
news2025/3/11 23:35:53


10.11 Class 11: Customer _Delivery process 用户交付过程

        The processes associated with transferring delivered electrical energy to the customer’s load circuit.
        Examples are: interruption and restoration of the supply to the customer’s load. These may be automatic or manual and may be controlled locally or remotely.
        例子:对供应用户负荷的中断和恢复。 这些是自动或手动的,并且被本地控制或远程控制。 

10.12 Class 12: Meter_Reading process抄表过程

        The processes associated with obtaining measurements of the quantities of delivered
electrical energy for the purpose of charging the customer’s account.
        In a system where the Accounting function is not located in the payment meter installation (i.e. remotely) this process may take place manually by meter readers or automatically by AMR.
Where the Accounting function is located in the payment meter installation this process may
take place automatically by direct connection between the Metering and the Accounting

10.13 Class 13: Customer_Billing process用户帐单过程

        The processes associated with calculating the balance of charges due against payments
made and issuing a request for payment (or credit) to the customer.
        In a system where the Accounting function is not located in the payment meter installation this normally involves a printed bill that is sent to the Customer. Where the Accounting function is located in the payment meter installation a bill is normally not produced, but the supply to the customer’s load circuit is interrupted instead. However in some cases a periodic statement may also be sent to the Customer.

10.14 Class 14: Payment_Receipting process付款收据过程

        The processes associated with receiving payments from the Customer.
        Implementation examples are: account payments and pre-paid token purchases, postal
payments, operator assisted POS terminals, or automatic token vending machines.

10.15 Class 15: Receipt_Issuing process发行收据过程

        The processes associated with providing the Customer with proof of payments received.

10.16 Class 16: Credit_Transfer process存款转移过程

        The processes associated with transferring credit to the customer’s account in accordance
with payments made or other forms of credit grants.
        For example: credit transferred by means of a pre-paid credit token to the payment meter
accounting register, or by means of a journal entry into the debtor’s ledger account in the
case where the Accounting function is not located in the payment meter.
        例如: 通过预付credit token将credit转移到付款表计帐户寄存器,在付费表计没有帐户功能时

10.17 Class 17: Delivery_Regulation process交付执行过程

        The processes associated with regulating the delivered quantity of electrical energy to the
customer in accordance with available credit balance of his account.
        In a system where the delivery function has a supply interruption facility this process is
typically achieved by means of providing the available credit balance or issuing an instruction
to the delivery function. Where the Delivery function does not have a supply interruption
facility this process may be inactive.

10.18 Class 18: Supplier_Settlement process供应商结算过程

        The processes associated with transferring the receipted customer payments to the Supplier.将收到的用户付款转移到供应商。
        Examples are: cashing up and closing banking batch records, banking batch summary
reports, drop-safe depositing, or handing to an agent, or depositing of funds at the bank, or
direct electronic fund transfers from a vending agent to the supplier’s bank account.

10.19 Class 19: Time_Provision process时钟提供过程

        The processes associated with providing date and time information to other functions
for the control of time-based schedules. These include the generation, distribution and
synchronization of timing signals and generally the management of timing functions in the

10.20 Class 20: System_Testing process系统测试过程

        The processes associated with testing for the correct working of the system functions and

10.21 Class 21: Information_Display process信息显示过程

        The processes associated with displaying or viewing information within the system.
        Examples are: reports for management purposes, notifications to customers or system
operators and requests from customers.

10.22 Class 22: Information_Recording process信息记录过程

        The processes associated with the recording of information and events within the system,
including the generation, capturing and storage of the data elements.

10.23 Class 23: Data_Exchange process数据交换过程

        The processes associated with the movement of data elements between entities within the
        Examples are: uploading of transaction records from the POS to the CIS, transfer of credit
from the POS to the meter by means of a token on a token carrier, downloading of customer
records from the CIS to the POS, archiving and backup/restore.

10.24 Class 24: Security_Enforcement process安全执行过程

        The processes associated with assuring the integrity of the system.





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