PhotoZoom Pro 9 配备了我们全新的 S-Spline Max AI 图像调整大小技术,可产生比以往任何时候都更高质量的图像放大。
您所要做的就是指定您想要的图像大小,它实际上是 1 x 1 像素到 100 万 x 100 万像素之间的任何大小。接下来,让 PhotoZoom Pro 9 完成繁重的工作,同时享受令人瞠目结舌的效果!
我们新的 S-Spline Max AI 技术利用最新的机器学习技术来创建 AI 驱动的图像放大,通过极致的清晰度、清晰度和细节脱颖而出。
在放大过程中,S-Spline Max AI 还会自动消除噪点和压缩伪影,即使您开始时有嘈杂和压缩的原件,也能确保清晰干净的结果。
我们以使 PhotoZoom Pro 9 非常易于使用和直观的设计以实现最佳便利性而感到自豪。应用预定义的设置或根据您的个人喜好对其进行微调。在分屏模式下查看放大结果,以便快速进行比较/不进行比较。并使用 PhotoZoom Pro 9 的裁剪工具创建完美的特写镜头!
PhotoZoom Pro 9 既可以作为独立应用程序使用,也可以作为各种主机程序的插件使用,例如 Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Photoshop Elements、Corel PHOTO-PAINT 和 Corel PaintShop Pro。PhotoZoom Pro 9 还与 Adob e Lightroom Classic 完全集成。
PhotoZoom 9 Pro win -安装包:
PhotoZoom 9 Pro mac-安装包:
PhotoZoom 9 Classic win-安装包:
PhotoZoom 9 Classic mac-安装包:
PhotoZoom Pro 9 针对打印和屏幕目的进行了优化,对于任何想要以尽可能高的质量调整图像大小的人来说,它绝对是必备品。不要满足于更少。使用 PhotoZoom Pro 9 的 S-Spline Max AI 技术调整照片大小。
BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 9 is the world's number one software solution for enlarging and downsizing digital photos and graphics.
Equipped with our brand new S-Spline Max AI image resize technology, PhotoZoom Pro 9 produces higher quality image enlargements than ever before.
All you have to do is specify the image size you want, which can be literally any size between 1 by 1 pixel and a million by a million pixels. Next, let PhotoZoom Pro 9 do the heavy lifting while you enjoy the eye-popping results!
Our new S-Spline Max AI technology harnesses the very latest in machine-learning technology to create AI-powered image enlargements, that distinguish themselves through ultimate sharpness, clarity, and detail.
During the enlargement process, S-Spline Max AI also automatically eliminates noise and compression artifacts, ensuring crisp and clean results even when you have noisy and compressed originals to start with.
We pride ourselves on making PhotoZoom Pro 9 extremely easy-to-use with an intuitive design for optimal convenience. Apply pre-defined settings or fine-tune them to your personal liking. View the enlargement results in split-screen mode to make a quick with/without comparison. And use PhotoZoom Pro 9's crop tools to create that perfect close-up!
Got a folder full of images which need resizing? No problem! Large numbers of images can be resized in one go, through batch processing.
PhotoZoom Pro 9 works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for various host programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel PaintShop Pro. PhotoZoom Pro 9 also fully integrates with Adobe Lightroom Classic.
Optimized for both printing and on-screen purposes, PhotoZoom Pro 9 is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to resize images a