无锁队列实现(Michael Scott),伪代码与c++实现

news2024/10/16 17:30:14

一、Michael & Scoot 原版伪代码实现

structure pointer_t {ptr: pointer to node_t, count: unsigned integer}
  structure node_t {value: data type, next: pointer_t}
  structure queue_t {Head: pointer_t, Tail: pointer_t}
  initialize(Q: pointer to queue_t)
     node = new_node()		// Allocate a free node
     node->next.ptr = NULL	// Make it the only node in the linked list
     Q->Head.ptr = Q->Tail.ptr = node	// Both Head and Tail point to it
  enqueue(Q: pointer to queue_t, value: data type)
   E1:   node = new_node()	// Allocate a new node from the free list
   E2:   node->value = value	// Copy enqueued value into node
   E3:   node->next.ptr = NULL	// Set next pointer of node to NULL
   E4:   loop			// Keep trying until Enqueue is done
   E5:      tail = Q->Tail	// Read Tail.ptr and Tail.count together
   E6:      next = tail.ptr->next	// Read next ptr and count fields together
   E7:      if tail == Q->Tail	// Are tail and next consistent?
               // Was Tail pointing to the last node?
   E8:         if next.ptr == NULL
                  // Try to link node at the end of the linked list
   E9:            if CAS(&tail.ptr->next, next, <node, next.count+1>)
  E10:               break	// Enqueue is done.  Exit loop
  E11:            endif
  E12:         else		// Tail was not pointing to the last node
                  // Try to swing Tail to the next node
  E13:            CAS(&Q->Tail, tail, <next.ptr, tail.count+1>)
  E14:         endif
  E15:      endif
  E16:   endloop
         // Enqueue is done.  Try to swing Tail to the inserted node
  E17:   CAS(&Q->Tail, tail, <node, tail.count+1>)
  dequeue(Q: pointer to queue_t, pvalue: pointer to data type): boolean
   D1:   loop			     // Keep trying until Dequeue is done
   D2:      head = Q->Head	     // Read Head
   D3:      tail = Q->Tail	     // Read Tail
   D4:      next = head.ptr->next    // Read Head.ptr->next
   D5:      if head == Q->Head	     // Are head, tail, and next consistent?
   D6:         if head.ptr == tail.ptr // Is queue empty or Tail falling behind?
   D7:            if next.ptr == NULL  // Is queue empty?
   D8:               return FALSE      // Queue is empty, couldn't dequeue
   D9:            endif
                  // Tail is falling behind.  Try to advance it
  D10:            CAS(&Q->Tail, tail, <next.ptr, tail.count+1>)
  D11:         else		     // No need to deal with Tail
                  // Read value before CAS
                  // Otherwise, another dequeue might free the next node
  D12:            *pvalue = next.ptr->value
                  // Try to swing Head to the next node
  D13:            if CAS(&Q->Head, head, <next.ptr, head.count+1>)
  D14:               break             // Dequeue is done.  Exit loop
  D15:            endif
  D16:         endif
  D17:      endif
  D18:   endloop
  D19:   free(head.ptr)		     // It is safe now to free the old node
  D20:   return TRUE                   // Queue was not empty, dequeue succeeded



template<typename T>
class LockFreeQueue {
    // 队列结构
    struct Node {
        std::shared_ptr<T> data;
        std::atomic<Node*> next;

        Node() : next(nullptr) {};

    std::atomic<Node*> head; // 头节点
    std::atomic<Node*> tail; // 尾节点
    Node* dummy; // 用于回收节点的哑节点

    LockFreeQueue() {
        dummy = new Node();

    ~LockFreeQueue() {
        T output;
        while (dequeue(output)) {}
        delete dummy;

    // 禁止拷贝构造和赋值
    LockFreeQueue(const LockFreeQueue&) = delete;
    LockFreeQueue& operator=(const LockFreeQueue&) = delete;

    void enqueue(const T& value) {
        std::shared_ptr<T> new_data(std::make_shared<T>(value)); // 创建数据
        Node* new_node = new Node();  // 创建新节点
        Node* old_tail;

        while (true) {
            old_tail = tail.load();
            Node* next = old_tail->next.load();

            if (old_tail == tail.load()) { // 此时保证tail还没有被其他线程改变
                if (next == nullptr) { // 此时保证tail是队列的最后一个节点
                    if (old_tail->next.compare_exchange_weak(next, new_node)) break; // 插入成功,这是一个原语,可以一次操作
                else { // 说明tail落后了,推进tail指针
                    tail.compare_exchange_weak(old_tail, next);

        old_tail->data = new_data;
        tail.compare_exchange_weak(old_tail, new_node);

    bool dequeue(T& value) {
        Node* old_head;

        while (true) {
            old_head = head.load();  // 获取当前头部节点
            Node* old_tail = tail.load();  // 获取当前尾部节点
            Node* next = old_head->next.load();

            if (old_head == head.load()) { // 确保head没有被改变
                if (old_head == old_tail) { // 队列为空,或者tail落后
                    if (next == nullptr) { // 队列为空
                        return false;
                    tail.compare_exchange_weak(old_tail, next);
                } else {
                    // 从队列中移除head,并且读取其值
                    if (next->data) {
                        value = *(next->data);
                        if (head.compare_exchange_weak(old_head, next)) break; // 清除head节点,退出循环

        delete old_head;
        return true;



int main() {
    LockFreeQueue<int> queue;

    std::thread t1([&queue](){
        for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {

    std::thread t2([&queue](){
        for(int i=100; i<200; i++) {

    std::thread t3([&queue]() {
        while (true) {
            int i = 0;
            if (queue.dequeue(i)) {
                std::cout << "t3:" << i << std::endl;

    std::thread t4([&queue]() {
        while (true) {
            int i = 0;
            if (queue.dequeue(i)) {
                std::cout << "t4:" << i << std::endl;







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