
news2025/1/24 2:21:31


  1. 了解亚马逊开发者中心:访问亚马逊开发者中心,并了解相关的API文档、开发者指南和规定。
  2. 注册开发者账号:在亚马逊开发者中心上注册一个开发者账号,并创建一个应用,获取到API权限。
  3. 获取API密钥:为了使用亚马逊API接口,你需要获取API密钥,该密钥用于验证你的身份和授权访问API。
  4. 构建请求URL:根据亚马逊API文档,构建请求URL。一般来说,请求URL的格式为:{access_token}&dev-t={dev-token}&AssociateTag={associate_tag}&type=light&offerlistingid={offer_listing_id}。其中,{access_token}替换为你的应用API密钥,{dev-token}替换为你的开发令牌,{associate_tag}替换为你的关联标签,{offer_listing_id}替换为你要获取商品详情的商品ID。
  5. 发送API请求:使用你熟悉的编程语言和HTTP库(如Python的requests库),向亚马逊API发送HTTP GET请求。
  6. 处理API响应:接收到API响应后,你需要解析响应内容。根据亚马逊API的返回格式,通常是一个XML对象。你可以使用相应的编程语言库(如Python的xml.etree.ElementTree库)来解析XML响应。
  7. 提取商品详情:从响应中提取商品详情信息,例如商品名称、价格、库存、图片链接等。根据API返回的数据结构,通过相应的字段获取所需的信息。
  8. 实现获取商品详情的逻辑:将上述步骤整合到你的应用程序中,实现获取亚马逊商品详情的逻辑。你可以根据用户输入的商品ID,调用相应的API接口获取商品详情,并在应用程序中展示或处理这些信息。


亚马逊国际获得AMAZON商品详情 API 返回值说明



参数说明:num_iid:AMAZON商品ID(非.cn的请在后加 -com)

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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"quantity": 99,
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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"properties": "0:13;1:14",
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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"properties": "0:13;1:6",
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					"price": "¥713.15",
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					"properties": "0:10;1:18",
					"properties_name": "0:10:尺寸:38 EU;1:18:颜色:白色黑色Barely Volt Lt Ore",
					"quantity": 99,
					"sku_id": "B0838KWCZR",
					"sku_url": ""
					"price": "¥713.15",
					"orginal_price": "¥713.15",
					"properties": "0:3;1:0",
					"properties_name": "0:3:尺寸:5.5 UK;1:0:颜色:白色 Barely 玫瑰白",
					"quantity": 99,
					"sku_id": "B09NMJ3GF2",
					"sku_url": ""
					"price": "¥713.15",
					"orginal_price": "¥713.15",
					"properties": "0:8;1:10",
					"properties_name": "0:8:尺寸:36.5 EU;1:10:颜色:白色海洋幸福",
					"quantity": 99,
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		"desc": "<div>       <!-- show up to 2 reviews by default -->\n           <h3> <span>&#20135;&#21697;&#25551;&#36848;</span> </h3>        <p> <span>传奇的重版。 NIKE 耐克 Air Max 90 女鞋采用支撑鞋面和出色的减震效果,它已经成为原创的喜爱。 优点: 鞋面材质为皮革,人造革或织物,取决于颜色。 泡沫中底带有可见的 Air max 减震橡胶外底,带华夫图案,经久耐穿。 弹性凹槽可实现自然运动。减震:完美的减震效果。 脚跟上的可见 Max Air 元素提供最佳的冲击保护和最佳的减震效果。 厚实柔软的中底 确保舒适性和稳定性。</span>  </p>          <h3> <span>&#23433;&#20840;&#35686;&#21578;</span> </h3>        <p> <span>*警告标准</span>  </p>          </div>    <img src=\"\" style=\"display:none\" />",
		"pinglun": [
				"star": "4",
				"title": "Sneakers did not fit to my size very tight",
				"author": "Amazon Customer",
				"time": "2023年5月23日",
				"choose": "尺寸: 39 EU<i class=\"a-icon a-icon-text-separator\" role=\"img\" aria-label=\"|\"></i>颜色: White Black Pure Platinum Cd5432 101",
				"content": "Carrier did not follow my orders to leave package in front of my apartment door. C2 on the third floor, right hand side of building."
				"star": "4",
				"title": "Mistagged",
				"author": "Mac",
				"time": "2023年2月9日",
				"choose": "",
				"content": "My son loved these so i got him a second pair. They are mistagged, i think. They are absolutely way too big for him. The shoe itself is good quality and is just as described in the photo."
				"star": "5",
				"title": "They fit to size",
				"author": "Ashley Thomas",
				"time": "2023年6月13日",
				"choose": "",
				"content": "Fits to size and they are absolutely gorgeous!"
				"star": "4",
				"title": "Nike shoe fits a little smaller",
				"author": "Sheri P",
				"time": "2022年9月17日",
				"choose": "尺寸: 6 UK<i class=\"a-icon a-icon-text-separator\" role=\"img\" aria-label=\"|\"></i>颜色: 黑色",
				"content": "I have the same shoe in white bought at Dicks. That she fits perfect. This black shoe (exact same brand) fits a little smaller. Crunches my big toes."
				"star": "4",
				"title": "Looks great on grandson",
				"author": "Jessica",
				"time": "2022年7月17日",
				"choose": "",
				"content": "But a few of the seams look like they were burnt onto the shoe. My grandson is 2 & my daughter told me not to worry about it bc he don't know the difference but it bothers me bc I'm all about quality."
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	"api_info": "today:59 max:10100 all[160=59+32+74];expires:2030-12-31",
	"execution_time": "1.89",
	"server_time": "Beijing/2023-09-12 10:32:50",
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京东商品详情API是京东平台提供给开发者的应用程序编程接口&#xff0c;通过API可以获取京东平台上商品详情信息。 京东商品详情API可以获取到商品的标题、价格、销量、评价、详情页等信息。开发者在京东开放平台注册开发者账号&#xff0c;并获得访问API接口的密钥后&#xf…

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