整体的调试思路参考大疆Livox Mid360 使用指南_mid360中的imu内参-CSDN博客这篇博客。
1.livox viewer中看不到点云数据
2.livox SDK2 bind error。
joey@joey:~/slam/Livox-SDK2/build/samples/livox_lidar_quick_start$ ./livox_lidar_quick_start ../../../samples/livox_lidar_quick_start/mid360_config.json
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] set master/slave sdk to master sdk by default [parse_cfg_file.cpp] [Parse] [82]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Livox lidar logger disable. [parse_cfg_file.cpp] [Parse] [126]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Lidar ip: point cloud and IMU data multicast ip: [params_check.cpp] [CheckLidarMulticastIp] [133]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Lidar ip: point cloud and IMU data multicast ip: [params_check.cpp] [CheckLidarMulticastIp] [133]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Lidar ip: point cloud and IMU data multicast ip: [params_check.cpp] [CheckLidarMulticastIp] [133]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Lidar ip: point cloud and IMU data multicast ip: [params_check.cpp] [CheckLidarMulticastIp] [133]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.705] [console] [info] Data Handler Init Succ. [data_handler.cpp] [Init] [49]
bind failed
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.706] [console] [error] Create detection socket failed. [device_manager.cpp] [CreateDetectionChannel] [275]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.706] [console] [error] Create detection channel failed. [device_manager.cpp] [CreateChannel] [242]
[2024-08-29 20:55:58.706] [console] [error] Create channel failed. [device_manager.cpp] [Init] [169]
Livox Init Failed
然后我们来修改对于config文件中的ip地址,首先来看livox SDK2中的ip地址,我们要运行livox_lidar_quick_start,要修改mid360_config.json。改一下host_ip,注意修改的ip要和以太网设置的ip一致,“”其中50可以改,192.168.2与livox的ip保持一致。
"MID360": {
"lidar_net_info" : {
"cmd_data_port" : 56100,
"push_msg_port" : 56200,
"point_data_port": 56300,
"imu_data_port" : 56400,
"log_data_port" : 56500
"host_net_info" : [
"host_ip" : "",
"multicast_ip" : "",
"cmd_data_port" : 56101,
"push_msg_port" : 56201,
"point_data_port": 56301,
"imu_data_port" : 56401,
"log_data_port" : 56501
将ip改好之后,就不会有bind error和点云数据不显示的情况了。