用python写代码:pip list
列出:pip install 库1 库2 库3 这种输出
以下是使用Python编写代码来实现类似pip list
和pip install package1 package2 package3
import pkg_resources
# 列出已安装的包和版本
installed_packages = [p for p in pkg_resources.working_set]
for package in installed_packages:
print(f"{package.project_name} ({package.version})")
# 安装指定的包
packages_to_install = ["package1", "package2", "package3"]
for package in packages_to_install:
print(f"{package} is already installed")
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
print(f"Installing {package}...")
# 执行安装命令,这里只是模拟输出
print(f"Successfully installed {package}")
/data/user/0/org.qpython.qpy/files/bin/qpy thon3.sh "/storage/emulated/0/qpython/数据 点1.1.1.py" && exit
python/数据点1.1.1.py" && exit < certifi (2023.7.22)
pytz (2022.6)
setuptools (65.5.0)
pyzmq (24.0.1)
pip (22.3.1)
attrs (22.1.0)
argon2-cffi (21.3.0)
packaging (21.3)
argon2-cffi-bindings (21.2.0)
virtualenv (20.24.5)
Faker (19.6.1)
clang (
rich (13.5.2)
Pillow (9.3.0)
mss (9.0.1)
ipython (8.6.0)
tenacity (8.2.3)
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ftfy (6.1.1)
cowsay (6.0)
plotly (5.16.1)
psutil (5.9.3)
nbformat (5.7.0)
traitlets (5.5.0)
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typing-extensions (4.7.1)
decorator (4.4.2)
widgetsnbextension (4.0.3)
simplejson (3.19.1)
zipp (3.16.2)
filelock (3.12.4)
platformdirs (3.10.0)
prettytable (3.8.0)
anyio (3.6.2)
matplotlib (3.6.1)
Markdown (3.4.4)
idna (3.4)
charset-normalizer (3.2.0)
XlsxWriter (3.1.3)
Jinja2 (3.1.2)
openpyxl (3.1.2)
networkx (3.1)
pyscreenshot (3.1)
prompt-toolkit (3.0.32)
pyparsing (3.0.9)
jupyterlab-widgets (3.0.3)
colorcet (3.0.1)
markdown-it-py (3.0.0)
ExifRead (3.0.0)
pyttsx3 (2.90)
imageio (2.31.2)
requests (2.31.0)
pycparser (2.21)
fastjsonschema (2.16.2)
Pygments (2.13.0)
dash (2.12.1)
Babel (2.12.1)
anytree (2.9.0)
python-dateutil (2.8.2)
emoji (2.8.0)
scapy (2.5.0)
sortedcontainers (2.4.0)
soupsieve (2.3.2.post1)
gTTS (2.3.2)
termcolor (2.3.0)
Flask (2.2.5)
Werkzeug (2.2.3)
QtPy (2.2.1)
itsdangerous (2.1.2)
MarkupSafe (2.1.1)
asttokens (2.1.0)
SciencePlots (2.1.0)
rembg (2.0.50)
mistune (2.0.4)
urllib3 (2.0.4)
pyecharts (2.0.3)
pyMd2Doc (2.0.2)
dash-html-components (2.0.0)
dash-core-components (2.0.0)
cleverbot (2.0.0)
mutagen (1.46.0)
numpy (1.23.4)
jupyter-server (1.21.0)
six (1.16.0)
cffi (1.15.1)
param (1.13.0)
sympy (1.12)
pyperclip (1.8.2)
Send2Trash (1.8.0)
ansi2html (1.8.0)
PySocks (1.7.1)
treelib (1.7.0)
debugpy (1.6.3)
blinker (1.6.2)
nest-asyncio (1.5.6)
pandas (1.5.1)
pandocfilters (1.5.0)
kiwisolver (1.4.4)
pystacker (1.4.4)
websocket-client (1.4.2)
pydot (1.4.2)
ffmpeg (1.4)
docxcompose (1.4.0)
install (1.3.5)
retrying (1.3.4)
sniffio (1.3.0)
mpmath (1.3.0)
arrow (1.2.3)
tinycss2 (1.2.1)
executing (1.2.0)
outcome (1.2.0)
XMind (1.2.0)
wsproto (1.2.0)
schedule (1.2.0)
exceptiongroup (1.1.3)
et-xmlfile (1.1.0)
EasyProcess (1.1)
entrypoint2 (1.1)
xmindparser (1.0.9)
PyMsgBox (1.0.9)
pytweening (1.0.7)
contourpy (1.0.6)
moviepy (1.0.3)
pyfiglet (1.0.2)
jupyter (1.0.0)
pypinyin (0.49.0)
jieba (0.42.1)
wheel (0.38.2)
pydub (0.25.1)
trio (0.22.2)
graphviz (0.20.1)
pyrsistent (0.19.2)
future (0.18.3)
jedi (0.18.1)
EbookLib (0.18)
terminado (0.17.0)
schemdraw (0.17)
docxtpl (0.16.7)
prometheus-client (0.15.0)
python3-xlib (0.15)
h11 (0.14.0)
pyqtgraph (0.13.3)
bottle (0.12.23)
cycler (0.11.0)
trio-websocket (0.10.3)
PyAutoGUI (0.9.54)
tabulate (0.9.0)
python-docx (0.8.11)
parso (0.8.3)
jeepney (0.8.0)
pickleshare (0.7.5)
defusedxml (0.7.1)
nbclient (0.7.0)
ptyprocess (0.7.0)
mplcyberpunk (0.7.0)
stack-data (0.6.0)
pyjokes (0.6.0)
webencodings (0.5.1)
pyct (0.5.0)
nbclassic (0.4.8)
imageio-ffmpeg (0.4.8)
entrypoints (0.4)
pytesseract (0.3.10)
matplotx (0.3.10)
termplotlib (0.3.9)
dill (0.3.7)
distlib (0.3.7)
textrank4zh (0.3)
wcwidth (0.2.5)
jupyterlab-pygments (0.2.2)
notebook-shim (0.2.2)
pure-eval (0.2.2)
backcall (0.2.0)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
PyRect (0.2.0)
ffmpeg-python (0.2.0)
PyScreeze (0.1.29)
proglog (0.1.10)
matplotlib-inline (0.1.6)
qbstyles (0.1.4)
MouseInfo (0.1.3)
mdurl (0.1.2)
ffprobe3 (0.1.2)
tk (0.1.0)
mindmap (0.0.65)
cyberpunk-theme (0.0.14)
PyGetWindow (0.0.9)
apigptcloud (0.0.9)
tkstyle (0.0.6)
snapshot-selenium (0.0.2)
py2flowchart (0.0.2)
flowchart (0.0.1)
Installing package1...
Successfully installed package1
Installing package2...
Successfully installed package2
Installing package3...
Successfully installed package3
#[QPython] Press enter to exit ...
import subprocess
import re
# 执行 pip list 命令并获取输出结果
output = subprocess.check_output("pip list", shell=True).decode()
# 使用正则表达式匹配库名列表
pattern = re.compile(r'^\S+')
library_names = pattern.findall(output, re.MULTILINE)[2:]
# 拼接库名列表为 pip install 命令
install_command = "pip install " + " ".join(library_names)
其中包括一条提示消息:“A new release of pip available”。这似乎是由 pip
根据这条提示消息,你可以尝试先升级 pip