RSI是相对强弱指数(Relative Strength Index)的缩写,是一种技术指标。该指标是用来测量股票或其他交易品种的价格波动强度和速度的,属于动量型指标。RSI常用于技术分析和交易策略中,可以帮助交易者判断市场的买卖力量、价格趋势和超买超卖状况,从而制定有效的交易决策。
二、RSI 概念和特征
RSI 是根据指定时间段(通常为 14 个周期)的平均收益和损失计算的。
RSI 通常用作确定特定资产是超买还是超卖的信号。如果 RSI 值超过 70,则表明该资产超买,表明潜在的卖出信号。相反,如果 RSI 值跌破 30,则表明该资产超卖,表明存在潜在的买入信号。
三、让我们在 Python 中实现 RSI
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
ticker = "TSLA"
end_date = datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
start_date = (datetime.today() - timedelta(days=700)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
data = yf.download(ticker, start=start_date, end=end_date, interval='1h')
is a Pandas DataFrame.
我们可以使用该库来绘制烛台图。它提供了一个方便的界面,用于在 Python mplfinance 中创建财务图表
import mplfinance as mpf
mpf.plot(data, type='candle', volume=True, style='yahoo')
要使用提取的特斯拉股价计算 RSI(相对强弱指数),我们可以利用该库,该库提供各种技术分析指标。您可以在此处阅读库的文档。ta
pip install ta
import ta
data['RSI'] = ta.momentum.RSIIndicator(data['Close']).rsi()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
upper_limit = 70
lower_limit = 30
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(data.index, data['RSI'])
plt.axhline(y=upper_limit, color='r', linestyle='--', label='Overbought (70)')
plt.axhline(y=lower_limit, color='g', linestyle='--', label='Oversold (30)')
plt.title('RSI of Tesla Stock')
class (close: pandas.core.series.Series, window: int = 14, fillna: bool = Falseta.momentum.RSIIndicator
让我们继续开发一个简单的买卖模拟,其中决策过程基于 RSI 指标的水平。
# Define the initial capital and track the current capital
initial_capital = 100
current_capital = initial_capital
# Define the overbought and oversold limits
overbought_limit = 70
oversold_limit = 30
# Define the initial holding status
is_holding = False
# Iterate through the RSI data and make buy/sell decisions
for i in range(1, len(data)):
current_rsi = data['RSI'][i]
current_price = data['Close'][i]
if current_rsi < oversold_limit and not is_holding:
# Buy condition
shares_to_buy = current_capital / current_price
current_capital = 0
is_holding = True
print(f"Buy {shares_to_buy} shares at {current_price} -> Rsi Level: {current_rsi}")
elif current_rsi > overbought_limit and is_holding:
# Sell condition
current_capital = current_capital + (current_price * shares_to_buy)
is_holding = False
print(f"Sell {shares_to_buy} shares at {current_price} -> Rsi Level: {current_rsi}")
# Print the final capital
print(f"Final capital: ${current_capital}")
Buy 0.4179246675736921 shares at 239.27757263183594 -> Rsi Level: 20.438411371337622
Sell 0.4179246675736921 shares at 255.51002502441406 -> Rsi Level: 73.06501350257133
Buy 0.29318660443911904 shares at 364.2183532714844 -> Rsi Level: 21.068814167529595
Sell 0.29318660443911904 shares at 379.25 -> Rsi Level: 73.41888447060789
Buy 0.32491093254899217 shares at 342.2200012207031 -> Rsi Level: 28.858062677990233
Sell 0.32491093254899217 shares at 336.93499755859375 -> Rsi Level: 75.20791184591683
Buy 0.31522318975955993 shares at 347.2900085449219 -> Rsi Level: 29.746993287658356
Sell 0.31522318975955993 shares at 289.4800109863281 -> Rsi Level: 71.37862844420539
Buy 0.35377445208463354 shares at 257.93499755859375 -> Rsi Level: 29.772071247456054
Sell 0.35377445208463354 shares at 290.6433410644531 -> Rsi Level: 70.21919190004444
Buy 0.29858345212367027 shares at 344.3666687011719 -> Rsi Level: 29.536900207208518
Sell 0.29858345212367027 shares at 249.22999572753906 -> Rsi Level: 71.8881356308825
Buy 0.3437808677391333 shares at 216.4633331298828 -> Rsi Level: 26.68961190834922
Sell 0.3437808677391333 shares at 241.20948791503906 -> Rsi Level: 70.19284733253295
Buy 0.3673613408605083 shares at 225.72654724121094 -> Rsi Level: 27.518762067733604
Sell 0.3673613408605083 shares at 243.37489318847656 -> Rsi Level: 70.28410255957843
Buy 0.3106414061007942 shares at 287.8126525878906 -> Rsi Level: 27.98065596331672
Sell 0.3106414061007942 shares at 296.7300109863281 -> Rsi Level: 75.46276500115341
Buy 0.3146013733382365 shares at 292.9949951171875 -> Rsi Level: 28.658808113058043
Sell 0.3146013733382365 shares at 194.70750427246094 -> Rsi Level: 71.7396674122882
Buy 0.35403564172219 shares at 173.02000427246094 -> Rsi Level: 29.771767028843456
Sell 0.35403564172219 shares at 129.5399932861328 -> Rsi Level: 70.25768896760097
Buy 0.24320177857052705 shares at 188.5749969482422 -> Rsi Level: 28.61856076775159
Sell 0.24320177857052705 shares at 193.75999450683594 -> Rsi Level: 71.66246679110026
Buy 0.26485879610225227 shares at 177.91659545898438 -> Rsi Level: 24.541752420541684
Sell 0.26485879610225227 shares at 170.13180541992188 -> Rsi Level: 70.36655102514713
Final capital: $45.06090516222314
交易者经常使用 RSI 作为识别市场潜在进入和退出点的工具。重要的是要注意,RSI应与其他技术分析工具和风险管理策略结合使用,以做出明智的交易决策。
用公式解释相对强弱指数 (RSI) 指标 (investopedia.com)