【OpenGauss源码学习 —— 列存储(创建表)】

news2025/1/17 15:35:10


  • 什么是列存储?
  • 语法实现
    • 语法格式
    • 参数说明
    • 示例
    • 源码分析(创建表)
      • 语法层(Gram.y)
      • 子模块(utility.cpp)
  • 总结

本文主要参考了 OpenGauss1.1.0 的开源代码和《OpenGauss数据库源码解析》一书以及OpenGauss社区学习文档




  1. 压缩效率高:由于相同类型的数据在列中是连续存储的,可以采用更加高效的压缩算法,从而减少存储空间的使用。
  2. 数据读取效率高:在查询中只加载需要的列,减少了不必要的数据传输,提高了查询效率。
  3. 聚合操作效率高:在列存储中,同一列的数据相邻存储,这样在进行聚合操作时只需要对该列中的数据进行计算,减少了不必要的读取和计算。
  4. 列存储适合分析性查询:分析性查询通常涉及多个列的聚合和筛选操作,列存储的存储方式更适合这种场景,可以提高查询效率。
  5. 适用于大规模数据处理:列存储在大规模数据处理、数据仓库等场景中具有明显的性能优势,能够更好地支持复杂的分析任务。


列存1. 查询时只有涉及到的列会被读取。
2. 投影(Projection)很高效。
3. 任何列都能作为索引。
1. 选择完成时,被选择的列要重新组装。


行存1. 点查询(返回记录少,基于索引的简单查询)。
2. 增、删、改操作较多的场景。
3. 频繁的更新、少量的插入。
列存1. 统计分析类查询 (关联、分组操作较多的场景)。
2. 即席查询(查询条件不确定,行存表扫描难以使用索引)。
3. 一次性大批量插入。
4. 表列数较多,建议使用列存表。
5. 如果每次查询时,只涉及了表的少数(<50%总列数)几个列,建议使用列存表。



CREATE TABLE table_name 
    (column_name data_type [, ... ])
    [ WITH ( ORIENTATION  = value) ];





  1. 不指定ORIENTATION参数时,表默认为行存表。例如:
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE customer_test1
  state_ID   CHAR(2),
  state_NAME VARCHAR2(40),
  area_ID    NUMBER

openGauss=# DROP TABLE customer_test1;
  1. 创建列存表时,需要指定ORIENTATION参数。例如:
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE customer_test2
  state_ID   CHAR(2),
  state_NAME VARCHAR2(40),
  area_ID    NUMBER

openGauss=# DROP TABLE customer_test2;




注:Gram.y文件是YACC(Yet Another Compiler Compiler)工具生成的语法分析器的输入文件,用于解析SQL语句或其他领域特定语言。

columnDef:	ColId Typename ColCmprsMode create_generic_options ColQualList
					ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef);
					n->colname = $1;
					n->typname = $2;
					n->inhcount = 0;
					n->is_local = true;
					n->is_not_null = false;
					n->is_from_type = false;
					n->storage = 0;
					n->cmprs_mode = $3;
					n->raw_default = NULL;
					n->cooked_default = NULL;
					n->collOid = InvalidOid;
					n->fdwoptions = $4;
                    SplitColQualList($5, &n->constraints, &n->collClause,&n->clientLogicColumnRef, yyscanner);

					$$ = (Node *)n;


  1. columnDef::这是一个非终结符,表示列定义的语法规则开始。
  2. ColId Typename ColCmprsMode create_generic_options ColQualList:这是规则的产生式,由一系列非终结符组成,代表列定义的各个部分。
  3. { }:这是动作部分的开始和结束,包含在花括号内的代码会在解析这个规则时执行。
  4. ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef);:在这里,创建了一个 ColumnDef 类型的节点,并将其指针赋值给 n
  5. n->colname = $1;:将解析得到的列名(通过 $1 表示)赋值给列定义的节点的 colname 字段。
  6. n->typname = $2;:将解析得到的类型名赋值给列定义的节点的 typname 字段。
  7. n->inhcount = 0;:将继承计数字段初始化为 0。
  8. n->is_local = true;:设置 is_local 字段为 true
  9. n->is_not_null = false;:设置 is_not_null 字段为 false
  10. n->is_from_type = false;:设置 is_from_type 字段为 false
  11. n->storage = 0;:将存储字段初始化为 0。
  12. n->cmprs_mode = $3;:将解析得到的压缩模式赋值给 cmprs_mode 字段。
  13. n->raw_default = NULL;:将默认原始值字段初始化为 NULL
  14. n->cooked_default = NULL;:将默认经过处理的值字段初始化为 NULL
  15. n->collOid = InvalidOid;:将排序规则 OID 初始化为 InvalidOid
  16. n->fdwoptions = $4;:将解析得到的外部数据包含选项赋值给 fdwoptions 字段。
  17. n->clientLogicColumnRef=NULL;:将客户逻辑列引用字段初始化为 NULL
  18. SplitColQualList($5, &n->constraints, &n->collClause, &n->clientLogicColumnRef, yyscanner);:调用函数 SplitColQualList,将解析得到的列限制、排序规则和客户逻辑列引用传递给相应的字段。
  19. $$ = (Node *)n;:将构造的列定义节点 n 赋值给规则的结果。
  20. ;:表示语法规则结束。

  其中,ColumnDef 结构一般在数据库的源代码中进行定义。它通常是作为系统内部数据结构的一部分,用于表示用户在创建表时定义的列的属性。
  ColumnDef 结构源码如下:(路径:src/include/nodes/parsenodes_common.h

 * ColumnDef - 列定义(用于各种创建操作)
 * 如果列有默认值,我们可以在“原始”形式(未经转换的解析树)或“处理过”形式(经过解析分析的可执行表达式树)中拥有该值的表达式,
 * 这取决于如何创建此 ColumnDef 节点(通过解析还是从现有关系继承)。在同一个节点中不应同时存在两者!
 * 类似地,我们可以在原始形式(表示为 CollateClause,arg==NULL)或处理过形式(校对的 OID)中拥有 COLLATE 规范。
 * 约束列表可能在由 gram.y 生成的原始解析树中包含 CONSTR_DEFAULT 项,但 transformCreateStmt 将删除该项并设置 raw_default。
 * CONSTR_DEFAULT 项不应出现在任何后续处理中。
typedef struct ColumnDef {
    NodeTag type;              /* 结点类型标记 */
    char *colname;             /* 列名 */
    TypeName *typname;         /* 列的数据类型 */
    int kvtype;                /* 如果使用 KV 存储,kv 属性类型 */
    int inhcount;              /* 列继承的次数 */
    bool is_local;             /* 列是否有本地(非继承)定义 */
    bool is_not_null;          /* 是否指定 NOT NULL 约束? */
    bool is_from_type;         /* 列定义来自表类型 */
    bool is_serial;            /* 列是否是序列类型 */
    char storage;              /* attstorage 设置,或默认为 0 */
    int8 cmprs_mode;           /* 应用于此列的压缩方法 */
    Node *raw_default;         /* 默认值(未经转换的解析树) */
    Node *cooked_default;      /* 默认值(经过转换的表达式树) */
    CollateClause *collClause; /* 未经转换的 COLLATE 规范,如果有的话 */
    Oid collOid;               /* 校对 OID(如果未设置,则为 InvalidOid) */
    List *constraints;         /* 列的其他约束 */
    List *fdwoptions;          /* 每列的 FDW 选项 */
    ClientLogicColumnRef *clientLogicColumnRef; /* 客户端逻辑引用 */
    Position *position;
    Form_pg_attribute dropped_attr; /* 在创建类似表 OE 过程中被删除的属性的结构 */
} ColumnDef;

  这里重点来看看n->cmprs_mode = $3;也就是列的压缩方法是如何定义的:

ColCmprsMode:    /* 列压缩模式规则 */
    DELTA           {$$ = ATT_CMPR_DELTA;}        /* delta 压缩 */
    | PREFIX        {$$ = ATT_CMPR_PREFIX;}       /* 前缀压缩 */
    | DICTIONARY    {$$ = ATT_CMPR_DICTIONARY;}   /* 字典压缩 */
    | NUMSTR        {$$ = ATT_CMPR_NUMSTR;}       /* 数字-字符串压缩 */
    | NOCOMPRESS    {$$ = ATT_CMPR_NOCOMPRESS;}   /* 不压缩 */
    | /* EMPTY */   {$$ = ATT_CMPR_UNDEFINED;}    /* 用户未指定 */

  以上代码是 opengauss 数据库系统中定义列压缩模式的规则。每行代码对应了一种列压缩模式,例如 DELTA 压缩前缀压缩字典压缩等。在解析和创建表的过程中,用户可以通过指定列的压缩模式来定义对该列的数据压缩方式。根据语法规则,解析器会将不同的压缩模式转换为对应的内部表示值,以便在内部进行处理。


  函数 CreateCommand(路径:src/gausskernel/process/tcop/utility.cpp),用于处理创建表(CREATE 命令)的操作,源码如下:

 * Notice: parse_tree could be from cached plan, do not modify it under other memory context
#ifdef PGXC
void CreateCommand(CreateStmt *parse_tree, const char *query_string, ParamListInfo params, 
                   bool is_top_level, bool sent_to_remote)
void CreateCommand(CreateStmt* parse_tree, const char* query_string, ParamListInfo params, bool is_top_level)

    List* stmts = NIL;
    ListCell* l = NULL;
    Oid rel_oid;
#ifdef PGXC
    bool is_temp = false;
    bool is_object_temp = false;
    PGXCSubCluster* sub_cluster = NULL;
    char* tablespace_name = NULL;
    char relpersistence = RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT;
    bool table_is_exist = false;
    char* internal_data = NULL;
    List* uuids = (List*)copyObject(parse_tree->uuids);

    char* first_exec_node = NULL;
    bool is_first_node = false;
    char* query_string_with_info = (char*)query_string;
    char* query_string_with_data = (char*)query_string;

    if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord()) {
        first_exec_node = find_first_exec_cn();
        is_first_node = (strcmp(first_exec_node, g_instance.attr.attr_common.PGXCNodeName) == 0);

     * DefineRelation() needs to know "isTopLevel"
     * by "DfsDDLIsTopLevelXact" to prevent "create hdfs table" running
     * inside a transaction block.
    if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord())
        u_sess->exec_cxt.DfsDDLIsTopLevelXact = is_top_level;

    /* Run parse analysis ... */
    if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_parallel_ddl)
        stmts = transformCreateStmt((CreateStmt*)parse_tree, query_string, NIL, true, is_first_node);
        stmts = transformCreateStmt((CreateStmt*)parse_tree, query_string, NIL, false);

     * If stmts is NULL, then the table is exists.
     * we need record that for searching the group of table.
    if (stmts == NIL) {
        table_is_exist = true;
         * Just return here, if we continue
         * to send if not exists stmt, may
         * cause the inconsistency of metadata.
         * If we under xc_maintenance_mode, we can do
         * this to slove some problem of inconsistency.
        if (u_sess->attr.attr_common.xc_maintenance_mode == false)

#ifdef PGXC
         * Scan the list of objects.
         * Temporary tables are created on Datanodes only.
         * Non-temporary objects are created on all nodes.
         * In case temporary and non-temporary objects are mized return an error.
        bool is_first = true;

        foreach (l, stmts) {
            Node* stmt = (Node*)lfirst(l);

            if (IsA(stmt, CreateStmt)) {
                CreateStmt* stmt_loc = (CreateStmt*)stmt;
                sub_cluster = stmt_loc->subcluster;
                tablespace_name = stmt_loc->tablespacename;
                relpersistence = stmt_loc->relation->relpersistence;
                is_object_temp = stmt_loc->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP;
                internal_data = stmt_loc->internalData;
                if (is_object_temp)
                    u_sess->exec_cxt.hasTempObject = true;

                if (is_first) {
                    is_first = false;
                    if (is_object_temp)
                        is_temp = true;
                } else {
                    if (is_object_temp != is_temp)
                                errmsg("CREATE not supported for TEMP and non-TEMP objects"),
                                errdetail("You should separate TEMP and non-TEMP objects")));
            } else if (IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt)) {
                if (in_logic_cluster()) {
                    CreateStmt* stmt_loc = (CreateStmt*)stmt;
                    sub_cluster = stmt_loc->subcluster;

                /* There are no temporary foreign tables */
                if (is_first) {
                    is_first = false;
                } else {
                    if (!is_temp)
                                errmsg("CREATE not supported for TEMP and non-TEMP objects"),
                                errdetail("You should separate TEMP and non-TEMP objects")));
            } else if (IsA(stmt, CreateSeqStmt)) {
                CreateSeqStmt* sstmt = (CreateSeqStmt*)stmt;

                Const* n = makeConst(INT8OID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(int64), Int64GetDatum(sstmt->uuid), false, true);

                uuids = lappend(uuids, n);

        /* Package the internalData after the query_string */
        if (internal_data != NULL) {
            query_string_with_data = append_internal_data_to_query(internal_data, query_string);

         * Now package the uuids message that create table on RemoteNode need.
        if (uuids != NIL) {
            char* uuid_info = nodeToString(uuids);
            AssembleHybridMessage(&query_string_with_info, query_string_with_data, uuid_info);
        } else
            query_string_with_info = query_string_with_data;

     * If I am the main execute CN but not CCN,
     * Notify the CCN to create firstly, and then notify other CNs except me.
    if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord()) {
        if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_parallel_ddl && !is_first_node) {
            if (!sent_to_remote) {
                RemoteQuery* step = makeNode(RemoteQuery);
                step->combine_type = COMBINE_TYPE_SAME;
                step->sql_statement = (char*)query_string_with_info;

                if (is_object_temp)
                    step->exec_type = EXEC_ON_NONE;
                    step->exec_type = EXEC_ON_COORDS;

                step->exec_nodes = NULL;
                step->is_temp = is_temp;
                ExecRemoteUtility_ParallelDDLMode(step, first_exec_node);

    if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_parallel_ddl) {
        if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord() && !is_first_node)
            stmts = transformCreateStmt((CreateStmt*)parse_tree, query_string, uuids, false);

#ifdef PGXC
     * Add a RemoteQuery node for a query at top level on a remote
     * Coordinator, if not already done so
    if (!sent_to_remote) {
        if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_parallel_ddl && !is_first_node)
            stmts = AddRemoteQueryNode(stmts, query_string_with_info, EXEC_ON_DATANODES, is_temp);
            stmts = AddRemoteQueryNode(stmts, query_string_with_info, CHOOSE_EXEC_NODES(is_object_temp), is_temp);

        if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord() &&
            (sub_cluster == NULL || sub_cluster->clustertype == SUBCLUSTER_GROUP)) {
            const char* group_name = NULL;
            Oid group_oid = InvalidOid;

             * If TO-GROUP clause is specified when creating table, we
             * only have to add required datanode in remote DDL execution
            if (sub_cluster != NULL) {
                ListCell* lc = NULL;
                foreach (lc, sub_cluster->members) {
                    group_name = strVal(lfirst(lc));
            } else if (in_logic_cluster() && !table_is_exist) {
                 *  for CreateForeignTableStmt ,
                 *  CreateTableStmt with user not attached to logic cluster
                group_name = PgxcGroupGetCurrentLogicCluster();
                if (group_name == NULL) {
                    ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("Cannot find logic cluster.")));
            } else {
                Oid tablespace_id = InvalidOid;
                bool dfs_tablespace = false;

                if (tablespace_name != NULL) {
                    tablespace_id = get_tablespace_oid(tablespace_name, false);
                } else {
                    tablespace_id = GetDefaultTablespace(relpersistence);

                /* Determine if we are working on a HDFS table. */
                dfs_tablespace = IsSpecifiedTblspc(tablespace_id, FILESYSTEM_HDFS);

                 * If TO-GROUP clause is not specified we are using the installation group to
                 * distribute table.
                 * For HDFS table/Foreign Table we don't refer default_storage_nodegroup
                 * to make table creation.
                if (table_is_exist) {
                    Oid rel_id = RangeVarGetRelid(((CreateStmt*)parse_tree)->relation, NoLock, true);
                    if (OidIsValid(rel_id)) {
                        Oid table_groupoid = get_pgxc_class_groupoid(rel_id);
                        if (OidIsValid(table_groupoid)) {
                            group_name = get_pgxc_groupname(table_groupoid);
                    if (group_name == NULL) {
                        group_name = PgxcGroupGetInstallationGroup();
                } else if (dfs_tablespace || IsA(parse_tree, CreateForeignTableStmt)) {
                    group_name = PgxcGroupGetInstallationGroup();
                } else if (strcmp(u_sess->attr.attr_sql.default_storage_nodegroup, INSTALLATION_MODE) == 0 ||
                           u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade) {
                    group_name = PgxcGroupGetInstallationGroup();
                } else {
                    group_name = u_sess->attr.attr_sql.default_storage_nodegroup;

                /* If we didn't identify an installation node group error it out out */
                if (group_name == NULL) {
                            errmsg("Installation node group is not defined in current cluster")));

            /* Fetch group name */
            group_oid = get_pgxc_groupoid(group_name);
            if (!OidIsValid(group_oid)) {
                    (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("Target node group \"%s\" doesn't exist", group_name)));

            if (in_logic_cluster()) {
                check_logic_cluster_create_priv(group_oid, group_name);
            } else {
                /* No limit in logic cluster mode */
                /* check to block non-redistribution process creating table to old group */
                if (!u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_cluster_resize) {
                    char in_redistribution = get_pgxc_group_redistributionstatus(group_oid);
                    if (in_redistribution == 'y') {
                                errmsg("Unable to create table on old installation group \"%s\" while in cluster "

            /* Build exec_nodes to table creation */
            const int total_len = list_length(stmts);
            Node* node = (Node*)list_nth(stmts, (total_len - 1));

            // *node* should be a RemoteQuery Node
            AssertEreport(query_string != NULL, MOD_EXECUTOR, "Node type is not remote type");
            RemoteQuery* rquery = (RemoteQuery*)node;
            // *exec_nodes* should be a NULL pointer
            AssertEreport(!rquery->exec_nodes, MOD_EXECUTOR, "remote query is not DN");
            rquery->exec_nodes = makeNode(ExecNodes);
            /* Set group oid here for sending bucket map to dn */
            rquery->exec_nodes->distribution.group_oid = group_oid;
            if (find_hashbucket_options(stmts)) {
                rquery->is_send_bucket_map = true;
             * Check node group permissions, we only do such kind of ACL check
             * for user-defined nodegroup(none-installation)
            AclResult acl_result = pg_nodegroup_aclcheck(group_oid, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE);
            if (acl_result != ACLCHECK_OK) {
                aclcheck_error(acl_result, ACL_KIND_NODEGROUP, group_name);

             * Notice!!
             * In cluster resizing stage we need special processing logics in table creation as:
             *	[1]. create table delete_delta ... to group old_group on all DN
             *	[2]. display pgxc_group.group_members
             *	[3]. drop table delete_delta ==> drop delete_delta on all DN
             * So, as normal, when target node group's status is marked as 'installation' or
             * 'redistribution', we have to issue a full-DN create table request, remeber
             * pgxc_class.group_members still reflects table's logic distribution to tell pgxc
             * planner to build Scan operator in multi_nodegroup way. The reason we have to so is
             * to be compatible with current gs_switch_relfilenode() invokation in cluster expand
             * and shrunk mechanism.
            if (need_full_dn_execution(group_name)) {
                /* Sepcial path, issue full-DN create table request */
                rquery->exec_nodes->nodeList = GetAllDataNodes();
            } else {
                /* Normal path, issue only needs DNs in create table request */
                Oid* members = NULL;
                int nmembers = 0;
                nmembers = get_pgxc_groupmembers(group_oid, &members);

                /* Append nodeId to exec_nodes */
                rquery->exec_nodes->nodeList = GetNodeGroupNodeList(members, nmembers);

                if (uuids && nmembers < u_sess->pgxc_cxt.NumDataNodes) {
                    char* create_seqs;
                    RemoteQuery* step;

                    /* Create table in NodeGroup with sequence. */
                    create_seqs = assemble_create_sequence_msg(stmts, uuids);
                    step = make_remote_query_for_seq(rquery->exec_nodes, create_seqs);
                    stmts = lappend(stmts, step);

    if (uuids != NIL) {
        uuids = NIL;

    /* ... and do it */
    foreach (l, stmts) {
        Node* stmt = (Node*)lfirst(l);

        if (IsA(stmt, CreateStmt)) {
            Datum toast_options;
            static const char* const validnsps[] = HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES;

            /* forbid user to set or change inner options */

            /* Create the table itself */
            rel_oid = DefineRelation((CreateStmt*)stmt,
                                    ((CreateStmt*)stmt)->relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ?
                                                                    RELKIND_MATVIEW : RELKIND_RELATION,
             * Let AlterTableCreateToastTable decide if this one
             * needs a secondary relation too.

            /* parse and validate reloptions for the toast table */
            toast_options =
                transformRelOptions((Datum)0, ((CreateStmt*)stmt)->options, "toast", validnsps, true, false);

            (void)heap_reloptions(RELKIND_TOASTVALUE, toast_options, true);

            AlterTableCreateToastTable(rel_oid, toast_options, ((CreateStmt *)stmt)->oldToastNode);
            AlterCStoreCreateTables(rel_oid, toast_options, (CreateStmt*)stmt);
            AlterDfsCreateTables(rel_oid, toast_options, (CreateStmt*)stmt);
            Datum reloptions = transformRelOptions(
                (Datum)0, ((CreateStmt*)stmt)->options, NULL, validnsps, true, false);
            StdRdOptions* std_opt = (StdRdOptions*)heap_reloptions(RELKIND_RELATION, reloptions, true);
            if (StdRelOptIsTsStore(std_opt)) {
                create_ts_store_tables(rel_oid, toast_options);
            /* create partition policy if ttl or period defined */
            create_part_policy_if_needed((CreateStmt*)stmt, rel_oid);
        } else if (IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt)) {
            /* forbid user to set or change inner options */

            /* if this is a log ft, check its definition */

            /* Create the table itself */
            if (pg_strcasecmp(((CreateForeignTableStmt *)stmt)->servername, 
                STREAMING_SERVER) == 0) {
                /* Create stream */
                rel_oid = DefineRelation((CreateStmt*)stmt, RELKIND_STREAM, InvalidOid);
            } else {
                /* Create foreign table */
                rel_oid = DefineRelation((CreateStmt*)stmt, RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE, InvalidOid);
            CreateForeignTable((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt, rel_oid);
        } else {
            if (IsA(stmt, AlterTableStmt))
                ((AlterTableStmt*)stmt)->fromCreate = true;

            /* Recurse for anything else */
#ifdef PGXC
#endif /* PGXC */

        /* Need CCI between commands */
        if (lnext(l) != NULL)

    /* reset */
    t_thrd.xact_cxt.inheritFileNode = false;
    parse_tree->uuids = NIL;

  CreateCommand 函数负责处理 CREATE TABLECREATE FOREIGN TABLE创建表SQL 语句。下面简单介绍一下CreateCommand 函数的执行流程:

  1. 在开始之前,根据宏定义,函数有不同的参数,具体分为 PGXCPostgreSQL扩展性集群)模式和非 PGXC 模式。在 PGXC 模式下,还有一些额外的变量用于并行 DDL(数据定义语言)执行和集群扩展/缩减。
  2. 这个函数首先初始化一些变量,包括一些用于 PGXC 模式下的信息,例如集群信息表空间名表的持久性等。
  3. 置当前会话的状态,以便 DefineRelation() 函数判断是否需要执行 DDL 语句。对于 PGXC 模式,还会设置并行 DDL 的状态。
  4. 进行解析分析,将原始的 parse_tree 转化为一个列表 stmts,其中包含了各种 DDL 语句。解析分析是数据库执行 DDL 语句的第一步,将原始的语法树转换为可以执行的逻辑语句。
  5. 如果 stmts 为空,意味着表已经存在,会标记 table_is_exist 为真。这可能会在集群中有一些特殊的处理,具体操作可能会终止或返回。
  6. PGXC 模式下,根据一些条件判断,选择性地设置 query_string_with_info,可能包含集群信息和UUID等。
  7. PGXC 模式下,如果当前节点是主协调器且不是从协调器连接的,会根据条件发送远程查询,进行表的创建操作,具体取决于表的临时性质和是否启用并行 DDL
  8. PGXC 模式下,如果启用了并行 DDL,会再次进行解析分析,为了在并行 DDL 模式下对每个节点进行处理。
  9. 进行迭代处理 stmts 列表中的每个语句,根据语句类型分别执行相应的操作:
  • 如果是 CreateStmt,调用 DefineRelation 函数定义表,然后根据情况创建相应的关联表(如 TOAST 表、列存储表、分布式表等)。
  • 如果是 CreateForeignTableStmt,调用 DefineRelation 函数定义外部表,然后根据情况创建相应的外部表。
  • 对于其他类型的语句,进行递归处理。
  1. 在语句执行之间,增加 CommandCounter,确保在不同语句之间的数据一致性
  2. 最后,清理和释放一些资源,包括清空 uuids 列表和重置相关状态。

  其中,函数 DefineRelation 是用于创建新表及其元数据的核心函数,它涵盖了与表的物理存储和逻辑结构相关的各种操作,并确保表的定义符合数据库系统的要求。
  DefineRelation 函数源码如下:(路径:src/gausskernel/optimizer/commands/tablecmds.cpp

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 *		DefineRelation
 *				Creates a new relation.
 * stmt carries parsetree information from an ordinary CREATE TABLE statement.
 * The other arguments are used to extend the behavior for other cases:
 * relkind: relkind to assign to the new relation
 * ownerId: if not InvalidOid, use this as the new relation's owner.
 * Note that permissions checks are done against current user regardless of
 * ownerId.  A nonzero ownerId is used when someone is creating a relation
 * "on behalf of" someone else, so we still want to see that the current user
 * has permissions to do it.
 * If successful, returns the OID of the new relation.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------
Oid DefineRelation(CreateStmt* stmt, char relkind, Oid ownerId)
    char relname[NAMEDATALEN];
    Oid namespaceId;
    List* schema = stmt->tableElts;
    Oid relationId;
    Oid tablespaceId;
    Relation rel;
    TupleDesc descriptor;
    List* inheritOids = NIL;
    List* old_constraints = NIL;
    bool localHasOids = false;
    int parentOidCount;
    List* rawDefaults = NIL;
    List* cookedDefaults = NIL;
    List *ceLst = NIL;
    Datum reloptions;
    ListCell* listptr = NULL;
    AttrNumber attnum;
    static const char* const validnsps[] = HEAP_RELOPT_NAMESPACES;
    Oid ofTypeId;
    Node* orientedFrom = NULL;
    char* storeChar = ORIENTATION_ROW;
    bool timeseries_checked = false;
    bool dfsTablespace = false;
    bool isInitdbOnDN = false;
    HashBucketInfo* bucketinfo = NULL;
    DistributionType distType;

     * isalter is true, change the owner of the objects as the owner of the
     * namespace, if the owner of the namespce has the same name as the namescpe
    bool isalter = false;
    bool hashbucket = false;

    bool relisshared = u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade && u_sess->upg_cxt.new_catalog_isshared;
    errno_t rc;
     * Truncate relname to appropriate length (probably a waste of time, as
     * parser should have done this already).
    rc = strncpy_s(relname, NAMEDATALEN, stmt->relation->relname, NAMEDATALEN - 1);
    securec_check(rc, "", "");
    if (stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED && STMT_RETRY_ENABLED)
        stmt->relation->relpersistence = RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT;

    /* During grayscale upgrade, forbid creating LIST/RANGE tables if workingVersionNum is too low. */
    if (stmt->distributeby != NULL) {
        distType = stmt->distributeby->disttype;
        if ((distType == DISTTYPE_RANGE || distType == DISTTYPE_LIST) && 
            t_thrd.proc->workingVersionNum < RANGE_LIST_DISTRIBUTION_VERSION_NUM) {
                        "Working Version Num less than %u does not support LIST/RANGE distributed tables.", 

     * Check consistency of arguments
    if (stmt->oncommit != ONCOMMIT_NOOP
        && !(stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP
        || stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP)) {
               errmsg("ON COMMIT can only be used on temporary tables")));

    //@Temp Table. We do not support on commit drop right now.
    if ((stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP
        || stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP)
        && stmt->oncommit == ONCOMMIT_DROP) {
               "ON COMMIT only support PRESERVE ROWS or DELETE ROWS option")));

    if (stmt->constraints != NIL && relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) {
        ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("constraints on foreign tables are not supported")));

    if (stmt->constraints != NIL && relkind == RELKIND_STREAM) {
        ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("constraints on streams are not supported")));
     * For foreign table ROUNDROBIN distribution is a built-in support.
    if (IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt) &&
        (IsSpecifiedFDW(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername, DIST_FDW) ||
            IsSpecifiedFDW(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername, LOG_FDW) ||
            IsSpecifiedFDW(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername, GC_FDW)) &&
        (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR || (isRestoreMode && stmt->subcluster)) && !stmt->distributeby) {
        stmt->distributeby = makeNode(DistributeBy);
        stmt->distributeby->disttype = DISTTYPE_ROUNDROBIN;
        stmt->distributeby->colname = NULL;
     * Look up the namespace in which we are supposed to create the relation,
     * check we have permission to create there, lock it against concurrent
     * drop, and mark stmt->relation as RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP if a temporary
     * namespace is selected.
    namespaceId = RangeVarGetAndCheckCreationNamespace(stmt->relation, NoLock, NULL);

    if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enforce_a_behavior) {
        /* Identify user ID that will own the table
         * change the owner of the objects as the owner of the namespace
         * if the owner of the namespce has the same name as the namescpe
         * note: the object must be of the ordinary table, sequence, view or
         *		composite type
        if (!OidIsValid(ownerId) && (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION || relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE ||
            relkind == RELKIND_VIEW || relkind == RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE
            || relkind == RELKIND_CONTQUERY))
            ownerId = GetUserIdFromNspId(namespaceId);

        if (!OidIsValid(ownerId))
            ownerId = GetUserId();
        else if (ownerId != GetUserId())
            isalter = true;

        if (isalter) {
            /* Check namespace permissions. */
            AclResult aclresult;

            aclresult = pg_namespace_aclcheck(namespaceId, ownerId, ACL_CREATE);
            if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
                aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_NAMESPACE, get_namespace_name(namespaceId));
     * Security check: disallow creating temp tables from security-restricted
     * code.  This is needed because calling code might not expect untrusted
     * tables to appear in pg_temp at the front of its search path.
    if ((stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP
        || stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP)
        && InSecurityRestrictedOperation()) {
                errmsg("cannot create temporary table within security-restricted operation")));

     * Select tablespace to use.  If not specified, use default tablespace
     * (which may in turn default to database's default).
    if (stmt->tablespacename) {
        tablespaceId = get_tablespace_oid(stmt->tablespacename, false);
    } else {
        tablespaceId = GetDefaultTablespace(stmt->relation->relpersistence);
        /* note InvalidOid is OK in this case */

    dfsTablespace = IsSpecifiedTblspc(tablespaceId, FILESYSTEM_HDFS);

    if (dfsTablespace) {
        FEATURE_NOT_PUBLIC_ERROR("HDFS is not yet supported.");

    if (dfsTablespace && is_feature_disabled(DATA_STORAGE_FORMAT)) {
        ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("Unsupport the dfs table in this version.")));

    PreCheckCreatedObj(stmt, dfsTablespace, relkind);

    /* Check permissions except when using database's default */
    if (OidIsValid(tablespaceId) && tablespaceId != u_sess->proc_cxt.MyDatabaseTableSpace) {
        AclResult aclresult;

        aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(tablespaceId, GetUserId(), ACL_CREATE);
        if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
            aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE, get_tablespace_name(tablespaceId));
        // view is not related to tablespace, so no need to check permissions
        if (isalter && relkind != RELKIND_VIEW &&  relkind != RELKIND_CONTQUERY) {
            aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(tablespaceId, ownerId, ACL_CREATE);
            if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
                aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE, get_tablespace_name(tablespaceId));

    /* In all cases disallow placing user relations in pg_global */
    if (!relisshared && tablespaceId == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
                errmsg("only shared relations can be placed in pg_global tablespace")));

    /* Identify user ID that will own the table */
    if (!OidIsValid(ownerId))
        ownerId = GetUserId();

    /* Add default options for relation if need. */
    if (!dfsTablespace) {
        if (!u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade) {
            stmt->options = AddDefaultOptionsIfNeed(stmt->options, relkind, stmt->row_compress);
    } else {
        checkObjectCreatedinHDFSTblspc(stmt, relkind);

    /* Only support one partial cluster key for dfs table. */
    if (stmt->clusterKeys && list_length(stmt->clusterKeys) > 1) {
                errmsg("Only support one partial cluster key for dfs/cstore table.")));

    /* Check tablespace's permissions for partition */
    if (stmt->partTableState) {
        check_part_tbl_space(stmt, ownerId, dfsTablespace);

     * Parse and validate reloptions, if any.
    /* global temp table */
    OnCommitAction oncommitAction = GttOncommitOption(stmt->options);
    if (stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP
        && relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) {
        if (oncommitAction != ONCOMMIT_NOOP && stmt->oncommit == ONCOMMIT_NOOP) {
            stmt->oncommit = oncommitAction;
        } else {
            if (oncommitAction != ONCOMMIT_NOOP && stmt->oncommit != ONCOMMIT_NOOP) {
                stmt->options = RemoveRelOption(stmt->options, "on_commit_delete_rows", NULL);
            DefElem *opt = makeNode(DefElem);

            opt->type = T_DefElem;
            opt->defnamespace = NULL;
            opt->defname = "on_commit_delete_rows";
            opt->defaction = DEFELEM_UNSPEC;

            /* use reloptions to remember on commit clause */
            if (stmt->oncommit == ONCOMMIT_DELETE_ROWS) {
                opt->arg = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(makeString("true"));
            } else if (stmt->oncommit == ONCOMMIT_PRESERVE_ROWS) {
                opt->arg = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(makeString("false"));
            } else if (stmt->oncommit == ONCOMMIT_NOOP) {
                opt->arg = reinterpret_cast<Node *>(makeString("false"));
            } else {
                elog(ERROR, "global temp table not support on commit drop clause");
            stmt->options = lappend(stmt->options, opt);
    } else if (oncommitAction != ONCOMMIT_NOOP) {
        elog(ERROR, "The parameter on_commit_delete_rows is exclusive to the global temp table, which cannot be "
                    "specified by a regular table");

    reloptions = transformRelOptions((Datum)0, stmt->options, NULL, validnsps, true, false);

    orientedFrom = (Node*)makeString(ORIENTATION_ROW); /* default is ORIENTATION_ROW */
    StdRdOptions* std_opt = (StdRdOptions*)heap_reloptions(relkind, reloptions, true);
    if (std_opt != NULL) {
        hashbucket = std_opt->hashbucket;
        if (hashbucket == true && t_thrd.proc->workingVersionNum < 92063) {
                    errmsg("hash bucket table not supported in current version!")));
        if (pg_strcasecmp(ORIENTATION_COLUMN, StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, orientation, ORIENTATION_ROW)) == 0) {
            orientedFrom = (Node*)makeString(ORIENTATION_COLUMN);
            storeChar = ORIENTATION_COLUMN;
        } else if (pg_strcasecmp(ORIENTATION_ORC,
            StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, orientation, ORIENTATION_ROW)) == 0) {
             * Don't allow "create DFS table" to run inside a transaction block.
             * "DfsDDLIsTopLevelXact" is set in "case T_CreateStmt" of
             * standard_ProcessUtility()
             * exception: allow "CREATE DFS TABLE" operation in transaction block
             * during redis a table.
            if (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR && !IsConnFromCoord() && u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_cluster_resize == false)
                PreventTransactionChain(u_sess->exec_cxt.DfsDDLIsTopLevelXact, "CREATE DFS TABLE");

            orientedFrom = (Node*)makeString(ORIENTATION_ORC);
            storeChar = ORIENTATION_COLUMN;
        } else if(0 == pg_strcasecmp(ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES,
                    StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, orientation, ORIENTATION_ROW))) {
            orientedFrom = (Node *)makeString(ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES);
            storeChar = ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES;
            /* for ts table redistribute, timeseries table redis_ is reserved */
            if (!u_sess->attr.attr_sql.enable_cluster_resize) {
                if (strncmp(relname, "redis_", 6) == 0) {
                            errmsg("Invalid table name prefix redis_, reserved in redis mode.")));
             * Check the kvtype parameter legality for timeseries storage method.
             * If all the kvtype exclude tstime are same, change the orientation to row or column explicitly.
            timeseries_checked = validate_timeseries(&stmt, &reloptions, &storeChar, &orientedFrom);
            std_opt = (StdRdOptions*)heap_reloptions(relkind, reloptions, true);

        // Set kvtype to ATT_KV_UNDEFINED in row-oriented or column-oriented table.
        if (0 != pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES)) {

         * Because we also support create partition policy for non timeseries table, we should check parameter
         * ttl and period if it contains
        if (timeseries_checked ||
            0 != pg_strcasecmp(TIME_UNDEFINED, StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, ttl, TIME_UNDEFINED)) ||
            0 != pg_strcasecmp(TIME_UNDEFINED, StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, period, TIME_UNDEFINED))) {
            partition_policy_check(stmt, std_opt, timeseries_checked);
            if (stmt->partTableState != NULL) {
                check_part_tbl_space(stmt, ownerId, dfsTablespace);

        if (IS_SINGLE_NODE && stmt->partTableState != NULL) {
            if (stmt->partTableState->rowMovement != ROWMOVEMENT_DISABLE)
                stmt->partTableState->rowMovement = ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE;

        if (0 == pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_COLUMN)) {
            if (stmt->partTableState) {
                if (stmt->partTableState->rowMovement == ROWMOVEMENT_DISABLE) {
                        (errmsg("disable row movement is invalid for column stored tables."
                                " They always enable row movement between partitions.")));
                /* always enable rowmovement for column stored tables */
                stmt->partTableState->rowMovement = ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE;
        } else if (0 == pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES)) {
            /* check both support coloumn store and row store */
            if (stmt->partTableState) {
                if (stmt->partTableState->rowMovement == ROWMOVEMENT_DISABLE)
                        (errmsg("disable row movement is invalid for timeseries stored tables."
                                " They always enable row movement between partitions.")));
                /* always enable rowmovement for column stored tables */
                stmt->partTableState->rowMovement = ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE;
            if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) {
                /* only care heap relation. ignore foreign table and index relation */

            /* construct distribute keys using tstag if not specified */
            if (stmt->distributeby == NULL) {
                ListCell* cell = NULL;
                DistributeBy* newnode = makeNode(DistributeBy);
                List* colnames = NIL;
                newnode->disttype = DISTTYPE_HASH;

                foreach (cell, schema) {
                    ColumnDef* colDef = (ColumnDef*)lfirst(cell);
                    if (colDef->kvtype == ATT_KV_TAG && IsTypeDistributable(colDef->typname->typeOid)) {
                        colnames = lappend(colnames, makeString(colDef->colname));
                if (list_length(colnames) == 0) {
                            errmsg("No column can be used as distribution column.")));
                newnode->colname = colnames;
                stmt->distributeby = newnode;
            /* if specified hidetag, add a hidden column as distribution column */
            } else if (stmt->distributeby->disttype == DISTTYPE_HIDETAG &&
                       stmt->distributeby->colname == NULL) {
                bool has_distcol = false;
                ListCell* cell;
                foreach (cell, schema) {
                    ColumnDef* colDef = (ColumnDef*)lfirst(cell);
                    if (colDef->kvtype == ATT_KV_TAG && IsTypeDistributable(colDef->typname->typeOid)) {
                        has_distcol = true;
                if (!has_distcol) {
                            errmsg("No column can be used as distribution column.")));
                ColumnDef* colDef = makeColumnDef(TS_PSEUDO_DIST_COLUMN, "char");
                colDef->kvtype = ATT_KV_HIDE;
                stmt->tableElts = lappend(stmt->tableElts, colDef);
                /* still use hash logic later */
                DistributeBy* distnode = stmt->distributeby;
                distnode->disttype = DISTTYPE_HASH;

                distnode->colname = lappend(distnode->colname, makeString(colDef->colname));
                ereport(LOG, (errmodule(MOD_TIMESERIES), errmsg("use implicit distribution column method.")));
        } else {
            if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) {
                /* only care heap relation. ignore foreign table and index relation */

    if (pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_ROW) == 0) {

    if (stmt->ofTypename) {
        AclResult aclresult;

        ofTypeId = typenameTypeId(NULL, stmt->ofTypename);

        aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(ofTypeId, GetUserId(), ACL_USAGE);
        if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
            aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, ofTypeId);
        if (isalter) {
            ofTypeId = typenameTypeId(NULL, stmt->ofTypename);

            aclresult = pg_type_aclcheck(ofTypeId, ownerId, ACL_USAGE);
            if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
                aclcheck_error_type(aclresult, ofTypeId);
    } else
        ofTypeId = InvalidOid;

     * Look up inheritance ancestors and generate relation schema, including
     * inherited attributes.
    schema = MergeAttributes(
        schema, stmt->inhRelations, stmt->relation->relpersistence, &inheritOids, &old_constraints, &parentOidCount);

     * Create a tuple descriptor from the relation schema.	Note that this
     * deals with column names, types, and NOT NULL constraints, but not
     * default values or CHECK constraints; we handle those below.
    if (relkind == RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE)
        descriptor = BuildDescForRelation(schema, orientedFrom, relkind);
        descriptor = BuildDescForRelation(schema, orientedFrom);

    /* Must specify at least one column when creating a table. */
    if (descriptor->natts == 0 && relkind != RELKIND_COMPOSITE_TYPE) {
        ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("must have at least one column")));

    if (stmt->partTableState) {
        List* pos = NIL;

        /* get partitionkey's position */
        pos = GetPartitionkeyPos(stmt->partTableState->partitionKey, schema);

        /* check partitionkey's datatype */
        if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_VALUE) {
            CheckValuePartitionKeyType(descriptor->attrs, pos);
        } else if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_INTERVAL) {
            CheckIntervalPartitionKeyType(descriptor->attrs, pos);
            CheckIntervalValue(descriptor->attrs, pos, stmt->partTableState->intervalPartDef);
        } else if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_RANGE) {
            CheckRangePartitionKeyType(descriptor->attrs, pos);
        } else if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_LIST) {
            CheckListPartitionKeyType(descriptor->attrs, pos);
        } else if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_HASH) {
            CheckHashPartitionKeyType(descriptor->attrs, pos);
        } else {
                    (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("Unsupported partition table!")));

         * Check partitionkey's value for none value-partition table as for value
         * partition table, partition value is known until data get loaded.
        if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy != PART_STRATEGY_VALUE && 
            stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy != PART_STRATEGY_HASH &&
            stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy != PART_STRATEGY_LIST)
            ComparePartitionValue(pos, descriptor->attrs, stmt->partTableState->partitionList);
        else if (stmt->partTableState->partitionStrategy == PART_STRATEGY_LIST)
            CompareListValue(pos, descriptor->attrs, stmt->partTableState);


    localHasOids = interpretOidsOption(stmt->options);
    descriptor->tdhasoid = (localHasOids || parentOidCount > 0);

    if ((pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_COLUMN) == 0 || pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES) == 0) &&
        localHasOids) {
                errmsg("Local OID column not supported in column/timeseries store tables.")));

    bool is_gc_fdw = false;
    if (!isRestoreMode && IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt) &&
        (IsSpecifiedFDW(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername, GC_FDW))) {
        is_gc_fdw = true;

     * Find columns with default values and prepare for insertion of the
     * defaults.  Pre-cooked (that is, inherited) defaults go into a list of
     * CookedConstraint structs that we'll pass to heap_create_with_catalog,
     * while raw defaults go into a list of RawColumnDefault structs that will
     * be processed by AddRelationNewConstraints.  (We can't deal with raw
     * expressions until we can do transformExpr.)
     * We can set the atthasdef flags now in the tuple descriptor; this just
     * saves StoreAttrDefault from having to do an immediate update of the
     * pg_attribute rows.
    rawDefaults = NIL;
    cookedDefaults = NIL;
    attnum = 0;

    foreach (listptr, schema) {
        ColumnDef* colDef = (ColumnDef*)lfirst(listptr);


        if (is_gc_fdw) {
            if (colDef->constraints != NULL || colDef->is_not_null == true) {
                        errmsg("column constraint on postgres foreign tables are not supported")));

            Type ctype = typenameType(NULL, colDef->typname, NULL);

            if (ctype) {
                Form_pg_type typtup = (Form_pg_type)GETSTRUCT(ctype);
                if (typtup->typrelid > 0) {
                            errmsg("relation type column on postgres foreign tables are not supported")));


        if (colDef->raw_default != NULL) {
            RawColumnDefault* rawEnt = NULL;

            if (relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) {
                if (!(IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt) && (
                        isMOTTableFromSrvName(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername) ||
                            errmsg("default values on foreign tables are not supported")));

            if (relkind == RELKIND_STREAM) {
                    (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("default values on streams are not supported")));

            Assert(colDef->cooked_default == NULL);

            rawEnt = (RawColumnDefault*)palloc(sizeof(RawColumnDefault));
            rawEnt->attnum = attnum;
            rawEnt->raw_default = colDef->raw_default;
            rawDefaults = lappend(rawDefaults, rawEnt);
            descriptor->attrs[attnum - 1]->atthasdef = true;
        } else if (colDef->cooked_default != NULL) {
            CookedConstraint* cooked = NULL;

            cooked = (CookedConstraint*)palloc(sizeof(CookedConstraint));
            cooked->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT;
            cooked->name = NULL;
            cooked->attnum = attnum;
            cooked->expr = colDef->cooked_default;
            cooked->skip_validation = false;
            cooked->is_local = true; /* not used for defaults */
            cooked->inhcount = 0;    /* ditto */
            cooked->is_no_inherit = false;
            cookedDefaults = lappend(cookedDefaults, cooked);
            descriptor->attrs[attnum - 1]->atthasdef = true;
        if (colDef->clientLogicColumnRef != NULL) {
            CeHeapInfo *ceHeapInfo = NULL;
            ceHeapInfo = (CeHeapInfo*) palloc(sizeof(CeHeapInfo));
            ceHeapInfo->attnum = attnum;
            set_column_encryption(colDef, ceHeapInfo);
            ceLst = lappend (ceLst, ceHeapInfo);

    /*Get hash partition key based on relation distribution info*/

    bool createbucket = false;
    /* restore mode */
    if (isRestoreMode) {
        /* table need hash partition */
        if (hashbucket == true) {
            /* here is dn */
            if (u_sess->storage_cxt.dumpHashbucketIds != NULL) {
                Assert(stmt->distributeby == NULL);
                createbucket = true;
            } else {
                 if (unlikely(stmt->distributeby == NULL)) {
                        (errcode(ERRCODE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE), errmsg("distributeby is NULL.")));

            bucketinfo = GetRelationBucketInfo(stmt->distributeby, descriptor, &createbucket, InvalidOid, true);

            Assert((createbucket == true && bucketinfo->bucketlist != NULL && bucketinfo->bucketcol != NULL) ||
                   (createbucket == false && bucketinfo->bucketlist == NULL && bucketinfo->bucketcol != NULL));
    } else {
        /* here is normal mode */
        /* check if the table can be hash partition */
        if (!IS_SINGLE_NODE && !IsInitdb && (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) && !IsSystemNamespace(namespaceId) &&
            !IsCStoreNamespace(namespaceId) && (0 == pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_ROW)) &&
            (stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT)) {
            if (hashbucket == true || u_sess->attr.attr_storage.enable_hashbucket) {
                if (IS_PGXC_DATANODE) {
                    createbucket = true;
                bucketinfo = GetRelationBucketInfo(stmt->distributeby, descriptor, 
                    &createbucket, stmt->oldBucket, hashbucket);

                Assert((bucketinfo == NULL && u_sess->attr.attr_storage.enable_hashbucket) ||
                       (createbucket == true && bucketinfo->bucketlist != NULL && bucketinfo->bucketcol != NULL) ||
                       (createbucket == false && bucketinfo->bucketlist == NULL && bucketinfo->bucketcol != NULL));
        } else if (hashbucket == true) {
                    errmsg("The table %s do not support hash bucket", stmt->relation->relname)));

     * Create the relation.  Inherited defaults and constraints are passed in
     * for immediate handling --- since they don't need parsing, they can be
     * stored immediately.
    relationId = heap_create_with_catalog(relname,
        list_concat(cookedDefaults, old_constraints),
        (g_instance.attr.attr_common.allowSystemTableMods || u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade),
    if (bucketinfo != NULL) {

    /* Store inheritance information for new rel. */
    StoreCatalogInheritance(relationId, inheritOids);

     * We must bump the command counter to make the newly-created relation
     * tuple visible for opening.

#ifdef PGXC
     * Add to pgxc_class.
     * we need to do this after CommandCounterIncrement
     * Distribution info is to be added under the following conditions:
     * 1. The create table command is being run on a coordinator
     * 2. The create table command is being run in restore mode and
     *    the statement contains distribute by clause.
     *    While adding a new datanode to the cluster an existing dump
     *    that was taken from a datanode is used, and
     *    While adding a new coordinator to the cluster an exiting dump
     *    that was taken from a coordinator is used.
     *    The dump taken from a datanode does NOT contain any DISTRIBUTE BY
     *    clause. This fact is used here to make sure that when the
     *    DISTRIBUTE BY clause is missing in the statemnet the system
     *    should not try to find out the node list itself.
     * 3. When the sum of shmemNumDataNodes and shmemNumCoords equals to one,
     *    the create table command is executed on datanode.In this case, we
     *    do not write created table info in pgxc_class.
    if ((*t_thrd.pgxc_cxt.shmemNumDataNodes + *t_thrd.pgxc_cxt.shmemNumCoords) == 1)
        isInitdbOnDN = true;

    if ((!u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade || !IsSystemNamespace(namespaceId)) &&
        (IS_PGXC_COORDINATOR || (isRestoreMode && stmt->distributeby != NULL && !isInitdbOnDN)) &&
        (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION || relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||
            (relkind == RELKIND_STREAM && stmt->distributeby != NULL) ||
            (relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE && (stmt->distributeby != NULL ||
                (IsA(stmt, CreateForeignTableStmt) &&
                    isMOTTableFromSrvName(((CreateForeignTableStmt*)stmt)->servername)))))) {
            (relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE && stmt->distributeby != NULL))) {
        char* logic_cluster_name = NULL;
        PGXCSubCluster* subcluster = stmt->subcluster;
        bool isinstallationgroup = (dfsTablespace || relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE 
                                    || relkind == RELKIND_STREAM);
        if (in_logic_cluster()) {
            isinstallationgroup = false;
            if (subcluster == NULL) {
                logic_cluster_name = PgxcGroupGetCurrentLogicCluster();
                if (logic_cluster_name != NULL) {
                    subcluster = makeNode(PGXCSubCluster);
                    subcluster->clustertype = SUBCLUSTER_GROUP;
                    subcluster->members = list_make1(makeString(logic_cluster_name));

        /* assemble referenceoid for slice reference table creation */
        FetchSliceReftableOid(stmt, namespaceId);

            relname, relationId, stmt->distributeby, subcluster, inheritOids, descriptor, isinstallationgroup);

        if (logic_cluster_name != NULL && subcluster != NULL) {

        /* Make sure locator info gets rebuilt */
    /* If no Datanodes defined, do not create foreign table  */
        && u_sess->pgxc_cxt.NumDataNodes == 0) {
        ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("No Datanode defined in cluster")));
     * Open the new relation and acquire exclusive lock on it.	This isn't
     * really necessary for locking out other backends (since they can't see
     * the new rel anyway until we commit), but it keeps the lock manager from
     * complaining about deadlock risks.
    rel = relation_open(relationId, AccessExclusiveLock);

     * Now add any newly specified column default values and CHECK constraints
     * to the new relation.  These are passed to us in the form of raw
     * parsetrees; we need to transform them to executable expression trees
     * before they can be added. The most convenient way to do that is to
     * apply the parser's transformExpr routine, but transformExpr doesn't
     * work unless we have a pre-existing relation. So, the transformation has
     * to be postponed to this final step of CREATE TABLE.
    if (rawDefaults != NULL || stmt->constraints != NULL) {
        List *tmp = AddRelationNewConstraints(rel, rawDefaults, stmt->constraints, true, true);

     * Now add any cluter key constraint for relation if has.
    if (stmt->clusterKeys)
        AddRelClusterConstraints(rel, stmt->clusterKeys);

     * Clean up.  We keep lock on new relation (although it shouldn't be
     * visible to anyone else anyway, until commit).
    relation_close(rel, NoLock);

    return relationId;

  可以看到 DefineRelation 函数非常的长,没关系,我们只看我们需要的部分就可以啦。
  首先,来看一下 heap_reloptions 函数, heap_reloptions 函数用于获取表的存储选项,它需要传入表的类型 relkind(如 RELKIND_RELATION 表示普通关系表,RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE 表示外部表等)以及 reloptions,它是一个存储选项列表。这些选项可以包括各种关于表的存储细节的信息。
  heap_reloptions 函数源码如下:(路径:src/gausskernel/storage/access/common/reloptions.cpp

 * 解析堆、视图和 TOAST 表的选项。
bytea *heap_reloptions(char relkind, Datum reloptions, bool validate)
    StdRdOptions *rdopts = NULL;

    // 根据关系类型选择相应的选项解析
    switch (relkind) {
            // 对于 TOAST 表,使用默认选项解析,类型为 RELOPT_KIND_TOAST
            rdopts = (StdRdOptions *)default_reloptions(reloptions, validate, RELOPT_KIND_TOAST);
            if (rdopts != NULL) {
                /* 调整仅适用于 TOAST 关系的默认参数 */
                rdopts->fillfactor = 100;
                rdopts->autovacuum.analyze_threshold = -1;
                rdopts->autovacuum.analyze_scale_factor = -1;
            return (bytea *)rdopts;
        case RELKIND_RELATION:
            // 对于堆关系,使用默认选项解析,类型为 RELOPT_KIND_HEAP
            return default_reloptions(reloptions, validate, RELOPT_KIND_HEAP);
        case RELKIND_VIEW:
        case RELKIND_MATVIEW:
            // 对于视图、连续查询和物化视图,使用默认选项解析,类型为 RELOPT_KIND_VIEW
            return default_reloptions(reloptions, validate, RELOPT_KIND_VIEW);
            /* 不支持其他关系类型 */
            return NULL;


RELKIND_TOASTVALUE用于存储大对象(Large Object,如大文本或大二进制数据)的分片数据。这些分片数据通常是对原始数据进行分段存储,以便在需要时进行透明的读取和管理。
RELKIND_RELATION这是普通的堆表(Heap Table),也就是一般的数据表。它用于存储实际的行数据,以及与之关联的各种列信息。
RELKIND_CONTQUERY这是一种持续查询(Continuous Query),用于处理流数据(Stream Data)。持续查询关系允许用户定义一种查询,它可以随着新数据的到达而动态更新结果。
RELKIND_MATVIEW这是物化视图(Materialized View),也是一种虚拟的表,但是与普通视图不同,物化视图会实际存储计算结果,以提高查询性能。

  default_reloptions 函数的作用是获取一个指向表的默认关系选项的指针,以便后续的处理和使用。总而言之,heap_reloptions 函数的作用是提取存储信息,对表的 reloptions 进行提取,存储到 StdRdOptions 结构体中。
  以案例中的 SQL 语句为例:

openGauss=# CREATE TABLE customer_test2
  state_ID   CHAR(2),
  state_NAME VARCHAR2(40),
  area_ID    NUMBER


if (pg_strcasecmp(ORIENTATION_COLUMN, StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, orientation, ORIENTATION_ROW)) == 0) {
            orientedFrom = (Node*)makeString(ORIENTATION_COLUMN);
            storeChar = ORIENTATION_COLUMN;

  首先,它使用 StdRdOptionsGetStringData(std_opt, orientation, ORIENTATION_ROW) 从存储选项中获取方向信息,然后通过 pg_strcasecmp 函数将获取到的方向信息与字符串常量 ORIENTATION_COLUMN 进行不区分大小写的比较。
  如果比较的结果为 0,表示存储选项中的方向信息与 ORIENTATION_COLUMN 相匹配,那么就会执行以下操作:

  1. 将变量 orientedFrom 设置为一个表示列存储方向的节点,使用 makeString(ORIENTATION_COLUMN) 创建这个节点。
  2. 将变量 storeChar 设置为字符串常量 ORIENTATION_COLUMN,以便后续的操作可以使用这个标识来表示方向信息。



        // Set kvtype to ATT_KV_UNDEFINED in row-oriented or column-oriented table.
        if (0 != pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES)) {

  这个判断是在检查存储选项中的方向信息是否为 "TIMESERIES",如果不是的话,就执行一个函数 clear_kvtype_row_column(stmt) 来设置表的 kvtype 属性为 ATT_KV_UNDEFINED
  换句话说,当存储选项中的方向信息不是 "TIMESERIES" 时,将执行一些操作来将表的 kvtype 设置为未定义状态。

if (0 == pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_COLUMN)) {
            if (stmt->partTableState) {
                if (stmt->partTableState->rowMovement == ROWMOVEMENT_DISABLE) {
                        (errmsg("disable row movement is invalid for column stored tables."
                                " They always enable row movement between partitions.")));
                /* always enable rowmovement for column stored tables */
                stmt->partTableState->rowMovement = ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE;
        } else if (0 == pg_strcasecmp(storeChar, ORIENTATION_TIMESERIES)) {
            /* check both support coloumn store and row store */
            if (stmt->partTableState) {
                if (stmt->partTableState->rowMovement == ROWMOVEMENT_DISABLE)
                        (errmsg("disable row movement is invalid for timeseries stored tables."
                                " They always enable row movement between partitions.")));
                /* always enable rowmovement for column stored tables */
                stmt->partTableState->rowMovement = ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE;
            if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) {
                /* only care heap relation. ignore foreign table and index relation */

            /* construct distribute keys using tstag if not specified */
            if (stmt->distributeby == NULL) {
                ListCell* cell = NULL;
                DistributeBy* newnode = makeNode(DistributeBy);
                List* colnames = NIL;
                newnode->disttype = DISTTYPE_HASH;

                foreach (cell, schema) {
                    ColumnDef* colDef = (ColumnDef*)lfirst(cell);
                    if (colDef->kvtype == ATT_KV_TAG && IsTypeDistributable(colDef->typname->typeOid)) {
                        colnames = lappend(colnames, makeString(colDef->colname));
                if (list_length(colnames) == 0) {
                            errmsg("No column can be used as distribution column.")));
                newnode->colname = colnames;
                stmt->distributeby = newnode;
            /* if specified hidetag, add a hidden column as distribution column */
            } else if (stmt->distributeby->disttype == DISTTYPE_HIDETAG &&
                       stmt->distributeby->colname == NULL) {
                bool has_distcol = false;
                ListCell* cell;
                foreach (cell, schema) {
                    ColumnDef* colDef = (ColumnDef*)lfirst(cell);
                    if (colDef->kvtype == ATT_KV_TAG && IsTypeDistributable(colDef->typname->typeOid)) {
                        has_distcol = true;
                if (!has_distcol) {
                            errmsg("No column can be used as distribution column.")));
                ColumnDef* colDef = makeColumnDef(TS_PSEUDO_DIST_COLUMN, "char");
                colDef->kvtype = ATT_KV_HIDE;
                stmt->tableElts = lappend(stmt->tableElts, colDef);
                /* still use hash logic later */
                DistributeBy* distnode = stmt->distributeby;
                distnode->disttype = DISTTYPE_HASH;

                distnode->colname = lappend(distnode->colname, makeString(colDef->colname));
                ereport(LOG, (errmodule(MOD_TIMESERIES), errmsg("use implicit distribution column method.")));
        } else {
            if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION) {
                /* only care heap relation. ignore foreign table and index relation */


  1. 如果存储选项的方向是 "COLUMN",则执行以下操作:
  • 调用 CheckCStoreUnsupportedFeature(stmt),检查是否支持列存储的特性。
  • 调用 CheckCStoreRelOption(std_opt),检查列存储的关系选项。
  • 调用 ForbidToSetOptionsForColTbl(stmt->options),禁止为列存储表设置特定的选项。
  • 如果存在分区表状态(stmt->partTableState),则根据分区表状态设置行移动属性为 "ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE",因为列存储表总是启用分区间的行移动。
  1. 如果存储选项的方向是 "TIMESERIES",则执行以下操作:
  • 调用 CheckCStoreUnsupportedFeature(stmt),检查是否支持列存储的特性。
  • 调用 CheckCStoreRelOption(std_opt),检查列存储的关系选项。
  • 如果存在分区表状态(stmt->partTableState),则根据分区表状态设置行移动属性为 "ROWMOVEMENT_ENABLE"
  • 如果表的类型是普通表(relkind == RELKIND_RELATION),则禁止为时序存储表设置特定的选项。
  • 构建分布键使用时间戳标签列作为分布列,如果未指定分布键的话。
  • 如果指定了隐藏标签("HIDETAG")的分布方式,且未指定分布列,则添加一个隐藏列作为分布列。
  1. 如果存储选项的方向不是 "COLUMN""TIMESERIES",则执行以下操作:
  • 如果表的类型是普通表(relkind == RELKIND_RELATION),则禁止为行存储表设置特定的选项。

  其次,我们进入到 CheckCStoreUnsupportedFeature 函数来看看吧,这个函数用于检查列存储表是否支持指定的特性,如果不支持则报告错误。
  CheckCStoreUnsupportedFeature 函数源码如下:(路径:src/gausskernel/optimizer/commands/tablecmds.cpp

// all unsupported features are checked and error reported here for cstore table
static void CheckCStoreUnsupportedFeature(CreateStmt* stmt)

    if (stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP) {
                errmsg("global temporary table can only support heap table")));

    if (stmt->ofTypename)
                errmsg("Unsupport feature"),
                errdetail("cstore/timeseries don't support relation defination "
                          "with composite type using CREATE TABLE OF TYPENAME.")));

    if (stmt->inhRelations) {
                errmsg("Unsupport feature"),
                errdetail("cstore/timeseries don't support relation defination with inheritance.")));
    if (stmt->relation->schemaname != NULL &&
        IsSystemNamespace(get_namespace_oid(stmt->relation->schemaname, false))) {
                errmsg("Unsupport feature"),
                errdetail("cstore/timeseries don't support relation defination with System namespace.")));
    // Check constraints
    ListCell* lc = NULL;
    foreach (lc, stmt->tableEltsDup) {
        Node* element = (Node*)lfirst(lc);
        /* check table-level constraints */
        if (IsA(element, Constraint) && !CSTORE_SUPPORT_CONSTRAINT(((Constraint*)element)->contype)) {
                    errmsg("column/timeseries store unsupport constraint \"%s\"",
        } else if (IsA(element, ColumnDef)) {
            List* colConsList = ((ColumnDef*)element)->constraints;
            ListCell* lc2 = NULL;
            /* check column-level constraints */
            foreach (lc2, colConsList) {
                Constraint* colCons = (Constraint*)lfirst(lc2);
                if (!CSTORE_SUPPORT_CONSTRAINT(colCons->contype)) {
                            errmsg("column/timeseries store unsupport constraint \"%s\"",


  1. 首先,函数使用 Assert(stmt) 确保传入的 CreateStmt 结构体非空。
  2. 如果要创建的表是全局临时表(stmt->relation->relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_GLOBAL_TEMP),则报告错误,因为列存储表不支持全局临时表
  3. 如果表的定义中使用了 CREATE TABLE OF TYPENAME,报告错误,因为列存储表不支持使用复合类型定义
  4. 如果表的定义使用了继承(stmt->inhRelations),报告错误,因为列存储表不支持继承
  5. 如果表的模式名不为空且属于系统命名空间,报告错误,因为列存储表不支持在系统命名空间中定义
  6. 调用 CheckPartitionUnsupported(stmt) 检查分区相关的不支持特性。
  7. 遍历 stmt->tableEltsDup 中的每个元素(表元素,如列定义、约束等),检查是否存在不受支持的约束类型。如果存在不受支持的约束,报告错误。
  • 针对表级约束,检查约束类型是否受支持。
  • 针对列级约束,检查每个列的约束列表中的约束类型是否受支持。

  其次,我们再来看看 CheckCStoreRelOption 函数,该函数主要检查 PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS 是否小于 MAX_BATCHROW 的值。StdRdOptions 是一个用于存储关系选项的数据结构,它在代码中用于表示存储引擎的特定选项。

void CheckCStoreRelOption(StdRdOptions* std_opt)
    if (std_opt->partial_cluster_rows < std_opt->max_batch_rows && std_opt->partial_cluster_rows >= 0) {
                errmsg("PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS cannot be less than MAX_BATCHROW."),
                errdetail("PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS must be greater than or equal to MAX_BATCHROW."),
                errhint("PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS is MAX_BATCHROW multiplied by an integer.")));


  1. 首先,函数使用 Assert(std_opt) 确保传入的 StdRdOptions 结构体非空。
  2. 如果 PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS 的值小于 MAX_BATCHROW 并且大于等于0,报告错误。这是因为在列存储表中,PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS 表示部分数据块的行数,而 MAX_BATCHROW 表示每个批处理的最大行数。这两个参数应该满足 PARTIAL_CLUSTER_ROWS >= MAX_BATCHROW 的关系。


AlterTableCreateToastTable(rel_oid, toast_options, ((CreateStmt *)stmt)->oldToastNode);
AlterCStoreCreateTables(rel_oid, toast_options, (CreateStmt*)stmt);

  其中,AlterTableCreateToastTable 函数的作用是为表创建 TOASTThe Oversized-Attribute Storage Technique)表,用于存储那些超过一定大小的大型列数据TOAST 表存储的是被压缩和分割成块的列值,以优化数据库性能和存储空间的使用。


  1. rel_oid:要创建 TOAST 表的主表的对象标识符(OID)。
  2. toast_options:创建 TOAST 表的选项,包括压缩、存储引擎等设置。
  3. ((CreateStmt *)stmt)->oldToastNode :源表的 TOAST 表节点(如果存在的话),用于在执行 ALTER TABLE 操作时将现有的 TOAST 表与新创建的 TOAST 表进行合并。

  AlterTableCreateToastTable 函数源码如下:(路径:src/common/backend/catalog/toasting.cpp

 * AlterTableCreateToastTable
 *		If the table needs a toast table, and doesn't already have one,
 *		then create a toast table for it.
 * reloptions for the toast table can be passed, too.  Pass (Datum) 0
 * for default reloptions.
 * We expect the caller to have verified that the relation is a table and have
 * already done any necessary permission checks.  Callers expect this function
 * to end with CommandCounterIncrement if it makes any changes.
void AlterTableCreateToastTable(Oid relOid, Datum reloptions, List *filenodelist)
    Relation rel;
    bool rel_is_partitioned = check_rel_is_partitioned(relOid);
    if (!rel_is_partitioned) {
         * Grab an exclusive lock on the target table, since we'll update its
         * pg_class tuple. This is redundant for all present uses, since caller
         * will have such a lock already.  But the lock is needed to ensure that
         * concurrent readers of the pg_class tuple won't have visibility issues,
         * so let's be safe.
        rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
        if (needs_toast_table(rel))
            (void)create_toast_table(rel, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, reloptions, false, filenodelist);
    } else {
        rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessShareLock);
        if (needs_toast_table(rel))
            (void)createToastTableForPartitionedTable(rel, reloptions, filenodelist);

    heap_close(rel, NoLock);

  在 AlterTableCreateToastTable 函数中, if (needs_toast_table(rel)) 判断的是是否需要为某个表创建 TOAST 表。其中,needs_toast_table 函数中有如下代码段:

    // column-store relations don't need any toast tables.
    if (RelationIsColStore(rel))
        return false;

  因为 TOAST 表的创建和维护会增加一些开销,而对于列存储表来说,通常已经具备了高效存储和压缩的特性,所以不像行存储表那样需要单独的 TOAST 表来处理大型列数据。

  AlterCStoreCreateTables 函数的作用是为一个列存储表执行一些列存储特定的操作,主要包括以下几个方面:

  1. 创建 CStore 子表(Delta 表) : 对于列存储表,通常会有一个主表和一个或多个子表(如 Delta 表)。Delta 表用于存储新增和修改的数据,以便在之后的时间点将这些变更合并到主表中。这个函数可能会创建或配置 Delta 表。
  2. 配置存储选项: 列存储表可能有一些特定的存储选项,这些选项可能会影响数据的存储、压缩、索引等方面。函数可能会根据提供的参数进行相应的存储选项配置。
  3. 处理 TOAST 表: 尽管列存储表不需要创建 TOAST 表,但在某些情况下可能需要处理 TOAST 相关的选项,例如对于那些不同存储方式混合的列存储表

  AlterCStoreCreateTables 函数源码如下所示:(路径:src/common/backend/catalog/cstore_ctlg.cpp

 * AlterTableCreateDeltaTable
 * 如果是一个 ColStore 表,就应该调用这个函数。
 * 这个函数用于创建一个 Delta 表。
void AlterCStoreCreateTables(Oid relOid, Datum reloptions, CreateStmt* mainTblStmt)
    Relation rel;

     * 获取目标表的排它锁,因为我们将会更新它的 pg_class 元组。
     * 这对于目前的所有使用情况来说都是多余的,因为调用者已经有了这样的锁。
     * 但是为了确保并发读取 pg_class 元组的其他进程不会出现可见性问题,我们保险起见加上这个锁。
    rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessExclusiveLock);
     * Dfs 表将会使用 AlterDfsCreateTables 函数处理。
    if (!RelationIsCUFormat(rel)) {
        heap_close(rel, NoLock);

        /* create_delta_table 函数完成所有工作 */
        // 用于创建 Delta 表的,Delta 表存储了列存储表中发生的数据变更(如插入、更新、删除操作)的信息,以便后续进行数据恢复或查询。
        (void)CreateDeltaTable(rel, reloptions, false, mainTblStmt);
        // 用于创建 CUDesc 表,也就是变更描述表,CUDesc 表用于记录列存储表中数据变更的信息,如插入、更新、删除的数据。
        (void)CreateCUDescTable(rel, reloptions, false);
        // 通过静态方法调用来创建列存储表的存储空间
        CStore::CreateStorage(rel, InvalidOid);
    } else {
        createCUDescTableForPartitionedTable(rel, reloptions);
        createDeltaTableForPartitionedTable(rel, reloptions, mainTblStmt);

    heap_close(rel, NoLock);

  这里重点看一下 CStore::CreateStorageCreateStorageCStore 类中的静态方法 ,用来创建列存储表的存储空间,源码如下所示:(路径:src/gausskernel/storage/cstore/cstore_am.cpp

/* DONT call in redo */
// 提醒不要在恢复(redo)过程中调用这个函数
void CStore::CreateStorage(Relation rel, Oid newRelFileNode)
	// 获取表的元组描述(Tuple Descriptor)。
    TupleDesc desc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
    // 获取表的属性数量。
    int nattrs = desc->natts;
    // 获取表的属性信息数组。
    Form_pg_attribute* attrs = desc->attrs;
    // 获取表的持久性信息,即表是持久性表还是临时表。
    char relpersistence = rel->rd_rel->relpersistence;

	// 获取表的关系文件节点信息。
    RelFileNode rd_node = rel->rd_node;
    // 如果 newRelFileNode 是有效的(即指定了新的关系文件节点),则将当前表的关系文件节点更新为新的关系文件节点。
    if (OidIsValid(newRelFileNode)) {
        // use the new filenode if *newRelFileNode* is valid.
        rd_node.relNode = newRelFileNode;

    for (int i = 0; i < nattrs; i++) {
    	// 如果当前属性已被标记为删除(attisdropped 为 true),则跳过此属性。
        if (attrs[i]->attisdropped)
        // 获取当前属性的属性编号。
        int attrid = attrs[i]->attnum;
		// 创建一个 CFileNode 实例,用于表示关系文件节点和属性编号。
        CFileNode cnode(rd_node, attrid, MAIN_FORKNUM);

        // create cu file in disk.
        // 创建一个 CUStorage 实例,表示列存储单元(Column Unit)的存储。
        CUStorage* custorage = New(CurrentMemoryContext) CUStorage(cnode);
        // 调用 custorage 的 CreateStorage 方法来创建存储空间。它会在磁盘上创建相应的 CU 文件。
        custorage->CreateStorage(0, false);
        // 删除之前创建的 custorage 实例。

        // log and insert into the pending delete list.
        // 将关系文件节点、属性编号、持久性信息和表的拥有者信息传递给它,以记录创建存储空间的操作。
        CStoreRelCreateStorage(&rd_node, attrid, relpersistence, rel->rd_rel->relowner);

  这里我们对 Form_pg_attribute* attrs = desc->attrs; 稍作解析:

{attrelid = 24646, attname = {data = "state_id", '\000' <repeats 55 times>}, atttypid = 1042, attstattarget = -1, attlen = -1, attnum = 1, attndims = 0,
  attcacheoff = -1, atttypmod = 6, attbyval = false, attstorage = 120 'x', attalign = 105 'i', attnotnull = false, atthasdef = false, attisdropped = false,
  attislocal = true, attcmprmode = 127 '\177', attinhcount = 0, attcollation = 100, attkvtype = 0 '\000'}
attrelid = 24646表示这个属性所属的表的关系 ID。
attname = {data = “state_id”, ‘\000’ <repeats 55 times>}表示属性的名称,这里是 “state_id”。
atttypid = 1042表示属性的数据类型的 OID。在这个例子中,OID 为 1042,对应的数据类型是字符类型。
attstattarget = -1表示在自动统计分析期间收集统计信息的目标值。在这里是 -1,表示未指定。
attlen = -1表示属性的长度(字节数)。在这里是 -1,表示长度是可变的。
attnum = 1表示属性的编号(从 1 开始)。在这里是 1。
attndims = 0表示属性的维度数目。在这里是 0,表示这是一个标量属性。
attcacheoff = -1表示属性在元组中的偏移量。在这里是 -1,表示未指定。
atttypmod = 6表示属性的类型修饰符。在这里是 6,具体含义取决于属性的数据类型。
attbyval = false表示属性是否按值传递。在这里是 false,表示不是按值传递。
attstorage = 120 ‘x’表示属性的存储方式。在这里是 ‘x’,表示外部存储。
attalign = 105 ‘i’表示属性的对齐方式。在这里是 ‘i’,表示按照 int 类型的对齐方式。
attnotnull = false表示属性是否可以为 NULL。在这里是 false,表示可以为 NULL。
atthasdef = false表示属性是否有默认值。在这里是 false,表示没有默认值。
attisdropped = false表示属性是否被标记为已删除。在这里是 false,表示没有被标记为删除。
attislocal = true表示属性是否是本地属性。在这里是 true,表示是本表的属性。
attcmprmode = 127 ‘\177’表示属性的压缩模式。在这里是 127,具体含义取决于属性的数据类型和存储方式。
attinhcount = 0表示从父表继承的次数。在这里是 0,表示没有从父表继承。
attcollation = 100表示属性的排序规则的 OID。在这里是 100,对应的排序规则。
attkvtype = 0 ‘\000’表示属性的键值类型。在这里是 0,表示不是键值属性。







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