
news2024/10/7 12:03:20


在这之前,SD常用的换脸节点还不支持Flux模型,使用Flux 做虚拟模特最好的方法是炼制人脸lora,但是炼丹是个有技术门槛的活。

之前文章有提过字节跳动的 Pulid团队,率先推出了Pulid-Flux模型,但是之前只能在线上使用,不能在ComfyUI中调用。


最近,字节Pulid团队发布了新版本:PuLID-FLUX-v0.9.0 模型。这一模型为 FLUX.1提供了保持人脸迁移和风格一致性的解决方案,直白来说,可以在ComfyUI中搭建Flux Pulid 换脸工作流了。

  • Github地址:https://github.com/ToTheBeginning/PuLID

  • ComfyUI-PuLID-Flux地址:https://github.com/balazik/ComfyUI-PuLID-Flux

PuLID_Flux 效果


左边是上传的脸部参考图,右侧是 PuLID_Flux 处理过的图片。


这就解决了之前使用Flux 出的都是网红脸的难点了。

PuLID_Flux 安装

首先,我们需要安装 ComfyUI-PuLID-Flux 插件。

插件还没被ComfyUI 管理器收录,我们需要通过 Git URL 的方式进行安装。




  • 模型放到**/ComfyUI/models/pulid/ 目录下


PuLID_Flux 体验

在基础的FLux 工作流上增加PulidFluxModelLoaderApplyPulidFluxPulidFluxInsightFaceLoaderPulidFluxEvaClipLoader 4个核心节点。



Tattoos, In this high-definition photography work, a rebellious Asian girl is vividly portrayed before our eyes. The huge red rose tattoo on her chest is eye-catching and uses octane rendering technology and powerful support from UE5, Maya, Blender and other software to delicately present the subtle relationship between skin and color,The female protagonist in the picture is in her early twenties, standing on a lush grassland, suspected to be in a sports center. She has fair skin, long hair draped over her shoulders, tied into a high ponytail, and bangs lightly brushing her cheeks. She is dressed in a modern arched outfit, with a black short sleeved sports top paired with a blue receiver and a blue number "22" on the front chest, complemented by black and blue tight shorts,The girl's expression was strong and focused, with determination revealed between her eyebrows. She tightly held the composite bow with both hands, aimed at the camera, and the bowstring was tight, presenting a strong sense of movement. The smooth black design of the bow body complemented the wrist guard she wore on her left hand, highlighting the high-tech texture,In the background, blurry figures and a red track suggest that this is a track and field. Other archers and audience figures dressed in sportswear shuttle through it, adding vitality to the scene. Bright natural light illuminates the entire scene, creating a clear sky atmosphere,This image is clear and rich in details, emphasizing the focus and sporty style of the subject, perfectly integrating youth, vitality, and rebellious spirit   

The image is a high-resolution photograph featuring a young Asian woman standing outdoors on a sunny beach. She has long, straight, dark brown hair and a fair complexion. She is wearing a fitted, light grey short-sleeve top with a square neckline and a high-waisted, grey pencil skirt that accentuates her slender physique. Her outfit is stylish and modern, with a minimalist aesthetic. She is holding a small, tan leather handbag over her left shoulder, and her right hand is raised in a peace sign, adding a playful touch to her expression. The background reveals a tranquil beach scene with a clear blue sky and gentle waves lapping the shore. A tall palm tree with a smooth trunk stands to her left, and a row of white lounge chairs with cushions is positioned behind her. The beach is sandy, and a few distant figures are seen enjoying the sun and the water. The overall mood is relaxed and serene, capturing a moment of leisure and enjoyment.   

This is an image of a person wearing a pink and white cycling outfit, which includes a jersey, shorts, and a helmet. The person is sitting on a red bicycle, and there's a field with trees in the background. The person is wearing sunglasses and has long hair. The setting appears to be a rural or semi-rural area, given the open space and the presence of trees. The cycling outfit suggests that the person is engaged in cycling as a sport or recreational activity   

 `a high-resolution photograph featuring a young Asian woman seated on a rustic wooden bench in an indoor setting. She has long, straight black hair cascading over her shoulders and is wearing a strapless, floor-length red satin gown with a high slit that reveals one leg. The gown is fitted, accentuating her slender physique and small breasts. She has a fair complexion and wears minimal makeup, highlighting her natural beauty. Her expression is calm and serene. The bench is made of a large, smooth piece of wood with visible natural textures, providing a rustic contrast to the modern, luxurious setting. The background features a large, ornate mural of a traditional Chinese temple with red and gold accents, adding an element of cultural significance. The woman is wearing red high-heeled shoes, matching her gown, and a delicate bracelet on her left wrist. The floor is composed of large, dark tiles, contributing to the elegant, sophisticated ambiance. The overall composition is rich in detail, blending elements of modern and traditional design.`

This is a high-resolution photograph of an Asian woman sitting on a wooden bench against a plain white wall. She has long,straight black hair that cascades past her shoulders. Her skin tone is fair,and she has a slender build. She is wearing a short-sleeved,white dress shirt with a collar and a blue and white striped tie. The shirt is tucked into a high-waisted,pleated black skirt that falls to mid-thigh. Her makeup is subtle,with a focus on natural-looking eyes and a soft pink lipstick.,The background features several black and white sketches pinned to the wall,including a close-up of a woman's face,possibly herself,and a more abstract sketch. The sketches are done in a manga or anime style,with bold lines and expressive faces. The overall aesthetic of the image is clean and minimalist,with a focus on the subject and the simplicity of the background. The lighting is soft and even,creating a gentle,natural ambiance. The wooden bench she sits on adds a touch of warmth and natural texture to the otherwise stark,white environment.,   

实测,PuLID 的换脸效果还是很不错了。


为了帮助大家更好地掌握 ComfyUI,我在去年花了几个月的时间,撰写并录制了一套ComfyUI的基础教程,共六篇。这套教程详细介绍了选择ComfyUI的理由、其优缺点、下载安装方法、模型与插件的安装、工作流节点和底层逻辑详解、遮罩修改重绘/Inpenting模块以及SDXL工作流手把手搭建。




  • 报错指南
  • 环境配置
  • 脚本更新
  • 后记



  • 软件安装篇
  • 插件安装篇


三、 ComfyUI工作流节点/底层逻辑详解

  • ComfyUI 基础概念理解
  • Stable diffusion 工作原理
  • 工作流底层逻辑
  • 必备插件补全



  • 节点进阶详解
  • 提词技巧精通
  • 多模型节点串联



  • 图像分辨率
  • 姿势



  • Refined模型
  • SDXL风格化提示词
  • SDXL工作流搭建








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