题意:OpenAI Gym 的 breakout-v0 “暂停”
While training in the OpenAI gym environment I have the idea that the environment sometimes "stops". For many frames in a row no ball is visible/stops spawning.
在 OpenAI Gym 环境中进行训练时,我感觉环境有时会“停止”。连续多帧中没有看到球出现/停止生成。
Is this an error in the gym environment? Is this something that is part of the game Breakout-v0?
这是 Gym 环境中的错误吗?还是这是 Breakout-v0 游戏的一部分?
I was also wondering what the possible actions are in Breakout-v0. What I kind of figured out:
我也想知道在 Breakout-v0 中可能的动作是什么。我大致弄明白了:
0 - do nothing/stand still? 0 - 什么都不做/保持静止?
1 - do nothing/stand still? 1 - 什么都不做/保持静止?
2 - apply "force" to the right? 2 - 向右施加“力”?
3 - apply "force" to the left? 2 - 向左施加“力”?
Edit: For people wondering what I'm talking about: see this gif: https://i.sstatic.net/2F4oR.jpg The transition between 5 and 4 lives takes a lot of frames... Sometimes the break is even longer than this...
编辑:对于想知道我在说什么的人,可以查看这个 GIF:https://i.sstatic.net/2F4oR.jpg。在 5 条命和 4 条命之间的过渡需要很多帧……有时这个间隔甚至比这还要长……
Its cause after end of life your agent needs to hit the fire button to get the game to start playing again. If it doesn't learn to do this then the game will not progress and looked paused like you say it seems.
I believe actions off the top of my head are:
0: no-op 1: fire 2: right 3: left
0: 无操作
1: 触发
2: 右
3: 左
could be other way around on directions