[230517] TPO71 | 2022年托福阅读真题第5/36篇 | Minoan Palaces | 14:51~16:00+22:00~23:20

news2024/10/6 10:31:05

7102 Minoan Palaces 


7102 Minoan Palaces 



Paragraph 1 

问题 1

Paragraph 2 

问题 2

Paragraph 3 

问题 3 4

Paragraph 4 

问题 5 6 

Paragraph 5 

问题 7 8

Paragraph 2-问题9




Paragraph 1 

The Minoan culture on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea flourished from 

about 3000 to 1100 B.C. In what is known as the Palace Period (ca. 2000-1450 

B.C.), power was centralized in palaces and, later, in villas. According to one 

authority, the five primary economic functions of Minoan palaces during much 

of the Palace era were (1) production of manufactured goods, (2)consumption 

of food and manufactured goods, (3) regulation of local and internal exchange, 

(4) regulation of international and external exchange, and (5)use as 

depositories (storage facilities). 

Minoan culture                克里特文明的文化

Minoan                / maɪˈnoən /        adj.(有关)米诺斯文化的


Crete                   / kriːt /        n.(希腊)克里特岛

Aegean Sea                爱琴海(地中海的一部分,在希腊和土耳其之间)

Aegean                / iːˈdʒiːən /        adj.(与)爱琴海及其海岸和岛屿(有关)的


flourished           v.繁荣,昌盛;挥动;(植物或动物)长势好,茁壮成长


Palace Period        王宫时期

palace                n.王宫,(官位极高者的)府邸;住在王宫里的人,王室(the Palace);大厦,豪宅        adj.王宫的,(总统)官邸的;与政府人员有关的

centralized        adj.集中的;中央集权的        v.集中(centralize 的过去分词)

villas                / ˈvɪləz /        [建]别墅(villa 的复数)


depository        / dɪˈpɑːzətɔːri /        n.贮藏所;受托者;存储处;仓库(同 depositary

复数 depositories

storage facilities               存储能力;贮藏设备

depository=depositary  贮藏所;受托者;存储处;仓库
palace  王宫;王室
Aegean sea  爱琴海
Crete   克里特岛
Minoan   米诺斯人;米诺斯文化的

Paragraph 2

The production and storage of manufactured goods are evident from the 

archaeological digs at Phaistos and Mallia, important palace sites. Excavations 

of the earliest phases at Phaistos (those from the so-called First Palace Period, 

which ended about 1700 B.C.) revealed two areas dedicated to economic 

activity. Unit A contained several large storage vessels originally filled with 

foodstuffs, including liquids such as wine and oil. Nearby Unit B was the palace 

workshop. Here, excavators found tools used for stoneworking (a lapidary 

workshop), several loom weights (a weaving workshop), and two potter's 

wheels (a ceramics workshop). Clay sealings from a smaller room in Unit B 

may indicate where finished products were processed for storage or export. By 

the Second Palace Period (roughly 1700-1450 B.C.), there were even more 

food storage vessels present and an archive room (a room for storing documents). 

archaeological     adj.考古学的,考古的

digs                        n.挖;寓所;住所;嘲讽(dig 的复数) v.挖掘;摸索(dig 的三单形式)

Phaistos                n.斐斯托斯(克里特岛南部一个古老的米诺斯城市)

Mallia                     n.(Mallia)人名;(意、法、马耳他)马利亚

excavation            / ˌekskəˈveɪʃ(ə)n /        n.(对古物的)发掘,挖掘; 发掘现场; 挖洞,开凿

复数 excavations 

dedicated             adj.专心致志的,献身的;专用的,专门用途的

                              vt.致力于,献身于;(在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词;为(大楼,纪念碑)揭幕(dedicate 的过去式和过去分词)

vessel                   / ˈves(ə)l /        n.船,舰;(人或动物的)血管,(植物的)导管;(盛液体用的)容器,器皿;(有某种特质或用途的)人

复数 vessels

excavator            / ˈekskəveɪtər /        n.挖掘机;开凿者;打洞机;挖泥工

复数 excavators

stoneworking                 石器制造 ; 石材加工

lapidary                          / ˈlæpɪderi /        adj.(文体)优雅精确的;(语言)适合刻在石头上的;宝石切割的;宝石的,宝石工的


loom                               v.(尤指阴森森地)隐约出现,赫然耸现;逼近,临近


loom-weights                      纺织机

weaving workshop           织造车间

potter's wheels                 陶工旋盘

potter                                 n.陶艺家,制陶工人     vt.闲混,虚度     vi.闲逛;慢条斯理地做事

ceramics workshop        陶艺工作室

ceramics                           / səˈræmɪks /        n.制瓷艺术,陶艺;陶器,陶瓷制品

sealings                            / ˈsiːlɪŋ /     n.猎捕海豹;封闭;密封

                                  v.系紧,封牢;快速煎炸;加封,盖印;达成,确保(seal 的现在分词)

clay sealings                     粘土密封

archive                       / ˈɑːrkaɪv /        n.存档材料,档案;档案室  v.把……存档,把……归档

excavator  挖掘机
potter's wheels 陶工旋盘
archive 存档材料;档案;档案室
vessel 船;舰

Paragraph 3

Similar finds appeared at Mallia. In the northwest quarter of the palace, 

excavators discovered obsidian, soapstone, and a reddish marble called rosso antico,

all evidently part of the lapidary (stonecutting) workshop. A potter's 

workshop was also present within the palace walls. During part of this period, 

the workshop of a bronze smithy was located just outside the palace walls. It is 

actually surprising that such an industry would be so close to any residential 

quarters, considering the unpleasant fumes given off by the work and the 

rather high potential for fires. Nevertheless, at a somewhat later date, the 

palace walls were extended so that the smithy was located within the palace 

itself. Clearly, this was an industry over which the palace wanted to keep very close control. 


obsidian                 / əbˈsɪdiən /                n.黑曜石

soapstone             / ˈsoʊpstoʊn /             n.皂石;滑石

reddish                  / ˈredɪʃ /                      adj.微红的;略带红色的


rosso antico        埃及大理石

bronze                 / brɑːnz /                        n.青铜;青铜色,古铜色;青铜艺术品;铜牌



smithy                 / ˈsmɪθi /                        n.铁匠铺;铁匠;锻冶场

bronze smithy                                        青铜铁匠铺

residential         / ˌrezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l /            adj.住宅区的,居民区的 ;家庭的,住宅的;(为工作、学习或受人照料而)住宿(在某地)的

residential quarters                                居民区

obsidian  n.黑曜石
soapstone  n.滑石
bronze  n.青铜;铜牌

reddish   adj.微红的;略带红色的


Clearly, this was an industry over which the palace wanted to keep very close control.


Paragraph 4

The role of Minoan palaces as depositories and regulators of local distribution 

and trade may be seen in the koulouras-large, stone-lined pits located at 

Knossos, Phaistos, and in a slightly altered guise, at Mallia. There is continued 

debate as to the purpose of these huge storage bins. It was originally 

suggested that they were rubbish pits. Some modern scholars believe that 

they were giant tree planters. But the usual interpretation is that they were for 

grain storage, with the koulouras at Knossos being able to hold enough grain 

to feed 1,000 people and the koulouras at Phaistos being able to hold enough 

for 300 people. In such a case, the palace would have received a substantial 

portion of the agricultural produce of the surrounding farms, stored it, and then 

distributed it to the more specialized, nonagricultural populace of the palace region. 

distribution                / ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃ(ə)n /            n.分发;分销,配送;(电影在各院线的)发行,上映;分配,分布


stone lined                 块石衬砌的

stone-lined                adj. 石块夹道的;石头铺就的

pits                              n.维修区(pit 的复数);凹点;凸面

                                    v.除去……的核;窖藏;使凹下(pit 的三单形式)


Knossos                  克诺索斯(地名)

guise                       n.伪装;装束;外观        vt.使化装        vi.伪装

bins                         n.箱子;素材屉;工具屉(bin 的复数形式)

                                v.把……放入箱子中(bin 的三单形式)

nonagricultural    adj.非农业的

populace                n.大众;平民;人口

Knossos   克诺索斯


Paragraph 5

Palatial control over foreign trade is more difficult to prove archaeologically, as 

there is often no way to determine where on Crete any specific item found 

abroad was made. One argument often brought to the fore is that only the 

palaces would have the capital (to use a modern term) to finance the goods 

and shipping for long trade journeys, not to mention to handle the risks of 

possible sea wrecks. Another argument, however, lies in the nature of the 

Minoan goods found abroad. For example, Kamares ware pottery from Minoan 

Crete has come to light on the coasts of Cyprus and in areas of the Near East 

such as Egypt and Syria. This Kamares ware is clearly a product of palatial 

manufacture. The ceramics from before and after the classical Kamares wares 

are clearly local creations-Knossian ware being distinct from Mallian ware. By 

contrast, the Kamares ware made in the palaces is similar from palace to 

palace but is utterly distinct from the provincial wares. The number of foreign 

goods stored in the palaces, especially Zakro, also gives evidence for the 

palatial control of international exchange. 

palatial                / pəˈleɪʃ(ə)l /                adj.宫殿似的;宏伟的;壮丽的

fore                      / fɔːr /                        n.(尤指船)船头,前桅;前面部分



                             prep.在……之前(before 的非标准形式)


bring to the fore        使……起积极作用;使……处于显要地位

not to mention   更不必说;不必提及

wreck                 v.破坏,断送(计划、关系等);(严重)破坏,毁坏(车辆或建筑物);造成(船舶)失事,使遇难;<史>毁船打劫;<美>(为获取有用的零件、碎料而)拆,拆除(破汽车、旧建筑物等);营救失事船只;失事


sea wrecks             海上沉船

Kamares                n.卡马雷斯               “明地暗纹法”成为主流卡马莱斯Kamares)陶器

Cyprus                  / ˈsaɪprəs /                 n.塞浦路斯(地中海东部一岛)

Syria                     / ˈsirɪr /                        n.叙利亚共和国

creations-Knossian         克诺索斯的创造物

utterly                                / ˈʌtərli /        adv. 完全地,彻底地

provincial               / prəˈvɪnʃ(ə)l /         adj.省的;外省的,地方的;守旧的,偏狭的


Zakro                        n. 扎克罗(地名)


fore   前方注意,看球

Cyprus   n.塞浦路斯(地中海东部一岛)
Syria    n.叙利亚共和国


Paragraph 1 

The Minoan culture on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea flourished from 

about 3000 to 1100 B.C. In what is known as the Palace Period (ca. 2000-1450 

B.C.),power was centralized in palaces and, later, in villas. According to one 

authority, the five primary economic functions of Minoan palaces during much 

of the Palace era were (1) production of manufactured goods, (2)consumption 

of food and manufactured goods, (3) regulation of local and internal exchange, 

(4) regulation of international and external exchange, and (5)use as 

depositories (storage facilities). 

问题 1

1. All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 1 as possible functions of Minoan palaces EXCEPT 

A. providing a market for agricultural and other products 

B. providing protection against internal and external threats 

C. producing finished goods from raw materials 

D. controlling trade 

Paragraph 2 

The production and storage of manufactured goods are evident from the 

archaeological digs at Phaistos and Mallia, important palace sites. Excavations 

of the earliest phases at Phaistos (those from the so-called First Palace Period, 

which ended about 1700 B.C.) revealed two areas dedicated to economic 

activity. Unit A contained several large storage vessels originally filled with 

foodstuffs,including liquids such as wine and oil. Nearby Unit B was the palace 

workshop. Here, excavators found tools used for stoneworking (a lapidary 

workshop), several loom weights (a weaving workshop), and two potter's 

151wheels (a ceramics workshop). Clay sealings from a smaller room in Unit B 

may indicate where finished products were processed for storage or export. By 

the Second Palace Period (roughly 1700-1450 B.C.), there were even more 

food storage vessels present and an archive room (a room for storing documents). 

问题 2

2. According to paragraph 2, what change had taken place at Phaistos by the Second Palace Period? 

A. The vessels used for storing food were larger. 

B. More types of food were being stored. 

C. New kinds of tools were being used in the workshops. 

D. A room for storing written records had been added. 

Paragraph 3 

Similar finds appeared at Mallia. In the northwest quarter of the palace, 

excavators discovered obsidian, soapstone, and a reddish marble called rosso 

antico, all evidently part of the lapidary (stonecutting) workshop. A potter's 

workshop was also present within the palace walls. During part of this period, 

the workshop of a bronze smithy was located just outside the palace walls. It is 

actually surprising that such an industry would be so close to any residential 

quarters, considering the unpleasant fumes given off by the work and the 

rather high potential for fires. Nevertheless, at a somewhat later date, the 

palace walls were extended so that the smithy was located within the palace 

itself. Clearly, this was an industry over which the palace wanted to keep very 

close control. 

问题 3 4

3. The phrase “potential for” in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. cost of         B. likelihood of         C. concern about         D. frequency of 

4. In paragraph 3, why does the author mention that the bronze smithy gave off unpleasant fumes? 

A. To show that the manufacturing industries of the Palace Period had certain drawbacks 

B. To help explain why the palace walls were extended enough to bring the bronze smithy inside 

C. To support the idea that the palace must have had a strong interest in controlling what happened in the bronze smithy 

D. To explain why archaeologists believe that the bronze smithy was located outside the palace walls 

Paragraph 4 

The role of Minoan palaces as depositories and regulators of local distribution 

and trade may be seen in the koulouras-large, stone-lined pits located at 

Knossos, Phaistos, and in a slightly altered guise, at Mallia. There is continued 

debate as to the purpose of these huge storage bins. It was originally 

suggested that they were rubbish pits. Some modern scholars believe that 

they were giant tree planters. But the usual interpretation is that they were for 

grain storage, with the koulouras at Knossos being able to hold enough grain 

to feed 1,000 people and the koulouras at Phaistos being able to hold enough 

for 300 people. In such a case, the palace would have received a substantial 

portion of the agricultural produce of the surrounding farms, stored it, and then 

distributed it to the more specialized, nonagricultural populace of the palace region. 

问题 5 6 

5. The phrase “altered guise" in the passage is closest in meaning to 

A. dated style         B. changed form         C. improved version         D. reduced area 

6. According to paragraph 4, each of the following has been proposed as the purpose served by the koulouras EXCEPT as

A. containers in which trees were planted 

B. containers for trash and other waste materials 

C. bins in which grain to feed the nonagricultural population was stored 

D. bins in which farmers could store grain for their own private use 

Paragraph 5 

Palatial control over foreign trade is more difficult to prove archaeologically, as 

there is often no way to determine where on Crete any specific item found 

abroad was made. One argument often brought to the fore is that only the 

palaces would have the capital (to use a modern term) to finance the goods 

and shipping for long trade journeys, not to mention to handle the risks of 

possible sea wrecks. Another argument, however, lies in the nature of the 

Minoan goods found abroad. For example, Kamares ware pottery from Minoan 

Crete has come to light on the coasts of Cyprus and in areas of the Near East 

such as Egypt and Syria. This Kamares ware is clearly a product of palatial 

manufacture. The ceramics from before and after the classical Kamares wares 

are clearly local creations-Knossian ware being distinct from Mallian ware. By 

contrast, the Kamares ware made in the palaces is similar from palace to 

palace but is utterly distinct from the provincial wares. The number of foreign 

goods stored in the palaces, especially Zakro, also gives evidence for the 

palatial control of international exchange. 

问题 7 8

7. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. 

A. One argument is that the risks of possible sea wrecks have been ignored in estimates of the palaces' ability to finance goods and shipping in overseas trade. 

B. One argument is that the palaces had enough capital to finance the manufacture of trade goods but not enough to handle the risk of sea wrecks. 

C. One argument is that only the palaces had enough wealth to finance the goods and to take on the risks and shipping costs involved in overseas trade. 

D. One argument is that the palaces are the only institutions that would have needed capital to finance the goods, shipping, and risks involved in overseas trade. 

8. According to paragraph 5, why did the discovery of Kamares ware in a number of places outside Crete provide support for the idea that the palaces had some control over foreign trade? 

A. Because it is possible to determine in what part of Crete any particular piece of Kamares ware was made 

B. Because Kamares ware can be clearly identified as coming from palace production centers 

C. Because it is known that Kamares ware was produced only during a certain period 

D. Because classical Kamares ware was produced only within Crete 

Paragraph 2-问题9

The production and storage of manufactured goods are evident from the 

archaeological digs at Phaistos and Mallia, important palace sites. Excavations 

of the earliest phases at Phaistos (those from the so-called First Palace Period, 

which ended about 1700 B.C.) revealed two areas dedicated to economic 

activity. [█]Unit A contained several large storage vessels originally filled with 

155foodstuffs,including liquids such as wine and oil. [█] Nearby Unit B was the 

palace workshop. [█] Here, excavators found tools used for stoneworking (a 

lapidary workshop), several loom weights (a weaving workshop), and two 

potter's wheels (a ceramics workshop). [█] Clay sealings from a smaller room 

in Unit B may indicate where finished products were processed for storage or 

export. By the Second Palace Period (roughly 1700-1450 B.C.), there were 

even more food storage vessels present and an archive room (a room for 

storing documents). 

9. Look at the four squares [█] that indicate where the following sentence 

could be added to the passage. 

The exact use of other work areas is less certain, though often a good guess can be made. 

Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage. 


10. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or the passage or are minior ideas in the 

passage. This question is worth 2 points. 

Palaces in Crete between 2000 and 1450 B.C. were centers of economic power and control. 

A. Palaces served as depositories for various foodstuffs,and for goods produced in palace workshops, such as ceramics and bronze objects. 

B. Excavators have discovered evidence showing that palace workshops and the goods they produced changed greatly after the First Palace Period. 

C. Evidence concerning koulouras has led some archaeologists to conclude that the palaces played only a small role in regulating local trade and distribution. 

D. It seems likely that palaces collected much of the agricultural produce from surrounding farms, stored it,and later gave it to people involved in nonagricultural work. 

E. Discoveries outside of Crete of goods from palace workshops, plus evidence of foreign goods stored in palaces, indicate that foreign trade was probably conducted from the palaces. 

F. The discovery in Cyprus and the Near East of goods made in Minoan Crete indicates that an extensive trade network developed between Crete and these areas during the Palace 





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kafka 从入门到精通

kafka 从入门到精通 安装 zookeeper模式 创建软件目录 mkdir /opt/soft cd /opt/soft下载 wget https://downloads.apache.org/kafka/3.4.0/kafka_2.13-3.4.0.tgz解压 tar -zxvf kafka_2.13-3.4.0.tgz 修改目录名称 mv kafka_2.13-3.4.0 kafka配置环境变量 vim /etc/pr…


通用指针和定向指针 参考资料&#xff1a;Keil > Help > uVision Help > Cx51 Compiler User’s Guide > Language Extensions > Pointers 一、Cx51指针的几种用法 int *ptr; /* 指向&#xff1a;任意空间的int变量&#xff0c; 存储在&…


在Java中&#xff0c;finalize()方法是一个由Object类定义的方法&#xff0c;用于在对象被垃圾回收器回收之前执行一些清理工作。finalize()方法是一个被保护的方法&#xff0c;可以被子类重写&#xff0c;但是通常情况下不需要显式地调用该方法。 finalize()方法的作用 在Jav…


概述 数据库(Database&#xff0c;DB)是按照数据结构来组织、存储和管理数据的仓库&#xff0c;其本身可被看作电子化的文件柜&#xff0c;用户可以对文件中的数据进行增删改查等操作。 数据库系统是指在计算机系统中引入数据库后的系统&#xff0c;除了数据库&#xff0c;还…

首次开通社交账号亲自招聘人才 周星驰都在关注的Web3 你知道是什么吗?

60岁的“星爷”周星驰要进军元宇宙了&#xff1f; 谁能想到&#xff0c;向来低调的他首次注册社交账号&#xff0c;竟是为了发布一条招人信息&#xff0c;挑选的还不是新片男女主角&#xff0c;而是Web3人才&#xff0c;一脚跨界到了互联网科技领域。 今天一整天&#xff0c;…

2022-2023 年度广东省职业院校学生专业技能大赛中职组“网络安全”赛项竞赛任务书(样题)

2022-2023 年度广东省职业院校学生专业技能大赛中职组“网络安全”赛项竞赛任务书&#xff08;样题&#xff09; 一、竞赛时间 总计&#xff1a;210 分钟 二、竞赛阶段 竞赛阶段 任务阶段 竞赛任务 竞赛时间 分值 A 模块 A-1 登录安全加固 90 分钟 200…


文章目录 ⭐前言⭐安装http请求的文件解析依赖库&#x1f496; 安装 formidable&#x1f496; node formidable接受formData上传参数 ⭐上传的页面搭建&#x1f496; vue2 element upload&#x1f496; node 渲染 上传文件 ⭐后端生成api上传文件到指定目录&#x1f496;完整的…


&#x1f353;系列专栏:Spring系列 &#x1f349;个人主页:个人主页 目录 一、IOC入门案例 1.入门案例思路分析 2.入门案例代码实现 二、DI入门案例 1.入门案例思路分析 2.入门案例代码实现 三、图书推荐 介绍完Spring的核心概念后&#xff0c;接下来我们得思考一个问题…


B-4:跨站脚本攻击 任务环境说明: √ 服务器场景:Server2125(关闭链接) √ 服务器场景操作系统:未知 √ 用户名:未知 密码:未知 1.访问服务器网站目录1,根据页面信息完成条件,将获取到弹框信息作为flag提交; 通过尝试知道这里存在xss漏洞

【CVE-2022-26134】Confluence OGNL RCE 漏洞

漏洞描述 远程攻击者在未经身份验证的情况下&#xff0c;可构造OGNL表达式进行注入&#xff0c;实现在Confluence Server或Data Center上执行任意代码。 影响版本 Confluence Server and Data Center > 1.3.0 Confluence Server and Data Center < 7.4.17 Confluenc…


1.初学KALI hydra&#xff08;海德拉&#xff09;。 实验环境&#xff1a;VM16,虚拟机两台&#xff0c;Windows10系统&#xff0c;KALI系统&#xff0c;用nmap查看目标端口是否开放。 2.在KALI虚拟机上面使用命令nmap查看WIN10的3389端口是否打开。 3.在KALI虚拟机上面建立用…

Java sdk使用加载账户私钥调用合约

Java sdk使用加载账户私钥调用合约 1.智能合约案例 1.2 智能合约的流程 1.2 智能合约详细代码 实现了一个简单的商店功能。它定义了三个结构体&#xff1a;用户、商家和商品&#xff0c;以及对应的映射关系。它提供了一些方法用于注册用户和商家&#xff0c;创建商品&#x…


MVC模式和三层架构 MVC模式三层架构MVC与三层架构的联系MVC与三层架构的异同 MVC模式 MVC&#xff08;Model View Controller&#xff09;是软件工程中的一种软件设计模式&#xff0c;它把软件系统分为模型、视图和控制器三个基本部分。用一种业务逻辑、数据、界面显示分离的方…

路由器+Gdbserver+IDA Pro远程调试


2023年最新版kali linux安装教程

一、前期准备 前排提醒&#xff0c;文末有绿色版安装包免费领取&#xff01; 二、VMware虚拟机配置 1、打开vmware&#xff0c;点击创建新的虚拟机 2、选择自定义(高级)选项&#xff0c;点击下一步 3、继续下一步 4、选择【稍后安装操作系统】&#xff0c;然后点击下一步 …