
news2024/10/5 12:52:45

Android音视频剪辑器自定义View实战! - 掘金

 * Created by zhouxuming on 2023/3/30
 * @descr 音视频剪辑器
public class AudioViewEditor extends View {
    public static final int HINT_FORMAT_NUMBER = 0;
    public static final int HINT_FORMAT_TIME = 1;
    private final Paint mPaint = new Paint();
    private final int MIN_WIDTH = 200;
    private final float playControlLeft = 10; //播控实际左边界
    private final float playControlRight = 80; //播控实际右边界
    private Bitmap mThumbImage;
    //progress bar 选中背景
//    private Bitmap mProgressBarSelBg;
    private Bitmap mMaxThumbImage;
    private Bitmap mMinThumbImage;
    //progress bar 背景
    private Bitmap mProgressBarBg;
    private float mThumbWidth;
    private float mThumbHalfWidth; //触摸响应宽度的一半
    private float mThumbHalfHeight;
    //seekbar 进度条高度
    private float mProgressBarHeight;
    private float mWidthPadding;
    private float mAbsoluteMinValue;
    private float mAbsoluteMaxValue;
    private double mPercentSelectedMinValue = 0d;
    private double mPercentSelectedMaxValue = 1d;
    private Thumb mPressedThumb = null;
    private ThumbListener mThumbListener;
    private RectF mProgressBarRect;
    private RectF mProgressBarSelRect;
    private boolean mIsEnable = true;
    private float mBetweenAbsoluteValue;
    private int mProgressTextFormat;
    private int mWordHeight;
    private float mWordSize;
    private float mStartMinPercent;
    private float mStartMaxPercent;
    private boolean fixedMode; //固定模式
    private Paint cursorPaint;
    private Paint borderPaint;
    private Paint playControlPaint;
    private boolean isPlay = true; //播控状态
    private Bitmap playResumeBitmap;
    private Bitmap playPauseBitmap;
    private PlayerControlListener playerControlListener;

    private float cur;// 光标坐标
    private float pre;// 100 份每一份的偏移量
    private float min;//起始坐标
    private float max;//最大坐标
    private boolean isFirst = true;

    public AudioViewEditor(Context context) {

    public AudioViewEditor(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        TypedArray a = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.AudioViewEditor, 0, 0);
        mAbsoluteMinValue = a.getFloat(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_absoluteMin, (float) 0.0);
        mAbsoluteMaxValue = a.getFloat(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_absolutemMax, (float) 100.0);
        mStartMinPercent = a.getFloat(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_startMinPercent, 0);
        mStartMaxPercent = a.getFloat(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_startMaxPercent, 1);
        mThumbImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_thumbImage, R.drawable.drag_left_bar));
        mMaxThumbImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.drag_right_bar);
        mProgressBarBg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_progressBarBg, R.drawable.seekbar_bg));

        playPauseBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.play_control_pause);
        playResumeBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.play_control_resume);

//        mProgressBarSelBg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), a.getResourceId(R.styleable.CustomRangeSeekBar_progressBarSelBg, R.mipmap.seekbar_sel_bg));

        mBetweenAbsoluteValue = a.getFloat(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_betweenAbsoluteValue, 0);
        mProgressTextFormat = a.getInt(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_progressTextFormat, HINT_FORMAT_NUMBER);
        mWordSize = a.getDimension(R.styleable.AudioViewEditor_progressTextSize, dp2px(context, 16));
        mThumbWidth = mThumbImage.getWidth();
        mThumbHalfWidth = 0.5f * mThumbWidth;
        mThumbHalfHeight = 0.5f * mThumbImage.getHeight();
//        mProgressBarHeight = 0.3f * mThumbHalfHeight;

        mProgressBarHeight = mThumbImage.getHeight();

        //TOOD 提供定义attr
        mWidthPadding = mThumbHalfHeight;
        mWidthPadding += playControlRight;//为了加左右侧播控按钮, 特地添加出来的空间
        Paint.FontMetrics metrics = mPaint.getFontMetrics();
        mWordHeight = (int) (metrics.descent - metrics.ascent);

        cursorPaint = new Paint();

        borderPaint = new Paint();

        playControlPaint = new Paint();



     * 格式化毫秒->00:00
    private static String formatSecondTime(int millisecond) {
        if (millisecond == 0) {
            return "00:00";
        int second = millisecond / 1000;
        int m = second / 60;
        int s = second % 60;
        if (m >= 60) {
            int hour = m / 60;
            int minute = m % 60;
            return hour + ":" + (minute > 9 ? minute : "0" + minute) + ":" + (s > 9 ? s : "0" + s);
        } else {
            return (m > 9 ? m : "0" + m) + ":" + (s > 9 ? s : "0" + s);

     * 将dip或dp值转换为px值,保证尺寸大小不变
     * @param dipValue (DisplayMetrics类中属性density)
     * @return
    public static int dp2px(Context context, float dipValue) {
        final float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        return (int) (dipValue * scale + 0.5f);

     * 还原min滑块到初始值
    public void restorePercentSelectedMinValue() {

     * 还原max滑块到初始值
    public void restorePercentSelectedMaxValue() {

    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
        mProgressBarRect = new RectF(mWidthPadding, mWordHeight + 0.5f * (h - mWordHeight - mProgressBarHeight),
                w - mWidthPadding, mWordHeight + 0.5f * (h - mWordHeight + mProgressBarHeight));
        mProgressBarSelRect = new RectF(mProgressBarRect);


     * 设置seekbar 是否接收事件
     * @param enabled
    public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
        this.mIsEnable = enabled;

     * 返回被选择的最小值(绝对值)
     * @return The currently selected min value.
    public float getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue() {
        return percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMinValue);

     * 设置被选择的最小值(绝对值)
     * @param value 最小值的绝对值
     *              return 如果最小值与最大值的最小间距达到阈值返回false,正常返回true
    public boolean setSelectedAbsoluteMinValue(float value) {
        boolean status = true;
        if (0 == (mAbsoluteMaxValue - mAbsoluteMinValue)) {
        } else {
            float maxValue = percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);
            if (mBetweenAbsoluteValue > 0 && maxValue - value <= mBetweenAbsoluteValue) {
                value = new Float(maxValue - mBetweenAbsoluteValue);
                status = false;
            if (maxValue - value <= 0) {
                status = false;
                value = maxValue;
        return status;

    public float getAbsoluteMaxValue() {
        return mAbsoluteMaxValue;

    public void setAbsoluteMaxValue(double maxvalue) {
        this.mAbsoluteMaxValue = new Float(maxvalue);

     * 返回被选择的最大值(绝对值).
    public float getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue() {
        return percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);

     * 设置被选择的最大值(绝对值)
     * @param value
    public boolean setSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(float value) {
        boolean status = true;
        if (0 == (mAbsoluteMaxValue - mAbsoluteMinValue)) {
        } else {
            float minValue = percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMinValue);
            if (mBetweenAbsoluteValue > 0 && value - minValue <= mBetweenAbsoluteValue) {
                value = new Float(minValue + mBetweenAbsoluteValue);
                status = false;
            if (value - minValue <= 0) {
                status = false;
                value = minValue;
        return status;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
        if (!mIsEnable)
            return true;
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                if (isTouchPlayControl(event.getX())) {
                    isPlay = !isPlay;
                    return true;
                if (mPressedThumb == null && isInCursorRange(event.getX(), cur)) {
//                    if (mThumbListener != null){
//                        mThumbListener.onCursor(cur);
//                    }
                } else {
                    mPressedThumb = evalPressedThumb(event.getX());
                    if (Thumb.MIN.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                        if (mThumbListener != null)
                            mThumbListener.onClickMinThumb(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                    if (Thumb.MAX.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                        if (mThumbListener != null)
                //Intercept parent TouchEvent
                if (getParent() != null) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                if (mPressedThumb == null && isInCursorRange(event.getX(), cur)) {
                    isMoving = true;

                    float eventX = event.getX();

                    if (eventX >= percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue)) {
                        eventX = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);
                    } else if (eventX <= percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue)) {
                        eventX = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue);

                    cur = eventX;
                    if (mThumbListener != null) {
                } else if (mPressedThumb != null) {
                    float eventX = event.getX();
                    float maxValue = percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);
                    float minValue = percentToAbsoluteValue(mPercentSelectedMinValue);
                    float eventValue = percentToAbsoluteValue(screenToPercent(eventX));

                    if (Thumb.MIN.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                        minValue = eventValue;
                        if (mBetweenAbsoluteValue > 0 && maxValue - minValue <= mBetweenAbsoluteValue) {
                            minValue = new Float((maxValue - mBetweenAbsoluteValue));
//                        setPercentSelectedMinValue(screenToPercent(event.getX()));

                        if (isFixedMode()) {
                            mPercentSelectedMaxValue = Math.max(0d, Math.min(1d, Math.max(absoluteValueToPercent(eventValue + (maxValue - minValue)), mPercentSelectedMinValue)));

                        if (cur <= percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue)) {//防止光标静态越界
                            cur = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue);

                        if (mThumbListener != null)
                            mThumbListener.onMinMove(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                    } else if (Thumb.MAX.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                        maxValue = eventValue;
                        if (mBetweenAbsoluteValue > 0 && maxValue - minValue <= mBetweenAbsoluteValue) {
                            maxValue = new Float(minValue + mBetweenAbsoluteValue);
//                        setPercentSelectedMaxValue(screenToPercent(event.getX()));

                        if (isFixedMode()) {
                            mPercentSelectedMinValue = Math.max(0d, Math.min(1d, Math.min(absoluteValueToPercent(eventValue - (maxValue - minValue)), mPercentSelectedMaxValue)));

                        if (cur >= percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue)) {//防止光标静态越界
                            cur = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);

                        if (mThumbListener != null)
                            mThumbListener.onMaxMove(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                //Intercept parent TouchEvent
                if (getParent() != null) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                if (isMoving) {
                    if (mThumbListener != null) {
                    isMoving = false;

                if (Thumb.MIN.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                    if (mThumbListener != null)
                        mThumbListener.onUpMinThumb(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                if (Thumb.MAX.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                    if (mThumbListener != null)
                        mThumbListener.onUpMaxThumb(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                //Intercept parent TouchEvent
                if (getParent() != null) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                if (Thumb.MIN.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                    if (mThumbListener != null)
                        mThumbListener.onUpMinThumb(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                if (Thumb.MAX.equals(mPressedThumb)) {
                    if (mThumbListener != null)
                        mThumbListener.onUpMaxThumb(getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue());
                mPressedThumb = null;
                //Intercept parent TouchEvent
                if (getParent() != null) {
        return true;

    private boolean isTouchPlayControl(float eventX) {
        if (eventX > playControlLeft && eventX < playControlRight) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        int width = MIN_WIDTH;
        if (MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED != MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec)) {
            width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
        int height = mThumbImage.getHeight() + mWordHeight * 2;
        if (MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED != MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec)) {
            height = Math.min(height, MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec));
        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        // draw seek bar background line
        canvas.drawBitmap(mProgressBarBg, null, mProgressBarRect, mPaint);
        // draw seek bar active range line
        mProgressBarSelRect.left = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue);
        mProgressBarSelRect.right = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);
        //canvas.drawBitmap(mProgressBarSelBg, mWidthPadding, 0.5f * (getHeight() - mProgressBarHeight), mPaint);

//        canvas.drawBitmap(mProgressBarSelBg, null, mProgressBarSelRect, mPaint); //原中部选中进度

        // draw minimum thumb
        drawThumb(percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue), Thumb.MIN.equals(mPressedThumb), canvas, false);
        // draw maximum thumb
        drawThumb(percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue), Thumb.MAX.equals(mPressedThumb), canvas, true);
        mPaint.setColor(Color.rgb(255, 165, 0));
//        mPaint.setTextSize(DensityUtils.dp2px(getContext(), 16));
        drawThumbMinText(percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue), getSelectedAbsoluteMinValue(), canvas);
        drawThumbMaxText(percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue), getSelectedAbsoluteMaxValue(), canvas);

    private void drawPlayControl(Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.drawRoundRect(playControlLeft,, playControlRight + mThumbWidth + mThumbHalfWidth, mProgressBarRect.bottom, 5, 5, playControlPaint);

        Bitmap targetBitmap = isPlay ? playPauseBitmap : playResumeBitmap;
        //x轴距离未计算准确 y轴正确
        canvas.drawBitmap(targetBitmap, (playControlLeft + (playControlRight - playControlLeft) / 2) - mThumbHalfWidth + (targetBitmap.getWidth() >> 1), + (mProgressBarRect.bottom - / 2 - (targetBitmap.getHeight() >> 1), playControlPaint);

    private void drawBorder(Canvas canvas) {
        float borderLeft = mProgressBarSelRect.left;
        float borderRight = mProgressBarSelRect.right;
        canvas.drawRect(borderLeft - 1,, borderRight + 1, + 10, borderPaint);
        canvas.drawRect(borderLeft - 1, mProgressBarRect.bottom, borderRight + 1, mProgressBarRect.bottom - 10, borderPaint);

    private void drawCursor(Canvas canvas) {
        min = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMinValue);//开始坐标
        max = percentToScreen(mPercentSelectedMaxValue);//终点坐标
        pre = (getWidth() - 2 * mWidthPadding) / 1000; //每一份的坐标
        if (isFirst) {
            cur = min;
            isFirst = false;
        canvas.drawRect(cur - 2, + 5, cur + 2, mProgressBarRect.bottom - 5, cursorPaint);

    //启动播放线程检查 pts
    public void startMove() {
        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while (true) {
                    if (isPlay) {
                        long pts = playerCallback != null ? playerCallback.getCurrentPosition() : 0;
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * 根据播放器 pts 控制游标进度
     * @param pts
    public void updatePTS(float pts) {
        if (isMoving) {
        if (pts > 0) {
            double v = absoluteValueToPercent(pts);
            cur = percentToScreen(v);
            if (cur >= max || cur < min) {
                cur = min;

    public boolean isPlay() {
        return isPlay;

    public void setPlay(boolean play) {
        isPlay = play;

    private boolean isMoving = false;

    protected Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putParcelable("SUPER", super.onSaveInstanceState());
        bundle.putDouble("MIN", mPercentSelectedMinValue);
        bundle.putDouble("MAX", mPercentSelectedMaxValue);
        return bundle;

    protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable parcel) {
        Bundle bundle = (Bundle) parcel;
        mPercentSelectedMinValue = bundle.getDouble("MIN");
        mPercentSelectedMaxValue = bundle.getDouble("MAX");

     * Draws the "normal" resp. "pressed" thumb image on specified x-coordinate.
     * @param screenCoord The x-coordinate in screen space where to draw the image.
     * @param pressed     Is the thumb currently in "pressed" state?
     * @param canvas      The canvas to draw upon.
    private void drawThumb(float screenCoord, boolean pressed, Canvas canvas, boolean isMax) {
        //基准点 bar 居中位置
//        canvas.drawBitmap(isMax ? mMaxThumbImage : mThumbImage, screenCoord - mThumbHalfWidth, (mWordHeight + 0.5f * (getHeight() - mWordHeight) - mThumbHalfHeight), mPaint);
        canvas.drawBitmap(isMax ? mMaxThumbImage : mThumbImage, isMax ? screenCoord : screenCoord - mThumbHalfWidth * 2, (mWordHeight + 0.5f * (getHeight() - mWordHeight) - mThumbHalfHeight), mPaint);

     * 画min滑块值text
     * @param screenCoord
     * @param value
     * @param canvas
    private void drawThumbMinText(float screenCoord, Number value, Canvas canvas) {
        String progress = getProgressStr(value.intValue());
        float progressWidth = mPaint.measureText(progress);
        canvas.drawText(progress, (screenCoord - progressWidth / 2) - mThumbHalfWidth, mWordSize, mPaint);

     * 画max滑块值text
     * @param screenCoord
     * @param value
     * @param canvas
    private void drawThumbMaxText(float screenCoord, Number value, Canvas canvas) {
        String progress = getProgressStr(value.intValue());
        float progressWidth = mPaint.measureText(progress);
        canvas.drawText(progress, (screenCoord - progressWidth / 2) + mThumbHalfWidth, mWordSize
                , mPaint);

     * 根据touchX, 判断是哪一个thumb(Min or Max)
     * @param touchX 触摸的x在屏幕中坐标(相对于容器)
    private Thumb evalPressedThumb(float touchX) {
        Thumb result = null;
        boolean minThumbPressed = isInThumbRange(touchX, mPercentSelectedMinValue, false);
        boolean maxThumbPressed = isInThumbRange(touchX, mPercentSelectedMaxValue, true);
        if (minThumbPressed && maxThumbPressed) {
            // if both thumbs are pressed (they lie on top of each other), choose the one with more room to drag. this avoids "stalling" the thumbs in a corner, not being able to drag them apart anymore.
            result = (touchX / getWidth() > 0.5f) ? Thumb.MIN : Thumb.MAX;
        } else if (minThumbPressed) {
            result = Thumb.MIN;
        } else if (maxThumbPressed) {
            result = Thumb.MAX;
        return result;

     * 判断touchX是否在滑块点击范围内
     * @param touchX            需要被检测的 屏幕中的x坐标(相对于容器)
     * @param percentThumbValue 需要检测的滑块x坐标百分比值(滑块x坐标)
    private boolean isInThumbRange(float touchX, double percentThumbValue, boolean isMax) {
        if (isMax) {
            return Math.abs(touchX - mThumbHalfWidth - percentToScreen(percentThumbValue)) <= mThumbHalfWidth;
        } else {
            return Math.abs(touchX + mThumbHalfWidth - percentToScreen(percentThumbValue)) <= mThumbHalfWidth;
//        return Math.abs(touchX - percentToScreen(percentThumbValue)) <= mThumbHalfWidth; //居中基准时

     * 判断用户是否触碰光标
     * @param touchX  需要被检测的 屏幕中的x坐标(相对于容器)
     * @param cursorX 光标x坐标(滑块x坐标)
     * @return
    private boolean isInCursorRange(float touchX, float cursorX) {
        return Math.abs(touchX - cursorX) <= mThumbHalfWidth;

     * 设置已选择最小值的百分比值
    public void setPercentSelectedMinValue(double value) {
        mPercentSelectedMinValue = Math.max(0d, Math.min(1d, Math.min(value, mPercentSelectedMaxValue)));

     * 设置已选择最大值的百分比值
    public void setPercentSelectedMaxValue(double value) {
        mPercentSelectedMaxValue = Math.max(0d, Math.min(1d, Math.max(value, mPercentSelectedMinValue)));

     * 进度值,从百分比到绝对值
     * @return
    private float percentToAbsoluteValue(double normalized) {
        return (float) (mAbsoluteMinValue + normalized * (mAbsoluteMaxValue - mAbsoluteMinValue));

     * 进度值,从绝对值到百分比
    private double absoluteValueToPercent(float value) {
        if (0 == mAbsoluteMaxValue - mAbsoluteMinValue) {
            // prevent division by zero, simply return 0.
            return 0d;
        return (value - mAbsoluteMinValue) / (mAbsoluteMaxValue - mAbsoluteMinValue);

     * 进度值,从百分比值转换到屏幕中坐标值
    private float percentToScreen(double percentValue) {
        return (float) (mWidthPadding + percentValue * (getWidth() - 2 * mWidthPadding));

     * 进度值,转换屏幕像素值到百分比值
    private double screenToPercent(float screenCoord) {
        int width = getWidth();
        if (width <= 2 * mWidthPadding) {
            // prevent division by zero, simply return 0.
            return 0d;
        } else {
            double result = (screenCoord - mWidthPadding) / (width - 2 * mWidthPadding);
            return Math.min(1d, Math.max(0d, result));

    public void setThumbListener(ThumbListener mThumbListener) {
        this.mThumbListener = mThumbListener;

    private String getProgressStr(int progress) {
        String progressStr;
        if (mProgressTextFormat == HINT_FORMAT_TIME) {
            progressStr = formatSecondTime(progress);
        } else {
            progressStr = String.valueOf(progress);
        return progressStr;

    public boolean isFixedMode() {
        return fixedMode;

    public void setFixedMode(boolean fixedMode) {
        this.fixedMode = fixedMode;

     * 重置总时长-单位秒
     * @param totalSecond
    public void resetTotalSecond(int totalSecond) {
        if (totalSecond > 0 && totalSecond < 12000) {
            mAbsoluteMaxValue = totalSecond * 1000;
            mAbsoluteMinValue = 0.0f;
            mProgressTextFormat = HINT_FORMAT_TIME;

     * 重置总时长-单位毫秒
     * @param totalMillisecond
    public void resetTotalMillisecond(float totalMillisecond) {
        if (totalMillisecond > 0 && totalMillisecond < 1200000) {
            mAbsoluteMaxValue = totalMillisecond;
            mAbsoluteMinValue = 0.0f;
            mProgressTextFormat = HINT_FORMAT_TIME;

    public void setPlayerControlListener(PlayerControlListener playerControlListener) {
        this.playerControlListener = playerControlListener;

     * Thumb枚举, 最大或最小
    private enum Thumb {
        MIN, MAX

    public interface PlayerControlListener {
        void onPlayerControl(boolean isPlay);

     * 游标以及滑块事件
    public interface ThumbListener {
        void onClickMinThumb(Number max, Number min);

        void onClickMaxThumb();

        void onUpMinThumb(Number max, Number min);

        void onUpMaxThumb(Number max, Number min);

        void onMinMove(Number max, Number min);

        void onMaxMove(Number max, Number min);

        void onCursorMove(Number cur);

        void onCursorUp(Number cur);

    public interface IPlayerCallback {
        long getCurrentPosition();

    private IPlayerCallback playerCallback = null;

    public void setPlayerCallback(IPlayerCallback playerCallback) {
        this.playerCallback = playerCallback;

    public void release() {
        isPlay = false;


 Android音视频剪辑器自定义View实战! - 掘金话不多说,先上一个代码完成效果。 动图好像录成横屏的了,也没找到调整反转 GIF 的位置,下面再补一张设计稿静态图吧 最近这几年音视频应用越来越广泛,随之而来的音视频相关的需求也越来越多,音视频的剪辑




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一&#xff1a;环境配置 需要的材料&#xff1a; python-3.10.4 我使用的是这个版本的&#xff0c;3.8.10 该版本和以下版本组件组合&#xff0c;验证过能正常运行&#xff08;python 3.6.8测试异常&#xff09; websockify 该项目有python版本和node js版本 noVNC 形式的app…


真题&#xff08;2012—52&#xff09;—性质—并非之后&#xff0c;所有有的互相变&#xff0c;必然可能互相变&#xff0c;肯定否定互相变。 52.近期流感肆虐&#xff0c;一般流感患者可采用抗病毒药物治疗&#xff0c;虽然并不是所有流感患者均需接受达菲等抗病毒药物的治疗…


学习excel前需要明确的是事&#xff1a;   在学习excel函数之前&#xff0c;大家需要明确一件事&#xff0c;excel现在设计到了一些新函数&#xff0c;这些新函数只能存在于office365、office2019及更 新版本之中&#xff0c;所以建议大家在学习时安装较新的版本&#xff0c;…


着科技的不断进步&#xff0c;OLED透明屏作为一种创新的显示技术&#xff0c;在各个行业中得到了广泛应用。 在进行OLED透明屏采购时&#xff0c;选择高质量的产品至关重要。在这篇文章中&#xff0c;尼伽将为您提供一个全面的OLED透明屏采购指南&#xff0c;帮助您了解关键步…

区间预测 | MATLAB实现QRGRU门控循环单元分位数回归时间序列区间预测

区间预测 | MATLAB实现QRGRU门控循环单元分位数回归时间序列区间预测 目录 区间预测 | MATLAB实现QRGRU门控循环单元分位数回归时间序列区间预测效果一览基本介绍模型描述程序设计参考资料 效果一览 基本介绍 MATLAB实现QRGRU门控循环单元分位数回归时间序列区间预测。基于分位…


整体目录结构 表结构 pom.xml <?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?> <project xmlns""xmlns:xsi""xsi:schemaLocation"http://maven.a…


开发过程中经常会遇到读取文件内容的情况&#xff0c;需要判断文件是否为文本文件&#xff0c;及文件编码格式&#xff0c;防止无法读取内容或乱码出现情况。 我们可以通过 类包找出文件是目录还是常规文件。 类包含两种方法&#xff0c;它们分别是&…


目录 主成分分析 1、简介 2、帮助理解 3、API调用 4、案例 本文介绍主成分分析的概述以及python如何实现算法&#xff0c;后续会再出一篇关于主成分分析算法原理讲解的文章&#xff0c;敬请期待&#xff01; 感谢大家支持&#xff01;您的一键三连&#xff0c;就是我创作的…

深入解析 Axios Blob 的使用方法及技巧

在 Web 开发中&#xff0c;处理文件传输是一个常见的需求。Blob&#xff08;二进制对象&#xff09;是一种表示二进制数据的方式&#xff0c;常用于处理文件和多媒体数据。本文将介绍如何使用 Axios 和 Blob 来处理文件传输。 Axios Blob 概念 在开始之前&#xff0c;让我们先…


智慧水利工业路由器是集合数据采集、实时监控、远程管理的4G物联网通讯设备&#xff0c;能够让传统水利系统实现智能化的实时监控和远程管理。工业路由器利用4G无线网络技术&#xff0c;能够实时传输数据和终端信息&#xff0c;为水利系统的运维提供有效的支持。 智慧水利系统是…


0、ADC功能框图 1、ADC的电源 1.1、工作电源 VSSAVSS&#xff0c;VDDAVDD&#xff0c;简单来说&#xff0c;通常stm32是3.3V&#xff0c;ADC的工作电源也是3.3V&#xff1b; 1.2、参考电压 VREF和VREF-并不一定引出&#xff0c;取决于封装&#xff0c;如果没有引出则VREF连接到…


很早以前写过一个查询树霉派硬件状态的文章&#xff0c;用是Python写的一个小程序。里面用到了vcgencmd这个测温度的内部命令&#xff0c;但这个命令在debian里面没有&#xff0c;debian里只有lm_sensors的外部命令&#xff0c;需要安装&#xff1a;apt-get install lm_sensors…


推流测试 ZLMediaKit支持rtsp/rtmp/rtp推流&#xff0c;一般通常使用obs/ffmpeg推流测试&#xff0c;其中FFmpeg推流命令支持以下&#xff1a; 1、使用rtsp方式推流 # h264推流 ffmpeg -re -i "/path/to/test.mp4" -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -f rtsp -rtsp_transp…

STM32 CubeMX (Freertos任务通信:队列、信号量、互斥量,事件组,任务通知)第二步

STM32 CubeMX STM32 CubeMX ____Freertos任务通信&#xff1a;队列、信号量、互斥量&#xff0c;事件组&#xff0c;任务通知 STM32 CubeMX一、STM32 CubeMX设置时钟配置HAL时基选择TIM1&#xff08;不要选择滴答定时器&#xff1b;滴答定时器留给OS系统做时基&#xff09;使用…


一、前言 SparkAi系统是基于国外很火的ChatGPT进行开发的Ai智能问答系统。本期针对源码系统整体测试下来非常完美&#xff0c;可以说SparkAi是目前国内一款的ChatGPT对接OpenAI软件系统。 那么如何搭建部署AI创作ChatGPT&#xff1f;小编这里写一个详细图文教程吧&#xff01…

LeetCode ——二叉树篇(三)

刷题顺序及思路来源于代码随想录&#xff0c;网站地址&#xff1a; 二叉树的定义及创建见&#xff1a; LeetCode ACM模式——二叉树篇&#xff08;一&#xff09;_要向着光的博客-CSDN博客 目录 116. 填充每个节点的下一个右侧节点指针 117. 填…

(二)结构型模式:7、享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)(C++实例)

目录 1、享元模式&#xff08;Flyweight Pattern&#xff09;含义 2、享元模式的UML图学习 3、享元模式的应用场景 4、享元模式的优缺点 5、C实现享元模式的简单实例 1、享元模式&#xff08;Flyweight Pattern&#xff09;含义 享元模式&#xff08;Flyweight&#xff09…




目录 1、Kubernetes网络组件 1.1、Flannel网络组件 1.2、Calico 网络插件 2、环境准备 2.1、主机初始化配置 2.2、部署docker环境 3、部署kubernetes集群 3.1、组件介绍 3.2、配置阿里云yum源 3.3、安装kubelet kubeadm kubectl 3.4、配置init-config.yaml 3.6、安装…