# 跌幅柱状图像素检测
def checkGreenPoint(image, x, y):
r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y))
return (r == 84 and g == 255 and b == 255)
# 涨幅柱状图像素检测
def checkRedPoint(image, x, y):
r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y))
return (r == 255 and g == 61 and b == 61)
# 截取屏幕截图
screenshot = ImageGrab.grab()
# 保存截图到文件,使用活动窗口标题作为文件名
# 获取图像的宽度和高度
# 打开图像
image = Image.open('./screenshot.png')
width, height = image.size
# 遍历图像的每个像素点
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
# 获取像素点的RGB值
r, g, b = image.getpixel((x, y))
# # 检测跌幅的点
## 跌幅柱状图 满足的条件
checkGreenPoint(image, x, y) and checkGreenPoint(image, x+1, y) and checkGreenPoint(image, x, y+1) \
and checkGreenPoint(image, x+1, y+1) and not checkGreenPoint(image, x-1, y) and not checkGreenPoint(image, x, y-1) \
and not checkGreenPoint(image, x-1, y-1) and not checkGreenPoint(image, x+1, y-1) and not checkGreenPoint(image, x-1, y+1)
# 检测涨幅的点
## 涨幅柱状图 满足的条件
if checkRedPoint(image, x, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x+1, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x, y+1) \
and checkRedPoint(image, x+2, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x+3, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x+4, y) \
and checkRedPoint(image, x+5, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x+6, y) and checkRedPoint(image, x+7, y) \
and not checkRedPoint(image, x+2, y+1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x+3, y+1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x+4, y+1) \
and not checkRedPoint(image, x+5, y+1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x+6, y+1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x+7, y+1) \
and not checkRedPoint(image, x+1, y+1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x-1, y) and not checkRedPoint(image, x, y-1) \
and not checkRedPoint(image, x-1, y-1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x+1, y-1) and not checkRedPoint(image, x-1, y+1):
2.弹出成交明细弹窗后,我们需要将弹窗里面的 “操作” 二字坐标捕捉到,然后,继续发送单击事件,进行下一步。刚开始用easyocr 识别中文错别字较多,没用,这里我们用paddleocr来进行中文识别。下面是python代码和结果:
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