
news2025/2/20 19:10:27










Option Explicit
Public hmap As Object

Sub Sleep(t As Single)  ' T 参数的单位是 秒级
    Dim time1 As Single
    time1 = Timer
        DoEvents '转让控制权,以便让操作系统处理其它的事件
    Loop While Timer - time1 < t  ' T 参数的单位是 秒级
End Sub

Sub CellMoveTo(rs As Integer, cs As Integer, re As Integer, ce As Integer)
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(rs, cs).Select
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(re, ce).Select

End Sub

Sub Swap(row As Integer, col1 As Integer, col2 As Integer)
    Call CellMoveTo(row, col1, row - 2, col1)
    Call Sleep(1)
    Call CellMoveTo(row, col2, row - 1, col2)
    Call Sleep(1)
    Dim i%, j%
    i = col1
    j = col2
    Do While i < col2
        Call CellMoveTo(row - 2, i, row - 2, i + 1)
        i = i + 1
        Call CellMoveTo(row - 1, j, row - 1, j - 1)
        j = j - 1
        Call Sleep(1)
    Call CellMoveTo(row - 1, col1, row, col1)
    Call Sleep(1)
    Call CellMoveTo(row - 2, col2, row, col2)
    Call Sleep(1)
End Sub

Sub HeapSwap(c1 As String, c2 As String)

    Dim n%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    Call Color2(c1, clr2)
    Call Color2(c2, clr2)
    n = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(c1).Value
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(c1).Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(c2).Value
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(c2).Value = n
    Call Sleep(1)
    Call Color2(c1, clr1)
    Call Color2(c2, clr1)

End Sub

Sub Color(row As Integer, col As Integer, clr As Long)
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, col).Select
    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = clr
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
End Sub

Sub Color1(row As Integer, col As Integer, clr As Long)
    Call Color(row, col, clr)
    Call Sleep(1)

End Sub

Sub Color2(c As String, clr As Long)
    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = clr
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Call Sleep(1)
End Sub

Sub InitData()

    Dim clr1 As Long
    clr1 = 5287936

    Set hmap = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    hmap.Add 5, "M10"
    hmap.Add 6, "I14"
    hmap.Add 7, "Q14"
    hmap.Add 8, "F17"
    hmap.Add 9, "L17"
    hmap.Add 10, "N17"
    hmap.Add 11, "T17"
    hmap.Add 12, "D19"
    hmap.Add 13, "H19"
    hmap.Add 14, "J19"
    Dim row%, j%
    row = 7
    For j = 5 To 14
        Dim n%
        n = Int(100 * Rnd)
        Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j) = n
        Call Color(row, j, clr1)
        Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(hmap.Item(j)).Value = n
        Selection.Interior.Color = clr1
    Next j
End Sub


Sub Adjust(r As Integer, last As Integer)
    Dim f1%, f2%, v1%, v2%, row%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long

    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    row = 7
    f1 = 5 + (r - 5) * 2 + 1
    f2 = 5 + (r - 5) * 2 + 2
    v1 = -1
    v2 = -1
    If f1 <= last Then
        v1 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, f1).Value
    End If
    If f2 <= last Then
        v2 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, f2).Value
    End If
    If Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, r) < v1 Or Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, r) < v2 Then
        Dim s%
        If v1 > v2 Then
            s = f1
            s = f2
        End If
        Call Color1(row, r, clr2)
        Call Color1(row, s, clr2)
        Call Swap(row, r, s)
        Call Color1(row, r, clr1)
        Call Color1(row, s, clr1)
        Call HeapSwap(hmap.Item(r), hmap.Item(s))
        Call Adjust(s, last)
    End If
End Sub

Sub HeapSort()
    Dim i%, j%, row%, last%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    last = 14

    For i = 14 To 6 Step -1
        Dim t%
        t = 5 + Int((i - 6) / 2)
        Call Color1(row, i, clr2)
        Call Color1(row, t, clr2)
        If Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, i).Value > Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, t).Value Then
            Call Swap(row, t, i)
            Call HeapSwap(hmap.Item(t), hmap.Item(i))
            Call Adjust(i, last)
        End If
        Call Color1(row, i, clr1)
        Call Color1(row, t, clr1)
    Next i
    For i = 14 To 6 Step -1
        Call Color1(row, 5, clr2)
        Call Color1(row, i, clr2)
        Call Swap(row, 5, i)
        Call Color1(row, 5, clr1)
        Call Color1(row, i, clrf)
        Call HeapSwap(hmap.Item(5), hmap.Item(i))
        Call Color2(hmap.Item(i), clrf)
        last = last - 1
        Call Adjust(5, last)
    Next i
    Call Color1(row, 5, clrf)
    Call Color2(hmap.Item(5), clrf)
End Sub

Sub ShellSort()

    Dim i%, j%, row%, gap%, tmp%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    gap = 5
    Do While gap > 0
        For i = 5 + gap To 14
            tmp = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, i).Value
            Call Color1(row, i, clr2)
            Call CellMoveTo(row, i, row - 2, i)
            Call Sleep(1)
            For j = i - gap To 5 Step -gap
                Call Color1(row, j, clr2)
                If tmp < Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value Then
                    Call CellMoveTo(row, j, row, j + gap)
                    Call Sleep(1)
                    Call Color1(row, j + gap, clr1)
                    Call CellMoveTo(row - 2, j + gap, row - 2, j)
                    Call Sleep(1)
                    Call Color1(row, j, clr1)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next j
            Call CellMoveTo(row - 2, j + gap, row, j + gap)
            Call Sleep(1)
            Call Color1(row, j + gap, clr1)
        Next i

    gap = Int(gap / 2)
End Sub

Sub Merge(s1 As Integer, e1 As Integer, s2 As Integer, e2 As Integer)
    Dim i%, j%, p%, row%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clr3 As Long, clrf As Long
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clr3 = 65535
    clrf = 15773696
    For i = s1 To e1
        Call Color(row, i, clr2)
    Next i
    For i = s2 To e2
        Call Color(row, i, clr3)
    Next i
    Call Sleep(1)
    i = s1
    j = s2
    p = s1
    Do While i <= e1 And j <= e2
        Do While i <= e1 And Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, i).Value <= Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value
            Call CellMoveTo(row, i, row - 2, p)
            Call Sleep(1)
            p = p + 1
            i = i + 1
        Do While j <= e2 And Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value < Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, i).Value
            Call CellMoveTo(row, j, row - 2, p)
            Call Sleep(1)
            p = p + 1
            j = j + 1
    Do While i <= e1
        Call CellMoveTo(row, i, row - 2, p)
        Call Sleep(1)
        p = p + 1
        i = i + 1
    Do While j <= e2
        Call CellMoveTo(row, j, row - 2, p)
        Call Sleep(1)
        p = p + 1
        j = j + 1
    For i = s1 To e2
        Call Color(row - 2, i, clr1)
        Call CellMoveTo(row - 2, i, row, i)
    Next i
    Call Sleep(1)
End Sub

Sub MergeSort2(left As Integer, right As Integer)

    Dim mid%
    If left >= right Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    mid = Int((left + right) / 2)
    Call MergeSort2(left, mid)
    Call MergeSort2(mid + 1, right)
    Call Merge(left, mid, mid + 1, right)
End Sub

Sub MergeSort()
    Call MergeSort2(5, 14)
End Sub

Sub QuickSort(low As Integer, high As Integer)

    Dim left%, right%, mend%, row%, i%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clr3 As Long, clrf As Long
    mend = 14
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clr3 = 65535
    clrf = 15773696
    For i = low To high
        Call Color(row, i, clr3)
    Next i
    Call Sleep(1)
    If low >= high Then
        If low = high Then
            Call Color1(row, low, clrf)
        End If
        Exit Sub
    End If

    left = low + 1
    right = high
    Call Color1(row, low, clrf)

    Do While left <= right
        Call Color1(row, left, clr2)
        Do While left <= right And Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, left).Value <= Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, low).Value
            Call Color1(row, left, clr1)
            left = left + 1
            If left <= right Then
                Call Color1(row, left, clr2)
            End If
        Call Color1(row, right, clr2)
        Do While left <= right And Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, right).Value > Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, low).Value
            Call Color1(row, right, clr1)
            right = right - 1
            If right >= left Then
                Call Color1(row, right, clr2)
            End If
        If left < right Then
            Call Color(row, right, clr2)
            Call Swap(row, left, right)

            Call Color(row, left, clr3)
            Call Color(row, right, clr3)
            Call Sleep(1)
        End If
    If low <> left - 1 Then
        Call Swap(row, low, left - 1)
    End If
    Call QuickSort(low, left - 2)
    Call QuickSort(left, high)
End Sub

Sub QuickSort2()
    Call QuickSort(5, 14)
End Sub

Sub SelectionSort()

    Dim i%, j%, min%, row%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    'mend = 14
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    For i = 5 To 13
        min = i
        Call Color1(row, min, clrf)

        For j = i + 1 To 14
            Call Color(row, j, clr2)
            Call Sleep(1)
            If Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value < Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, min).Value Then
                Call Color1(row, j, clrf)

                Call Color1(row, min, clr1)

                min = j
                Call Color1(row, j, clr1)

            End If
        Next j
        If min <> i Then
            Call Swap(row, i, min)
            Call Sleep(1)
        End If
    Next i
    Call Color(row, 14, clrf)
End Sub

Sub InsertSort()

    Dim i%, j%, row%, tmp%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    For i = 6 To 14
        tmp = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, i).Value
        Call Color1(row, i, clr2)

        Call CellMoveTo(row, i, row - 1, i)
        Call Sleep(1)
        For j = i - 1 To 5 Step -1
            Call Color1(row, j, clr2)

            If tmp < Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value Then
                Call CellMoveTo(row, j, row, j + 1)
                Call Sleep(1)
                Call Color1(row, j + 1, clr1)

                Call CellMoveTo(row - 1, j + 1, row - 1, j)
                Call Sleep(1)
                Call Color1(row, j, clr1)

                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        Call CellMoveTo(row - 1, j + 1, row, j + 1)
        Call Sleep(1)
        Call Color1(row, j + 1, clr1)
    Next i

End Sub

Sub BubbleSort()

    Dim i%, j%, mend%, row%
    Dim clr1 As Long, clr2 As Long, clrf As Long
    mend = 14
    row = 7
    clr1 = 5287936
    clr2 = 49407
    clrf = 15773696
    For i = 5 To 13
        For j = 5 To mend - 1
            Call Color(row, j, clr2)
            Call Color(row, j + 1, clr2)
            Call Sleep(1)
            If Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j).Value > Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row, j + 1).Value Then
                Call Swap(row, j, j + 1)
            End If
            Call Color(row, j, clr1)
            Call Color(row, j + 1, clr1)
            Call Sleep(1)
        Next j
        Call Color(row, mend, clrf)
        mend = mend - 1
        Call Sleep(1)
    Next i
    Call Color(row, mend, clrf)

End Sub





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