💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
2.1 稀疏最大谐波噪声比反卷积
2.2 最大相关峰度反卷积
2.3 最大二阶环平稳盲反卷积
🎉3 参考文献
🌈4 Matlab代码实现
💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
2.1 稀疏最大谐波噪声比反卷积
2.2 最大相关峰度反卷积
2.3 最大二阶环平稳盲反卷积
load sig3
x = x - mean(x);
addpath('..\00 subfunction\')
fs = 20000;
N = length(x);
t = (0:N - 1) / fs;
t = t(:);
BPFI = 38;
%% Raw data
plot(t, x, 'b');
xlabel('Time [s]')
title('Raw data')
legend(['Kurtosis=', num2str(kurtosis(x))])
set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])
axis tight
ylim([-2 2.5])
envelope_x = abs(hilbert(x)) - mean(abs(hilbert(x)));
ff = 0:fs / N:fs - fs / N;
amp_envelope_x = abs(fft(envelope_x, N)) * 2 / fs;
plot(ff, amp_envelope_x, 'b')
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])
axis tight
xlim([0, 200]);
ylim([0 0.025])
[y_final, f_final, kurtIter] = smhd(fs, x, 100, 30, 1.5 * rms(x), [], 0);
%% Filtered signal
plot(t, y_final, 'b');
xlabel('Time [s]')
title('Filtered signal by SMHD')
legend(['Kurtosis=', num2str(kurtosis(y_final))])
set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])
axis tight
ylim([-3.5 4.5])
envelope_y = abs(hilbert(y_final)) - mean(abs(hilbert(y_final)));
amp_envelope_y = abs(fft(envelope_y, N)) * 2 / fs;
plot(ff, amp_envelope_y, 'b')
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
set(gcf, 'position', [100, 100, 800, 400])
axis tight
xlim([0, 200]);
ylim([0 0.3])
🎉3 参考文献
[1] 苗彦, 赵明, 林建军, 雷尹, 改进的最大相关峰度反卷积方法在滚动体轴承故障诊断中的应用, 机械系统与信号处理, 92 (2017) 173-195.
[2] 苗彦, 赵明, 梁国强, 林建军, 改进MCKDA在基于编码器信号的风力发电机齿轮故障检测中的应用, 可再生能源, 151 (2020) 192-203.
[3] 张斌, 苗彦, 林建军, 易玲玲, 自适应最大二阶环平稳性盲反卷积及其在机车轴承故障诊断中的应用, 机械系统与信号处理, 158 (2021) 107736.
[4] 苗彦, 张斌, 林建军, 赵明, 刘海, 刘忠, 李海, 盲反卷积在机械故障诊断中的应用研究进展, 机械系统与信号处理, 163 (2022) 108202.
[5] 苗彦, 赵明, 林建, 徐晓, 用于轴承弱故障特征检测的稀疏最大谐波噪声比反卷积, 测量科学与技术, 27 (2016) 105004.
[6] 苗彦, 张斌, 林建军, 赵明, 刘海, 刘忠, 李海, 盲反卷积在机械故障诊断中的应用研究进展, 机械系统与信号处理, 163 (2022) 108202.
[1] Y. Miao, M. Zhao, J. Lin, Y. Lei, Application of an improved maximum correlated kurtosis deconvolution method for fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 92 (2017) 173-195.
[2] Y. Miao, M. Zhao, K. Liang, J. Lin, Application of an improved MCKDA for fault detection of wind turbine gear based on encoder signal, Renewable Energy, 151 (2020) 192-203.
The matlab codes of period estimation using EHPS permit to reproduce some results in the papers:
[1] B. Zhang, Y. Miao, J. Lin, Y. Yi, Adaptive maximum second-order cyclostationarity blind deconvolution and its application for locomotive bearing fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 158 (2021) 107736.
[2] Y. Miao, B. Zhang, J. Lin, M. Zhao, H. Liu, Z. Liu, H. Li, A review on the application of blind deconvolution in machinery fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163 (2022) 108202.
In addition, the matlab codes of the deconvolution method, Sparse maximum harmonics-to-noise-ratio deconvolution (SMHD), permit to reproduce some results in the papers:
[1] Y. Miao, M. Zhao, J. Lin, X. Xu, Sparse maximum harmonics-to-noise-ratio deconvolution for weak fault signature detection in bearings, Measurement Science and Technology, 27 (2016) 105004.
[2] Y. Miao, B. Zhang, J. Lin, M. Zhao, H. Liu, Z. Liu, H. Li, A review on the application of blind deconvolution in machinery fault diagnosis, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163 (2022) 108202.