雅思写作 三小时浓缩学习顾家北 笔记总结(五)

news2025/1/11 20:03:31



Many girls are unwilling to seek employment in male-dominated industries.

Many girls are not willing to find jobs in male-dominated industries.

The main function of schools is to impart knowledge to the next generation.

The arts are not among core subject areas at school.

Many companies are unable to hire new employees due to the uncertain economic outlook.

Air freight is likely to create enormous greenhouse gases.

Air delivery generates a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.

Some children are likely to have behavioural problems.

The expansion of the population is a significant reason for the generation of a large amount of waste.

Population growth is the reason for the generation of a large amount of trash.

Giving lavish gifts is a Chinese tradition.

With increasing age, it becomes difficult to stay in touch with friends and family members.

Free access to universities provides students from disadvantaged backgrounds with equal educational opportunities.

Many people feel the need to keep up with fashion trends.

"Many people believe it's necessary to keep up with fashion."


Sometimes, it's difficult to assess the environmental impact of people's behaviors.


Some employees are encouraged to break the norms.

Due to traffic congestion, commuting times have become longer.

Computer skills can be applied to learning and work.

Most environmental destruction can be attributed to human activities.

The family environment is considered the most significant influence on children's development.

As more and more young people engage in volunteer work, community cohesion will strengthen.

"With more and more young people participating in volunteer work, community cohesion will become stronger."

Immigrants are sometimes considered a threat to societal unity.







Many girls are unwilling to seek employment in male-dominated industries.



seek employment

Many girls are not willing to find jobs in male-dominated industries.

The main function of schools is to impart knowledge to the next generation.

The arts are not among core subject areas at school.

the arts are not among core subject areas at school.

core subject areas  

Many companies are unable to hire new employees due to the uncertain economic outlook.

Air freight is likely to create enormous greenhouse gases.

Air delivery generates a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.

gas emissions 气体排放

gas emissions

Some children are likely to have behavioural problems.

The expansion of the population is a significant reason for the generation of a large amount of waste.

Population growth is the reason for the generation of a large amount of trash.

Giving lavish gifts is a Chinese tradition.

"It is a Chinese custom to give lavish gifts."


"We face challenges in protecting plant diversity in the decades to come."

It will be difficult to protect plant biodiversity in the coming decades.

plant biodiversity 植物生物多样性

in the coming decades.

As you grow older, it becomes increasingly challenging to stay in touch with friends and family.

With increasing age, it becomes difficult to stay in touch with friends and family members.

with increasing age , it becomes difficult to stay in touch with friends and family .

Free access to universities provides students from disadvantaged backgrounds with equal educational opportunities.

Free university education provides students from disadvantaged backgrounds with equal opportunities for higher education.

free access to universities provides students from disadvantaged backgrounds with equal eductional opportunities .

from disadvantaged backgrounds 


Many people feel the need to keep up with fashion trends.

"Many people believe it's necessary to keep up with fashion."

to keep up with

it is necessary 

Budget cuts make it difficult for many young people to receive a college education.  



budget cuts是一个名词呀

"Budget cuts" 中的 "cuts" 是一个名词,并且在这个短语中充当主语。在英语中,名词可以充当句子的主语,说明句子的主要动作或状态是关于什么的。在这个句子中,"Budget cuts"(预算削减)是主语,表示一个行动或状态,即预算被削减。名词作为主语在英语中是非常常见的用法,它可以代表具体的物体、抽象的概念或一组事物,用来指明主要的动作或情况。


"Cuts" 是一个英语名词,通常用来表示切割、削减或减少的动作或结果。这个词的词性是名词,表示单个或多个切割或减少的事物。以下是一些常见的用法和含义:

  1. 切割/割伤:作为动词 "cut" 的名词形式,"a cut" 可以表示刀、刀片、剃刀或其他工具造成的伤口或切口。

    • She accidentally got a cut on her finger while chopping vegetables.
  2. 削减:在商业和财政领域,"cuts" 可以表示减少、削减或缩减预算、开支、资源等方面的行动或结果。

    • The government announced budget cuts in various sectors to reduce spending.
  3. 片段:在艺术、电影或音乐等领域,"cuts" 也可以表示一个艺术品、音乐曲目或电影场景的特定部分。

    • The director decided to remove some cuts from the final edit of the movie.
  4. 剪裁:在服装设计中,"cuts" 可以指代服装的剪裁方式或款式。

    • The dress had a classic cut that flattered her figure.

总之,"cuts" 是一个多用途的名词,可以用于各种上下文中,表示切割、削减、伤口、片段等不同的含义。它的具体意义取决于上下文和用法。

        Reducing funding makes it challenging for many young individuals to access higher-level education.


cost 花费代价 使用cost都是非常好的呀

Sometimes, it's difficult to assess the environmental impact of people's behaviors.

the environment cost of human activities


"Access" 是一个英语单词,是名词和动词的双重性质。以下是关于 "access" 的常见含义和用法:

名词 (Noun) 的用法:

  1. 通道或入口:"Access" 可以表示进入或接近某个地方或事物的方式或机会。

    • "The main access to the building is through the front door."
    • "The internet provides access to a wealth of information."
  2. 权利或权限:它也可以表示获得或使用某个资源、服务或信息的权利或权限。

    • "Everyone should have equal access to education."
    • "Access to the confidential data is restricted to authorized personnel only."
  3. 接触或接触的机会:在某种程度上,"access" 还可以表示与某人或某事建立联系或互动的机会。

    • "The program provides students with access to industry professionals."
    • "Social media allows us to have instant access to our friends and family."

动词 (Verb) 的用法:

  1. 进入或接近:作为动词,"access" 表示进入或接近某个地方、系统或信息。

    • "To access the online library, you need a valid library card."
    • "Employees can access their work email from anywhere."
  2. 使用或获取:它也可以表示使用或获取某个资源、服务或信息。

    • "You can access your bank account online to check your balance."
    • "This software allows you to access a wide range of tools and features."

总之,"access" 是一个多功能的单词,通常用来描述进入、权利、使用、获取或接触某物的机会或方式。根据上下文,它可以作为名词或动词,用于各种不同的情境中。

Sometimes, it's difficult to assess the environmental impact of people's behaviors.

Some employees are encouraged to break the norms.

Due to traffic congestion, commuting times have become longer.

Due to the traffic jam, commuting times are increasing.


are increasing

Computer skills can be applied to learning and work.

"Computer skills can be applied to both studying and work.

computer skills can be applied to both studying and work

be attribute to 


Most environmental destruction can be attributed to human activities.

most environmental destruction can be attributed to 

Most environmental damage can be attributed to human activities.


exposed to

这个词好 exposed to

Many children are exposed to violent content every day.

"Content" 是可数和不可数的名词,取决于上下文。

  1. 不可数名词:当 "content" 用来表示信息、素材或内容的总体时,它是不可数名词。例如:

    • "The website has a lot of interesting content."
    • "The content of the book is well-researched."
  2. 可数名词:当 "content" 用来表示特定的内容、项目或段落时,它可以是可数名词。例如:

    • "The magazine has many articles, and each article has its own content."
    • "The course is divided into modules, and each module has its own content."

所以,根据具体的语境,"content" 可以是可数或不可数名词。在你的原句中,"violent content" 可以被看作是不可数名词,因为它指的是一种总体的内容,而不是具体的内容项目。

The family environment is considered the most significant influence on children's development.


children's development

As more and more young people engage in volunteer work, community cohesion will strengthen.

engage in 

strengthen strengthen  strengthen

"With more and more young people participating in volunteer work, community cohesion will become stronger."



Immigrants are sometimes considered a threat to societal unity.

societal unity 

considered a threat 


Strict punishment is an effective means of reducing crime rates.


"Serious punishments are effective methods for reducing the crime rate."


Our environment is still in bad condition.


Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on society.


The government should increase the investment in renewable energy to respond to climate change.

renewable energy


Consumerism leads to excessive consumption and environmental damage.

excessive consumption  过度消费


Education is the cornerstone of both individual and societal development.


Technological advancements are reshaping the job market and the skills required for success.

reshaping the job market

A journey of a thousandmiles begins with a singlestep.





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