
news2024/10/6 12:24:38
  • 线性回归是一种线性模型,例如,假设输入变量"(x) “与单一输出变量”(y) “之间存在线性关系的模型。更具体地说,输出变量”(y) “可以通过输入变量”(x) "的线性组合计算得出。单变量线性回归是一种线性回归,只有1个输入参数和1个输出标签。这里建立一个模型,根据 "人均 GDP "参数预测各国的 “幸福指数”。

    • 导包

      • import numpy as np
        import pandas as pd
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import sys
        # Import custom linear regression implementation.
        from homemade.linear_regression import LinearRegression
      • 关于自定义的线性回归py文件为:

      • # Import dependencies.
        import numpy as np
        from ..utils.features import prepare_for_training
        class LinearRegression:
            # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
            """Linear Regression Class"""
            def __init__(self, data, labels, polynomial_degree=0, sinusoid_degree=0, normalize_data=True):
                # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
                """Linear regression constructor.
                :param data: training set.
                :param labels: training set outputs (correct values).
                :param polynomial_degree: degree of additional polynomial features.
                :param sinusoid_degree: multipliers for sinusoidal features.
                :param normalize_data: flag that indicates that features should be normalized.表示应将特征标准化。
                # 标准化: 数据的标准化(normalization)是将数据按比例缩放,使之落入一个小的特定区间。在某些比较和评价的指标处理中经常会用到,去除数据的单位限制,将其转化为无量纲的纯数值。 常用的标准化有:Min-Max scaling, Z score
                # 中心化:即变量减去它的均值,对数据进行平移。
                # Normalize features and add ones column.
                ) = prepare_for_training(data, polynomial_degree, sinusoid_degree, normalize_data)
                self.data = data_processed
                self.labels = labels
                self.features_mean = features_mean
                self.features_deviation = features_deviation
                self.polynomial_degree = polynomial_degree
                self.sinusoid_degree = sinusoid_degree
                self.normalize_data = normalize_data
                # Initialize model parameters.
                num_features = self.data.shape[1]
                self.theta = np.zeros((num_features, 1))
            def train(self, alpha, lambda_param=0, num_iterations=500):
                """Trains linear regression.
                :param alpha: learning rate (the size of the step for gradient descent)
                :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
                :param num_iterations: number of gradient descent iterations.
                # Run gradient descent.
                cost_history = self.gradient_descent(alpha, lambda_param, num_iterations)
                return self.theta, cost_history
            def gradient_descent(self, alpha, lambda_param, num_iterations):
                """梯度下降。它能计算出每个 theta 参数应采取的步骤(deltas)以最小化成本函数。
                :param alpha: learning rate (the size of the step for gradient descent)
                :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
                :param num_iterations: number of gradient descent iterations.
                # Initialize J_history with zeros.
                cost_history = []
                for _ in range(num_iterations):
                    # 在参数向量 theta 上执行一个梯度步骤。
                    self.gradient_step(alpha, lambda_param)
                    # 在每次迭代中保存成本 J。
                    cost_history.append(self.cost_function(self.data, self.labels, lambda_param))
                return cost_history
            def gradient_step(self, alpha, lambda_param):
                """单步梯度下降。 函数对 theta 参数执行一步梯度下降。
                :param alpha: learning rate (the size of the step for gradient descent)
                :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
                # Calculate the number of training examples.
                num_examples = self.data.shape[0]
                # 对所有 m 个例子的假设预测。
                predictions = LinearRegression.hypothesis(self.data, self.theta)
                # 所有 m 个示例的预测值与实际值之间的差值。
                delta = predictions - self.labels
                # 计算正则化参数
                reg_param = 1 - alpha * lambda_param / num_examples
                # 创建快捷方式。
                theta = self.theta
                # 梯度下降的矢量化版本。
                theta = theta * reg_param - alpha * (1 / num_examples) * (delta.T @ self.data).T
                # 我们不应该对参数 theta_zero 进行正则化处理。
                theta[0] = theta[0] - alpha * (1 / num_examples) * (self.data[:, 0].T @ delta).T
                self.theta = theta
            def get_cost(self, data, labels, lambda_param):
                :param data: the set of training or test data.
                :param labels: training set outputs (correct values).
                :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
                data_processed = prepare_for_training(
                return self.cost_function(data_processed, labels, lambda_param)
            def cost_function(self, data, labels, lambda_param):
                :param data: the set of training or test data.
                :param labels: training set outputs (correct values).
                :param lambda_param: regularization parameter
                # Calculate the number of training examples and features.
                num_examples = data.shape[0]
                # Get the difference between predictions and correct output values.
                delta = LinearRegression.hypothesis(data, self.theta) - labels
                # Calculate regularization parameter.
                # Remember that we should not regularize the parameter theta_zero.
                theta_cut = self.theta[1:, 0]
                reg_param = lambda_param * (theta_cut.T @ theta_cut)
                # 计算当前的预测成本。
                cost = (1 / 2 * num_examples) * (delta.T @ delta + reg_param)
                # Let's extract cost value from the one and only cost numpy matrix cell.
                return cost[0][0]
            def predict(self, data):
                """Predict the output for data_set input based on trained theta values
                :param data: training set of features.
                # Normalize features and add ones column.
                data_processed = prepare_for_training(
                # Do predictions using model hypothesis.
                predictions = LinearRegression.hypothesis(data_processed, self.theta)
                return predictions
            def hypothesis(data, theta):### 非常不理解,能告诉我嘛
                """假设函数。它根据输入值 X 和模型参数预测输出值 y。
                :param data: data set for what the predictions will be calculated.
                :param theta: model params.
                :return: predictions made by model based on provided theta.
                predictions = data @ theta
                return predictions
      • 在聚类过程中,标准化显得尤为重要。这是因为聚类操作依赖于对类间距离和类内聚类之间的衡量。如果一个变量的衡量标准高于其他变量,那么我们使用的任何衡量标准都将受到该变量的过度影响。

      • 在PCA降维操作之前。在主成分PCA分析之前,对变量进行标准化至关重要。 这是因为PCA给那些方差较高的变量比那些方差非常小的变量赋予更多的权重。而 标准化原始数据会产生相同的方差,因此高权重不会分配给具有较高方差的变量。

      • KNN操作,原因类似于kmeans聚类。由于KNN需要用欧式距离去度量。标准化会让变量之间起着相同的作用。

      • 在SVM中,使用所有跟距离计算相关的的kernel都需要对数据进行标准化。

      • 在选择岭回归和Lasso时候,标准化是必须的。原因是正则化是有偏估计,会对权重进行惩罚。在量纲不同的情况,正则化会带来更大的偏差。

      • prepare_for_training方法

      • import numpy as np
        from .normalize import normalize
        from .generate_sinusoids import generate_sinusoids
        from .generate_polynomials import generate_polynomials
        def prepare_for_training(data, polynomial_degree=0, sinusoid_degree=0, normalize_data=True):
            """Prepares data set for training on prediction"""
            # Calculate the number of examples.
            num_examples = data.shape[0]
            # Prevent original data from being modified.深拷贝(Deep Copy)和浅拷贝(Shallow Copy)是在进行对象拷贝时常用的两种方式,它们之间的主要区别在于是否复制了对象内部的数据。
            # 浅拷贝只是简单地将原对象的引用赋值给新对象,新旧对象共享同一块内存空间。当其中一个对象修改了这块内存中的数据时,另一个对象也会受到影响。  view操作,如numpy的slice,只会copy父对象,不会copy底层的数据,共用原始引用指向的对象数据。如果在view上修改数据,会直接反馈到原始对象。
            # 深拷贝则是创建一个全新的对象,并且递归地复制原对象及其所有子对象的内容。新对象与原对象完全独立,对任何一方的修改都不会影响另一方。
            data_processed = np.copy(data)  #deep copy
            # Normalize data set.
            features_mean = 0
            features_deviation = 0
            data_normalized = data_processed
            if normalize_data:
                ) = normalize(data_processed)
                # 将处理过的数据替换为归一化处理过的数据。在添加多项式和正弦曲线时,我们需要下面的归一化数据。
                data_processed = data_normalized
            # 在数据集中添加正弦特征。
            if sinusoid_degree > 0:
                sinusoids = generate_sinusoids(data_normalized, sinusoid_degree)
                data_processed = np.concatenate((data_processed, sinusoids), axis=1)
            # 为数据集添加多项式特征。
            if polynomial_degree > 0:
            polynomials = generate_polynomials(data_normalized, polynomial_degree, normalize_data)
                data_processed = np.concatenate((data_processed, polynomials), axis=1)
        	# Add a column of ones to X.
            data_processed = np.hstack((np.ones((num_examples, 1)), data_processed))
          	# np.hstack 按水平方向(列顺序)堆叠数组构成一个新的数组; np.vstack() 按垂直方向(行顺序)堆叠数组构成一个新的数组
            return data_processed, features_mean, features_deviation
  • 引用拷贝是指将一个对象的引用直接赋值给另一个变量,使得两个变量指向同一个对象。这样,在修改其中一个变量所指向的对象时,另一个变量也会随之改变。引用拷贝通常发生在传递参数、返回值等场景中。例如,如果将一个对象作为参数传递给方法,实际上是将该对象的引用传递给了方法,而不是对象本身的拷贝。引用拷贝并非真正意义上的拷贝,而是共享同一份数据。因此,对于引用拷贝的对象,在修改其内部数据时需要注意是否会影响到其他使用该对象的地方。浅拷贝与深拷贝的区别(详解)_深拷贝和浅拷贝的区别-CSDN博客

  • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 基本数据类型的特点:直接存储在栈(stack)中的数据。引用数据类型的特点:存储的是该对象在栈中引用,真实的数据存放在堆内存里。引用数据类型在栈中存储了指针,该指针指向堆中该实体的起始地址。当解释器寻找引用值时,会首先检索其在栈中的地址,取得地址后从堆中获得实体。

    • normalize.py

    • import numpy as np
      def normalize(features):
          """Normalize features.
          Normalizes input features X. Returns a normalized version of X where the mean value of
          each feature is 0 and deviation is close to 1.
          :param features: set of features.
          :return: normalized set of features.
          # Copy original array to prevent it from changes.
          features_normalized = np.copy(features).astype(float)
          # Get average values for each feature (column) in X.
          features_mean = np.mean(features, 0) # #取纵轴上的平均值 返回一个 1*len(features[0])
          # Calculate the standard deviation for each feature.
          features_deviation = np.std(features, 0)
          # 从每个示例(行)的每个特征(列)中减去平均值,使所有特征都分布在零点附近。
          if features.shape[0] > 1:
              features_normalized -= features_mean # 广播机制,m*n-1*n
          # 对每个特征值进行归一化处理,使所有特征值都接近 [-1:1] 边界。 同时防止除以零的错误。
          # features_deviation[features_deviation == 0] = 1
          min_eps = np.finfo(features_deviation.dtype).eps
          features_deviation = np.maximum(features_deviation, min_eps)
          features_normalized /= features_deviation
        return features_normalized, features_mean, features_deviation
    • generate_sinusoids.py

    • import numpy as np
      def generate_sinusoids(dataset, sinusoid_degree):
          """用正弦特征扩展数据集。返回包含更多特征的新特征数组,包括 sin(x).
          :param dataset: data set.
          :param sinusoid_degree: multiplier for sinusoid parameter multiplications
          # Create sinusoids matrix.
          num_examples = dataset.shape[0]
          sinusoids = np.empty((num_examples, 0)) # array([], shape=(num_examples, 0), dtype=float64)
          # 生成指定度数的正弦特征。
          for degree in range(1, sinusoid_degree + 1):
          sinusoid_features = np.sin(degree * dataset)
              sinusoids = np.concatenate((sinusoids, sinusoid_features), axis=1)
          # np.concatenate 是numpy中对array进行拼接的函数
          # Return generated sinusoidal features.
      return sinusoids
    • generate_polynomials.py

    • import numpy as np
      from .normalize import normalize
      def generate_polynomials(dataset, polynomial_degree, normalize_data=False):
          """用一定程度的多项式特征扩展数据集。返回包含更多特征的新特征数组,包括 x1、x2、x1^2、x2^2、x1*x2、x1*x2^2 等。
          :param dataset: dataset that we want to generate polynomials for.
          :param polynomial_degree: the max power of new features.
          :param normalize_data: flag that indicates whether polynomials need to normalized or not.
          # Split features on two halves.
          # numpy.array_split(ary, indices_or_sections, axis=0) array_split允许indexs_or_sections是一个不等分轴的整数。 对于长度为l的数组,应将其分割为成n个部分,它将返回大小为l//n + 1的l%n个子数组,其余大小为l//n。
          features_split = np.array_split(dataset, 2, axis=1)
          dataset_1 = features_split[0]
          dataset_2 = features_split[1]
          # Extract sets parameters.
          (num_examples_1, num_features_1) = dataset_1.shape
          (num_examples_2, num_features_2) = dataset_2.shape
          # Check if two sets have equal amount of rows.
          if num_examples_1 != num_examples_2:
              raise ValueError('Can not generate polynomials for two sets with different number of rows')
          # Check if at list one set has features.
          if num_features_1 == 0 and num_features_2 == 0:
              raise ValueError('无法为无列的两个集合生成多项式')
      # 用非空集替换空集。
          if num_features_1 == 0:
              dataset_1 = dataset_2
          elif num_features_2 == 0:
              dataset_2 = dataset_1
          # 确保各组具有相同数量的特征,以便能够将它们相乘。
          num_features = num_features_1 if num_features_1 < num_examples_2 else num_features_2
          dataset_1 = dataset_1[:, :num_features]
          dataset_2 = dataset_2[:, :num_features]
          # Create polynomials matrix.
          polynomials = np.empty((num_examples_1, 0))
          # 生成指定度数的多项式特征。
          for i in range(1, polynomial_degree + 1):
              for j in range(i + 1):
                  polynomial_feature = (dataset_1 ** (i - j)) * (dataset_2 ** j)
                  polynomials = np.concatenate((polynomials, polynomial_feature), axis=1)
          # Normalize polynomials if needed.
          if normalize_data:
              polynomials = normalize(polynomials)[0]
          # Return generated polynomial features.
          return polynomials
    • 在本演示https://github.com/trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning中,将使用 2017 年的 [World Happindes Dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/unsdsn/world-happiness#2017.csv

      • data = pd.read_csv('../../data/world-happiness-report-2017.csv')
        data.shape	#(155, 12)
      • 在这里插入图片描述

      • GDP_Happy_Corr = data.corr()
        import seaborn as sns
        cmap = sns.choose_diverging_palette()
        # 使用choose_diverging_palette()方法交互式的进行调色,可以代替diverging_palette()  
        # 注:仅在jupyter中使用
      • 在这里插入图片描述

      • # 创建热图,并调整参数
        #             ,mask=mask       #只显示为true的值
                    , cmap=cmap
                    , vmax=.3
                    , center=0
        #             ,square=True
                    , linewidths=.5
                    , cbar_kws={"shrink": .5}
                    , annot=True     #底图带数字 True为显示数字
      • 在这里插入图片描述

      • # 打印每个特征的直方图,查看它们的变化情况。
        histohrams = data.hist(grid=False, figsize=(10, 10))
      • 在这里插入图片描述

      • 将数据分成训练子集和测试子集;在这一步中,我们将把数据集分成_训练测试_子集(比例为 80/20%)。训练数据集将用于训练我们的线性模型。测试数据集将用于验证模型。测试数据集中的所有数据对模型来说都是新的,我们可以检查模型预测的准确性。

      • train_data = data.sample(frac=0.8)
        test_data = data.drop(train_data.index)
        # Decide what fields we want to process.
        input_param_name = 'Economy..GDP.per.Capita.'
        output_param_name = 'Happiness.Score'
        # Split training set input and output.
        x_train = train_data[[input_param_name]].values
        y_train = train_data[[output_param_name]].values
        # Split test set input and output.
        x_test = test_data[[input_param_name]].values
        y_test = test_data[[output_param_name]].values
        # Plot training data.
        plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, label='Training Dataset')
        plt.scatter(x_test, y_test, label='Test Dataset')
        plt.title('Countries Happines')
      • 在这里插入图片描述

      • polynomial_degree(多项式度数)–这个参数可以添加一定度数的多项式特征。特征越多,线条越弯曲。num_iterations - 这是梯度下降算法用于寻找代价函数最小值的迭代次数。数字过低可能会导致梯度下降算法无法达到最小值。数值过高会延长算法的工作时间,但不会提高其准确性。learning_rate - 这是梯度下降步骤的大小。小的学习步长会延长算法的工作时间,可能需要更多的迭代才能达到代价函数的最小值。大的学习步长可能会导致算法无法达到最小值,并且成本函数值会随着新的迭代而增长。regularization_param - 防止过度拟合的参数。参数越高,模型越简单。polynomial_degree - 附加多项式特征的程度( ‘ x 1 2 ∗ x 2 , x 1 2 ∗ x 2 2 , . . . ‘ `x1^2 * x2, x1^2 * x2^2, ...` x12x2,x12x22,...‘)。这将允许您对预测结果进行曲线处理``sinusoid_degree - 附加特征的正弦参数乘数的度数(sin(x), sin(2*x), …`)。这将允许您通过在预测曲线中添加正弦分量来绘制预测曲线。

      • num_iterations = 500  # Number of gradient descent iterations.
        regularization_param = 0  # Helps to fight model overfitting.
        learning_rate = 0.01  # The size of the gradient descent step.
        polynomial_degree = 0  # The degree of additional polynomial features.附加多项式特征的程度。
        sinusoid_degree = 0  # The degree of sinusoid parameter multipliers of additional features.附加特征的正弦参数乘数。
        # Init linear regression instance.
        linear_regression = LinearRegression(x_train, y_train, polynomial_degree, sinusoid_degree)
        # Train linear regression.
        (theta, cost_history) = linear_regression.train(
        # Print training results.
        print('Initial cost: {:.2f}'.format(cost_history[0]))
        print('Optimized cost: {:.2f}'.format(cost_history[-1]))
        # Print model parameters
        theta_table = pd.DataFrame({'Model Parameters': theta.flatten()})
      • 既然模型已经训练好了,我们就可以在训练数据集和测试数据集上绘制模型预测图,看看模型与数据的拟合程度如何。

      • # Get model predictions for the trainint set.
        predictions_num = 100
        x_predictions = np.linspace(x_train.min(), x_train.max(), predictions_num).reshape(predictions_num, 1);
        y_predictions = linear_regression.predict(x_predictions)
        # Plot training data with predictions.
        plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, label='Training Dataset')
        plt.scatter(x_test, y_test, label='Test Dataset')
        plt.plot(x_predictions, y_predictions, 'r', label='Prediction')
        plt.title('Countries Happines')
      • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 多变量线性回归是一种线性回归,它有_多个_输入参数和一个输出标签。演示项目: 在这个演示中,我们将建立一个模型,根据 "人均经济生产总值 "和 "自由度 "参数预测各国的 “幸福指数”。

    • train_data = data.sample(frac=0.8)
      test_data = data.drop(train_data.index)
      # 决定我们要处理哪些字段。
      input_param_name_1 = 'Economy..GDP.per.Capita.'
      input_param_name_2 = 'Freedom'
      output_param_name = 'Happiness.Score'
      # 分割训练集的输入和输出。
      x_train = train_data[[input_param_name_1, input_param_name_2]].values
      y_train = train_data[[output_param_name]].values
      # Split test set input and output.
      x_test = test_data[[input_param_name_1, input_param_name_2]].values
      y_test = test_data[[output_param_name]].values
    • 使用训练数据集配置绘图。

    • import plotly
      import plotly.graph_objs as go
      # Configure Plotly to be rendered inline in the notebook.
      plot_training_trace = go.Scatter3d(
          x=x_train[:, 0].flatten(),
          y=x_train[:, 1].flatten(),
          name='Training Set',
              'size': 10,
              'opacity': 1,
              'line': {
                  'color': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                  'width': 1
      # Configure the plot with test dataset.
      plot_test_trace = go.Scatter3d(
          x=x_test[:, 0].flatten(),
          y=x_test[:, 1].flatten(),
          name='Test Set',
              'size': 10,
              'opacity': 1,
              'line': {
                  'color': 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
                  'width': 1
      # Configure the layout.
      plot_layout = go.Layout(
          title='Date Sets',
              'xaxis': {'title': input_param_name_1},
              'yaxis': {'title': input_param_name_2},
              'zaxis': {'title': output_param_name} 
          margin={'l': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 0, 't': 0}
      plot_data = [plot_training_trace, plot_test_trace]
      plot_figure = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=plot_layout)
      # Render 3D scatter plot.
    • 在这里插入图片描述

    • # Generate different combinations of X and Y sets to build a predictions plane.
      predictions_num = 10
      # Find min and max values along X and Y axes.
      x_min = x_train[:, 0].min();
      x_max = x_train[:, 0].max();
      y_min = x_train[:, 1].min();
      y_max = x_train[:, 1].max();
      # Generate predefined numbe of values for eaxh axis betwing correspondent min and max values.
      x_axis = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, predictions_num)
      y_axis = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, predictions_num)
      # Create empty vectors for X and Y axes predictions
      # We're going to find cartesian product of all possible X and Y values.
      x_predictions = np.zeros((predictions_num * predictions_num, 1))
      y_predictions = np.zeros((predictions_num * predictions_num, 1))
      # Find cartesian product of all X and Y values.
      x_y_index = 0
      for x_index, x_value in enumerate(x_axis):
          for y_index, y_value in enumerate(y_axis):
              x_predictions[x_y_index] = x_value
              y_predictions[x_y_index] = y_value
              x_y_index += 1
      # Predict Z value for all X and Y pairs. 
      z_predictions = linear_regression.predict(np.hstack((x_predictions, y_predictions)))
      # Plot training data with predictions.
      # Configure the plot with test dataset.
      plot_predictions_trace = go.Scatter3d(
          name='Prediction Plane',
              'size': 1,
      plot_data = [plot_training_trace, plot_test_trace, plot_predictions_trace]
      plot_figure = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=plot_layout)
    • 在这里插入图片描述

  • 多项式回归是一种回归分析形式,其中自变量 "x "与因变量 "y "之间的关系被模拟为 "x "的 n t h n^{th} nth 度多项式。虽然多项式回归将一个非线性模型拟合到数据中,但作为一个统计估计问题,它是线性的,即回归函数 E(y|x) 与根据数据估计的未知参数是线性的。因此,多项式回归被认为是多元线性回归的特例。

    • data = pd.read_csv('../../data/non-linear-regression-x-y.csv')
      # Fetch traingin set and labels.
      x = data['x'].values.reshape((data.shape[0], 1))
      y = data['y'].values.reshape((data.shape[0], 1))
      # Print the data table.
      plt.plot(x, y)
    • 在这里插入图片描述

    • # Set up linear regression parameters.
      num_iterations = 50000  # Number of gradient descent iterations.
      regularization_param = 0  # Helps to fight model overfitting.
      learning_rate = 0.02  # The size of the gradient descent step.
      polynomial_degree = 15  # The degree of additional polynomial features.
      sinusoid_degree = 15  # The degree of sinusoid parameter multipliers of additional features.
      normalize_data = True  # Flag that indicates that data needs to be normalized before training.
      # Init linear regression instance.
      linear_regression = LinearRegression(x, y, polynomial_degree, sinusoid_degree, normalize_data)
      # Train linear regression.
      (theta, cost_history) = linear_regression.train(
      # Print training results.
      print('Initial cost: {:.2f}'.format(cost_history[0]))
      print('Optimized cost: {:.2f}'.format(cost_history[-1]))
      # Print model parameters
      theta_table = pd.DataFrame({'Model Parameters': theta.flatten()})
    • 在这里插入图片描述

    • 既然模型已经训练完成,我们就可以绘制模型在训练数据集和测试数据集上的预测结果,看看模型与数据的拟合程度如何。

    • # Get model predictions for the trainint set.
      predictions_num = 1000
      x_predictions = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), predictions_num).reshape(predictions_num, 1);
      y_predictions = linear_regression.predict(x_predictions)
      # Plot training data with predictions.
      plt.scatter(x, y, label='Training Dataset')
      plt.plot(x_predictions, y_predictions, 'r', label='Prediction')


  • [外链图片转存中…(img-g6KhuEn7-1696686291862)]

  • 既然模型已经训练完成,我们就可以绘制模型在训练数据集和测试数据集上的预测结果,看看模型与数据的拟合程度如何。

  • # Get model predictions for the trainint set.
    predictions_num = 1000
    x_predictions = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), predictions_num).reshape(predictions_num, 1);
    y_predictions = linear_regression.predict(x_predictions)
    # Plot training data with predictions.
    plt.scatter(x, y, label='Training Dataset')
    plt.plot(x_predictions, y_predictions, 'r', label='Prediction')
  • 在这里插入图片描述






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