《人月神话》(The Mythical Man-Month)6贯彻执行(Passing the Word)

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《人月神话》(The Mythical Man-Month)

Chapter 6. 贯彻执行 Passing the Word

他只是坐在那里,嘴里说:"做这个!做那个!"当然,什么都不会发生,光说不做是没有用的。- 哈里·杜鲁门,关于总统的权力1 He'll sit here and he'll say, "Do this! Do that!" And nothing will happen. - HARRY S. TRUMAN, ON PRESIDENTIAL POWER1



Assuming that he has the disciplined, experienced architects and that there are many implementers, how shall the manager ensure that everyone hears, understands, and implements the architects' decisions? How can a group of 10 architects maintain the conceptual integrity of a system which 1000 men are building? A whole technology for doing this was worked out for the System/360 hardware design effort, and it is equally applicable to software projects.

文档化的规格说明——手册(Written Specifications—the Manual)


The manual, or written specification, is a necessary tool, though not a sufficient one. The manual is the external specification of the product. It describes and prescribes every detail of what the user sees. As such, it is the chief product of the architect.


Round and round goes its preparation cycle, as feedback from users and implementers shows where the design is awkward to use or build. For the sake of implementers it is important that the changes be quantized—that there be dated versions appearing on a schedule.


The manual must not only describe everything the user does see, including all interfaces; it must also refrain from describing what the user does not see. That is the implementer's business, and there his design freedom must be unconstrained. The architect must always be prepared to show an implementation for any feature he describes, but he must not attempt to dictate the implementation.


The style must be precise, full, and accurately detailed. A user will often refer to a single definition, so each one must repeat all the essentials and yet all must agree. This tends to make manuals dull reading, but precision is more important than liveliness.

System/360 Principles of Operation的一致完整性来自仅有两名作者的事实:Gerry Blaauw和Andris Padegs。思路是大约十个人的想法,但如果想保持文字和产品之间的一致性,则必须由一个或两个人来完成将其结论转换成书面规格说明的工作。而且,将定义书写成文字,必须对很多原先并不是非常重要的问题进行判断,并得出结论。例如,System/360需要决定在每次操作后,如何设置返回的条件码。其实,对于在整个设计中,保证这些看似琐碎的问题处理原则上的一致性,决不是一件无关紧要的事情。

The unity of System/360's Principles of Operation springs from the fact that only two pens wrote it: Gerry Blaauw's and Andris Padegs'. The ideas are those of about ten men, but the casting of those decisions into prose specifications must be done by only one or two, if the consistency of prose and product is to be maintained. For the writing of a definition will necessitate a host of mini-decisions which are not of full-debate importance. An example in System/360 is the detail of how the Condition Code is set after each operation. Not trivial, however, is the principle that such mini-decisions be made consistently throughout.

我想我所见过的最好的一份手册是System360 Principles of Operation的附录。它精确仔细地规定了System/360兼容性的限制。它定义了兼容性,描述了将达到的目标,列举了很多外部显示的各个部分:源于某个模型与其他模型差异,带来变化的部分和保持不变的部分;或者是某个给定模型的拷贝不同于其他拷贝的地方;甚至是工程上的变更引起拷贝自身上的差异。而这正是一个规格说明作者所应该追求的精确程度,他必须在仔细定义规定什么的同时,定义未规定什么。

I think the finest piece of manual writing I have ever seen is Blaauw's Appendix to System/360 Principles of Operation. This describes with care and precision the limits of System/360 compatibility. It defines compatibility, prescribes what is to be achieved, and enumerates those areas of external appearance where the architecture is intentionally silent and where results from one model may differ from those of another, where one copy of a given model may differ from another copy, or where a copy may differ even from itself after an engineering change. This is the level of precision to which manual writers aspire, and they must define what is not prescribed as carefully as what is.

形式化定义(Formal Definitions)


English, or any other human language, is not naturally a precision instrument for such definitions. Therefore the manual writer must strain himself and his language to achieve the precision needed. An attractive alternative is to use a formal notation for such definitions. After all, precision is the stock in trade, the raison d'être of formal notations.


Let us examine the merits and weaknesses of formal definitions. As noted, formal definitions are precise. They tend to be complete; gaps show more conspicuously(明显), so they are filled sooner. What they lack is comprehensibility. With English prose one can show structural principles, delineate structure in stages or levels, and give examples. One can readily mark exceptions and emphasize contrasts. Most important, one can explain why. The formal definitions put forward so far have inspired wonder at their elegance and confidence in their precision. But they have demanded prose explanations to make their content easy to learn and teach. For these reasons, I think we will see future specifications to consist of both a formal definition and a prose definition.

一句古老的格言警告说:"决不要携带两个时钟出海,带一个或三个。"同样的原则也适用于形式化和记叙性定义。如果同时具有两种方式,则必须以一种作为标准,另一种作为辅助描述,并照此明确地进行划分。它们都可以作为表达的标准,例如,Algol 68采用形式化定义作为标准,记叙性文字作为辅助。PL/I使用记叙性定义作为主要方式,形式化定义用作辅助表述。System/360也将记叙性文字用作标准,以及形式化定义用作派生的论述。

An ancient adage warns, "Never go to sea with two chronometers(时钟); take one or three." The same thing clearly applies to prose and formal definitions. If one has both, one must be the standard, and the other must be a derivative description, clearly labeled as such. Either can be the primary standard. Algol 68 has a formal definition as standard and a prose definition as descriptive. PL/I has the prose as standard and the formal description as derivative. System/360 also has prose as standard with a derived formal description.

很多工具可以用于形式化定义,例如巴科斯范式在语言定义中很常用,它在书本中有详细的描述2。PL/I 的形式化定义使用了抽象语法的新概念,该概念有很确切的(adequately)解释3。Iverson的APL曾用来描述机器,突出的应用是IBM 70904和System/3605。

Many tools are available for formal definition. The Backus-Naur Form is familiar for language definition, and it is amply discussed in the literature.[2] The formal description of PL/I uses new notions of abstract syntax, and it is adequately described.[3] Iverson's APL has been used to describe machines, most notably the IBM 7090[4] and System/360.[5]

Bell和Newell建议了能同时描述配置和机器结构的新标注方法,并且在许多机型的应用上得以体现,如DEC PDP-86、70908、System/360。

Bell and Newell have proposed new notations for describing both configurations and machine architectures, and they have illustrated these with several machines, including the DEC PDP-8,[6] the 7090,[7] and System/360.[8]


Almost all formal definitions turn out to embody or describe an implementation of the hardware or software system whose externals they are prescribing. Syntax can be described without this, but semantics are usually defined by giving a program that carries out the defined operation. This is of course an implementation, and as such it over-prescribes the architecture. So one must take care to indicate that the formal definition applies only to externals, and one must say what these are.


Not only is a formal definition an implementation, an implementation can serve as a formal definition. When the first compatible computers were built, this was exactly the technique used. The new machine was to match an existing machine. The manual was vague on some points? "Ask the machine!" A test program would be devised to determine the behavior, and the new machine would be built to match.


A programmed simulator of a hardware or software system can serve in precisely the same way. It is an implementation; it runs. So all questions of definition can be resolved by testing it.

使用实现来作为一种定义的方式有一些优点。首先,所有问题可以通过试验清晰地得到答案,从来不需要争辩和商讨,回答是快捷迅速的。通过定义得出的答案,总是同所要求的一样精确和正确。但是,相对于这些优点的,是一系列可怕的缺点。实现可能更加过度地规定了外部功能。例如,无效的语法通常会产生某些结果。在拥有错误控制的系统中,它通常仅仅导致某种"无效"的指示,而不会产生其他的东西。在无错误控制的系统中,会产生各种副作用,它们可能被程序员所使用。例如,当我们着手在System/360上模拟IBM 1401时,有30个不同的"古玩"--被认为是无效操作的副作用--得到广泛的应用,并被认为是定义的一部分。作为一种定义,实现体现了过多的内容:它不但描述了系统必须做什么,同时还声明了自己到底做了些什么。

Using an implementation as a definition has some advantages. All questions can be settled unambiguously by experiment. Debate is never needed, so answers are quick. Answers are always as precise as one wants, and they are always correct, by definition. Opposed to these one has a formidable set of disadvantages. The implementation may over-prescribe even the externals. Invalid syntax always produces some result; in a policed system that result is an invalidity indication and nothing more. In an unpoliced system all kinds of side effects may appear, and these may have been used by programmers. When we undertook to emulate the IBM 1401 on System/360, for example, it developed that there were 30 different "curios"—side effects of supposedly invalid operations—that had come into widespread use and had to be considered as part of the definition. The implementation as a definition overprescribed; it not only said what the machine must do, it also said a great deal about how it had to do it.


Then, too, the implementation will sometimes give unexpected and unplanned answers when sharp questions are asked, and the de facto definition will often be found to be inelegant in these particulars precisely because they have never received any thought. This inelegance will often turn out to be slow or costly to duplicate in another implementation. For example, some machines leave trash in the multiplicand register after a multiplication. The precise nature of this trash turns out to be part of the de facto definition, yet duplicating it may preclude the use of a faster multiplication algorithm.


Finally, the use of an implementation as a formal definition is peculiarly susceptible to confusion as to whether the prose description or the formal description is in fact the standard. This is especially true of programmed simulations. One must also refrain from modifications to the implementation while it is serving as a standard.

直接整合(Direct Incorporation)


A lovely technique for disseminating and enforcing definitions is available for the software system architect. It is especially useful for establishing the syntax, if not the semantics, of intermodule interfaces. This technique is to design the declaration of the passed parameters or shared storage, and to require the implementations to include that declaration via a compile-time operation (a macro or a %INCLUDE in PL/I). If, in addition, the whole interface is referenced only by symbolic names, the declaration can be changed by adding or inserting new variables with only recompilation, not alteration, of the using program.

会议和大会(Conferences and Courts)



Needless to say, meetings are necessary. The hundreds of man-to-man consultations must be supplemented by larger and more formal gatherings. We found two levels of these to be useful. 

The first is a weekly half-day conference of all the architects, plus official representatives of the hardware and software implementers, and the market planners. The chief system architect presides.


Anyone can propose problems or changes, but proposals are usually distributed in writing before the meeting. A new problem is usually discussed a while. The emphasis is on creativity, rather than merely decision. The group attempts to invent many solutions to problems, then a few solutions are passed to one or more of the architects for detailing into precisely worded manual change proposals.


Detailed change proposals then come up for decisions. These have been circulated and carefully considered by implementers and users, and the pros and cons are well delineated. If a consensus emerges, well and good. If not, the chief architect decides. Minutes are kept and decisions are formally, promptly, and widely disseminated.



1. 数月内,相同小组--结构师、用户和实现人员--每周交流一次。因此,大家对项目相关的内容比较了解,不需要安排额外时间对人员进行培训。

2. 上述小组十分睿智和敏锐,深刻理解所面对的问题,并且与产品密切相关。没有人是"顾问"的角色,每个人都要承担义务。

3. 当问题出现时,在界线的内部和外部同时寻求解决方案

4. 正式的书面建议集中了注意力,强制了决策的制订,避免了会议草稿纪要方式的不一致。

5. 清晰地授予首席结构师决策的权力,避免了妥协和拖延。

Decisions from the weekly conferences give quick results and allow work to proceed. If anyone is too unhappy, instant appeals to the project manager are possible, but this happens very rarely.

The fruitfulness of these meetings springs from several sources:

1. The same group—architects, users, and implementers—meets weekly for months. No time is needed for bringing people up to date.

2. The group is bright, resourceful, well versed in the issues, and deeply involved in the outcome. No one has an "advisory" role. Everyone is authorized to make binding commitments.

3. When problems are raised, solutions are sought both within and outside the obvious boundaries.

4. The formality of written proposals focuses attention, forces decision, and avoids committee-drafted inconsistencies.

5. The clear vesting of decision-making power in the chief architect avoids compromise and delay.


As time goes by, some decisions don't wear well. Some minor matters have never been wholeheartedly accepted by one or another of the participants. Other decisions have developed unforeseen problems, and sometimes the weekly meeting didn't agree to reconsider these. So there builds up a backlog of minor appeals, open issues, or disgruntlements. To settle these we held annual supreme court sessions, lasting typically two weeks. (I would hold them every six months if I were doing it again.)


These sessions were held just before major freeze dates for the manual. Those present included not only the architecture group and the programmers' and implementers' architectural representatives, but also the managers of programming, marketing, and implementation efforts. The System/360 project manager presided. The agenda typically consisted of about 200 items, mostly minor, which were enumerated in charts placarded around the room. All sides were heard and decisions made. By the miracle of computerized text editing (and lots of fine staff work), each participant found an updated manual, embodying yesterday's decisions, at his seat every morning.


These "fall festivals" were useful not only for resolving decisions, but also for getting them accepted. Everyone was heard, everyone participated, everyone understood better the intricate constraints and interrelationships among decisions.

多重实现(Multiple Implementations)


System/360 architects had two almost unprecedented advantages: enough time to work carefully, and political clout equal to that of the implementers. The provision of enough time came from the schedule of the new technology; the political equality came from the simultaneous construction of multiple implementations. The necessity for strict compatibility among these served as the best possible enforcing agent for the specifications.


In most computer projects there comes a day when it is discovered that the machine and the manual don't agree. When the confrontation follows, the manual usually loses, for it can be changed far more quickly and cheaply than the machine. Not so, however, when there are multiple implementations. Then the delays and costs associated with fixing the errant machine can be overmatched by delays and costs in revising the machines that followed the manual faithfully.


This notion can be fruitfully applied whenever a programming language is being defined. One can be certain that several interpreters or compilers will sooner or later have to be built to meet various objectives. The definition will be cleaner and the discipline tighter if at least two implementations are built initially.

电话日志(The Telephone Log)


As implementation proceeds, countless questions of architectural interpretation arise, no matter how precise the specification. Obviously many such questions require amplifications and clarifications in the text. Others merely reflect misunderstandings.


It is essential, however, to encourage the puzzled implementer to telephone the responsible architect and ask his question, rather than to guess and proceed. It is just as vital to recognize that the answers to such questions are ex cathedra architectural pronouncements that must be told to everyone.


One useful mechanism is a telephone log kept by the architect. In it he records every question and every answer. Each week the logs of the several architects are concatenated, reproduced, and distributed to the users and implementers. While this mechanism is quite informal, it is both quick and comprehensive.

产品测试(Product Test)


The project manager's best friend is his daily adversary, the independent product-testing organization. This group checks machines and programs against specifications and serves as a devil's advocate, pinpointing every conceivable defect and discrepancy. Every development organization needs such an independent technical auditing group to keep it honest.


In the last analysis the customer is the independent auditor. In the merciless light of real use(残酷的现实使用环境中), every flaw will show. The product-testing group then is the surrogate customer, specialized for finding flaws. Time after time, the careful product tester will find places where the word didn't get passed, where the design decisions were not properly understood or accurately implemented. For this reason such a testing group is a necessary link in the chain by which the design word is passed, a link that needs to operate early and simultaneously with design.

Chapter 6 Appendix Ref:

1. Neustadt, R. E., Presidential Power. New York: Wiley, 1960, Chapter 2.

2. Backus, J. W., "The syntax and semantics of the proposed international algebraic language." Proc. Intl. Conf. Inf. Proc. UNESCO, Paris, 1959, published by R. Oldenbourg, Munich, and Butterworth, London. Besides this, a whole collection of papers on the subject is contained in T. B. Steel, Jr. (ed.), Formal Language Description Languages for Computer Programming. Amsterdam: North Holland, (1966).

3. Lucas, P., and K. Walk, "On the formal description of PL/I," Annual Review in Automatic Programming Language. New York: Wiley, 1962, Chapter 2, p. 2.

4. Iverson, K. E., A Programming Language. New York: Wiley, 1962, Chapter 2.

5. Falkoff, A. D., K. E. Iverson, E. H. Sussenguth, "A formal description of System/360," IBM Systems Journal, 3, 3 (1964), pp. 198–261.

6. Bell, C. G., and A. Newell, Computer Structures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970, pp. 120–136, 517–541.

7. Bell, C. G., and A. Newell, Computer Structures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970, pp. 120–136, 517–541.

8. Bell, C. G., private communication.



Freder ick P.Brooks,Jr.(1931年4月19日 - 2022年11月17日 )曾荣获美国计算机领域最具声望的图灵奖(A.M.TURINGAWARD)桂冠。美国计算机协会(ACM)称赞他“对计算机体系结构、操作系统和软件工程作出了里程碑式的贡献”。

Brooks博士是北卡罗莱纳大学KENAN-FLAGLER商学院的计算机科学教授。他被认为是“IBM 360系统之父”,曾担任360系统的项目经理,以及360系统项目设计阶段的经理。凭借在此项目中的杰出贡献,他与BobEvarls和Erich BIocll在1985年荣获了美国国家技术奖(National Medal of Technology)。Brooks博士早期曾担任IBM公司stretcPl和Harvest计算机的体系结构设计师。






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Node.js 入门教程 Node.js官方入门教程 Node.js中文网 本文仅用于学习记录&#xff0c;不存在任何商业用途&#xff0c;如侵删 文章目录Node.js 入门教程2 Node.js 简史2.1 一点历史2.2 20092.3 20102.4 20112.5 20122.6 20132.7 20142.8 20152.9 20162.10 20172.11 20182.12 2…


0. 环境 nacos版本&#xff1a;1.4.1 Spring Cloud : 2020.0.2 Spring Boot &#xff1a;2.4.4 Spring Cloud alibaba: 2.2.5.RELEASE Spring Cloud openFeign 2.2.2.RELEASE 测试代码&#xff1a;github.com/hsfxuebao/s… 1. 配置中心基础 1.1 为什么要用配置中心&…

Js逆向教程-15滑块流程 极验

作者&#xff1a;虚坏叔叔 博客&#xff1a;https://xuhss.com 早餐店不会开到晚上&#xff0c;想吃的人早就来了&#xff01;&#x1f604; Js逆向教程-15滑块流程 极验 一、滑块是什么&#xff1f; 区分是否是机器人。根据滑动轨迹区分是否是人操作的。 滑块肯定有滑动条 …