很少会有同学遇到LoA过期时间之后入境办学签的问题,所以网上也很少有相关攻略。鉴于此,在联系了IRCC、学院办公室、研究生院和学校移民办公室之后,得到了最终答复。省流:在学校开个入学证明(Proof of Enrolment)
首先,IRCC的回复如下所示。省流:学签是入境处的官员(Border Services Officer at the )决定的,IRCC只负责visa。
If you need to enter Canada and get your study permit after the expiration date of your Letter of Acceptance, you should get an official enrolment letter from your school and bring the expired LoA with you as well, not to mention other required documents like visa and letter of introduction (IMM5813).