在 Tinkercad 中加快设计的 22 个技巧

news2025/2/25 2:07:41

在 Tinkercad 中加快设计的 22 个技巧


Everyone knows that Tinkercad is the easiest way to get started in 3D design. Once you get the hang of it, you realize that it’s one of the fastest design tools available. With no software to launch or complex menus to navigate, experienced designers can bring their ideas to life at a dizzying speed.

Tinkercad allows you to go from mind to design in minutes. Here are the top 22 tips so you can learn to do the same.
Tinkercad允许您在几分钟内从思想到设计。以下是前 22 个提示,因此您可以学习做同样的事情。

⚠️ *Warning:* The following tips will increase your creativity and productivity in Tinkercad to superhuman levels. Friends may find your new skills intimidating. Teachers will be suspicious of how quickly you finish your design work. Your 3D printer could buckle under the burden of your creative output. Proceed with caution!
⚠️ 警告:以下提示将把你在Tinkercad中的创造力和生产力提高到超人的水平。朋友可能会发现你的新技能令人生畏。老师会怀疑你完成设计工作的速度有多快。您的3D打印机可能会在创意输出的负担下屈服。谨慎行事!

Tip 1: D is for Drop 提示 1:D 代表掉落

With an object selected, pressing the D key will instantly drop it to the surface of the workplane. This same trick also works for dropping objects onto any temporary workplanes you’ve added (see next example).
选择对象后,按 D 键会立即将其放到工作平面表面。同样的技巧也适用于将对象拖放到您添加的任何临时工作平面上(请参阅下一个示例)。


Tip 2: Add a Workplane 提示 2:添加工作平面

By pressing the the W key in Tinkercad (or selecting the Workplane icon), you can define a new Workplane on the surface of an object. It’s a handy way to add objects flush against the surface of your design (shapes, text, holes).
通过在 Tinkercad 中按 W 键(或选择工作平面图标),您可以在对象的表面上定义新的工作平面。这是添加与设计表面齐平的对象(形状、文本、孔)的便捷方法。

This is a necessary technique for placing objects on irregular or curving shapes, but it also makes quick work of stacking common shapes. To reset the workplane back to its default location, simply drag a new Workplane back to the original location.

More Workplane tips! 更多工作飞机提示!

  • Aligning Surfaces using the Workplane
  • Fixing Shape Rotation using the Workplane

Tip 3: Copy/Paste Between Tabs 提示3:在选项卡之间复制/粘贴

Do you have multiple designs that you want to combine together? Just open them up in different tabs, select one of the models and use the copy command. Next, click over to the model in your other tab and use the paste command.

Now all your designs can play together!


Tip 4: R is for Ruler 提示 4:R 代表标尺

Press the R key and click anywhere on the workplane to place a ruler. With the ruler placed, click an object and you’ll see all of its dimensions displayed, as well as its relative position to the ruler.
按 R 键并单击工作平面上的任意位置以放置标尺。放置标尺后,单击一个对象,您将看到显示的所有尺寸,以及它与标尺的相对位置。

Where the two axis meet on the ruler, you’ll find an “x” to remove it from the workplane, as well as an option to measure relative distance from the midpoint of any selected object, instead of its endpoint.


To take the ruler further, this video by DIY 3D Tech will show you how to snap it to the edge of your design so that you can accurately place other objects (or holes).
为了进一步使用标尺,DIY 3D Tech的这段视频将向您展示如何将其捕捉到设计的边缘,以便您可以准确地放置其他物体(或孔)。

Tip 5: Align to Reference 提示 5:与引用对齐

To align to reference, select two or more objects to be aligned, press the align icon (or use the L key), then select the object you’d like to use as a reference. You’ll see that the alignment nodes now only appear around the reference object, which stays in place while the other objects align to it.
若要对齐到参照,请选择两个或多个要对齐的对象,按下对齐图标(或使用 L 键),然后选择要用作参照的对象。您将看到对齐节点现在仅显示在参考对象周围,当其他对象与其对齐时,该对象将保留在原位。

To align two objects together, select them both, press the align icon (or use the L key) and you’ll be able to choose the nodes the two objects can mutually align to. Clicking on one of these nodes will move both of the selected objects to a new, aligned location.
要将两个对象对齐在一起,请同时选择它们,按对齐图标(或使用 L 键),您将能够选择两个对象可以相互对齐的节点。单击其中一个节点会将两个选定对象移动到新的对齐位置。

But what if you don’t want both of your objects to move? Fortunately, it’s also possible to move one object into alignment with an object that remains stationary. This is called aligning to a reference, and it requires just one extra step.


To align to reference, select two or more objects to be aligned, press the align icon (or use the L key), then select the object you’d like to use as a reference. You’ll see that the alignment nodes now only appear around the reference object, which stays in place while the other objects align to it.
若要对齐到参照,请选择两个或多个要对齐的对象,按下对齐图标(或使用 L 键),然后选择要用作参照的对象。您将看到对齐节点现在仅显示在参考对象周围,当其他对象与其对齐时,该对象将保留在原位。

The following video by Rob Morrill outlines these two techniques.
Rob Morrill的以下视频概述了这两种技术。

Tip 6: M is for Mirror 提示6:M代表镜子

By using the M key on your keyboard or selecting the Mirror feature from the top bar, you can flip your design around in multiple directions. This is often used for creating stamp designs, reversing text on objects intended to be 3D printed face-down on a print bed, or a quick way to design objects (especially creatures or vehicles) with symmetry.
通过使用键盘上的 M 键或从顶部栏中选择镜像功能,您可以在多个方向上翻转设计。这通常用于创建邮票设计,在打印床上正面朝下反转打算3D打印的物体上的文本,或快速设计对称物体(特别是生物或车辆)的方法。


Tip 7: Make Quick Copies by Holding Alt 提示 7:按住 Alt 制作快速副本

Basic copy and paste commands are an intuitive way to clone elements of your design. But to work even faster, simply hold the alt key down while dragging an object you want to clone. Not only will you save keystrokes, but you’ll be able to quickly place your newly cloned object precisely where you want it.
基本的复制和粘贴命令是克隆设计元素的直观方法。但要更快地工作,只需按住 alt 键,同时拖动要克隆的对象即可。您不仅可以保存击键次数,还可以快速将新克隆的对象精确地放置在所需的位置。

Tip 8: Duplicate & Repeat 提示8:复制和重复

Duplicate is one of the most powerful, least understood features of Tinkercad. Don’t think of it as a way of duplicating objects (copy and paste can take care of that). Instead, the Duplicate and Repeat feature can recall and repeat a series of actions. It takes some time to master, but once you do, you’ll feel like a pro.

For example, by duplicating and repeating size, workplane, and height adjustments, you can create a pyramid in seconds.


Or, duplicate and repeat angle adjustments to quickly create a ring pattern.


Duplicate and repeat a sequence of height, size, and angle adjustments to create and organically curving monster tentacle.


The following video by LinkedIn Learning demonstrates the process step-by-step, along with a variation using Tinkercad’s mirror tool.
以下视频由LinkedIn Learning逐步演示了该过程,以及使用Tinkercad镜像工具的变体。

Tip 9: Proportional Scale 提示9:比例秤

In Tinkercad, you can resize an object in any direction you like by dragging its corners. Unfortunately, you’ll also disrupt its proportions (your perfect circle is now an oval).

By holding the shift key as you drag, the object will hold its proportions as it scales up and down in the direction you pull it.
通过在拖动时按住 shift 键,对象将在沿您拖动的方向上下缩放时保持其比例。

Alternately, by holding both shift and the alt key together while you drag, the object will proportionally scale in all directions, regardless of which direction you drag.
或者,通过在拖动时同时按住 shift 键和 alt 键,对象将按比例向所有方向缩放,而不管拖动哪个方向。

Finally, holding the shift+alt key combination while dragging an object’s top handle will proportionally scale the object in every direction from its center.
最后,按住 shift+alt 组合键同时拖动对象的顶部手柄,将按比例缩放对象从其中心向各个方向缩放。


Here’s one of our own TinkerTip videos to help showcase the different options you have while scaling objects.
这是我们自己的 TinkerTip 视频之一,可帮助展示您在缩放对象时拥有的不同选项。

Tip 10: Draw Shapes Using Scribble 提示 10:使用涂鸦绘制形状

The Scribble shape is one of the latest features added to the Tinkercad Basic Shapes menu. By dragging it on to your workplane, you’ll be given a new view that allows you draw shapes with your mouse pointer (or fingertip, if you’re using a touch screen). Be sure to check out some of drawing options across the bottom.

Once you’re finished, click Done, and your hand-drawn object will appear on the workplane. From here, you can further shape, extrude, reposition and resize your object until you’re happy with it. Or, switch your scribbled object’s mode from Solid to Hole and emboss your hand-drawn design onto another object.


Tip 11: Rotating (inner ring vs. outer ring) 提示 11:旋转(内圈与外圈)

If you’ve rotated an object in Tinkercad, you may have noticed that two distinct rings appear around your object – an outer ring with many fine markings, and an inner ring with just a few larger markings.
如果您在 Tinkercad 中旋转过对象,您可能已经注意到对象周围出现了两个不同的环 - 一个带有许多精细标记的外环,以及一个只有几个较大标记的内环。

By keeping your cursor over one of the two rings while you rotate your object, you can modify the precision of the rotation. Use the inner ring to rotate in increments of 22.5 degrees, or use the outer ring for rotating one degree at a time.
通过在旋转对象时将光标保持在两个环中的一个上,可以修改旋转的精度。使用内圈以 22.5 度为增量旋转,或使用外圈一次旋转一度。

It’s also possible to snap your rotation to convenient 45-degree increments by holding down the shift key as you rotate. This way, you can take an object laying flat on the workplane and quickly orient it into a perpendicular 90-degree angle.
还可以通过在旋转时按住 shift 键将旋转捕捉到方便的 45 度增量。这样,您可以将平放在工作平面上的物体快速定向成垂直的 90 度角。


Tip 12: Parameters on Basic Shapes 技巧 12:基本形状上的参数

Looking for a quick way to round the edge off that box you made? Many of Tinkercad’s shapes include a panel of options for modifying your design. The Box shape is particularly flexible, with sliders to adjust the radius of curvature used to smooth its edges, the number of steps (or facets) used to create that curvature, along with sliders to control the box’s length, width, and height.

What other shapes have options like these? Explore them all.


Tip 13: Shape Generators 提示 13:形状生成器

When you unfold the Shapes dropdown menu, you’ll find an option called Shape Generators. Select it, and you’ll find multiple pages of exotic, specialty shapes, many contributed by the Tinkercad community.

These shapes in particular often have a number of customization features on their options panel, so be sure to make adjustments to test their potential.


Tip 14: Edit Grouped Objects with Double-Click 提示 14:双击编辑分组对象

The Group command (Ctrl + G) is an essential way to combine objects together and create more complex designs. But let’s say you just grouped two things together and realized that one of the objects you just grouped needs to be adjusted.
“分组”命令 (Ctrl + G) 是将对象组合在一起并创建更复杂的设计的重要方法。但是,假设您刚刚将两个东西组合在一起,并意识到您刚刚分组的一个对象需要调整。

Instead of hitting Undo or using the Ungroup command (Ctrl + Shift + G) you can simply double-click on the object you just grouped and it will temporarily ungroup, allowing you to make adjustments until you click away from it.
无需点击撤消或使用取消分组命令(Ctrl + Shift + G),您只需双击刚刚分组的对象,它将暂时取消分组,允许您进行调整,直到您单击离开它。


Tip 15: Hole vs. Transparent 提示 15:洞与透明

In order to see through an object, beginners will often change the object from a solid (S) to a hole (H). While this effectively makes the object look transparent, it can lead to accidental gaps in your design.

A better way to make a see-through (yet solid) object is use the transparency command (T), which can also be found as a checkbox in the color menu. Not only is it a useful way to quickly see into or through an object while you’re designing, it’s also a perfect way to create designs that look like glass or water.
制作透明(但实心)对象的更好方法是使用透明度命令 (T),该命令也可以在颜色菜单中作为复选框找到。它不仅是在设计时快速查看或穿透对象的有用方法,也是创建看起来像玻璃或水的设计的完美方式。


Tip 16: Lock it Up!

Objects can be locked to the workplane by clicking the lock icon on the shape’s menu or hitting Ctrl + L while an object is selected.
通过单击形状菜单上的锁定图标或在选择对象时按 Ctrl + L,可以将对象锁定到工作平面。

Once an object is locked, it can’t be moved, scaled, or altered in any way. Use it on objects whose dimensions need to be preserved (screw threads, fitted product cases) or for foundational elements of group projects that should remain unaltered (state map designs, puzzle pieces).


Tip 17: Hide vs. Delete 类型 17:隐藏与删除

Designing can be messy. To keep old designs from cluttering up your workplane without deleting them, try hiding them using Ctrl + H. You can accomplish the same effect using the lightbulb icon in the Shape menu for a selected object.
设计可能会很混乱。为了防止旧设计在不删除它们的情况下弄乱您的工作平面,请尝试使用 Ctrl + H 隐藏它们。您可以使用所选对象的“形状”菜单中的灯泡图标实现相同的效果。

To make all your hidden objects reappear, tap the lightbulb icon on the top menu bar (next to the Group icon) or hit Shift + Ctrl + H.
要使所有隐藏的对象重新出现,请点击顶部菜单栏上的灯泡图标(组图标旁边)或按 Shift + Ctrl + H。


Tip 18: Grid Size and Snap 提示 18:网格大小和对齐

The Edit Grid button in the bottom right corner of your Workplane view allows you to change the units of measurement between inches, millimeters, and stackable toy bricks. Here, you can also define the size of your workplane, or pull up a preset 3D printer print bed size.

Below the Edit Grid button you’ll find a Snap Grid menu. The setting here determines how objects on your workplane will automatically move to the nearest measurement on the grid. By setting this low (or off), advanced users can get extremely precise with their designs. Higher settings can help beginners create designs that conform to easily measurable units, and tend to align more easily.


*You can now set a personalized Default Size to the Workplane. Once you set this, any new designs will have this size Workplane.

Tip 19: Perspective vs. Orthogonal View 提示 19:透视与正交视图

There’s a button in Tinkercad that can change the 3D view of your design to a flatter “orthogonal” view. Compared to the default 3D-like appearance of the “perspective” view, orthogonal offers a more natural, birds-eye look at your model. To return to the default view, simply press the button again to toggle back.
Tinkercad中有一个按钮,可以将设计的3D视图更改为更平坦的“正交”视图。与“透视”视图的默认 3D 外观相比,正交提供了更自然的鸟瞰模型外观。要返回默认视图,只需再次按下按钮即可切换回来。

When viewing a design directly from the top, the orthogonal view provides a blueprint-like layout of your design, useful for troubleshooting size and alignment issues that can sometimes be obscured in the default “perspective” view.

Tip 20: Stash Your Favorites 提示20:存储您的收藏夹

To quickly access the shapes you use most often, find the shape in the menu, hover your cursor over it, and click the star icon. Shapes that have been marked with a star will appear in the Favorites menu. With so many options for shapes, text, and generators, the ability to bookmark your favorites is a handy trick.


Tip 21: Create Your Own Shape 提示 21:创建自己的形状

Did you create something in Tinkercad that you think you’ll be reusing frequently in other designs (a logo, a toy brick connector, a screw thread)? By saving the design as a Shape, you can easily find and add your custom object to any future Tinkercad designs.
您是否在 Tinkercad 中创建了您认为会在其他设计中经常重复使用的东西(徽标、玩具积木连接器、螺纹)?通过将设计另存为形状,您可以轻松找到自定义对象并将其添加到任何未来的 Tinkercad 设计中。

To create a shape, create or open the design you want to save, select the object, then open the Shape Collection from the Shapes menu. At the top of the Shape Collection menu you’ll see the option to “Create Shape”. Give it a click, and your selected object will be added to your Part Collection for future use.


Tip 22: Keyboard Shortcuts Reference 提示 22:键盘快捷键参考

The key to becoming a Tinkercad guru is to become familiar with its many mouse and keyboard shortcuts. This handy reference (also a downloadable PDF) runs through everything you need to know.

Please visit our Learning Center for more tips, step-by-step tutorials, and easy projects. Happy Tinkering!


More Tips! 更多提示!

Don’t forget, you can check out our [Tips and Tricks section](https://www.tinkercad.com/blog?tags=Tips %26 Tricks) of the blog to see what new TinkerTips we come up with!





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1.简介 Fiddler本身的功能其实也已经很强大了,但是Fiddler官方还有很多其他扩展插件功能,可以更好地辅助Fiddler去帮助用户去开发、测试和管理项目上的任务。Fiddler已有的功能已经够我们日常工作中使用了,为了更好的扩展Fiddler&#xff0c…


对于设计师来说,好用的UI设计工具无疑会对设计工作起到事半功倍的作用,今天本文与大家分享9个好用的UI设计工具,一起来看看吧! 1、即时设计 即时设计是一个能在网页中直接使用,且支持团队协作的国产UI设计工具&#…