
news2025/1/7 15:54:54

Binwalk v3

Compile From Source · ReFirmLabs/binwalk Wiki
下载地址:Compile From Source · ReFirmLabs/binwalk Wiki


The compiled binary will be located at binwalk/target/release/binwalk.

You may copy it to, and run it from, any directory you prefer.


This is an updated version of the Binwalk firmware analysis tool. It has been re-written in Rust, and is currently considered unstable/experimental.

While the usage and output is similar to that of previous Binwalk releases, this version has several notable improvements:

  • Rust go BRRRT
  • JSON output summary
  • Multi-threaded analysis
  • Efficient pattern matching
  • Smarter file carving and extraction
  • Much improved signature validation and reporting

Supported Platforms

Binwalk is only supported on 64-bit Linux systems, and only tested on Debian/Ubuntu Linux. It is recommended that you run Binwalk on a Debian-based system.


Build Dependencies

To compile Binwalk from source, you must first have the Rust compiler installed:

sudo apt install curl
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
. $HOME/.cargo/env

Additionally, entropy graphing requires the fontconfig library to be installed:

sudo apt install libfontconfig1-dev

Compiling From Source

To download and build the Binwalk source code:

sudo apt install git
git clone -b binwalkv3
cd binwalk
sudo ./binwalk/dependencies/
cargo build --release
./target/release/binwalk --help

The Binwalk binary will be located at the target/release/binwalk path, as shown above. You may copy it to, and run it from, any location on your system that you prefer.

Runtime Dependencies

Binwalk relies on several external command-line utilities to perform extraction. Some are installed on most Linux systems by default, others are not.

To install all required extraction utilities:

sudo apt install p7zip-full zstd unzip tar sleuthkit cabextract lz4 lzop device-tree-compiler unrar
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install uefi_firmware
sudo pip3 install jefferson
sudo pip3 install ubi-reader
# Thanks to the ONEKEY team for maintaining this Sasquatch Debian package!
curl -L -o sasquatch_1.0.deb "$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb"
sudo dpkg -i sasquatch_1.0.deb
rm sasquatch_1.0.deb
sudo apt install build-essential clang liblzo2-dev libucl-dev liblz4-dev
git clone
cd dumpifs
make dumpifs
sudo cp ./dumpifs /usr/local/bin/dumpifs
mkdir srec
cd srec
sudo cp srec2bin /usr/local/bin/


To list all supported file types and required extraction utilities:

To scan a file’s contents:

To exclude specific signatures from a scan:

binwalk -x jpeg,png,pdf file_name.bin

To only serch for specific signatures during a scan:

binwalk -y jpeg,png,pdf file_name.bin

To scan a file and extract its contents (default output directory is extractions):

To recursively scan and extract a file’s contents:

binwalk -Me file_name.bin

Generate an entropy graph of the specified file (a PNG image will be saved to the current working directory):

To save signature or entropy analysis results to a JSON file:

binwalk -l results.json file_name.bin

Command Line Output

For each identified file type, Binwalk displays the file offset in both decimal and hexadecimal, along with a brief description.

Output is color-coded to indicate the confidence of the reported results:

There is no strict definition for the confidence level of each result, but they can generally be interpreted as:

  • red: Low confidence; the “magic bytes” for the reported file type were identified, but little-to-no additional validation was performed
  • yellow: Medium confidence; a reasonable amount of validation/sanity-checking was performed on the file metadata
  • green: High confidence; both file metadata and at least some portions of the file data were checked for accuracy

Note that during recursive extraction only “interesting” results will be displayed; use the --verbose command line option to display all results.

Supported Signatures

All supported file signatures and their corresponding extraction utility (if any) can be displayed with the --list command line option:

Each signature is color-coded to indicate:

  • green: Signature is fully supported
  • yellow: Signature is prone to false positives and will only be matched at the beginning of a file

The values displayed in the Signature Name column can be used with the --include and --exclude signature filter arguments.

Entropy Graphs

Entropy graphs (--entropy) display a plot of how random the contents of a file are, with the level of randomness displayed on the y axis and the file offset displayed on the x axis:

Randomness is calculated on a unit-less scale of 0 (not random at all) to 8 (very random). Since compressed and encrypted data is, by nature, very random, this is useful for identifying sections of a file that have been compressed or encrypted.

JSON Output

The JSON logs (--log) include more detailed signature and extraction information than is reported on the command line.

If an entropy scan was requested (--entropy), the JSON data will contain the raw entropy data for the specified file.

Errors and Logging

Errors and debug logs are handled by the Rust env_logger, which allows users to control log levels via the RUST_LOG environment variable:

RUST_LOG=off binwalk -Me file_name.bin
RUST_LOG=info binwalk -Me file_name.bin
RUST_LOG=debug binwalk -Me file_name.bin

All errors and debug information are printed to stderr.


Binwalk is a command line utility only; there is no library, API, or plugins (yet).

Binwalk can be very resource intensive. By default it will use all available CPU cores (this can be controlled with the --threads argument), and reads files into memory in their entirety.




要提前装好make gcc等,他报错什么balabala没有命令,没有目录,就装什么咯

例如:7zip 无法定位软件包
sudo apt-get install p7zip


fatal error: openssl/sha.h: No such file or directory 


libssl-dev包含libraries, header files and manpages,他是openssl的一部分,而openssl对ssl进行了实现~

使用sudo apt-get install libssl-dev来安装libssl-dev即可

fatal error: bzlib.h: No such file or directory 

sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev


安装sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

argo build时候遇到的报错:

[Build error] error: failed to run custom build command for `yeslogic-fontconfig-sys v5.0.0` · Issue #362 · a16z/helios

error: failed to run custom build command for `yeslogic-fontconfig-sys v5.0.0`
note: To improve backtraces for build dependencies, set the CARGO_PROFILE_DEV_BUILD_OVERRIDE_DEBUG=true environment variable to enable debug information generation.

sudo apt install pkg-config libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev


note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

一般情况下默认使用的是 bash 命令行,请使用以下命令:
RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run

cargo build --release




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