2.Properties of transaction
You use transactions to access data from multiple sources and execute processes, which are triggered synchronously or asynchronously.您可以使用事务从多个源访问数据并执行同步或异步触发的流程。
You can define multiple inputs and outputs. The transaction process steps consist of actions. Each action could have its own output, such as data written to a database. You could include the output from a transaction as an input to another transaction. Each transaction can be called as a Web service and has its own WSDL definition.您可以定义多个输入和输出。交易流程步骤由操作组成。每个操作都可以有自己的输出,例如写入数据库的数据。您可以将事务的输出作为另一个事务的输入。每个事务都可以被称为Web服务,并有自己的WSDL定义。
2.Properties of transaction
We can define the following properties for a transaction
Global:SAP MII全局变量
Transaction:事务的输入/输出参数 – 对外参数
DataType of Properties