
news2025/3/6 23:29:46

words in use

unit 1

  1. The mayor condense
  2. It was reported exceed
  3. researchers put deficit
  4. too much————exposure
  5. moving forward managerial
  6. the lawyer adequate
  7. to help the competent
  8. most parents,,,adjusting
  9. you can count precisely
  10. in short,,,beneficial

unit 3

  1. ernest hrmingway’s peculiar
  2. the project is on radical
  3. it’s not unusual phase
  4. it is————sensible
  5. economists are predict
  6. starting monday labeled
  7. there is more to resent
  8. apart from witnessed
  9. unlike the pracitice equivalent
  10. the change in parallels

unit 5

  1. the “discipline” contradict
  2. it is a(n)___ paradox
  3. it is far more perspective
  4. when you are explicit
  5. the new teaching suspended
  6. he is very derive
  7. many children defy
  8. my roommate retains
  9. there is a widely manipulating
    10.the organization tackle

unit 7

  1. it was essential to————harness
  2. language is the ————symbolic
  3. because of the disposed
  4. it can be inferred flourishing
  5. you will need violated
  6. most universities will accommodation
  7. we may————infer
  8. she frowned at the compose
  9. a crucial factor is plausible
    10.Windsor middle tolerance

banked cloze

unit 1

The Internet has English learning much easier.

  1. obliged
  2. tedious
  3. beneficial
  4. abundant
  5. adjusted
  6. bulk
  7. evidently
  8. functions
  9. efficiently
  10. distress

unit 3

there is a special life stage that our generation goes through.
11. transition
12. saddled
13. anxiety
14. acquaint
15. equivalent
16. expressed
17. resent
18. acceptable
19. reinforce
20. shifting

unit 5

to spend or save is a question which many people have.

  1. dilemma
  2. explicit
  3. perspective
  4. retain
  5. derive
  6. appetite
  7. option
  8. urgent
  9. suspend

unit 7

it’s obvious that women have come a long way as successful

  1. flourishing
  2. expanded
  3. genuine
  4. diplomatically
  5. comparison
  6. administrative
  7. jealous
  8. dispute
  9. valid

Expressions in use

unit 1

  1. since we have feel obliged
  2. most of the time be serious about
  3. when you————run to
  4. it is very important to————distinguish between
  5. though he was thrust upon
  6. the doctor was allergic
  7. it’s understandable get lost
  8. it is hoped that be attracted to
  9. it doesn’t ————make sense
    10.a few years later looked upon as

unit 3

  1. as the result saddled with
  2. do not be back off
  3. as our sweet childhood————gives way to
  4. in the economic resorted to
  5. people from make allowances
  6. talking about wonder at
  7. earthquakes occur prior to
  8. an allowance can be————based upon/on

unit 5

  1. people who work referred to
  2. when the police at odds with
  3. in order to put off
  4. the mother made consulting with
  5. both professional do their utmost
  6. as the entered took stock of
  7. the chief executive on track
  8. it is very important for take in

unit 7

  1. I surely know comes down to
  2. many people ————take exception to
  3. there have been big make concessions to
  4. what surprised me burst into
  5. he would never ————feel at ease with
  6. having excepted that on both counts
  7. carl————took over
  8. bob was popular stemmed from


unit 1

英译汉:English is known as a world language, regularly used by many nations whose English is not their first language. Like other languages, English has changed greatly. The history of the English language can be divided into three main periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English. The English language started with the invasion of Britain by three Germanic tribes during the 5th century AD, and they contributed greatly to the formation of the English language. During the medieval and early modern periods, the influence of English spread throughout the British Isles, and from the early 17th century its influence began to be felt throughout the world. The processes of European exploration and colonization for several centuries led to significant change in English. Today, American English is particularly influential, due to the popularity of American cinema, television, music, trade and technology, including the Internet.


unit 3

汉译英:孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。中国人把孝视为人格之本、家庭和睦之本、国家安康之本。由于孝道是儒家伦理思想的核心,它成了中国社会千百年来维系家庭关系的道德准则。它毫无疑问是中华民族的种传统美德。孝道文化是一个复合概念,内容丰富,涉及面广。它既有文化理念,又有制度礼仪(institutional etiquette)。一般来说,它指社会要求子女对父母应尽的义务,包括尊敬、关爱、赡养老人等等。孝道是古老的“东方文明”之根本。
filial piety is the basic code of ethics in ancient Chinese society. Chinese people regard filial piety as the foundation of personality, family harmony and national well-being. As filial piety is the core of Confucian ethics, it has been the moral code that has maintained family relations in Chinese society for thousands of years. It is undoubtedly a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Filial piety culture is a compound concept, rich in content and extensive in scope. It has both cultural concepts and institutional etiquette. Generally speaking, it refers to the obligations that society requires children to do to their parents, including respecting, caring, supporting the elderly and so on. Filial piety is the foundation of the ancient “Oriental civilization”.

unit 5

汉译英:丝绸之路(Silk Road)是我国古代一条连接中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路,由于这条商路以丝绸贸易为主,故称“丝绸之路”。作为国际贸易的通道和文化交流的桥梁,丝绸之路有效地促进了东西方经济文化交流和发展,对世界文明进程有着深远影响。当前,在新的历史条件下,我国提出了“一带一路”( One Belt, One Road )(即“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”)的战略构想。“一带一路”以合作共赢为核心,强调相关各国的互利共赢和共同发展。这一战略经提出即受到沿线各国的积极响应。
The Silk Road is an ancient communication line connecting China and Eurasia. It is called “Silk Road” because this trade road mainly focuses on silk trade. As a channel of international trade and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively promoted economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, and had a profound impact on the progress of world civilization. At present, under the new historical conditions, China has put forward the strategic concept of “One Belt, One Road” (namely “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”). The Belt and Road, with win-win cooperation at its core, emphasizes the mutual benefit and common development of relevant countries. As soon as this strategy was put forward, countries along the Belt and Road responded positively.

unit 7






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