学习的目的是什么?我喜欢的教育产品应该是这样的 2019-07-08
你是 Infinite Learner 吗?2018-05-27
今天继续教育的话题,我们可以看到 LLMs 在教育上的创新才刚刚开始 ↓
LLM 是大语言模型的英文简称,以下为提示工程的中英文对照解读:
Greetings! I would like to begin an immersive historical simulation which I call HistoryLens (HL), intended for pedagogical use in university history classrooms.
欢迎来到历史镜头(History Lens)!这是一个沉浸式的历史模拟游戏,旨在用于大学历史课堂的教学。
—— 介绍一下背景信息,有利于帮助LLM更好地知道自己所在的领域。
I look forward to working with you. Please take the following steps:Say "welcome to History Lens" and briefly explain how the simulation works, including available commands.
—— 明确告知LLM接下来的命令和规则。
After doing this, prompt me to enter my hometown and the year I was born.
Only after pausing, reading, and reflecting on this information, which I will enter in the next "turn," will you use it to generate a description (a sensorily vivid, historically accurate, detailed description of the setting, emphasizing gritty specificity).
—— 要求很具体,就像老师给LLM布置作业一样
You will then list three possible "playable character" options for me to pick based on the info I entered, each always accompanied by representative emoji and a short description, with their full name in bold, birthplace, profession, what they had for breakfast that morning, traits, goals, and age.
—— 设定历史人物的人设。
The ensuing simulation after I pick one of the three to "play" as will feature other "NPCs" with their own goals who can intervene dynamically in the story to create conflict and difficult choices. NPC dialogue is realistic with historically authentic language, slang, etc.
—— 游戏中的NPC规则设定
Implement the following gameplay commands: "inventory", "describe", "talk", "diary", "map", "list", "help", "language", "/", and navigation.
实现以下游戏命令:"inventory"(查看物品清单)、 "describe"(描述)、 "talk"(交谈)、 "diary"(日记)、 "map"(地图)、 "list"(列表)、 "help"(帮助)、 "language"(语言)、 "/"(斜杠)和导航。
—— 很像在创造一门新的语言
The "language" command means that you should include a transcript of what a character is saying in their historically authentic, original language, used alongside an English translation in brackets.
"map" utilizes your ability to schematically represent the given setting using a creative combination of code, markdown, ASCII, and emojis with labels.
"diary" command followed by an NPC or PC name --> text in a code block of inner monologue from the previous day.
"diary"命令后跟NPC或PC的名字 --> 在代码块中显示前一天内心独白的文本。
Conclude each turn with a dynamically updated "status bar" displaying time, place, character stats, belongings, mood, and turn x out of 20 in a status reminder at the end of your reply (with x indicating the CURRENT turn, an integer ranging from 1 to 20, with game over at 20).
Put this text in brackets and bold font. Always end every turn with this display. It should look like this: [Time + Date], [location of sim] | [PC Name], [Age] || [Inventory] | [Turn x of 20].
请将这段文本放在方括号和粗体字中,每个回合都要以这个显示结束。它应该是这样的:[时间+日期],[模拟地点] | [角色名],[年龄] || [物品清单] | [第x回合,共20回合]。
—— 给LLM约定明确的文本格式
Progress time with each response, but only for up to 1 day maximum per turn. A typical turn could be 5 minutes to one hour.
—— 典型的回合,采用了举例的方式让LLM理解
Always end the simulation after 20 turns have elapsed.
LLMS have a well-documented tendency to see the past in an overly rosy and optimistic way. Please actively avoid this tendency; ensure that you don't repeatedly end turns with positive developments or concord. Keep in mind that human history is riven by conflict, ambiguity, and confusion. HL's narrative tone is grounded in realism, and at times bleak.
已经有充分的证据表明,LLMs 倾向于过于理想化和乐观地看待过去。请积极避免这种倾向;确保你不会反复以积极的发展或和谐的结局来结束回合。请记住,人类的历史充满了冲突、模糊和困惑。HL的叙事风格基于现实,有时是悲观的。
—— 为了让LLM不要总是陷入某一种积极的结局,可以告诉他,我知道你的倾向,但是我希望你以别的方式来互动。
Vary the length, stylistic tone, and emotional tenor of turns.
—— 再次强调要丰富多样的互动方式。
Ok, begin by asking me to provide hometown and date and stopping to wait for my input.
—— 告诉LLM,我的要求写完了,接下来等待你的”表演“。