《当今奇人周兴和》励志小说连载之三 ● 饥饿寒冷童年梦

news2024/9/21 14:31:44



Hungry and cold childhood


Xinghe still remembers that the winter was particularly cold in that year.


On that day, little Xinghe, who carried his school bag after school, came out of Maogong Township Primary School with cold and hungry, and climbed the mountain road to his home with difficulty. He had not eaten for a day, and he was already starving to the backbone. Climbing a small hillside, his eyes saw black and legs felt to be heavy, and he had to constantly be supported by the roadside trees all the way, uneasily to climb to the top of the hill.


Cloud was grey like curtain, and wind was cold.


The road was slippery with wet moss, and down several steps he slipped and nearly fell off. The path through the woods, which he had to walk through every day, seemed so long today and seemed to have no end. He could go no further, so he held the school bag, sat down in a sheltered nook, and rested drowsily on a tree trunk. It was dark and gloomy, and there were no people on the road, only the bitter wind whimpered as if someone were crying in his ear - there were always people died in the production team in these days, and there were always children and adults crying like that.


For a long time, he looked down at the hills, and saw the swaying grass, diffusing mist, and patches of thin farmland scattered among the sparse trees. In the midwinter season, the fields were overgrown with yellow weeds, showing a depressed scene. It was supposed to be the supper time after the commune members had finished their work, but in the low grass houses, there was no sound of dogs barking and no smoke from the roofs.


Although Xinghe was young at that time, he also knew that within a few years after the liberation, there was the cooperation movement in the countryside, just like in the whole country. Firstly, there was the establishment of the junior commune, then the senior commune, and later the people's commune, in which all the villagers returned their lands to the commune and all the livestock and farm tools were gathered into the production team. Every day before dawn, as soon as the working bell ringing, hundreds of people loudly went to work together; when it was late, the bell knocked off and people came home.


In 1958, when Xinghe was five years old; after the People's Commune was established, in order to realize the communism as soon as possible, every household gave even kitchen knives and iron pots to the Commune, and the production team set up a public canteen. When it was time for dinner, the children and adults cheerfully took a big bowl to the canteen to have their meals.


In the beginning, the slogan of the People's Commune was: "Eat as much as you could and work as hard as you could". The dishes and rice in the canteen were indeed provided for every member to eat, and everybody smiled. However, it did not last long. Less than two months later, a "large-scale steel-making" movement was launched, proposing to "overtake Britain and the United States and surpass Britain in fifteen years". In this way, the strong rural adults were again transferred to the commune "steel works" to make the iron and steel, so the production team only left the old and weak, nobody planted the crops in the field, nobody harvested the grain in the field, even the sweet potato buried in the slope had nobody to dug out.


Xinghe still remembers that in that year, countless men and women went crazy digging holes in the opposite mountain, hoping to find the iron ore, and cut down trees all over the mountain to make steel. With a big bellows, a few blowpipes, and a "little blast furnace" made of mud bricks, people lit the bonfire by torches, burning the iron ore day and night. Finally, these people were scattered in a rush, only left a few unedible dogshit iron on the hillside, to have the bitter dream in the grass in the sun and rain.


There is no room for hypocrisy and blasphemy in this sacred hall of science.


The lack of labor force for planting and three consecutive years of natural disasters had made it increasingly difficult to keep the public cantons running in the second year amid a desperate shortage of food. At the beginning, the commune leaders also put forward the policy of "eating solid food when busy, eating liquid food when idle" and "eating more melon and vegetable if staple food is not enough". Later, this policy also failed to work, no matter it’s busy or idle, eating enough was impossible, and then it was even impossible for the commune members to eat the melon and vegetables to keep alive. Extremely hungry villagers stuffed their mouths with anything that could fill their bellies, from the bark, roots to even white clay.


In those years, Xinghe’s production team, and all the production teams nearby, were constantly dying. It was said that there was a team which had too many people died so that they could not find enough laborers to bury the dead! They had only one common cause of death: hunger.


Zhou Xinghe’s half brother, whose name was Wang Zhifa, had suffered from edema for the years of hunger and lack of nutrition, with whole swelling body, and yellow water flowing out from his legs, so that he could no longer walk. That day, when it was time for the public canteen to "serve meals", he walked to the canteen step by step, leaning on two bamboo sticks to have meals in the canteen. But when he had reached the halfway, he could not go any further, and wanted to stop at a slope to rest for a moment. When people found him, he closed his eyes and could not be waken up, so he was starved to death! This Wang Zhifa, when he died as a young man, was only 26 years old.


The condition for the boy of Xinghe's age seemed a little better. According to the rules set by the production team at that time, he ate the "Grade A meal". Alleged "Grade A meal", it was a small bowl of meal with less than 20 grains, adding the sweet potato stem and carrot. However, this was undoubtedly insufficient, just as a drop in the ocean, for children who were growing up. It was just a relief for these children, to keep their lives.


Just a few days ago, a three or four-year-old boy named "Wang Maodi" went to the ditch to pick up a king of snail called "mountain snail" and eat them up because he was too hungry. Nobody knew how many "mountain snail" Wang Maodi picked up and ate, but he vomited and had a high fever then. People in the countryside could not afford to go to hospital when they were ill. There was nothing his parents could do about it, except to pick some herbs on the slope and brewed them to him to drink. After a few days, the child was lingered out to death. The adult cried, wrapped his body with a straw mat, and buried.


Hungry, hungry, hungry, little Xinghe and all the people in the village were against the difficult time every day in hunger.


The wind was still whistling and the dusk was dark. Xinghe’s vision took back from the distance, and fell on a heap of fresh loess on the hillside – did anyone in the production team die today? He shuddered at the thought.


No, it should walk home, in any case!


Snow and rain began to fall in the sky. He stood up by clinging to the trunk, feeling very cold, and could not help wrapping himself in his ragged thin clothes. This scene, not only made him thinking of his eldest brother lied in the field corner and starved to death, but also suddenly made him thinking of the story on a comic book he saw not long ago.


The comic book, he remembered, was called "The Little Match Girl". The little girl in the book was a foreign child. She sold matches in the street in her bare feet and thin clothes on a bitterly cold and snowy New Year's Eve. Not having sold any matches, she dared not go home for fear of being beaten by her father. Her home, like Xinghe’s, could not hold back the wind or the snow. Late at night, when it was colder, the little girl took refuge in a corner from the wind, and when she was almost frozen, she struck a match to keep herself warm. When she was about to freeze to death, she struck another match. At dawn, the little girl was found with a bundle of burnt matches in her hand. She had been frozen to death and buried in the heavy snow!


After young Xinghe read the story, he was very sad and bitter. For a while he wondered: what a dear, poor little girl she was, and why there were so many rich people in the world, but no one was kind enough to buy some of her matches? Why can't the children of the poor have shoes to wear in the heavy snow? Why couldn't they have a house to shelter them from the wind and the snow, just like him? ...


In the people's life, the traces engraved in the childhood are the deepest. Perhaps these experiences of Zhou Xinghe when he was young had a profound impact on his generosity and chivalry and enthusiasm for poverty alleviation and disaster relief.


As it was getting dark, little Xinghe moved his heavy feet along the slippery path and walked down the mountain step by step - he could not starve to death or freeze to death in this unknown place like the little girl in the story. He wanted to go home, after all, there was still a pile of firewood in the house, which would bring him a little warmth.


Years later, when Xinghe saw the book as an adult, he learned that the writer of the story "The Little Match Girl" was a Danish named Andersen.







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