  • dazzle (美貌、技能等)使倾倒,使赞叹不已
  • spark 火花;电火花

8. As a rule, an irrevocable claim to the pension rights is gained only after the person has worked with the employer for a given number of years or has reached a given age.

  • A. irritable
  • B. irreversible
  • C. irresponsible
  • D. irresistible

正确答案:B. irreversible 不可改变的;不能取消的

9. International interest has been quickened by an alternative system of education, integrating vocational skills into the secondary curriculum.

  • A. regained
  • B. provoked
  • C. accentuated
  • D. aroused

正确答案:D. arouse 激起,唤发

  • provoke 激起,激怒;挑衅
  • accentuate 强调;使突出;着重

10. Some acts of worship arise from the need of the worshipper to exult in praise of the holy and to express his gratitude that his situation, in fact, has changed for the better.

  • A. congratulate
  • B. rejoice
  • C. fascinate
  • D. celebrate

正确答案:B. rejoice 狂喜,欢欣鼓舞;非常高兴

  • fascinate 迷住,入迷;深深吸引


1. Some species of animals in Canada have adapted very well to new environments and they have been brought back from the ________ of extinction by conservation efforts.

  • A. brink
  • B. margin
  • C. brim
  • D. fringe

正确答案:A. brink 边缘

2. Most hard drives in a computer have multiple platters ________on top of one another, each with its own read-write heads.

  • A. shuffled
  • B. stacked
  • C. fanned
  • D. swirled

正确答案:B. stacked 放有大量…的;使成叠地放在…

  • swirl (使)打旋,旋动

3. In a comparably skeptical spirit, current feminist critics draw attention to literary evidence of ________ prejudice against women or stereotypic views of women.

  • A. heartened
  • B. cherished
  • C. ingrained
  • D. treasured

正确答案:C. ingrained 根深蒂固的;彻头彻尾的

4. As the acrobat on the stage fell off the tightrope, there were ________ of horror from the spectators.

  • A. puffs
  • B. gasps
  • C. sniffs
  • D. breaths

正确答案:B. gasps 喘气

  • sniff (吸着气)嗅;闻

5. Troubled by her near-sightedness, Jane has to wear her glasses wherever she goes, otherwise everything will be a ________.

  • A. mess
  • B. dimness
  • C. blur
  • D. confusion

正确答案:C. blur 模糊

  • dimness 昏暗;不清楚;混沌

6. Zola’s novels ________ with a passionate love of life, a life which he showed as tortured and twisted by character and condition.

  • A. throb
  • B. furnish
  • C. release
  • D. thrive

正确答案:A. throb 跳动,悸动

  • furnish 提供;布置家具
  • thrive 繁荣;蓬勃发展

7. Though Jews ________ upon alcoholic beverages, they do not forbid them, and wine is an important element in many rituals and feasts.

  • A. wink
  • B. frown
  • C. sneer
  • D. shrug

正确答案:B. frown 不满意,反对

  • sneer 嘲笑;讥讽

8. The main purpose of protection apparatus is to prevent damage to the most ________ part of the motor.

  • A. viable
  • B. valuable
  • C. venerable
  • D. vulnerable

正确答案:D. vulnerable 易碎的

  • viable 可行的;可实施的
  • venerable (因年高、显要、智慧等)令人尊重的,值得敬重的,受敬佩的

9. Many of the stimulus words may appear to be emotionally neutral; of special interest are words that tend to ________ personalized reactions.

  • A. call forth
  • B. call off
  • C. call away
  • D. call down

正确答案:A. call forth 唤起;使产生;使起作用

  • call off 取消,撤销(原定活动)
  • call away 叫走,叫到别处
  • call down 招惹;责骂

10. Xin An Jiang River Dam was constructed between 1957 and 1977, and its completion was ________ as a triumph of Chinese technology.

  • A. endorsed
  • B. illustrated
  • C. hailed
  • D. witnessed

正确答案:C. hail 赞扬

  • endorse (公开)赞同;支持;代言(某一产品);(在广告中)宣传
  • illustrate 说明;(用示例、图画等)解释




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