matlab 点云采样相关操作-源码复制粘贴即可

news2025/2/28 9:44:03


clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
pc.plot; % points are colored by z coordinate
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select randomly 5 percent of all points'RandomSampling', 5);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''RandomSampling''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);



clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select each 50-th point'IntervalSampling', 50);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''IntervalSampling''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);

3. 均匀采样=对空间中的点进行均匀采样

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select points using a voxelSize of 3'UniformSampling', 3);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''UniformSampling''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);


clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% First, let's select a subset of points with the UniformSampling strategy'UniformSampling', 2);

% Calculate the normals of the selected points with a searchRadius of 1

% Now, select 25 percent of the points with the MaxLeverageSampling strategy'MaxLeverageSampling', 25);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot('MarkerSize', 5);
title('After selection strategy ''MaxLeverageSampling''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);



clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% First, let's select a subset of points with the UniformSampling strategy'UniformSampling', 2);

% Calculate the normals of the selected points with a search radius of 1

% Now, select 25 percent of the points with the NormalSampling strategy'NormalSampling', 25);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot('MarkerSize', 5);
title('After selection strategy ''NormalSampling''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);



The attribute has to be a field of the structure obj.A, e.g. obj.A.roughness.

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud WITH attributes (nx, ny, nz are the components of the normal vector)
pc = pointCloud('', 'Attributes', {'nx' 'ny' 'nz' 'roughness'});

Note: the imported attributes are saved now as fields in the structure pc.A, e.g. the roughness in saved in pc.A.roughness.

% Plot all points
pc.plot('Color', 'A.roughness', 'CAxisLim', [0 1]); % colored by roughness; range of color bar from 0 to 1
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select points with roughness in the specified range; in doing so, only the smooth parts of the point cloud are selected
roughnessRange = [0.01 0.3];'Attribute', 'roughness', roughnessRange);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot('Color', 'A.roughness', 'CAxisLim', [0 1]);
title('After selection strategy ''Attribute''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);


clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Selection of the lions head
limitsMinMax = [-Inf -10
                 -30  20
                 -10 Inf];'Limits', limitsMinMax);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''Limits''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);

 8.InPolygon =选择二维多边形区域内的点

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Selection of the lions tail within the specified polygon
polygon = [45  4
           45 -7
           56 -7
           71 -2
           71  4
           63  6];'InPolygon', polygon);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''InPolygon''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);

 9.InVoxelHull =选择指定体素hull内部的点

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import the two point clouds
pcScan1 = pointCloud('');
pcScan2 = pointCloud('');

% Plot them in different colors
pcScan1.plot('Color', 'm'); % magenta
pcScan2.plot('Color', 'y'); % yellow
title('Both point clouds', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select points of second point cloud which are inside of the voxel hull of the first point cloud
voxelSize = 2;
pcScan1.getVoxelHull(voxelSize); % get voxel hull of first point cloud'InVoxelHull', pcScan1.voxelHull, ...

% Plot only selected points
close; pcScan2.plot('Color', 'y');
title('Only points of yellow pc which are overlapping with magenta pc', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);

10 RangeSearch =选择另一个点云范围内的点 

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% First select a subset of points with uniform sampling, then search all points within the range of 1 from these points'UniformSampling', 5);

points = pc.X(pc.act,:); % save selected points to matrix'All'); % reselect all points

searchRadius = 1;'RangeSearch', points, searchRadius);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''RangeSearch''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);

11. KnnSearch =为另一个点云的每个点选择K个最近邻

clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% First select a subset of points with uniform sampling, then search the 500 nearest neighbors of these points'UniformSampling', 10);

points = pc.X(pc.act,:); % save selected points to matrix'All'); % reselect all points'KnnSearch', points, 'K', 500);

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''KnnSearch''', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0);



clc; clear; close all; % clear everything

% Import point cloud
pc = pointCloud('');

% Plot all points
title('All Points', 'Color', 'w'); view(0,0); snapnow;

% Select a crossection
lineStart = [ 100 0];
lineEnd   = [-100 0];
lineWidth = 2;
az ='Profile', lineStart, lineEnd, lineWidth); % az contains the azimuth of cross section (to use with function view, see below)

% Plot only selected points
close; pc.plot;
title('After selection strategy ''Profile''', 'Color', 'w'); view(az,0);






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