
news2024/10/19 14:02:37




#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <set>

void clearFileContent(const std::string& filePath) {
    std::ofstream file(filePath, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
    if (!file) {
        std::cerr << "无法打开文件进行清空操作:" << filePath << std::endl;

void copyFileContent(const std::string& sourceFilePath, const std::string& destinationFilePath) {
    std::ifstream sourceFile(sourceFilePath);
    if (!sourceFile) {
        std::cerr << "无法打开源文件:" << sourceFilePath << std::endl;

    std::ofstream destinationFile(destinationFilePath, std::ios_base::app);
    if (!destinationFile) {
        std::cerr << "无法打开目标文件:" << destinationFilePath << std::endl;

    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(sourceFile, line)) {
        destinationFile << line << std::endl;

void convertToAsm(const std::string& inputFilePath, const std::string& outputFilePath, std::unordered_set<std::string>& processedFiles) {
    std::ifstream inputFile(inputFilePath);
    if (!inputFile) {
        std::cerr << "无法打开输入文件:" << inputFilePath << std::endl;

    std::ofstream outputFile(outputFilePath, std::ios_base::app);
    if (!outputFile) {
        std::cerr << "无法创建输出文件:" << outputFilePath << std::endl;

    std::string line;
    bool inBlockComment = false;
    bool inNasmBlock = false;
    std::string nasmContent;
    while (std::getline(inputFile, line)) {
        std::string trimmedLine = line;
        while (!trimmedLine.empty() && (trimmedLine[0] == ' ' || trimmedLine[0] == '\t')) {
            trimmedLine.erase(0, 1);
        if (trimmedLine.empty()) continue;
        if (trimmedLine.find("//") == 0) continue;
        if (trimmedLine.find("/*")!= std::string::npos) {
            inBlockComment = true;
        if (inBlockComment) {
            if (trimmedLine.find("*/")!= std::string::npos) {
                inBlockComment = false;
        if (line.find("main()")!= std::string::npos) {
            outputFile << "main:\n    push rbp\n    mov rbp, rsp\n";
        } else if (line.find("print(")!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string content = line.substr(line.find("(") + 1, line.find(")") - line.find("(") - 1);
            outputFile << "    sub rsp, 20h\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rcx, " << content << "\n";
            outputFile << "    call printf\n";
            outputFile << "    add rsp, 20h\n";
        } else if (line.find("return")!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string content = line.substr(line.find("return") + 6, line.find("\n") - line.find("return") - 6);
            outputFile << "    mov eax," << content << "\n";
            outputFile << "    pop rbp\n    ret\n";
        } else if (line.find("str ")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t spacePos = line.find(" ");
            size_t equalPos = line.find("=");
            if (spacePos == std::string::npos || equalPos == std::string::npos) {
                std::cerr << "错误的字符串定义格式:" << line << std::endl;
            std::string content1 = line.substr(spacePos + 1, equalPos - spacePos - 1);
            std::string content2 = line.substr(equalPos + 1);
            outputFile << "jmp " << content1 << "_end\n" << content1 << " db " << content2 << ",0\n" << content1 << "_end:\n";
        } else if (line.find("#NASM")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t endPos = line.find("}#NASM_END");
            if (endPos == std::string::npos) {
                std::cerr << "未找到 #NASM_END :" << line << std::endl;
            std::string content = line.substr(line.find("#NASM{") + 6, endPos - line.find("#NASM{") - 6);
            outputFile << content << std::endl;
        } else if (line.find("int ")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t spacePos = line.find(" ");
            size_t equalPos = line.find("=");
            if (spacePos == std::string::npos || equalPos == std::string::npos) {
                std::cerr << "错误的整数定义格式:" << line << std::endl;
            std::string content1 = line.substr(spacePos + 1, equalPos - spacePos - 1);
            std::string content2 = line.substr(equalPos + 1);
            outputFile << "jmp " << content1 << "_end\n" << content1 << " db " << content2 << "\n" << content1 << "_end:\n";
        } else if (line.find("input(")!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string content = line.substr(line.find("(") + 1, line.find(")") - line.find("(") - 1);
            outputFile << "    " << content << "1 resb 50\n";
            outputFile << "    sub rsp, 20h\n";
            outputFile << "    lea rdx, [" << content << "1]\n";
            outputFile << "    lea rcx, [aS]\n";
            outputFile << "    call scanf\n";
            outputFile << "    add rsp, 20h\n";
            outputFile << "    " << content << " db " << content << "1,0\n";
        } else if (line.find("system(")!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string content = line.substr(line.find("(") + 1, line.find(")") - line.find("(") - 1);
            outputFile << "    sub rsp, 20h\n";
            outputFile << "    lea rcx, [" << content << "]\n";
            outputFile << "    call system\n";
            outputFile << "    add rsp, 20h\n";
        } else if (line.find("#include")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t startQuote = line.find('"');
            size_t endQuote = line.rfind('"');
            if (startQuote!= std::string::npos && endQuote!= std::string::npos && startQuote < endQuote) {
                std::string includeFileName = line.substr(startQuote + 1, endQuote - startQuote - 1);
                if (processedFiles.find(includeFileName) == processedFiles.end()) {
                    copyFileContent(includeFileName, outputFilePath);
        } else if (line.find("MessageBoxA(")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t start = line.find("(");
            size_t mid = line.find(",");
            size_t end = line.find(")");
            std::string content1 = line.substr(start + 1, mid - start - 1);
            std::string content2 = line.substr(mid + 1, end - mid - 1);
            outputFile << "    sub rsp, 20h\n    mov r9d, 0\n    lea r8, [" << content1 << "]\n";
            outputFile << "    lea rdx, [" << content2 << "]\n" << "    mov rcx, 0\n    mov rax, [__imp_MessageBoxA]\n    call rax\n    add rsp, 20h\n";
        } else if (line.find("if(")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t startOpenParen = line.find("(");
            size_t endOpenParen = line.find(")");
            std::string condition = line.substr(startOpenParen + 1, endOpenParen - startOpenParen - 1);
            size_t comparisonOpPos = 0;
            if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("=="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    je " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jle " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jge " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<"))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jl " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">"))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jg " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("!="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    pop rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jne " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else {
                std::cerr << "错误的 if 条件格式:" << line << std::endl;
        } else if (line.find("func")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t start = line.find("(");
            size_t func = line.find("func");
            std::string content1 = line.substr(func + 1, start - func - 1);
            outputFile << content1 << ":\n    push rbp\n    mov rbp, rsp\n";
        } else if (line.find("use")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t start = line.find("()");
            size_t func = line.find("use");
            std::string content1 = line.substr(func + 1, start - func - 1);
            outputFile << "call" << content1 << "\n";
        } else if (line.find("while(")!= std::string::npos) {
            size_t startOpenParen = line.find("(");
            size_t endOpenParen = line.find(")");
            std::string condition = line.substr(startOpenParen + 1, endOpenParen - startOpenParen - 1);
            size_t comparisonOpPos = 0;
            if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("=="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    je " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jle " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jge " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<"))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jl " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">"))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jg " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("!="))!= std::string::npos) {
                std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
                std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
                std::string labelTrue = "__if_true_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                std::string labelEnd = "__if_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
                outputFile << "    push rax\n";
                outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
                outputFile << "    pop rax\n";
                outputFile << "    jne " << labelTrue << "\n";
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelTrue << ":\n";
                // Process the code inside the if block.
                while (std::getline(inputFile, line) &&!line.find("}")) {
                    convertToAsm(line, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
                outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            } else {
                std::cerr << "错误的 if 条件格式:" << line << std::endl;
        } else if (line.find("while(")!= std::string::npos) {
        size_t startOpenParen = line.find("(");
        size_t endOpenParen = line.find(")");
        std::string condition = line.substr(startOpenParen + 1, endOpenParen - startOpenParen - 1);
        size_t comparisonOpPos = 0;
        std::string labelStart = "__while_start_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
        std::string labelEnd = "__while_end_" + std::to_string(outputFile.tellp());
        outputFile << labelStart << ":\n";

        if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("=="))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    je " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<="))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    jle " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">="))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    jge " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("<"))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    jl " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find(">"))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 1);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    jg " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else if ((comparisonOpPos = condition.find("!="))!= std::string::npos) {
            std::string leftOperand = condition.substr(0, comparisonOpPos);
            std::string rightOperand = condition.substr(comparisonOpPos + 2);
            outputFile << "    push rax\n";
            outputFile << "    mov rax, " << leftOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    cmp rax, " << rightOperand << "\n";
            outputFile << "    pop rax\n";
            outputFile << "    jne " << labelStart << "_true\n";
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelEnd << "\n";
            outputFile << labelStart << "_true:\n";
            bool inWhileBlock = true;
            std::ifstream inputFile;
            if (outputFile.is_open()) {
            std::streampos startPos = inputFile.tellg();
            while (inWhileBlock) {
                std::string nextLine;
                if (std::getline(inputFile, nextLine)) {
                    if (nextLine.find("}")!= std::string::npos) {
                        inWhileBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        convertToAsm(nextLine, outputFilePath, processedFiles);
                } else {
                    inWhileBlock = false;
            outputFile << "    jmp " << labelStart << "\n";
            outputFile << labelEnd << ":\n";
            if (inputFile.is_open()) {
        } else {
            std::cerr << "错误的 while 条件格式:" << line << std::endl;



#include "simple.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc!= 3) {
        std::cerr << "用法:程序名 输入文件路径 输出文件路径" << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::unordered_set<std::string> processedFiles;
    convertToAsm(argv[1], argv[2], processedFiles);
    return 0;


g++ simple.cpp -o simple -std=c++11
.\simple input.si a.asm
nasm -f win64 -o a.obj a.asm
gcc a.obj -o a.exe


str title="title"
str text="hello",0x0A
str cmd="pause"
int i=0
return 0


global main
extern printf
extern scanf
extern system
extern __imp_MessageBoxA
aS db '%s',0



import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox
class CodeEditor(tk.Tk):
    def __init__(self):


        # 创建用于显示行号的Canvas组件
        self.lineno = tk.Canvas(self, width=40, bg='light grey')
        self.lineno.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.Y)

        # 创建垂直滚动条
        self.vsb = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical")
        self.vsb.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y)

        self.text_editor = tk.Text(self, bg='black', fg='white', insertbackground='white')
        self.text_editor.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)

        # 绑定 <<Modified>> 事件到 text_editor_change 方法
        self.text_editor.bind("<<Modified>>", self.text_editor_change)


        # 初始化keywords字典
        self.keywords = {
            '赋值': '#00ffff',
            '加': '#00ffff',
            '减': '#00ffff',
            '调用': '#00ffff',
            '定义': '#00ffff',
            ';': '#aaaaaa',
            '“': '#00ff00',
            '”': '#00ff00',
            '主函数': '#ff0000',
            '返回': '#ff0000',
            '声明': '#aa00ff',
            '全局': '#aa00ff',
            '代码段': '#aa00ff',
            '0': '#ffff00',
            '1': '#ffff00',
            '2': '#ffff00',
            '3': '#ffff00',
            '4': '#ffff00',
            '5': '#ffff00',
            '6': '#ffff00',
            '7': '#ffff00',
            '8': '#ffff00',
            '9': '#ffff00',
            '0x': '#ffff00',
            '栈顶': '#848400',
            'rax': '#848400',
            'rbx': '#848400',
            'rcx': '#848400',
            'rdx': '#848400'


        # 更新行号

        # 配置滚动条
        self.vsb['command'] = self.on_vsb_move

    def on_text_yview(self, *args):
        # 更新行号
        # 调用垂直滚动条的set方法
    def create_menu(self):
        menu_bar = tk.Menu(self)

        file_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
        menu_bar.add_cascade(label='文件', menu=file_menu)
        file_menu.add_command(label='打开', command=self.open_file)
        file_menu.add_command(label='保存', command=self.save_file)
        mode_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
        menu_bar.add_cascade(label='模式', menu=mode_menu)
        mode_menu.add_command(label='CASM', command=self.CASM)
        mode_menu.add_command(label='NASM', command=self.NASM)
        mode_menu.add_command(label='simple', command=self.simple)
        other_menu = tk.Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
        menu_bar.add_cascade(label='其他', menu=other_menu)
        other_menu.add_command(label='关于', command=self.about)
        other_menu.add_command(label='...', command=self.nothing)

    def open_file(self):
        filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename()
        if filepath:
            with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
                content = file.read()
                self.text_editor.delete(1.0, tk.END)
                self.text_editor.insert(1.0, content)
                # 调用 text_editor_change 以高亮显示新内容

    def save_file(self):
        filepath = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt')
        if filepath:
            content = self.text_editor.get(1.0, tk.END)
            with open(filepath, 'w') as file:

    def highlight_keywords(self):
        for keyword, color in self.keywords.items():
            self.text_editor.tag_config(keyword, foreground=color)
            start = '1.0'
            while True:
                pos = self.text_editor.search(keyword, start, stopindex=tk.END)
                if not pos: break
                end = f'{pos}+{len(keyword)}c'
                self.text_editor.tag_add(keyword, pos, end)
                start = end

    def text_editor_change(self, event):
        self.text_editor.edit_modified(False)  # 清除已修改标记
        self.highlight_keywords()  # 重新高亮显示关键词
        self.update_line_numbers()  # 更新行号

    def update_line_numbers(self):
        # Clear existing line numbers

        # Get the total number of lines in the text editor
        line_count = int(self.text_editor.index('end-1c').split('.')[0])

        # Redraw the line numbers based on the actual position of each line in the text editor
        for i in range(1, line_count + 1):
            # Get the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of the line in the text editor
            bbox = self.text_editor.bbox(f"{i}.0")

            if bbox:
                # The third element of bbox represents the Y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the line
                y = bbox[1]

                # Draw the line number at the appropriate position in the canvas
                self.lineno.create_text(2, y, anchor="nw", text=str(i), fill="dark blue")

    def on_vsb_move(self, first, last):
            first_float = float(first)
        except ValueError:

    def nothing(self):

    def about(self):
        messagebox.showinfo("关于", "作者:林泓翰")

    def NASM(self):
        global keywords
        self.keywords = {
            'mov': '#00ffff',
            'add': '#00ffff',
            'sub': '#00ffff',
            'call': '#00ffff',
            'db': '#00ffff',
            ';': '#aaaaaa',
            '"': '#00ff00',
            'main': '#ff0000',
            'ret': '#ff0000',
            'extern': '#aa00ff',
            'global': '#aa00ff',
            'SECTION .test': '#aa00ff',
            '0': '#ffff00',
            '1': '#ffff00',
            '2': '#ffff00',
            '3': '#ffff00',
            '4': '#ffff00',
            '5': '#ffff00',
            '6': '#ffff00',
            '7': '#ffff00',
            '8': '#ffff00',
            '9': '#ffff00',
            '0x': '#ffff00',
            'rsp': '#848400',
            'rax': '#848400',
            'rbx': '#848400',
            'rcx': '#848400',
            'rdx': '#848400'
    def simple(self):
        global keywords
        self.keywords = {
            'print': '#00ffff',
            'input': '#00ffff',
            'int': '#00ffff',
            'str': '#00ffff',
            'MessageBoxA': '#00ffff',
            '/*': '#aaaaaa',
            '//': '#aaaaaa',
            '"': '#00ff00',
            'main': '#ff0000',
            'return': '#ff0000',
            '0': '#ffff00',
            '1': '#ffff00',
            '2': '#ffff00',
            '3': '#ffff00',
            '4': '#ffff00',
            '5': '#ffff00',
            '6': '#ffff00',
            '7': '#ffff00',
            '8': '#ffff00',
            '9': '#ffff00',
            '0x': '#ffff00',
            '#NASM_END': '#848400',
            '#NASM': '#848400',
            '#include': '#848400',
            '{': '#848400',
            '}': '#848400'
    def CASM(self):
        global keywords
        self.keywords = {
            '赋值': '#00ffff',
            '加': '#00ffff',
            '减': '#00ffff',
            '调用': '#00ffff',
            '定义': '#00ffff',
            ';': '#aaaaaa',
            '“': '#00ff00',
            '”': '#00ff00',
            '主函数': '#ff0000',
            '返回': '#ff0000',
            '声明': '#aa00ff',
            '全局': '#aa00ff',
            '代码段': '#aa00ff',
            '0': '#ffff00',
            '1': '#ffff00',
            '2': '#ffff00',
            '3': '#ffff00',
            '4': '#ffff00',
            '5': '#ffff00',
            '6': '#ffff00',
            '7': '#ffff00',
            '8': '#ffff00',
            '9': '#ffff00',
            '0x': '#ffff00',
            '栈顶': '#848400',
            'rax': '#848400',
            'rbx': '#848400',
            'rcx': '#848400',
            'rdx': '#848400'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = CodeEditor()








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