using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MvCamCtrl.NET;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Cognex.VisionPro;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Raw2ICogImage_CSharp
public partial class Form1 : Form
#region 参数
MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST m_pDeviceList;
private MyCamera m_pMyCamera;
bool m_bGrabbing;
byte[] m_pDataForRed = new byte[20 * 1024 * 1024];
byte[] m_pDataForGreen = new byte[20 * 1024 * 1024];
byte[] m_pDataForBlue = new byte[20 * 1024 * 1024];
UInt32 g_nPayloadSize = 0;
UInt32 m_nRowStep = 0;
public Form1()
private void bnEnum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void bnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum == 0 || cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex == -1)
MessageBox.Show("No device,please select");
int nRet = -1;
//ch:获取选择的设备信息 | en:Get selected device information
MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device =
m_pMyCamera = new MyCamera();
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_CreateDevice_NET(ref device);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
// ch:打开设备 | en:Open device
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Open Device Fail");
// ch:获取包大小 || en: Get Payload Size
MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE_EX stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE_EX();
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValueEx_NET("PayloadSize", ref stParam);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Get PayloadSize Fail");
g_nPayloadSize = (uint)stParam.nCurValue;
// ch:获取高 || en: Get Height
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValueEx_NET("Height", ref stParam);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Get Height Fail");
uint nHeight = (uint)stParam.nCurValue;
// ch:获取宽 || en: Get Width
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValueEx_NET("Width", ref stParam);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Get Width Fail");
uint nWidth = (uint)stParam.nCurValue;
// ch:获取步长 || en: Get nRowStep
m_nRowStep = nWidth * nHeight;
// ch:设置触发模式为off || en:set trigger mode as off
m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("AcquisitionMode", 2);
m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 0);
/// <summary>
/// 枚举相机
/// </summary>
private void DeviceListAcq()
int nRet;
// ch:创建设备列表 || en: Create device list
nRet = MyCamera.MV_CC_EnumDevices_NET(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_GENTL_GIGE_DEVICE
| MyCamera.MV_GENTL_CAMERALINK_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_GENTL_CXP_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_GENTL_XOF_DEVICE, ref m_pDeviceList, null, MyCamera.MV_SORT_METHOD.SortMethod_SerialNumber);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Enum Devices Fail");
// ch:在窗体列表中显示设备名 || Display the device'name on window's list
for (int i = 0; i < m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum; i++)
MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device = (MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_pDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[i], typeof(MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO));
if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE || device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GENTL_GIGE_DEVICE)
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo, 0);
MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO gigeInfo = (MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO));
if (gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GigE: " + gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GigE: " + gigeInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + gigeInfo.chModelName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE)
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo, 0);
MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO usbInfo = (MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO));
if (usbInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("USB: " + usbInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("USB: " + usbInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + usbInfo.chModelName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GENTL_CAMERALINK_DEVICE)
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stCMLInfo, 0);
MyCamera.MV_CML_DEVICE_INFO CMLInfo = (MyCamera.MV_CML_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_CML_DEVICE_INFO));
if (CMLInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("CML: " + CMLInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + CMLInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("CML: " + CMLInfo.chManufacturerInfo + " " + CMLInfo.chModelName + " (" + CMLInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GENTL_CXP_DEVICE)
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stCXPInfo, 0);
MyCamera.MV_CXP_DEVICE_INFO CXPInfo = (MyCamera.MV_CXP_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_CXP_DEVICE_INFO));
if (CXPInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("CXP: " + CXPInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + CXPInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("CXP: " + CXPInfo.chManufacturerInfo + " " + CXPInfo.chModelName + " (" + CXPInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GENTL_XOF_DEVICE)
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(device.SpecialInfo.stXoFInfo, 0);
MyCamera.MV_XOF_DEVICE_INFO XoFInfo = (MyCamera.MV_XOF_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(MyCamera.MV_XOF_DEVICE_INFO));
if (XoFInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("XoF: " + XoFInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + XoFInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
cbDeviceList.Items.Add("XoF: " + XoFInfo.chManufacturerInfo + " " + XoFInfo.chModelName + " (" + XoFInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
//.ch: 选择第一项 || en: Select the first item
if (m_pDeviceList.nDeviceNum != 0)
cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex = 0;
/// <summary>
/// 打开相机时,界面变化
/// </summary>
private void SetCtrlWhenOpen()
bnOpen.Enabled = false;
bnClose.Enabled = true;
bnStartGrab.Enabled = true;
bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
bnContinuesMode.Enabled = true;
bnContinuesMode.Checked = true;
bnTriggerMode.Enabled = true;
cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = false;
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// 关闭相机时,界面变化
/// </summary>
private void SetCtrlWhenClose()
bnOpen.Enabled = true;
bnClose.Enabled = false;
bnStartGrab.Enabled = false;
bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
bnContinuesMode.Enabled = false;
bnTriggerMode.Enabled = false;
cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = false;
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;
private void bnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (m_bGrabbing)
m_bGrabbing = false;
// ch:停止抓图 || en:Stop grab image
// ch: 控件操作 || en: Control operation
// ch:关闭设备 || en: Close device
// ch: 控件操作 || en: Control operation
m_bGrabbing = false;
private void bnContinuesMode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
if (bnContinuesMode.Checked)
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 0);
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
MessageBox.Show("Set TriggerMode Fail");
cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = false;
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;
private void bnTriggerMode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
if (bnTriggerMode.Checked)
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", 1);
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
MessageBox.Show("Set TriggerMode Fail");
// ch: 触发源选择:0 - Line0 || en :TriggerMode select;
// 1 - Line1;
// 2 - Line2;
// 3 - Line3;
// 4 - Counter;
// 7 - Software;
if (cbSoftTrigger.Checked)
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 7);
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
MessageBox.Show("Set TriggerSource Fail");
if (m_bGrabbing)
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = true;
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 0);
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
MessageBox.Show("Set TriggerSource Fail");
cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = true;
private void SetCtrlWhenStartGrab()
bnStartGrab.Enabled = false;
bnStopGrab.Enabled = true;
if (bnTriggerMode.Checked && cbSoftTrigger.Checked)
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = true;
private void SetCtrlWhenStopGrab()
bnStartGrab.Enabled = true;
bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// 图像是否为Mono格式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool IsMonoPixelFormat(MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enType)
switch (enType)
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12_Packed:
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 图像是否为彩色
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enType"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool IsColorPixelFormat(MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enType)
switch (enType)
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGBA8_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGRA8_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_YUYV_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG8:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12_Packed:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12:
case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12_Packed:
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// 其他黑白格式转为Mono8
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <param name="pInData">输出图片数据</param>
/// <param name="pOutData">输出图片数据</param>
/// <param name="nHeight">高</param>
/// <param name="nWidth">宽</param>
/// <param name="nPixelType">像素格式</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 ConvertToMono8(object obj, IntPtr pInData, IntPtr pOutData, ushort nHeight,ushort nWidth, MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType nPixelType)
if (IntPtr.Zero == pInData || IntPtr.Zero == pOutData)
return MyCamera.MV_E_PARAMETER;
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
MyCamera device = obj as MyCamera;
MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM stPixelConvertParam = new MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM();
stPixelConvertParam.pSrcData = pInData;//源数据
if (IntPtr.Zero == stPixelConvertParam.pSrcData)
return -1;
stPixelConvertParam.nWidth = nWidth;//图像宽度
stPixelConvertParam.nHeight = nHeight;//图像高度
stPixelConvertParam.enSrcPixelType = nPixelType;//源数据的格式
stPixelConvertParam.nSrcDataLen = (uint)(nWidth * nHeight * ((((uint)nPixelType) >> 16) & 0x00ff) >> 3);
stPixelConvertParam.nDstBufferSize = (uint)(nWidth * nHeight * ((((uint)MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed) >> 16) & 0x00ff) >> 3);
stPixelConvertParam.pDstBuffer = pOutData;//转换后的数据
stPixelConvertParam.enDstPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8;
stPixelConvertParam.nDstBufferSize = (uint)(nWidth * nHeight * 3);
nRet = device.MV_CC_ConvertPixelType_NET(ref stPixelConvertParam);//格式转换
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
return -1;
return nRet;
/// <summary>
/// 其他彩色格式转为RGB8
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <param name="pSrc"></param>
/// <param name="nHeight"></param>
/// <param name="nWidth"></param>
/// <param name="nPixelType"></param>
/// <param name="pDst"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 ConvertToRGB(object obj, IntPtr pSrc, ushort nHeight, ushort nWidth, MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType nPixelType, IntPtr pDst)
if (IntPtr.Zero == pSrc || IntPtr.Zero == pDst)
return MyCamera.MV_E_PARAMETER;
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
MyCamera device = obj as MyCamera;
MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM stPixelConvertParam = new MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM();
stPixelConvertParam.pSrcData = pSrc;//源数据
if (IntPtr.Zero == stPixelConvertParam.pSrcData)
return -1;
stPixelConvertParam.nWidth = nWidth;//图像宽度
stPixelConvertParam.nHeight = nHeight;//图像高度
stPixelConvertParam.enSrcPixelType = nPixelType;//源数据的格式
stPixelConvertParam.nSrcDataLen = (uint)(nWidth * nHeight * ((((uint)nPixelType) >> 16) & 0x00ff) >> 3);
stPixelConvertParam.nDstBufferSize = (uint)(nWidth * nHeight * ((((uint)MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed) >> 16) & 0x00ff) >> 3);
stPixelConvertParam.pDstBuffer = pDst;//转换后的数据
stPixelConvertParam.enDstPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed;
stPixelConvertParam.nDstBufferSize = (uint)nWidth * nHeight * 3;
nRet = device.MV_CC_ConvertPixelType_NET(ref stPixelConvertParam);//格式转换
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
return -1;
return MyCamera.MV_OK;
/// <summary>
/// 显示图片
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nHeight">高</param>
/// <param name="nWidth">宽</param>
/// <param name="pImageBuf">图片数据</param>
/// <param name="enPixelType">像素格式</param>
public void VisionProDisplay(UInt32 nHeight, UInt32 nWidth, IntPtr pImageBuf, MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enPixelType)
// ch: 显示 || display
if (enPixelType == MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8)
CogImage8Root cogImage8Root = new CogImage8Root();
cogImage8Root.Initialize((Int32)nWidth, (Int32)nHeight, pImageBuf, (Int32)nWidth, null);
CogImage8Grey cogImage8Grey = new CogImage8Grey();
this.cogDisplayImage.Image = cogImage8Grey.ScaleImage((int)nWidth, (int)nHeight);
CogImage8Root image0 = new CogImage8Root();
IntPtr ptr0 = new IntPtr(pImageBuf.ToInt64());
image0.Initialize((int)nWidth, (int)nHeight, ptr0, (int)nWidth, null);
CogImage8Root image1 = new CogImage8Root();
IntPtr ptr1 = new IntPtr(pImageBuf.ToInt64() + m_nRowStep);
image1.Initialize((int)nWidth, (int)nHeight, ptr1, (int)nWidth, null);
CogImage8Root image2 = new CogImage8Root();
IntPtr ptr2 = new IntPtr(pImageBuf.ToInt64() + m_nRowStep * 2);
image2.Initialize((int)nWidth, (int)nHeight, ptr2, (int)nWidth, null);
CogImage24PlanarColor colorImage = new CogImage24PlanarColor();
colorImage.SetRoots(image0, image1, image2);
this.cogDisplayImage.Image = colorImage.ScaleImage((int)nWidth, (int)nHeight);
catch (System.Exception ex)
/// <summary>
/// 接收图片线程函数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
public void ReceiveImageWorkThread(object obj)
int nRet = MyCamera.MV_OK;
MyCamera device = obj as MyCamera;
MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX();
IntPtr pData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)g_nPayloadSize);
if (pData == IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr pImageBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)m_nRowStep * 3);
if (pImageBuffer == IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr pTemp = IntPtr.Zero;
Byte[] byteArrImageData = new Byte[m_nRowStep * 3];
while (m_bGrabbing)
nRet = device.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(pData, g_nPayloadSize, ref pFrameInfo, 1000);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK == nRet)
MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType pixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed;
if (IsColorPixelFormat(pFrameInfo.enPixelType)) // 彩色图像处理
if (pFrameInfo.enPixelType == MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed)
pTemp = pData;
// 其他格式彩色图像转为RGB
nRet = ConvertToRGB(obj, pData, pFrameInfo.nHeight, pFrameInfo.nWidth, pFrameInfo.enPixelType, pImageBuffer);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
pTemp = pImageBuffer;
// Packed转Plane
byte* pBufForSaveImage = (byte*)pTemp;
UInt32 nSupWidth = (pFrameInfo.nWidth + (UInt32)3) & 0xfffffffc;
for (int nRow = 0; nRow < pFrameInfo.nHeight; nRow++)
for (int col = 0; col < pFrameInfo.nWidth; col++)
byteArrImageData[nRow * nSupWidth + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * pFrameInfo.nWidth * 3 + (3 * col)];
byteArrImageData[pFrameInfo.nWidth * pFrameInfo.nHeight + nRow * nSupWidth + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * pFrameInfo.nWidth * 3 + (3 * col + 1)];
byteArrImageData[pFrameInfo.nWidth * pFrameInfo.nHeight*2 + nRow * nSupWidth + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * pFrameInfo.nWidth * 3 + (3 * col + 2)];
pTemp = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(byteArrImageData, 0);
else if (IsMonoPixelFormat(pFrameInfo.enPixelType)) // Mono图像处理
if (pFrameInfo.enPixelType == MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8)
pTemp = pData;
// 其他格式Mono转为Mono8
nRet = ConvertToMono8(device, pData, pImageBuffer, pFrameInfo.nHeight, pFrameInfo.nWidth, pFrameInfo.enPixelType);
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
pTemp = pImageBuffer;
pixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8;
VisionProDisplay(pFrameInfo.nHeight, pFrameInfo.nWidth, pTemp, pixelType);
if (pData != IntPtr.Zero)
if (pImageBuffer != IntPtr.Zero)
private void bnStartGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nRet;
// ch:开启抓图 | en:start grab
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET();
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Start Grabbing Fail");
m_bGrabbing = true;
Thread hReceiveImageThreadHandle = new Thread(ReceiveImageWorkThread);
// ch: 控件操作 || en: Control operation
private void cbSoftTrigger_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (cbSoftTrigger.Checked)
// ch: 触发源设为软触发 || en: set trigger mode as Software
m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 7);
if (m_bGrabbing)
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = true;
m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerSource", 0);
bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;
private void bnTriggerExec_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nRet;
// ch: 触发命令 || en: Trigger command
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_SetCommandValue_NET("TriggerSoftware");
if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
MessageBox.Show("Trigger Fail");
private void bnStopGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nRet = -1;
// ch:停止抓图 || en:Stop grab image
nRet = m_pMyCamera.MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET();
if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
MessageBox.Show("Stop Grabbing Fail");
m_bGrabbing = false;
// ch: 控件操作 || en: Control operation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
namespace MvCamCtrl.NET
/// <summary>
/// MyCamera
/// </summary>
public class MyCamera
#region 委托声明
/// <summary>
/// Grab callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">Image data</param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo">Frame info</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbOutputdelegate(IntPtr pData, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO pFrameInfo, IntPtr pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Grab callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">Image data</param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo">Frame info</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbOutputExdelegate(IntPtr pData, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, IntPtr pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Xml Update callback(Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enType">Node type</param>
/// <param name="pstFeature">Current node feature structure</param>
/// <param name="pstNodesList">Nodes list</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbXmlUpdatedelegate(MV_XML_InterfaceType enType, IntPtr pstFeature, ref MV_XML_NODES_LIST pstNodesList, IntPtr pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Exception callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMsgType">Msg type</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbExceptiondelegate(UInt32 nMsgType, IntPtr pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Event callback (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nUserDefinedId">User defined ID</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbEventdelegate(UInt32 nUserDefinedId, IntPtr pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Event callback
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pEventInfo">Event Info</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
public delegate void cbEventdelegateEx(ref MV_EVENT_OUT_INFO pEventInfo, IntPtr pUser);
#region 相机的基本指令和操作
/// <summary>
/// Get SDK Version
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Always return 4 Bytes of version number |Main |Sub |Rev |Test|
/// 8bits 8bits 8bits 8bits
/// </returns>
public static UInt32 MV_CC_GetSDKVersion_NET()
return MV_CC_GetSDKVersion();
/// <summary>
/// Get supported Transport Layer
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Supported Transport Layer number</returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_EnumerateTls_NET()
return MV_CC_EnumerateTls();
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate Device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nTLayerType">Enumerate TLs</param>
/// <param name="stDevList">Device List</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevices_NET(UInt32 nTLayerType, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDevList, string pManufacturerName, MV_SORT_METHOD enSortMethod)
return MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx2(nTLayerType, ref stDevList, pManufacturerName, enSortMethod);
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate device according to manufacture name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nTLayerType">Enumerate TLs</param>
/// <param name="stDevList">Device List</param>
/// <param name="pManufacturerName">Manufacture Name</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx_NET(UInt32 nTLayerType, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDevList, string pManufacturerName)
return MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx(nTLayerType, ref stDevList, pManufacturerName);
/// <summary>
/// Is the device accessible
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stDevInfo">Device Information</param>
/// <param name="nAccessMode">Access Right</param>
/// <returns>Access, return true. Not access, return false</returns>
public static Boolean MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible_NET(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo, UInt32 nAccessMode)
return MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible(ref stDevInfo, nAccessMode);
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public MyCamera()
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Destructor
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Create Device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stDevInfo">Device Information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_CreateDevice_NET(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo)
if (IntPtr.Zero != handle)
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return MV_CC_CreateHandle(ref handle, ref stDevInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Create Device without log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stDevInfo">Device Information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_CreateDeviceWithoutLog_NET(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo)
if (IntPtr.Zero != handle)
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return MV_CC_CreateHandleWithoutLog(ref handle, ref stDevInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Destroy Device
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_DestroyDevice_NET()
Int32 nRet = MV_CC_DestroyHandle(handle);
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return nRet;
/// <summary>
/// Open Device
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET()
return MV_CC_OpenDevice(handle, 1, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Open Device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nAccessMode">Access Right</param>
/// <param name="nSwitchoverKey">Switch key of access right</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET(UInt32 nAccessMode, UInt16 nSwitchoverKey)
return MV_CC_OpenDevice(handle, nAccessMode, nSwitchoverKey);
/// <summary>
/// Close Device
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_CloseDevice_NET()
return MV_CC_CloseDevice(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Is the device connected
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Connected, return true. Not Connected or DIsconnected, return false</returns>
public Boolean MV_CC_IsDeviceConnected_NET()
return MV_CC_IsDeviceConnected(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Register the image callback function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbOutput">Callback function pointer</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx_NET(cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx(handle, cbOutput, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Register the RGB image callback function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbOutput">Callback function pointer</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForRGB_NET(cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForRGB(handle, cbOutput, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Register the BGR image callback function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbOutput">Callback function pointer</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForBGR_NET(cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForBGR(handle, cbOutput, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Start Grabbing
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET()
return MV_CC_StartGrabbing(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Stop Grabbing
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET()
return MV_CC_StopGrabbing(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Get one frame of RGB image, this function is using query to get data
/// query whether the internal cache has data, get data if there has, return error code if no data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">Image data receiving buffer</param>
/// <param name="nDataSize">Buffer size</param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo">Image information</param>
/// <param name="nMsec">Waiting timeout</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetImageForRGB_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec)
return MV_CC_GetImageForRGB(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pFrameInfo, nMsec);
/// <summary>
/// Get one frame of BGR image, this function is using query to get data
/// query whether the internal cache has data, get data if there has, return error code if no data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">Image data receiving buffer</param>
/// <param name="nDataSize">Buffer size</param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo">Image information</param>
/// <param name="nMsec">Waiting timeout</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error cod</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetImageForBGR_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec)
return MV_CC_GetImageForBGR(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pFrameInfo, nMsec);
/// <summary>
/// Get a frame of an image using an internal cache
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFrame">Image data and image information</param>
/// <param name="nMsec">Waiting timeout</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetImageBuffer_NET(ref MV_FRAME_OUT pFrame, Int32 nMsec)
return MV_CC_GetImageBuffer(handle, ref pFrame, nMsec);
/// <summary>
/// Free image buffer(used with MV_CC_GetImageBuffer)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFrame">Image data and image information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer_NET(ref MV_FRAME_OUT pFrame)
return MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer(handle, ref pFrame);
/// <summary>
/// Get a frame of an image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">Image data receiving buffer</param>
/// <param name="nDataSize">Buffer size</param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo">Image information</param>
/// <param name="nMsec">Waiting timeout</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec)
return MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pFrameInfo, nMsec);
/// <summary>
/// Clear image Buffers to clear old data
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ClearImageBuffer_NET()
return MV_CC_ClearImageBuffer(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Display one frame image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pDisplayInfo">Image information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame_NET(ref MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO pDisplayInfo)
return MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame(handle, ref pDisplayInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of the internal image cache nodes in SDK(Greater than or equal to 1, to be called before the capture)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nNum">Number of cache nodes</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetImageNodeNum_NET(UInt32 nNum)
return MV_CC_SetImageNodeNum(handle, nNum);
/// <summary>
/// Set Grab Strategy
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enGrabStrategy">The value of grab strategy</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetGrabStrategy_NET(MV_GRAB_STRATEGY enGrabStrategy)
return MV_CC_SetGrabStrategy(handle, enGrabStrategy);
/// <summary>
/// Set The Size of Output Queue(Only work under the strategy of MV_GrabStrategy_LatestImages,rang:1-ImageNodeNum)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nOutputQueueSize">The Size of Output Queue</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetOutputQueueSize_NET(UInt32 nOutputQueueSize)
return MV_CC_SetOutputQueueSize(handle, nOutputQueueSize);
/// <summary>
/// Get device information(Called before start grabbing)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstDevInfo">device information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetDeviceInfo_NET(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO pstDevInfo)
return MV_CC_GetDeviceInfo(handle, ref pstDevInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Get various type of information
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstInfo">Various type of information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo_NET(ref MV_ALL_MATCH_INFO pstInfo)
return MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo(handle, ref pstInfo);
#region 设置和获取相机参数的万能接口
/// <summary>
/// Get Integer value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value, for example, using "Width" to get width</param>
/// <param name="pstValue">Value of device features</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetIntValueEx_NET(String strKey, ref MVCC_INTVALUE_EX pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetIntValueEx(handle, strKey, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set Integer value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value, for example, using "Width" to set width</param>
/// <param name="nValue">Feature value to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetIntValueEx_NET(String strKey, Int64 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetIntValueEx(handle, strKey, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// Get Enum value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value, for example, using "PixelFormat" to get pixel format</param>
/// <param name="pstValue">Value of device features</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetEnumValue_NET(String strKey, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetEnumValue(handle, strKey, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set Enum value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value, for example, using "PixelFormat" to set pixel format</param>
/// <param name="nValue">Feature value to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET(String strKey, UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetEnumValue(handle, strKey, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set Enum value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value, for example, using "PixelFormat" to set pixel format</param>
/// <param name="sValue">Feature String to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString_NET(String strKey, String sValue)
return MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(handle, strKey, sValue);
/// <summary>
/// Get Float value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="pstValue">Value of device features</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET(String strKey, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetFloatValue(handle, strKey, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set float value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="fValue">Feature value to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetFloatValue_NET(String strKey, Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetFloatValue(handle, strKey, fValue);
/// <summary>
/// Get Boolean value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="pbValue">Value of device features</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBoolValue_NET(String strKey, ref Boolean pbValue)
return MV_CC_GetBoolValue(handle, strKey, ref pbValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set Boolean value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="bValue">Feature value to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBoolValue_NET(String strKey, Boolean bValue)
return MV_CC_SetBoolValue(handle, strKey, bValue);
/// <summary>
/// Get String value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="pstValue">Value of device features</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetStringValue_NET(String strKey, ref MVCC_STRINGVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetStringValue(handle, strKey, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set String value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <param name="strValue">Feature value to set</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetStringValue_NET(String strKey, String strValue)
return MV_CC_SetStringValue(handle, strKey, strValue);
/// <summary>
/// Send Command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey">Key value</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetCommandValue_NET(String strKey)
return MV_CC_SetCommandValue(handle, strKey);
/// <summary>
/// Invalidate GenICam Nodes
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_InvalidateNodes_NET()
return MV_CC_InvalidateNodes(handle);
#region 设备升级 和 寄存器读写 和异常、事件回调
/// <summary>
/// Device Local Upgrade
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFilePathName">File path and name</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_LocalUpgrade_NET(String pFilePathName)
return MV_CC_LocalUpgrade(handle, pFilePathName);
/// <summary>
/// Get Upgrade Progress
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnProcess">Value of Progress</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetUpgradeProcess_NET(ref UInt32 pnProcess)
return MV_CC_GetUpgradeProcess(handle, ref pnProcess);
/// <summary>
/// Read Memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pBuffer">Used as a return value, save the read-in memory value(Memory value is stored in accordance with the big end model)</param>
/// <param name="nAddress">Memory address to be read, which can be obtained from the Camera.xml file of the device, the form xml node value of xxx_RegAddr</param>
/// <param name="nLength">Length of the memory to be read</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ReadMemory_NET(IntPtr pBuffer, Int64 nAddress, Int64 nLength)
return MV_CC_ReadMemory(handle, pBuffer, nAddress, nLength);
/// <summary>
/// Write Memory
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pBuffer">Memory value to be written ( Note the memory value to be stored in accordance with the big end model)</param>
/// <param name="nAddress">Memory address to be written, which can be obtained from the Camera.xml file of the device, the form xml node value of xxx_RegAddr</param>
/// <param name="nLength">Length of the memory to be written</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_WriteMemory_NET(IntPtr pBuffer, Int64 nAddress, Int64 nLength)
return MV_CC_WriteMemory(handle, pBuffer, nAddress, nLength);
/// <summary>
/// Register Exception Message CallBack, call after open device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbException">Exception Message CallBack Function</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack_NET(cbExceptiondelegate cbException, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack(handle, cbException, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Register event callback, which is called after the device is opened
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbEvent">Event CallBack Function</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterAllEventCallBack_NET(cbEventdelegateEx cbEvent, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterAllEventCallBack(handle, cbEvent, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// Register single event callback, which is called after the device is opened
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pEventName">Event name</param>
/// <param name="cbEvent">Event CallBack Function</param>
/// <param name="pUser">User defined variable</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx_NET(String pEventName, cbEventdelegateEx cbEvent, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx(handle, pEventName, cbEvent, pUser);
#region GigEVision 设备独有的接口
/// <summary>
/// Force IP
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nIP">IP to set</param>
/// <param name="nSubNetMask">Subnet mask</param>
/// <param name="nDefaultGateWay">Default gateway</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx_NET(UInt32 nIP, UInt32 nSubNetMask, UInt32 nDefaultGateWay)
return MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx(handle, nIP, nSubNetMask, nDefaultGateWay);
/// <summary>
/// IP configuration method
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nType">IP type, refer to MV_IP_CFG_x</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetIpConfig_NET(UInt32 nType)
return MV_GIGE_SetIpConfig(handle, nType);
/// <summary>
/// Set to use only one mode,type: MV_NET_TRANS_x. When do not set, priority is to use driver by default
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nType">Net transmission mode, refer to MV_NET_TRANS_x</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetNetTransMode_NET(UInt32 nType)
return MV_GIGE_SetNetTransMode(handle, nType);
/// <summary>
/// Get net transmission information
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstInfo">Transmission information</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetNetTransInfo_NET(ref MV_NETTRANS_INFO pstInfo)
return MV_GIGE_GetNetTransInfo(handle, ref pstInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Setting the ACK mode of devices Discovery
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMode">ACK mode(Default-Broadcast),0-Unicast,1-Broadcast</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetDiscoveryMode_NET(UInt32 nMode)
return MV_GIGE_SetDiscoveryMode(nMode);
/// <summary>
/// Set GVSP streaming timeout
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMillisec">Timeout, default 300ms, range: >10ms</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGvspTimeout_NET(UInt32 nMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_SetGvspTimeout(handle, nMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Get GVSP streaming timeout
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pMillisec">Timeout, ms as unit</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGvspTimeout_NET(ref UInt32 pMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_GetGvspTimeout(handle, ref pMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Set GVCP cammand timeout
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMillisec">Timeout, ms as unit, range: 0-10000</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGvcpTimeout_NET(UInt32 nMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_SetGvcpTimeout(handle, nMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Get GVCP cammand timeout
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pMillisec">Timeout, ms as unit</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGvcpTimeout_NET(ref UInt32 pMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_GetGvcpTimeout(handle, ref pMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of retry GVCP cammand
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nRetryGvcpTimes">The number of retries,rang:0-100</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetRetryGvcpTimes_NET(UInt32 nRetryGvcpTimes)
return MV_GIGE_SetRetryGvcpTimes(handle, nRetryGvcpTimes);
/// <summary>
/// Get the number of retry GVCP cammand
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pRetryGvcpTimes">The number of retries</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetRetryGvcpTimes_NET(ref UInt32 pRetryGvcpTimes)
return MV_GIGE_GetRetryGvcpTimes(handle, ref pRetryGvcpTimes);
/// <summary>
/// Get the optimal Packet Size, Only support GigE Camera
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Optimal packet size</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize_NET()
return MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Set whethe to enable resend, and set resend
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bEnable">Enable resend</param>
/// <param name="nMaxResendPercent">Max resend persent</param>
/// <param name="nResendTimeout">Resend timeout</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResend_NET(UInt32 bEnable, UInt32 nMaxResendPercent, UInt32 nResendTimeout)
return MV_GIGE_SetResend(handle, bEnable, nMaxResendPercent, nResendTimeout);
/// <summary>
/// Set the max resend retry times
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nRetryTimes">The max times to retry resending lost packets,default 20</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResendMaxRetryTimes_NET(UInt32 nRetryTimes)
return MV_GIGE_SetResendMaxRetryTimes(handle, nRetryTimes);
/// <summary>
/// Get the max resend retry times
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnRetryTimes">the max times to retry resending lost packets</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetResendMaxRetryTimes_NET(ref UInt32 pnRetryTimes)
return MV_GIGE_GetResendMaxRetryTimes(handle, ref pnRetryTimes);
/// <summary>
/// Set time interval between same resend requests
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMillisec">The time interval between same resend requests,default 10ms</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResendTimeInterval_NET(UInt32 nMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_SetResendTimeInterval(handle, nMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Get time interval between same resend requests
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnMillisec">The time interval between same resend requests</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetResendTimeInterval_NET(ref UInt32 pnMillisec)
return MV_GIGE_GetResendTimeInterval(handle, ref pnMillisec);
/// <summary>
/// Set transmission type,Unicast or Multicast
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstTransmissionType">Struct of transmission type</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetTransmissionType_NET(ref MV_CC_TRANSMISSION_TYPE pstTransmissionType)
return MV_GIGE_SetTransmissionType(handle, ref pstTransmissionType);
/// <summary>
/// Issue Action Command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstActionCmdInfo">Action Command info</param>
/// <param name="pstActionCmdResults">Action Command Result List</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_IssueActionCommand_NET(ref MV_ACTION_CMD_INFO pstActionCmdInfo, ref MV_ACTION_CMD_RESULT_LIST pstActionCmdResults)
return MV_GIGE_IssueActionCommand(ref pstActionCmdInfo, ref pstActionCmdResults);
/// <summary>
/// Get Multicast Status
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstDevInfo">Device Information</param>
/// <param name="pStatus">Status of Multicast</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public static Int32 MV_GIGE_GetMulticastStatus_NET(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO pstDevInfo, ref Boolean pStatus)
return MV_GIGE_GetMulticastStatus(ref pstDevInfo, ref pStatus);
#region CameraLink独有的接口
/// <summary>
/// Set device baudrate using one of the CL_BAUDRATE_XXXX value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nBaudrate">Baudrate to set. Refer to the 'CameraParams.h' for parameter definitions, for example, #define MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_9600 0x00000001</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CAML_SetDeviceBaudrate_NET(UInt32 nBaudrate)
return MV_CAML_SetDeviceBaudrate(handle, nBaudrate);
public Int32 MV_CAML_SetDeviceBauderate_NET(UInt32 nBaudrate)
return MV_CAML_SetDeviceBaudrate(handle, nBaudrate);
/// <summary>
/// Get device baudrate, using one of the CL_BAUDRATE_XXXX value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnCurrentBaudrate">Return pointer of baud rate to user.
/// Refer to the 'CameraParams.h' for parameter definitions, for example, #define MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_9600 0x00000001</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CAML_GetDeviceBaudrate_NET(ref UInt32 pnCurrentBaudrate)
return MV_CAML_GetDeviceBaudrate(handle, ref pnCurrentBaudrate);
public Int32 MV_CAML_GetDeviceBauderate_NET(ref UInt32 pnCurrentBaudrate)
return MV_CAML_GetDeviceBaudrate(handle, ref pnCurrentBaudrate);
/// <summary>
/// Get supported baudrates of the combined device and host interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnBaudrateAblity">Return pointer of the supported baudrates to user. 'OR' operation results of the supported baudrates.
/// Refer to the 'CameraParams.h' for single value definitions, for example, #define MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_9600 0x00000001</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CAML_GetSupportBaudrates_NET(ref UInt32 pnBaudrateAblity)
return MV_CAML_GetSupportBaudrates(handle, ref pnBaudrateAblity);
public Int32 MV_CAML_GetSupportBauderates_NET(ref UInt32 pnBaudrateAblity)
return MV_CAML_GetSupportBaudrates(handle, ref pnBaudrateAblity);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the timeout for operations on the serial port
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nMillisec">Timeout in [ms] for operations on the serial port.</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CAML_SetGenCPTimeOut_NET(UInt32 nMillisec)
return MV_CAML_SetGenCPTimeOut(handle, nMillisec);
#region U3V独有的接口
/// <summary>
/// Set transfer size of U3V device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nTransferSize">Transfer size,Byte,default:1M,rang:>=0x10000</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_USB_SetTransferSize_NET(UInt32 nTransferSize)
return MV_USB_SetTransferSize(handle, nTransferSize);
/// <summary>
/// Get transfer size of U3V device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pTransferSize">Transfer size,Byte</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_USB_GetTransferSize_NET(ref UInt32 pTransferSize)
return MV_USB_GetTransferSize(handle, ref pTransferSize);
/// <summary>
/// Set transfer ways of U3V device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nTransferWays">Transfer ways,rang:1-10</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_USB_SetTransferWays_NET(UInt32 nTransferWays)
return MV_USB_SetTransferWays(handle, nTransferWays);
/// <summary>
/// Get transfer ways of U3V device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pTransferWays">Transfer ways</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_USB_GetTransferWays_NET(ref UInt32 pTransferWays)
return MV_USB_GetTransferWays(handle, ref pTransferWays);
#region GenTL相关接口,其它接口可以复用(部分接口不支持)
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate interfaces by GenTL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stIFInfoList"> Interface information list</param>
/// <param name="pGenTLPath">Path of GenTL's cti file</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_EnumInterfacesByGenTL_NET(ref MV_GENTL_IF_INFO_LIST stIFInfoList, String pGenTLPath)
return MV_CC_EnumInterfacesByGenTL(ref stIFInfoList, pGenTLPath);
/// <summary>
/// Enumerate Device Based On GenTL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stIFInfo">Interface information</param>
/// <param name="stDevList">Device List</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevicesByGenTL_NET(ref MV_GENTL_IF_INFO stIFInfo, ref MV_GENTL_DEV_INFO_LIST stDevList)
return MV_CC_EnumDevicesByGenTL(ref stIFInfo, ref stDevList);
/// <summary>
/// Create Device Handle Based On GenTL Device Info
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stDevInfo">Device Information Structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_CreateDeviceByGenTL_NET(ref MV_GENTL_DEV_INFO stDevInfo)
if (IntPtr.Zero != handle)
handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return MV_CC_CreateHandleByGenTL(ref handle, ref stDevInfo);
#region XML解析树的生成
/// <summary>
/// Get camera feature tree XML
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData">XML data receiving buffer</param>
/// <param name="nDataSize">Buffer size</param>
/// <param name="pnDataLen">Actual data length</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetGenICamXML_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref UInt32 pnDataLen)
return MV_XML_GetGenICamXML(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pnDataLen);
/// <summary>
/// Get Access mode of cur node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstrName">Name of node</param>
/// <param name="pAccessMode">Access mode of the node</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetNodeAccessMode_NET(String pstrName, ref MV_XML_AccessMode pAccessMode)
return MV_XML_GetNodeAccessMode(handle, pstrName, ref pAccessMode);
/// <summary>
/// Get Interface Type of cur node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstrName">Name of node</param>
/// <param name="pInterfaceType">Interface Type of the node</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetNodeInterfaceType_NET(String pstrName, ref MV_XML_InterfaceType pInterfaceType)
return MV_XML_GetNodeInterfaceType(handle, pstrName, ref pInterfaceType);
#region 附加接口
/// <summary>
/// Save image, support Bmp and Jpeg. Encoding quality(50-99]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stSaveParam">Save image parameters structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SaveImageEx_NET(ref MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM_EX stSaveParam)
return MV_CC_SaveImageEx2(handle, ref stSaveParam);
/// <summary>
/// Save the image file, support Bmp、 Jpeg、Png and Tiff. Encoding quality(50-99]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstSaveFileParam">Save the image file parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SaveImageToFile_NET(ref MV_SAVE_IMG_TO_FILE_PARAM pstSaveFileParam)
return MV_CC_SaveImageToFile(handle, ref pstSaveFileParam);
/// <summary>
/// Save 3D point data, support PLY、CSV and OBJ
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstPointDataParam">Save 3D point data parameters structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SavePointCloudData_NET(ref MV_SAVE_POINT_CLOUD_PARAM pstPointDataParam)
return MV_CC_SavePointCloudData(handle, ref pstPointDataParam);
/// <summary>
/// Rotate Image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstRotateParam">Rotate image parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RotateImage_NET(ref MV_CC_ROTATE_IMAGE_PARAM pstRotateParam)
return MV_CC_RotateImage(handle, ref pstRotateParam);
/// <summary>
/// Flip Image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstFlipParam">Flip image parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FlipImage_NET(ref MV_CC_FLIP_IMAGE_PARAM pstFlipParam)
return MV_CC_FlipImage(handle, ref pstFlipParam);
/// <summary>
/// Pixel format conversion
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstCvtParam">Convert Pixel Type parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ConvertPixelType_NET(ref MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM pstCvtParam)
return MV_CC_ConvertPixelType(handle, ref pstCvtParam);
/// <summary>
/// Interpolation algorithm type setting
/// </summary>
/// <param name="BayerCvtQuality">Bayer interpolation method 0-Fast 1-Equilibrium 2-Optimal</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerCvtQuality_NET(UInt32 BayerCvtQuality)
return MV_CC_SetBayerCvtQuality(handle, BayerCvtQuality);
/// <summary>
/// Set Gamma value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fBayerGammaValue">Gamma value[0.1,4.0]</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerGammaValue_NET(Single fBayerGammaValue)
return MV_CC_SetBayerGammaValue(handle, fBayerGammaValue);
/// <summary>
/// Set Gamma param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstGammaParam">Gamma parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerGammaParam_NET(ref MV_CC_GAMMA_PARAM pstGammaParam)
return MV_CC_SetBayerGammaParam(handle, ref pstGammaParam);
/// <summary>
/// Set CCM param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstCCMParam">CCM parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerCCMParam_NET(ref MV_CC_CCM_PARAM pstCCMParam)
return MV_CC_SetBayerCCMParam(handle, ref pstCCMParam);
/// <summary>
/// Set CCM param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstCCMParam">CCM parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerCCMParamEx_NET(ref MV_CC_CCM_PARAM_EX pstCCMParam)
return MV_CC_SetBayerCCMParamEx(handle, ref pstCCMParam);
/// <summary>
/// Set CLUT param
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstCLUTParam">CLUT parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBayerCLUTParam_NET(ref MV_CC_CLUT_PARAM pstCLUTParam)
return MV_CC_SetBayerCLUTParam(handle, ref pstCLUTParam);
/// <summary>
/// Adjust image contrast
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstContrastParam">Contrast parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ImageContrast_NET(ref MV_CC_CONTRAST_PARAM pstContrastParam)
return MV_CC_ImageContrast(handle, ref pstContrastParam);
/// <summary>
/// Image sharpen
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstSharpenParam">Sharpen parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ImageSharpen_NET(ref MV_CC_SHARPEN_PARAM pstSharpenParam)
return MV_CC_ImageSharpen(handle, ref pstSharpenParam);
/// <summary>
/// Color Correct(include CCM and CLUT)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstColorCorrectParam">Color Correct parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_ColorCorrect_NET(ref MV_CC_COLOR_CORRECT_PARAM pstColorCorrectParam)
return MV_CC_ColorCorrect(handle, ref pstColorCorrectParam);
/// <summary>
/// Noise Estimate
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNoiseEstimateParam">Noise Estimate parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_NoiseEstimate_NET(ref MV_CC_NOISE_ESTIMATE_PARAM pstNoiseEstimateParam)
return MV_CC_NoiseEstimate(handle, ref pstNoiseEstimateParam);
/// <summary>
/// Spatial Denoise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstSpatialDenoiseParam">Spatial Denoise parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SpatialDenoise_NET(ref MV_CC_SPATIAL_DENOISE_PARAM pstSpatialDenoiseParam)
return MV_CC_SpatialDenoise(handle, ref pstSpatialDenoiseParam);
/// <summary>
/// LSC Calib
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstLSCCalibParam">LSC Calib parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_LSCCalib_NET(ref MV_CC_LSC_CALIB_PARAM pstLSCCalibParam)
return MV_CC_LSCCalib(handle, ref pstLSCCalibParam);
/// <summary>
/// LSC Correct
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstLSCCorrectParam">LSC Correct parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_LSCCorrect_NET(ref MV_CC_LSC_CORRECT_PARAM pstLSCCorrectParam)
return MV_CC_LSCCorrect(handle, ref pstLSCCorrectParam);
/// <summary>
/// High Bandwidth Decode
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstDecodeParam">High Bandwidth Decode parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_HB_Decode_NET(ref MV_CC_HB_DECODE_PARAM pstDecodeParam)
return MV_CC_HB_Decode(handle, ref pstDecodeParam);
/// <summary>
/// Noise estimate of Bayer format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNoiseEstimateParam">Noise estimate parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_BayerNoiseEstimate_NET(ref MV_CC_BAYER_NOISE_ESTIMATE_PARAM pstNoiseEstimateParam)
return MV_CC_BayerNoiseEstimate(handle, ref pstNoiseEstimateParam);
/// <summary>
/// Spatial Denoise of Bayer format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstSpatialDenoiseParam">Spatial Denoise parameter structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_BayerSpatialDenoise_NET(ref MV_CC_BAYER_SPATIAL_DENOISE_PARAM pstSpatialDenoiseParam)
return MV_CC_BayerSpatialDenoise(handle, ref pstSpatialDenoiseParam);
/// <summary>
/// Start Grabbing Ex
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StartGrabbingEx_NET(UInt32 bNeedStart)
return MV_CC_StartGrabbingEx(handle, bNeedStart);
/// <summary>
/// Start Grabbing Ex
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code</returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StopGrabbingEx_NET(UInt32 bNeedStart)
return MV_CC_StopGrabbingEx(handle, bNeedStart);
/// <summary>
/// Save camera feature
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFileName">File name</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FeatureSave_NET(String pFileName)
return MV_CC_FeatureSave(handle, pFileName);
/// <summary>
/// Load camera feature
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pFileName">File name</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FeatureLoad_NET(String pFileName)
return MV_CC_FeatureLoad(handle, pFileName);
/// <summary>
/// Read the file from the camera
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstFileAccess">File access structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FileAccessRead_NET(ref MV_CC_FILE_ACCESS pstFileAccess)
return MV_CC_FileAccessRead(handle, ref pstFileAccess);
/// <summary>
/// Write the file to camera
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstFileAccess">File access structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_FileAccessWrite_NET(ref MV_CC_FILE_ACCESS pstFileAccess)
return MV_CC_FileAccessWrite(handle, ref pstFileAccess);
/// <summary>
/// Get File Access Progress
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstFileAccessProgress">File access Progress</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetFileAccessProgress_NET(ref MV_CC_FILE_ACCESS_PROGRESS pstFileAccessProgress)
return MV_CC_GetFileAccessProgress(handle, ref pstFileAccessProgress);
/// <summary>
/// Start Record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstRecordParam">Record param structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StartRecord_NET(ref MV_CC_RECORD_PARAM pstRecordParam)
return MV_CC_StartRecord(handle, ref pstRecordParam);
/// <summary>
/// Input RAW data to Record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstInputFrameInfo">Record data structure</param>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_InputOneFrame_NET(ref MV_CC_INPUT_FRAME_INFO pstInputFrameInfo)
return MV_CC_InputOneFrame(handle, ref pstInputFrameInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Stop Record
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Success, return MV_OK. Failure, return error code </returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_StopRecord_NET()
return MV_CC_StopRecord(handle);
#region 不建议使用的接口 Interfaces not recommended
/// <summary>
/// Set SDK log path (Interfaces not recommended)
/// If the logging service MvLogServer is enabled, the interface is invalid and The logging service is enabled by default
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pSDKLogPath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Int32 MV_CC_SetSDKLogPath_NET(String pSDKLogPath)
return MV_CC_SetSDKLogPath(pSDKLogPath);
/// <summary>
/// Get basic information of image (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstInfo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetImageInfo_NET(ref MV_IMAGE_BASIC_INFO pstInfo)
return MV_CC_GetImageInfo(handle, ref pstInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Get GenICam proxy (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntPtr MV_CC_GetTlProxy_NET()
return MV_CC_GetTlProxy(handle);
/// <summary>
/// Get root node (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetRootNode_NET(ref MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE pstNode)
return MV_XML_GetRootNode(handle, ref pstNode);
/// <summary>
/// Get all children node of specific node from xml, root node is Root (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNode"></param>
/// <param name="pstNodesList"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetChildren_NET(ref MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE pstNode, IntPtr pstNodesList)
return MV_XML_GetChildren(handle, ref pstNode, pstNodesList);
/// <summary>
/// Get all children node of specific node from xml, root node is Root (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNode"></param>
/// <param name="pstNodesList"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetChildren_NET(ref MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE pstNode, ref MV_XML_NODES_LIST pstNodesList)
return MV_XML_GetChildren(handle, ref pstNode, ref pstNodesList);
/// <summary>
/// Get current node feature (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstNode"></param>
/// <param name="pstFeature"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_GetNodeFeature_NET(ref MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE pstNode, IntPtr pstFeature)
return MV_XML_GetNodeFeature(handle, ref pstNode, pstFeature);
/// <summary>
/// Update node (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="enType"></param>
/// <param name="pstFeature"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_UpdateNodeFeature_NET(MV_XML_InterfaceType enType, IntPtr pstFeature)
return MV_XML_UpdateNodeFeature(handle, enType, pstFeature);
/// <summary>
/// Register update callback (Interfaces not recommended)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbXmlUpdate"></param>
/// <param name="pUser"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_XML_RegisterUpdateCallBack_NET(cbXmlUpdatedelegate cbXmlUpdate, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_XML_RegisterUpdateCallBack(handle, cbXmlUpdate, pUser);
#region 弃用的接口(存在更优化的接口可替换)Abandoned interface
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeOut
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData"></param>
/// <param name="nDataSize"></param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetOneFrame_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO pFrameInfo)
return MV_CC_GetOneFrame(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pFrameInfo);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeOut
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pData"></param>
/// <param name="nDataSize"></param>
/// <param name="pFrameInfo"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetOneFrameEx_NET(IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo)
return MV_CC_GetOneFrameEx(handle, pData, nDataSize, ref pFrameInfo);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbOutput"></param>
/// <param name="pUser"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBack_NET(cbOutputdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBack(handle, cbOutput, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_SaveImageEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stSaveParam"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SaveImage_NET(ref MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM stSaveParam)
return MV_CC_SaveImage(ref stSaveParam);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nIP"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_ForceIp_NET(UInt32 nIP)
return MV_GIGE_ForceIp(handle, nIP);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cbEvent"></param>
/// <param name="pUser"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBack_NET(cbEventdelegate cbEvent, IntPtr pUser)
return MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBack(handle, cbEvent, pUser);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hWnd"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_Display_NET(IntPtr hWnd)
return MV_CC_Display(handle, hWnd);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_GetIntValueEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey"></param>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetIntValue_NET(String strKey, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetIntValue(handle, strKey, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is abandoned, it is recommended to use the MV_CC_SetIntValueEx
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strKey"></param>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET(String strKey, UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetIntValue(handle, strKey, nValue);
#region 相机参数获取和设置,此模块的所有接口已废弃,建议使用上面的万能接口代替
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetWidth_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetWidth(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetWidth_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetWidth(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetHeight_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetHeight(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetHeight_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetHeight(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetX_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetX(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetX_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetX(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetY_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetY(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetY_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetY(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeLower_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeLower(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeLower_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeLower(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeUpper_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeUpper(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeUpper_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeUpper(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBrightness_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBrightness(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBrightness_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBrightness(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetFrameRate_NET(ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetFrameRate(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetFrameRate_NET(Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetFrameRate(handle, fValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetGain_NET(ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetGain(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetGain_NET(Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetGain(handle, fValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetExposureTime_NET(ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetExposureTime(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetExposureTime_NET(Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetExposureTime(handle, fValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetPixelFormat_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetPixelFormat(handle, ref pstValue);
public Int32 MV_CC_SetPixelFormat_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetPixelFormat(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAcquisitionMode_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAcquisitionMode(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAcquisitionMode_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAcquisitionMode(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetGainMode_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetGainMode(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetGainMode_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetGainMode(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetExposureAutoMode_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetExposureAutoMode(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetExposureAutoMode_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetExposureAutoMode(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerMode_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetTriggerMode(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerMode_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetTriggerMode(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerDelay_NET(ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetTriggerDelay(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerDelay_NET(Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetTriggerDelay(handle, fValue);
public Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerSource_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetTriggerSource(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerSource_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetTriggerSource(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_TriggerSoftwareExecute_NET()
return MV_CC_TriggerSoftwareExecute(handle);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetGammaSelector_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetGammaSelector(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetGammaSelector_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetGammaSelector(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetGamma_NET(ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetGamma(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetGamma_NET(Single fValue)
return MV_CC_SetGamma(handle, fValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetSharpness_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetSharpness(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetSharpness_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetSharpness(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetHue_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetHue(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetHue_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetHue(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetSaturation_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetSaturation(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetSaturation_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetSaturation(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceWhiteAuto_NET(ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBalanceWhiteAuto(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceWhiteAuto_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBalanceWhiteAuto(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioRed_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioRed(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioRed_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioRed(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioGreen_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioGreen(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioGreen_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioGreen(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioBlue_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioBlue(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioBlue_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioBlue(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetDeviceUserID_NET(ref MVCC_STRINGVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetDeviceUserID(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetDeviceUserID_NET(string chValue)
return MV_CC_SetDeviceUserID(handle, chValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetBurstFrameCount_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetBurstFrameCount(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetBurstFrameCount_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetBurstFrameCount(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetAcquisitionLineRate_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetAcquisitionLineRate(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetAcquisitionLineRate_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetAcquisitionLineRate(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_GetHeartBeatTimeout_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_CC_GetHeartBeatTimeout(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_CC_SetHeartBeatTimeout_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_CC_SetHeartBeatTimeout(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPSPacketSize_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPSPacketSize(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPSPacketSize_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPSPacketSize(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pstValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPD_NET(ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue)
return MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPD(handle, ref pstValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPD_NET(UInt32 nValue)
return MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPD(handle, nValue);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnIP"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCDA_NET(ref UInt32 pnIP)
return MV_GIGE_GetGevSCDA(handle, ref pnIP);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nIP"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCDA_NET(UInt32 nIP)
return MV_GIGE_SetGevSCDA(handle, nIP);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pnPort"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCSP_NET(ref UInt32 pnPort)
return MV_GIGE_GetGevSCSP(handle, ref pnPort);
/// <summary>
/// This interface is replaced by general interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nPort"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCSP_NET(UInt32 nPort)
return MV_GIGE_SetGevSCSP(handle, nPort);
/// <summary>
/// Get Camera Handle
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntPtr GetCameraHandle()
return handle;
/// <summary>
/// Byte array to struct
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bytes">Byte array</param>
/// <param name="type">Struct type</param>
/// <returns>Struct object</returns>
public static object ByteToStruct(Byte[] bytes, Type type)
int size = Marshal.SizeOf(type);
if (size > bytes.Length)
return null;
// 分配结构体内存空间
IntPtr structPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);
// 将byte数组拷贝到分配好的内存空间
Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, structPtr, size);
// 将内存空间转换为目标结构体
object obj = Marshal.PtrToStructure(structPtr, type);
// 释放内存空间
return obj;
#region 设备类型定义
/// <summary>Unknown Device Type, Reserved</summary>
public const Int32 MV_UNKNOW_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000000);
/// <summary>GigE Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_GIGE_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000001);
/// <summary>1394-a/b Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_1394_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000002);
/// <summary>USB3.0 Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_USB_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000004);
/// <summary>CameraLink Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_CAMERALINK_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000008);
/// <summary>GenTL GigE Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_GENTL_GIGE_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000040);
/// <summary>GenTL CameraLink Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_GENTL_CAMERALINK_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000080);
/// <summary>GenTL CoaXPress Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_GENTL_CXP_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000100);
/// <summary>GenTL XoF Device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_GENTL_XOF_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x00000200);
#region 设备错误码定义
/// <summary>Successed, no error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_OK = unchecked((Int32)0x00000000);
// 通用错误码定义:范围0x80000000-0x800000FF
/// <summary>Error or invalid handle</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_HANDLE = unchecked((Int32)0x80000000);
/// <summary>Not supported function</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_SUPPORT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000001);
/// <summary>Buffer overflow</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_BUFOVER = unchecked((Int32)0x80000002);
/// <summary>Function calling order error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_CALLORDER = unchecked((Int32)0x80000003);
/// <summary>Incorrect parameter</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_PARAMETER = unchecked((Int32)0x80000004);
/// <summary>Applying resource failed</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_RESOURCE = unchecked((Int32)0x80000006);
/// <summary>No data</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_NODATA = unchecked((Int32)0x80000007);
/// <summary>Precondition error, or running environment changed</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_PRECONDITION = unchecked((Int32)0x80000008);
/// <summary>Version mismatches</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_VERSION = unchecked((Int32)0x80000009);
/// <summary>Insufficient memory</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_NOENOUGH_BUF = unchecked((Int32)0x8000000A);
/// <summary>Abnormal image, maybe incomplete image because of lost packet</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_ABNORMAL_IMAGE = unchecked((Int32)0x8000000B);
/// <summary>Load library failed</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_LOAD_LIBRARY = unchecked((Int32)0x8000000C);
/// <summary>No Avaliable Buffer</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_NOOUTBUF = unchecked((Int32)0x8000000D);
/// <summary>Encryption error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_ENCRYPT = unchecked((Int32)0x8000000E);
/// <summary>Unknown error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UNKNOW = unchecked((Int32)0x800000FF);
// GenICam系列错误:范围0x80000100-0x800001FF
/// <summary>General error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_GENERIC = unchecked((Int32)0x80000100);
/// <summary>Illegal parameters</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_ARGUMENT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000101);
/// <summary>The value is out of range</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_RANGE = unchecked((Int32)0x80000102);
/// <summary>Property</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_PROPERTY = unchecked((Int32)0x80000103);
/// <summary>Running environment error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_RUNTIME = unchecked((Int32)0x80000104);
/// <summary>Logical error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_LOGICAL = unchecked((Int32)0x80000105);
/// <summary>Node accessing condition error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_ACCESS = unchecked((Int32)0x80000106);
/// <summary>Timeout</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_TIMEOUT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000107);
/// <summary>Transformation exception</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_DYNAMICCAST = unchecked((Int32)0x80000108);
/// <summary>GenICam unknown error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_GC_UNKNOW = unchecked((Int32)0x800001FF);
// GigE_STATUS对应的错误码:范围0x80000200-0x800002FF
/// <summary>The command is not supported by device</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = unchecked((Int32)0x80000200);
/// <summary>The target address being accessed does not exist</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_INVALID_ADDRESS = unchecked((Int32)0x80000201);
/// <summary>The target address is not writable</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_WRITE_PROTECT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000202);
/// <summary>No permission</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_ACCESS_DENIED = unchecked((Int32)0x80000203);
/// <summary>Device is busy, or network disconnected</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_BUSY = unchecked((Int32)0x80000204);
/// <summary>Network data packet error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_PACKET = unchecked((Int32)0x80000205);
/// <summary>Network error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_NETER = unchecked((Int32)0x80000206);
/// <summary>Device IP conflict</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_IP_CONFLICT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000221);
// USB_STATUS对应的错误码:范围0x80000300-0x800003FF
/// <summary>Reading USB error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_READ = unchecked((Int32)0x80000300);
/// <summary>Writing USB error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_WRITE = unchecked((Int32)0x80000301);
/// <summary>Device exception</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_DEVICE = unchecked((Int32)0x80000302);
/// <summary>GenICam error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_GENICAM = unchecked((Int32)0x80000303);
/// <summary>Insufficient bandwidth, this error code is newly added</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_BANDWIDTH = unchecked((Int32)0x80000304);
/// <summary>Driver mismatch or unmounted drive</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_DRIVER = unchecked((Int32)0x80000305);
/// <summary>USB unknown error</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_USB_UNKNOW = unchecked((Int32)0x800003FF);
// 升级时对应的错误码:范围0x80000400-0x800004FF
/// <summary>Firmware mismatches</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UPG_FILE_MISMATCH = unchecked((Int32)0x80000400);
/// <summary>Firmware language mismatches</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UPG_LANGUSGE_MISMATCH = unchecked((Int32)0x80000401);
/// <summary>Upgrading conflicted (repeated upgrading requests during device upgrade)</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UPG_CONFLICT = unchecked((Int32)0x80000402);
/// <summary>Camera internal error during upgrade</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UPG_INNER_ERR = unchecked((Int32)0x80000403);
/// <summary>Unknown error during upgrade</summary>
public const Int32 MV_E_UPG_UNKNOW = unchecked((Int32)0x800004FF);
#region 来自ISP算法库的错误码
// 通用类型
/// <summary>处理正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_OK = unchecked((Int32)0x00000000);
/// <summary>不确定类型错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_ERR = unchecked((Int32)0x10000000);
// 能力检查
/// <summary>能力集中存在无效参数</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_ABILITY_ARG = unchecked((Int32)0x10000001);
// 内存检查
/// <summary>内存地址为空</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MEM_NULL = unchecked((Int32)0x10000002);
/// <summary>内存对齐不满足要求</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MEM_ALIGN = unchecked((Int32)0x10000003);
/// <summary>内存空间大小不够</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MEM_LACK = unchecked((Int32)0x10000004);
/// <summary>内存空间大小不满足对齐要求</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MEM_SIZE_ALIGN = unchecked((Int32)0x10000005);
/// <summary>内存地址不满足对齐要求</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MEM_ADDR_ALIGN = unchecked((Int32)0x10000006);
// 图像检查
/// <summary>图像格式不正确或者不支持</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_IMG_FORMAT = unchecked((Int32)0x10000007);
/// <summary>图像宽高不正确或者超出范围</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_IMG_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000008);
/// <summary>图像宽高与step参数不匹配</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_IMG_STEP = unchecked((Int32)0x10000009);
/// <summary>图像数据存储地址为空</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_IMG_DATA_NULL = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000A);
// 输入输出参数检查
/// <summary>设置或者获取参数类型不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_CFG_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000B);
/// <summary>设置或者获取参数的输入、输出结构体大小不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_CFG_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000C);
/// <summary>处理类型不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_PRC_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000D);
/// <summary>处理时输入、输出参数大小不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_PRC_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000E);
/// <summary>子处理类型不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FUNC_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000000F);
/// <summary>子处理时输入、输出参数大小不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FUNC_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000010);
// 运行参数检查
/// <summary>index参数不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_PARAM_INDEX = unchecked((Int32)0x10000011);
/// <summary>value参数不正确或者超出范围</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_PARAM_VALUE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000012);
/// <summary>param_num参数不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_PARAM_NUM = unchecked((Int32)0x10000013);
// 接口调用检查
/// <summary>函数参数指针为空</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_NULL_PTR = unchecked((Int32)0x10000014);
/// <summary>超过限定的最大内存</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_OVER_MAX_MEM = unchecked((Int32)0x10000015);
/// <summary>回调函数出错</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_CALL_BACK = unchecked((Int32)0x10000016);
// 算法库加密相关检查
/// <summary>加密错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_ENCRYPT = unchecked((Int32)0x10000017);
/// <summary>算法库使用期限错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_EXPIRE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000018);
// 内部模块返回的基本错误类型
/// <summary>参数范围不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_BAD_ARG = unchecked((Int32)0x10000019);
/// <summary>数据大小不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DATA_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001A);
/// <summary>数据step不正确</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_STEP = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001B);
// cpu指令集支持错误码
/// <summary>cpu不支持优化代码中的指令集</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_CPUID = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001C);
/// <summary>警告</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_WARNING = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001D);
/// <summary>算法库超时</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_TIME_OUT = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001E);
/// <summary>算法版本号出错</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_LIB_VERSION = unchecked((Int32)0x1000001F);
/// <summary>模型版本号出错</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MODEL_VERSION = unchecked((Int32)0x10000020);
/// <summary>GPU内存分配错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_GPU_MEM_ALLOC = unchecked((Int32)0x10000021);
/// <summary>文件不存在</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_NON_EXIST = unchecked((Int32)0x10000022);
/// <summary>字符串为空</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_NONE_STRING = unchecked((Int32)0x10000023);
/// <summary>图像解码器错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_IMAGE_CODEC = unchecked((Int32)0x10000024);
/// <summary>打开文件错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_OPEN = unchecked((Int32)0x10000025);
/// <summary>文件读取错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_READ = unchecked((Int32)0x10000026);
/// <summary>文件写错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_WRITE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000027);
/// <summary>文件读取大小错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_READ_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000028);
/// <summary>文件类型错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_FILE_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x10000029);
/// <summary>模型类型错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MODEL_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x1000002A);
/// <summary>分配内存错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_MALLOC_MEM = unchecked((Int32)0x1000002B);
/// <summary>线程绑核失败</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_BIND_CORE_FAILED = unchecked((Int32)0x1000002C);
// 降噪特有错误码
/// <summary>噪声特性图像格式错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_IMG_FORMAT = unchecked((Int32)0x10402001);
/// <summary>噪声特性类型错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_FEATURE_TYPE = unchecked((Int32)0x10402002);
/// <summary>噪声特性个数错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_PROFILE_NUM = unchecked((Int32)0x10402003);
/// <summary>噪声特性增益个数错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_GAIN_NUM = unchecked((Int32)0x10402004);
/// <summary>噪声曲线增益值输入错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_GAIN_VAL = unchecked((Int32)0x10402005);
/// <summary>噪声曲线柱数错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_BIN_NUM = unchecked((Int32)0x10402006);
/// <summary>噪声估计初始化增益设置错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_INIT_GAIN = unchecked((Int32)0x10402007);
/// <summary>噪声估计未初始化</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NE_NOT_INIT = unchecked((Int32)0x10402008);
/// <summary>颜色空间模式错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_COLOR_MODE = unchecked((Int32)0x10402009);
/// <summary>图像ROI个数错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_ROI_NUM = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200a);
/// <summary>图像ROI原点错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_ROI_ORI_PT = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200b);
/// <summary>图像ROI大小错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_ROI_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200c);
/// <summary>输入的相机增益不存在(增益个数已达上限)</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_GAIN_NOT_EXIST = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200d);
/// <summary>输入的相机增益不在范围内</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_GAIN_BEYOND_RANGE = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200e);
/// <summary>输入的噪声特性内存大小错误</summary>
public const Int32 MV_ALG_E_DENOISE_NP_BUF_SIZE = unchecked((Int32)0x1040200f);
#region 相机参数结构体定义
/// <summary>
/// ch: 排序方式 | en: The Method of Sorting
/// </summary>
public enum MV_SORT_METHOD
SortMethod_SerialNumber = 0, // ch: 按序列号排序 | en: Sorting by SerialNumber
SortMethod_UserID = 1, // ch: 按用户自定义名字排序 | en: Sorting by UserID
SortMethod_CurrentIP_ASC = 2, // ch: 按当前IP地址排序(升序) | en: Sorting by current IP(Ascending)
SortMethod_CurrentIP_DESC = 3, // ch: 按当前IP地址排序(降序) | en: Sorting by current IP(Descending)
/// <summary>
/// ch: GigE设备信息 | en: GigE device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO_EX
public UInt32 nIpCfgOption;
public UInt32 nIpCfgCurrent; // IP configuration:bit31-static bit30-dhcp bit29-lla
public UInt32 nCurrentIp; // curtent ip
public UInt32 nCurrentSubNetMask; // curtent subnet mask
public UInt32 nDefultGateWay; // current gateway
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chManufacturerName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 48)]
public String chManufacturerSpecificInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
public String chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public Byte[] chUserDefinedName;
public UInt32 nNetExport; // 网口IP地址
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved;
public struct MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO
public UInt32 nIpCfgOption;
public UInt32 nIpCfgCurrent; // IP configuration:bit31-static bit30-dhcp bit29-lla
public UInt32 nCurrentIp; // curtent ip
public UInt32 nCurrentSubNetMask; // curtent subnet mask
public UInt32 nDefultGateWay; // current gateway
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chManufacturerName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public String chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 48)]
public String chManufacturerSpecificInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
public String chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
public String chUserDefinedName;
public UInt32 nNetExport; // 网口IP地址
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved;
/// <summary>
/// ch:信息结构体的最大缓存 | en: Max buffer size of information structs
/// </summary>
public const Int32 INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 64;
/// <summary>
/// ch:USB3 设备信息 | en:USB3 device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO_EX
public Byte CrtlInEndPoint; // 控制输入端点
public Byte CrtlOutEndPoint; // 控制输出端点
public Byte StreamEndPoint; // 流端点
public Byte EventEndPoint; // 事件端点
public UInt16 idVendor; // 供应商ID号
public UInt16 idProduct; // 产品ID号
public UInt32 nDeviceNumber; // 设备索引号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceGUID; // 设备GUID号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chVendorName; // 供应商名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chModelName; // 型号名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chFamilyName; // 家族名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceVersion; // 设备版本号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chManufacturerName; // 制造商名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chSerialNumber; // 序列号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public Byte[] chUserDefinedName; // 用户自定义名字
public UInt32 nbcdUSB; // 支持的USB协议
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO
public Byte CrtlInEndPoint; // 控制输入端点
public Byte CrtlOutEndPoint; // 控制输出端点
public Byte StreamEndPoint; // 流端点
public Byte EventEndPoint; // 事件端点
public UInt16 idVendor; // 供应商ID号
public UInt16 idProduct; // 产品ID号
public UInt32 nDeviceNumber; // 设备序列号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceGUID; // 设备GUID号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chVendorName; // 供应商名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chModelName; // 型号名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chFamilyName; // 家族名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceVersion; // 设备版本号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chManufacturerName; // 制造商名字
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chSerialNumber; // 序列号
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chUserDefinedName; // 用户自定义名字
public UInt32 nbcdUSB; // 支持的USB协议
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:CamLink设备信息 | en:CamLink device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_CamL_DEV_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chPortID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chFamilyName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chManufacturerName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 38)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:CoaXPress相机信息 | en:CoaXPress device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_CXP_DEVICE_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] /// \~chinese 采集卡ID \~english Interface ID of Frame Grabber
public string chInterfaceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 供应商名字 \~english Vendor name
public string chVendorName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 型号名字 \~english Model name
public string chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 厂商信息 \~english Manufacturer information
public string chManufacturerInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机版本 \~english Device version
public string chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 序列号 \~english Serial number
public string chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 用户自定义名字 \~english User defined name
public string chUserDefinedName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机ID \~english Device ID
public string chDeviceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 7)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:采集卡Camera Link相机信息 | en:Camera Link device information on frame grabber
/// </summary>
public struct MV_CML_DEVICE_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] /// \~chinese 采集卡ID \~english Interface ID of Frame Grabber
public string chInterfaceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 供应商名字 \~english Vendor name
public string chVendorName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 型号名字 \~english Model name
public string chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 厂商信息 \~english Manufacturer information
public string chManufacturerInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机版本 \~english Device version
public string chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 序列号 \~english Serial number
public string chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 用户自定义名字 \~english User defined name
public string chUserDefinedName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机ID \~english Device ID
public string chDeviceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 7)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:XoFLink相机信息 | en:XoFLink device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_XOF_DEVICE_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] /// \~chinese 采集卡ID \~english Interface ID of Frame Grabber
public string chInterfaceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 供应商名字 \~english Vendor name
public string chVendorName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 型号名字 \~english Model name
public string chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 厂商信息 \~english Manufacturer information
public string chManufacturerInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机版本 \~english Device version
public string chDeviceVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 序列号 \~english Serial number
public string chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 用户自定义名字 \~english User defined name
public string chUserDefinedName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)] ///< \~chinese 相机ID \~english Device ID
public string chDeviceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 7)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:设备信息 | en:Device information
/// </summary>
public struct MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO
// common info
public UInt16 nMajorVer;
public UInt16 nMinorVer;
public UInt32 nMacAddrHigh;
/// MAC 地址
public UInt32 nMacAddrLow;
public UInt32 nTLayerType; // 设备传输层协议类型,e.g. MV_GIGE_DEVICE
public UInt32 nDevTypeInfo; // 设备类型信息 e.g. 0x01 标准产品/2D Produces; 0x02 3D产品/3D Produces ; 0x03 智能ID产品/Intelligent ID products
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:特定类型的设备信息 | en:Special devcie information
/// </summary>
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 540)]
public struct SPECIAL_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 216)]
public Byte[] stGigEInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 536)]
public Byte[] stCamLInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 540)]
public Byte[] stUsb3VInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 540)]
public Byte[] stCMLInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 540)]
public Byte[] stCXPInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 540)]
public Byte[] stXoFInfo;
public SPECIAL_INFO SpecialInfo;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_DEVICE_NUM = 256;
public struct MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST
public UInt32 nDeviceNum; // 在线设备数量
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_DEVICE_NUM)]
public IntPtr[] pDeviceInfo; // 支持最多256个设备
/// <summary>
/// ch:通过GenTL枚举到的Interface信息 | en:Interface Information with GenTL
/// </summary>
public struct MV_GENTL_IF_INFO
// GenTL接口ID
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public String chInterfaceID;
// 传输层类型
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public String chTLType;
// 设备显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public String chDisplayName;
// GenTL的cti文件索引
public UInt32 nCtiIndex;
// 保留字节
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved;
/// <summary>
/// ch:最大Interface数量 | en:Max num of interfaces
/// </summary>
public const Int32 MV_MAX_GENTL_IF_NUM = 256;
/// <summary>
/// ch:通过GenTL枚举到的设备信息列表 | en:Interface Information List with GenTL
/// </summary>
public struct MV_GENTL_IF_INFO_LIST
//ch:在线设备数量 | en:Online Interface Number
public UInt32 nInterfaceNum;
//ch:支持最多256个设备 | en:Support up to 256 Interfaces
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_GENTL_IF_NUM)]
public IntPtr[] pIFInfo;
/// <summary>
/// ch:通过GenTL枚举到的设备信息 | en:Device Information discovered by with GenTL
/// </summary>
public struct MV_GENTL_DEV_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chInterfaceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chVendorName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chModelName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chTLType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDisplayName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chUserDefinedName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chSerialNumber;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = INFO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)]
public string chDeviceVersion;
public UInt32 nCtiIndex;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
/// <summary>
/// ch:最大GenTL设备数量 | en:Max num of GenTL devices
/// </summary>
public const Int32 MV_MAX_GENTL_DEV_NUM = 256;
/// <summary>
/// ch:GenTL设备列表 | en:GenTL devices list
/// </summary>
public struct MV_GENTL_DEV_INFO_LIST
public UInt32 nDeviceNum; // 在线设备数量
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_GENTL_DEV_NUM)]
public IntPtr[] pDeviceInfo; // 支持最多256个设备
public struct MV_NETTRANS_INFO
public Int64 nReviceDataSize; // 已接收数据大小 [统计StartGrabbing和StopGrabbing之间的数据量]
public Int32 nThrowFrameCount; // 丢帧数量
public UInt32 nNetRecvFrameCount;
public Int64 nRequestResendPacketCount; // 请求重发包数
public Int64 nResendPacketCount; // 重发包数
public struct MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO
public UInt16 nWidth; // 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // 图像高
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // 像素格式
public UInt32 nFrameNum; // 帧号
public UInt32 nDevTimeStampHigh; // 时间戳高32位
public UInt32 nDevTimeStampLow; // 时间戳低32位
public UInt32 nReserved0; // 保留,8字节对齐
public Int64 nHostTimeStamp; // 主机生成的时间戳
public UInt32 nFrameLen;
public UInt32 nLostPacket;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public IntPtr pChunkData;
public UInt32 nChunkID;
public UInt32 nChunkLen;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX
public UInt16 nWidth; // 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // 图像高
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // 像素格式
public UInt32 nFrameNum; // 帧号
public UInt32 nDevTimeStampHigh; // 时间戳高32位
public UInt32 nDevTimeStampLow; // 时间戳低32位
public UInt32 nReserved0; // 保留,8字节对齐
public Int64 nHostTimeStamp; // 主机生成的时间戳
public UInt32 nFrameLen;
// 以下为chunk新增水印信息
// 设备水印时标
public UInt32 nSecondCount;
public UInt32 nCycleCount;
public UInt32 nCycleOffset;
public Single fGain;
public Single fExposureTime;
public UInt32 nAverageBrightness; //平均亮度
// 白平衡相关
public UInt32 nRed;
public UInt32 nGreen;
public UInt32 nBlue;
public UInt32 nFrameCounter;
public UInt32 nTriggerIndex; //触发计数
//Line 输入/输出
public UInt32 nInput; //输入
public UInt32 nOutput; //输出
// ROI区域
public UInt16 nOffsetX;
public UInt16 nOffsetY;
public UInt16 nChunkWidth;
public UInt16 nChunkHeight;
public UInt32 nLostPacket;
public UInt32 nUnparsedChunkNum;
public IntPtr pUnparsedChunkContent;
public Int64 nAligning;
public UNPARSED_CHUNK_LIST UnparsedChunkList;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 36)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_FRAME_OUT
public IntPtr pBufAddr;
public MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX stFrameInfo;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public enum MV_GRAB_STRATEGY
MV_GrabStrategy_OneByOne = 0, // 从旧到新一帧一帧的获取图像(默认为该策略)
MV_GrabStrategy_LatestImagesOnly = 1, // 获取列表中最新的一帧图像(同时清除列表中的其余图像)
MV_GrabStrategy_LatestImages = 2, // 获取列表中最新的图像,个数由OutputQueueSize决定,范围为1-ImageNodeNum,设置成1等同于LatestImagesOnly
// ,设置成ImageNodeNum等同于OneByOne
MV_GrabStrategy_UpcomingImage = 3, // 等待下一帧图像
public IntPtr hWnd;
public IntPtr pData;
public UInt32 nDataLen;
public UInt16 nWidth; // 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // 图像高
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // 像素格式
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public enum MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE
MV_Image_Undefined = 0,
MV_Image_Bmp = 1,
MV_Image_Jpeg = 2,
MV_Image_Png = 3,
MV_Image_Tif = 4,
public UInt32 nLinePntNum; // [IN] 每一行点的数量
public UInt32 nLineNum; // [IN] 行数
public MvGvspPixelType enSrcPixelType; // [IN] 输入数据的像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小(nLinePntNum * nLineNum * (16*3 + 4) + 2048)
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存长度
public MV_SAVE_POINT_CLOUD_FILE_TYPE enPointCloudFileType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM
public IntPtr pData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入数据的像素格式
public UInt16 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高
public IntPtr pImageBuffer; // [OUT] 输出图片缓存
public UInt32 nImageLen; // [OUT] 输出图片大小
public UInt32 nBufferSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE enImageType; // [IN] 输出图片格式
public struct MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM_EX
public IntPtr pData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入数据的像素格式
public UInt16 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高
public IntPtr pImageBuffer; // [OUT] 输出图片缓存
public UInt32 nImageLen; // [OUT] 输出图片大小
public UInt32 nBufferSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE enImageType; // [IN] 输出图片格式
public UInt32 nJpgQuality; // [IN] 编码质量, (50-99]
public UInt32 iMethodValue; // [IN] Bayer的插值方法 0-快速 1-均衡 2-最优(如果传入其它值则默认为最优)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入数据的像素格式
public IntPtr pData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public UInt16 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高
public MV_SAVE_IAMGE_TYPE enImageType; // [IN] 输入图片格式
public UInt32 nQuality; // [IN] 编码质量, (0-100]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string pImagePath; // [IN] 输入文件路径
public UInt32 iMethodValue; // [IN] Bayer的插值方法 0-快速 1-均衡 2-最优(如果传入其它值则默认为最优)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 像素格式(仅支持Mono8/RGB24/BGR24)
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN][OUT] 图像宽
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN][OUT] 图像高
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出图片缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出图片大小
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public MV_IMG_ROTATION_ANGLE enRotationAngle; // [IN] 旋转角度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public enum MV_IMG_FLIP_TYPE
public struct MV_CC_FLIP_IMAGE_PARAM
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 像素格式(仅支持Mono8/RGB24/BGR24)
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出图片缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出图片大小
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public MV_IMG_FLIP_TYPE enFlipType; // [IN] 翻转类型
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public UInt16 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽
public UInt16 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高
public MvGvspPixelType enSrcPixelType; // [IN] 源像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public MvGvspPixelType enDstPixelType; // [IN] 目标像素格式
public IntPtr pDstBuffer; // [OUT] 输出数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstLen; // [OUT] 输出数据大小
public UInt32 nDstBufferSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// Gamma类型
public enum MV_CC_GAMMA_TYPE
MV_CC_GAMMA_TYPE_USER_CURVE = 2, // GAMMA曲线,8位需要的长度:256*sizeof(unsigned char)
// 10位需要的长度:1024*sizeof(unsigned short)
// 12位需要的长度:4096*sizeof(unsigned short)
// 16位需要的长度:65536*sizeof(unsigned short)
public struct MV_CC_GAMMA_PARAM
public MV_CC_GAMMA_TYPE enGammaType; // [IN] Gamma类型
public Single fGammaValue; // [IN] Gamma值
public IntPtr pGammaCurveBuf; // [IN] Gamma曲线缓存
public UInt32 nGammaCurveBufLen; // [IN] Gamma曲线长度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_CCM_PARAM
public Boolean bCCMEnable; // [IN] 是否启用CCM
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 9)]
public Int32[] nCCMat; // [IN] CCM矩阵(-8192~8192)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_CCM_PARAM_EX
public Boolean bCCMEnable; // [IN] 是否启用CCM
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 9)]
public Int32[] nCCMat; // [IN] 量化3x3矩阵
public UInt32 nCCMScale; // [IN] 量化系数(2的整数幂)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_CLUT_PARAM
public Boolean bCLUTEnable; // [IN] 是否启用CLUT
public UInt32 nCLUTScale; // [IN] 量化系数(2的整数幂)
public UInt32 nCLUTSize; // [IN] CLUT大小,建议值17
public IntPtr pCLUTBuf; // [OUT] 量化CLUT
public UInt32 nCLUTBufLen; // [IN] 量化CLUT缓存大小(nCLUTSize*nCLUTSize*nCLUTSize*sizeof(int)*3)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 对比度调节参数
public struct MV_CC_CONTRAST_PARAM
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度(最小8)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度(最小8)
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存长度
public UInt32 nContrastFactor; // [IN] 对比度值,范围:[1, 10000]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 锐化参数
public struct MV_CC_SHARPEN_PARAM
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度(最小8)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度(最小8)
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存长度
public UInt32 nSharpenAmount; // [IN] 锐度调节强度,范围:[0, 500]
public UInt32 nSharpenRadius; // [IN] 锐度调节半径(半径越大,耗时越长),范围:[1, 21]
public UInt32 nSharpenThreshold; // [IN] 锐度调节阈值,范围:[0, 255]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 色彩校正参数(包括CCM和CLUT)
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存长度
public UInt32 nImageBit; // [IN] 输入有效图像位数,8 or 10 or 12 or 16
public MV_CC_GAMMA_PARAM stGammaParam; // [IN] 输入Gamma信息
public MV_CC_CCM_PARAM_EX stCCMParam; // [IN] 输入CCM信息
public MV_CC_CLUT_PARAM stCLUTParam; // [IN] 输入CLUT信息
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 矩形ROI参数
public struct MV_CC_RECT_I
public UInt32 nX; // [IN] 矩形左上角X轴坐标
public UInt32 nY; // [IN] 矩形左上角Y轴坐标
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 矩形宽度
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 矩形高度
// 噪声估计参数
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public IntPtr pstROIRect; // [IN] 图像ROI
public UInt32 nROINum; // [IN] ROI个数
public UInt32 nNoiseThreshold; // [IN] 噪声阈值[0-4095]
public IntPtr pNoiseProfile; // [OUT] 输出噪声特性
public UInt32 nNoiseProfileSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nNoiseProfileLen; // [OUT] 输出噪声特性长度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 空域降噪参数
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出降噪后的数据
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出降噪后的数据长度
public IntPtr pNoiseProfile; // [IN] 输入噪声特性
public UInt32 nNoiseProfileLen; // [IN] 输入噪声特性长度
public UInt32 nBayerDenoiseStrength;// [IN] 降噪强度(0-100)
public UInt32 nBayerSharpenStrength;// [IN] 锐化强度(0-32)
public UInt32 nBayerNoiseCorrect; // [IN] 噪声校正系数(0-1280)
public UInt32 nNoiseCorrectLum; // [IN] 亮度校正系数(1-2000)
public UInt32 nNoiseCorrectChrom; // [IN] 色调校正系数(1-2000)
public UInt32 nStrengthLum; // [IN] 亮度降噪强度(0-100)
public UInt32 nStrengthChrom; // [IN] 色调降噪强度(0-100)
public UInt32 nStrengthSharpen; // [IN] 锐化强度(1-1000)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// LSC标定参数
public struct MV_CC_LSC_CALIB_PARAM
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度(16~65536)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度(16~65536)
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public IntPtr pCalibBuf; // [OUT] 输出标定表缓存
public UInt32 nCalibBufSize; // [IN] 提供的标定表缓冲大小(nWidth*nHeight*sizeof(unsigned short))
public UInt32 nCalibBufLen; // [OUT] 输出标定表缓存长度
public UInt32 nSecNumW; // [IN] 宽度分块数
public UInt32 nSecNumH; // [IN] 高度分块数
public UInt32 nPadCoef; // [IN] 边缘填充系数,范围1~5
public UInt32 nCalibMethod; // [IN] 标定方式,0-中心为基准
// 1-最亮区域为基准
// 2-目标亮度
public UInt32 nTargetGray; // [IN] 目标亮度(8bits,[0,255])
// (10bits,[0,1023])
// (12bits,[0,4095])
// (16bits,[0,65535])
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// LSC校正参数
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽度(16~65536)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高度(16~65536)
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 输入的像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入图像缓存
public UInt32 nSrcBufLen; // [IN] 输入图像缓存长度
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出像素数据缓存长度
public IntPtr pCalibBuf; // [IN] 输入校正表缓存
public UInt32 nCalibBufLen; // [IN] 输入校正表缓存长度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 噪声特性类型
public UInt32 nVersion; // 版本
public MV_CC_BAYER_NOISE_FEATURE_TYPE enNoiseFeatureType; // 噪声特性类型
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // 图像格式
public Int32 nNoiseLevel; // 平均噪声水平
public UInt32 nCurvePointNum; // 曲线点数
public IntPtr nNoiseCurve; // 噪声曲线
public IntPtr nLumCurve; // 亮度曲线
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽(大于等于8)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高(大于等于8)
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public UInt32 nNoiseThreshold; // [IN] 噪声阈值(0-4095)
public IntPtr pCurveBuf; // [IN] 用于存储噪声曲线和亮度曲线(需要外部分配,缓存大小:4096 * sizeof(int) * 2)
public MV_CC_BAYER_NOISE_PROFILE_INFO stNoiseProfile; // [OUT] 降噪特性信息
public UInt32 nThreadNum; // [IN] 线程数量,0表示算法库根据硬件自适应;1表示单线程(默认);大于1表示线程数目
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public UInt32 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽(大于等于8)
public UInt32 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高(大于等于8)
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType; // [IN] 像素格式
public IntPtr pSrcData; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcDataLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出降噪后的数据
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出降噪后的数据长度
public MV_CC_BAYER_NOISE_PROFILE_INFO stNoiseProfile; // [IN] 降噪特性信息(来源于噪声估计)
public UInt32 nDenoiseStrength; // [IN] 降噪强度(0-100)
public UInt32 nSharpenStrength; // [IN] 锐化强度(0-32)
public UInt32 nNoiseCorrect; // [IN] 噪声校正系数(0-1280)
public UInt32 nThreadNum; // [IN] 线程数量,0表示算法库根据硬件自适应;1表示单线程(默认);大于1表示线程数目
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_FRAME_SPEC_INFO
public UInt32 nSecondCount; // [OUT] 秒数
public UInt32 nCycleCount; // [OUT] 周期数
public UInt32 nCycleOffset; // [OUT] 周期偏移量
public Single fGain; // [OUT] 增益
public Single fExposureTime; // [OUT] 曝光时间
public UInt32 nAverageBrightness; // [OUT] 平均亮度
public UInt32 nRed; // [OUT] 红色
public UInt32 nGreen; // [OUT] 绿色
public UInt32 nBlue; // [OUT] 蓝色
public UInt32 nFrameCounter; // [OUT] 总帧数
public UInt32 nTriggerIndex; // [OUT] 触发计数
public UInt32 nInput; // [OUT] 输入
public UInt32 nOutput; // [OUT] 输出
public UInt16 nOffsetX; // [OUT] 水平偏移量
public UInt16 nOffsetY; // [OUT] 垂直偏移量
public UInt16 nFrameWidth; // [OUT] 水印宽
public UInt16 nFrameHeight; // [OUT] 水印高
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_HB_DECODE_PARAM
public IntPtr pSrcBuf; // [IN] 输入数据缓存
public UInt32 nSrcLen; // [IN] 输入数据大小
public UInt32 nWidth; // [OUT] 图像宽
public UInt32 nHeight; // [OUT] 图像高
public IntPtr pDstBuf; // [OUT] 输出数据缓存
public UInt32 nDstBufSize; // [IN] 提供的输出缓冲区大小
public UInt32 nDstBufLen; // [OUT] 输出数据大小
public MvGvspPixelType enDstPixelType; // [OUT] 输出的像素格式
public MV_CC_FRAME_SPEC_INFO stFrameSpecInfo; // [OUT] 水印信息
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 录像格式定义
MV_FormatType_Undefined = 0,
MV_FormatType_AVI = 1,
// ch:保存3D数据格式 | en:Save 3D file
MV_PointCloudFile_Undefined = 0,
MV_PointCloudFile_PLY = 1,
MV_PointCloudFile_CSV = 2,
MV_PointCloudFile_OBJ = 3,
public struct MV_CC_RECORD_PARAM
public MvGvspPixelType enPixelType;// [IN] 输入数据的像素格式
public UInt16 nWidth; // [IN] 图像宽(指定目标参数时需为8的倍数)
public UInt16 nHeight; // [IN] 图像高(指定目标参数时需为8的倍数)
public Single fFrameRate; // [IN] 帧率fps(大于1/16)
public UInt32 nBitRate; // [IN] 码率kbps(128kbps-16Mbps)
public MV_RECORD_FORMAT_TYPE enRecordFmtType;// [IN] 录像格式
public String strFilePath; // [IN] 录像文件存放路径
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
public struct MV_CC_INPUT_FRAME_INFO
public IntPtr pData; // [IN] 图像数据指针
public UInt32 nDataLen; // [IN] 图像大小
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nRes; // 保留字节
// 采集模式
MV_ACQ_MODE_SINGLE = 0, // 单帧模式
MV_ACQ_MODE_MUTLI = 1, // 多帧模式
// 增益模式
public enum MV_CAM_GAIN_MODE
MV_GAIN_MODE_OFF = 0, // 关闭
MV_GAIN_MODE_ONCE = 1, // 一次
// 曝光模式
// 自动曝光模式
MV_TRIGGER_SOURCE_FrequencyConverter = 8,
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_UNICAST = 0x0, // ch:表示单播(默认) | en:Unicast mode
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_MULTICAST = 0x1, // ch:表示组播 | en:Multicast mode
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_LIMITEDBROADCAST = 0x2, // ch:表示局域网内广播,暂不支持 | en:Limited broadcast mode,not support
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_SUBNETBROADCAST = 0x3, // ch:表示子网内广播,暂不支持 | en:Subnet broadcast mode,not support
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_CAMERADEFINED = 0x4, // ch:表示从相机获取,暂不支持 | en:Transtype from camera,not support
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_UNICAST_DEFINED_PORT = 0x5, // ch:表示用户自定义应用端接收图像数据Port号 | en:User Defined Receive Data Port
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_UNICAST_WITHOUT_RECV = 0x00010000, // ch:表示设置了单播,但本实例不接收图像数据 | en:Unicast without receive data
MV_GIGE_TRANSTYPE_MULTICAST_WITHOUT_RECV = 0x00010001, // ch:表示组播模式,但本实例不接收图像数据 | en:Multicast without receive data
// GigEVision IP Configuration
public const Int32 MV_IP_CFG_STATIC = 0x05000000;
public const Int32 MV_IP_CFG_DHCP = 0x06000000;
public const Int32 MV_IP_CFG_LLA = 0x04000000;
// GigEVision Net Transfer Mode
public const Int32 MV_NET_TRANS_DRIVER = 0x00000001;
public const Int32 MV_NET_TRANS_SOCKET = 0x00000002;
// CameraLink Baud Rates (CLUINT32)
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_9600 = 0x00000001;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_19200 = 0x00000002;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_38400 = 0x00000004;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_57600 = 0x00000008;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_115200 = 0x00000010;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_230400 = 0x00000020;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_460800 = 0x00000040;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_921600 = 0x00000080;
public const Int32 MV_CAML_BAUDRATE_AUTOMAX = 0x40000000;
// 信息类型
public const Int32 MV_MATCH_TYPE_NET_DETECT = 0x00000001; // 网络流量和丢包信息
public const Int32 MV_MATCH_TYPE_USB_DETECT = 0x00000002; // host接收到来自U3V设备的字节总数
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C = 512;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C = 64;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_NODE_NUM_C = 128;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_NUM = 64;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_STRVALUE_STRLEN_C = 64;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_PARENTS_NUM = 8;
public const Int32 MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_STRLEN_C = 64;
public struct MV_ALL_MATCH_INFO
public UInt32 nType; // 需要输出的信息类型,e.g. MV_MATCH_TYPE_NET_DETECT
public IntPtr pInfo; // 输出的信息缓存,由调用者分配
public UInt32 nInfoSize; // 信息缓存的大小
public Int64 nReviceDataSize; // 已接收数据大小 [统计StartGrabbing和StopGrabbing之间的数据量]
public Int64 nLostPacketCount; // 丢失的包数量
public UInt32 nLostFrameCount; // 丢帧数量
public UInt32 nNetRecvFrameCount;
public Int64 nRequestResendPacketCount;// 请求重发包数
public Int64 nResendPacketCount; // 重发包数
public Int64 nReviceDataSize; // 已接收数据大小 [统计OpenDevicce和CloseDevice之间的数据量]
public UInt32 nRevicedFrameCount; // 已收到的帧数
public UInt32 nErrorFrameCount; // 错误帧数
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_IMAGE_BASIC_INFO
// width
public UInt16 nWidthValue;
public UInt16 nWidthMin;
public UInt32 nWidthMax;
public UInt32 nWidthInc;
// height
public UInt32 nHeightValue;
public UInt32 nHeightMin;
public UInt32 nHeightMax;
public UInt32 nHeightInc;
// framerate
public Single fFrameRateValue;
public Single fFrameRateMin;
public Single fFrameRateMax;
// 像素格式
public UInt32 enPixelType; // 当前的像素格式
public UInt32 nSupportedPixelFmtNum; // 支持的像素格式种类
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_NUM)]
public UInt32[] enPixelList;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
// 异常消息类型
public const Int32 MV_EXCEPTION_DEV_DISCONNECT = 0x00008001; // 设备断开连接
public const Int32 MV_EXCEPTION_VERSION_CHECK = 0x00008002; // SDK与驱动版本不匹配
// 设备的访问模式
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_Exclusive = 1;// 独占权限,其他APP只允许读CCP寄存器
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_ExclusiveWithSwitch = 2;// 可以从5模式下抢占权限,然后以独占权限打开
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_Control = 3;// 控制权限,其他APP允许读所有寄存器
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_ControlWithSwitch = 4;// 可以从5的模式下抢占权限,然后以控制权限打开
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_ControlSwitchEnable = 5;// 以可被抢占的控制权限打开
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_ControlSwitchEnableWithKey = 6;// 可以从5的模式下抢占权限,然后以可被抢占的控制权限打开
public const Int32 MV_ACCESS_Monitor = 7;// 读模式打开设备,适用于控制权限下
// 每个节点对应的接口类型
public enum MV_XML_InterfaceType
IFT_IValue, // IValue interface
IFT_IBase, // IBase interface
IFT_IInteger, // IInteger interface
IFT_IBoolean, // IBoolean interface
IFT_ICommand, // ICommand interface
IFT_IFloat, // IFloat interface
IFT_IString, // IString interface
IFT_IRegister, // IRegister interface
IFT_ICategory, // ICategory interface
IFT_IEnumeration, // IEnumeration interface
IFT_IEnumEntry, // IEnumEntry interface
IFT_IPort // IPort interface
public enum MV_XML_AccessMode
AM_NI, // Not implemented
AM_NA, // Not available
AM_WO, // Write Only
AM_RO, // Read Only
AM_RW, // Read and Write
AM_Undefined, // Object is not yet initialized
AM_CycleDetect // used internally for AccessMode cycle detection
public enum MV_XML_Visibility
V_Beginner = 0, // Always visible
V_Expert = 1, // Visible for experts or Gurus
V_Guru = 2, // Visible for Gurus
V_Invisible = 3, // Not Visible
V_Undefined = 99 // Object is not yet initialized
public const Int32 MAX_EVENT_NAME_SIZE = 128;//相机Event事件名称最大长度
public struct MV_EVENT_OUT_INFO
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MAX_EVENT_NAME_SIZE)]
public string EventName;
public UInt16 nEventID; //Event号
public UInt16 nStreamChannel; //流通到序号
public UInt32 nBlockIdHigh; //帧号高位
public UInt32 nBlockIdLow; //帧号低位
public UInt32 nTimestampHigh; //时间戳高位
public UInt32 nTimestampLow; //时间戳低位
public IntPtr pEventData; //Event数据
public UInt32 nEventDataSize; //Event数据长度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
// 文件存取
public struct MV_CC_FILE_ACCESS
public String pUserFileName; //用户文件名
public String pDevFileName; //设备文件名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
// 文件存取进度
public Int64 nCompleted; //已完成的长度
public Int64 nTotal; //总长度
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
// 传输模式,可以为单播模式、组播模式等
public MV_GIGE_TRANSMISSION_TYPE enTransmissionType; //传输模式
public UInt32 nDestIp; //目标IP,组播模式下有意义
public UInt16 nDestPort; //目标Port,组播模式下有意义
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
// 动作命令信息
public struct MV_ACTION_CMD_INFO
public UInt32 nDeviceKey; //设备密钥
public UInt32 nGroupKey; //组键
public UInt32 nGroupMask; //组掩码
public UInt32 bActionTimeEnable; //只有设置成1时Action Time才有效,非1时无效
public Int64 nActionTime; //预定的时间,和主频有关
public String pBroadcastAddress; //广播包地址
public UInt32 nTimeOut; //等待ACK的超时时间,如果为0表示不需要ACK
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_ACTION_CMD_RESULT
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 16)]
public String strDeviceAddress; //IP address of the device
public Int32 nStatus; //status code returned by the device
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public UInt32 nNumResults; //返回值个数
public IntPtr pResults;
public struct MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE
public MV_XML_InterfaceType enType; // 节点类型
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_NODES_LIST
public UInt32 nNodeNum; // 节点个数
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_NUM_C)]
public MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE[] stNodes;
public struct MVCC_INTVALUE
public UInt32 nCurValue; // 当前值
public UInt32 nMax;
public UInt32 nMin;
public UInt32 nInc;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MVCC_INTVALUE_EX
public Int64 nCurValue; // 当前值
public Int64 nMax;
public Int64 nMin;
public Int64 nInc;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MVCC_FLOATVALUE
public Single fCurValue; // 当前值
public Single fMax;
public Single fMin;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MVCC_ENUMVALUE
public UInt32 nCurValue; // 当前值
public UInt32 nSupportedNum; // 有效数据个数
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_NUM)]
public UInt32[] nSupportValue; // 保留字节
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MVCC_STRINGVALUE
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string chCurValue; // 当前值
public Int64 nMaxLength;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Integer
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
public Int64 nValue; // 当前值
public Int64 nMinValue; // 最小值
public Int64 nMaxValue; // 最大值
public Int64 nIncrement; // 增量
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Boolean
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
public bool bValue; // 当前值
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Command
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Float
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
public Double dfValue; // 当前值
public Double dfMinValue; // 最小值
public Double dfMaxValue; // 最大值
public Double dfIncrement; // 增量
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_String
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_STRVALUE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strValue; // 当前值
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Register
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
public Int64 nAddrValue; // 当前值
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Category
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_EnumEntry
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public Int32 bIsImplemented;
public Int32 nParentsNum;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_PARENTS_NUM)]
public MV_XML_NODE_FEATURE[] stParentsList;
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; //是否可见
public Int64 nValue; // 当前值
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct StrSymbolic
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_STRLEN_C)]
public string str;
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Enumeration
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public Int32 nSymbolicNum; // Symbolic数
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strCurrentSymbolic; // 当前Symbolic索引
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_SYMBOLIC_NUM)]
public StrSymbolic[] strSymbolic;
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
public Int64 nValue; // 当前值
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public struct MV_XML_FEATURE_Port
public MV_XML_Visibility enVisivility; // 是否可见
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDescription; // 节点描述
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strDisplayName; // 显示名称
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_NODE_STRLEN_C)]
public string strName; // 节点名
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MV_MAX_XML_DISC_STRLEN_C)]
public string strToolTip; // 提示
public MV_XML_AccessMode enAccessMode; // 访问模式
public Int32 bIsLocked; // 是否锁定。0-否;1-是
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
public UInt32[] nReserved; // 保留字节
public enum MvGvspPixelType
// Undefined pixel type
PixelType_Gvsp_Undefined = -1,
// Mono buffer format defines
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono1p = 0x01010037,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono2p = 0x01020038,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono4p = 0x01040039,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8 = 0x01080001,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8_Signed = 0x01080002,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10 = 0x01100003,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10_Packed = 0x010c0004,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12 = 0x01100005,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12_Packed = 0x010c0006,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono14 = 0x01100025,
PixelType_Gvsp_Mono16 = 0x01100007,
// Bayer buffer format defines
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR8 = 0x01080008,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG8 = 0x01080009,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB8 = 0x0108000a,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG8 = 0x0108000b,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10 = 0x0110000c,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10 = 0x0110000d,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10 = 0x0110000e,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10 = 0x0110000f,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12 = 0x01100010,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12 = 0x01100011,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12 = 0x01100012,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12 = 0x01100013,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10_Packed = 0x010c0026,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10_Packed = 0x010c0027,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10_Packed = 0x010c0028,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10_Packed = 0x010c0029,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12_Packed = 0x010c002a,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12_Packed = 0x010c002b,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12_Packed = 0x010c002c,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12_Packed = 0x010c002d,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR16 = 0x0110002e,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG16 = 0x0110002f,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB16 = 0x01100030,
PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG16 = 0x01100031,
// RGB Packed buffer format defines
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed = 0x02180014,
PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed = 0x02180015,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGBA8_Packed = 0x02200016,
PixelType_Gvsp_BGRA8_Packed = 0x02200017,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB10_Packed = 0x02300018,
PixelType_Gvsp_BGR10_Packed = 0x02300019,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB12_Packed = 0x0230001a,
PixelType_Gvsp_BGR12_Packed = 0x0230001b,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB16_Packed = 0x02300033,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB10V1_Packed = 0x0220001c,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB10V2_Packed = 0x0220001d,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB12V1_Packed = 0x02240034,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB565_Packed = 0x02100035,
PixelType_Gvsp_BGR565_Packed = 0x02100036,
// YUV Packed buffer format defines
PixelType_Gvsp_YUV411_Packed = 0x020c001e,
PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_Packed = 0x0210001f,
PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_YUYV_Packed = 0x02100032,
PixelType_Gvsp_YUV444_Packed = 0x02180020,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR8_CBYCR = 0x0218003a,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR422_8 = 0x0210003b,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR422_8_CBYCRY = 0x02100043,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR411_8_CBYYCRYY = 0x020c003c,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR601_8_CBYCR = 0x0218003d,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR601_422_8 = 0x0210003e,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR601_422_8_CBYCRY = 0x02100044,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR601_411_8_CBYYCRYY = 0x020c003f,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR709_8_CBYCR = 0x02180040,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR709_422_8 = 0x02100041,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR709_422_8_CBYCRY = 0x02100045,
PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR709_411_8_CBYYCRYY = 0x020c0042,
// RGB Planar buffer format defines
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Planar = 0x02180021,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB10_Planar = 0x02300022,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB12_Planar = 0x02300023,
PixelType_Gvsp_RGB16_Planar = 0x02300024,
// 自定义的图片格式
PixelType_Gvsp_Jpeg = unchecked((Int32)0x80180001),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_ABC32f = 0x026000C0,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_ABC32f_Planar = 0x026000C1,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_AC32f = 0x024000C2,//3D coordinate A-C 32-bit floating point
PixelType_Gvsp_COORD3D_DEPTH_PLUS_MASK = unchecked((Int32)0x821c0001),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_ABC32 = unchecked((Int32)0x82603001),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_AB32f = unchecked((Int32)0x82403002),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_AB32 = unchecked((Int32)0x82403003),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_AC32f_Planar = 0x024000C3,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_AC32 = unchecked((Int32)0x82403004),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_A32f = 0x012000BD,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_A32 = unchecked((Int32)0x81203005),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_C32f = 0x012000BF,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_C32 = unchecked((Int32)0x81203006),
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_ABC16 = 0x023000b9,
PixelType_Gvsp_Coord3D_C16 = 0x011000b8,
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono8 = unchecked((Int32)0x81080001),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono10 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100003),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono10_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0004),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono12 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100005),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono12_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0006),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_Mono16 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100007),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGR8 = unchecked((Int32)0x81080008),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerRG8 = unchecked((Int32)0x81080009),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGB8 = unchecked((Int32)0x8108000a),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerBG8 = unchecked((Int32)0x8108000b),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGR10 = unchecked((Int32)0x8110000c),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerRG10 = unchecked((Int32)0x8110000d),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGB10 = unchecked((Int32)0x8110000e),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerBG10 = unchecked((Int32)0x8110000f),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGR12 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100010),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerRG12 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100011),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGB12 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100012),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerBG12 = unchecked((Int32)0x81100013),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGR10_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0026),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerRG10_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0027),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGB10_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0028),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerBG10_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c0029),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGR12_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c002a),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerRG12_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c002b),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerGB12_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c002c),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BayerBG12_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x810c002d),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_YUV422_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x8210001f),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_YUV422_YUYV_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x82100032),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_RGB8_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x82180014),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BGR8_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x82180015),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_RGBA8_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x82200016),
PixelType_Gvsp_HB_BGRA8_Packed = unchecked((Int32)0x82200017),
// 私有成员变量
IntPtr handle; // 设备句柄
#region 从C/C++接口库导出的函数
/* 相机的基本指令和操作 */
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetSDKVersion")]
private static extern UInt32 MV_CC_GetSDKVersion();
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_EnumerateTls")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_EnumerateTls();
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_EnumDevices")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevices(UInt32 nTLayerType, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDevList);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx(UInt32 nTLayerType, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDevList, String pManufacturerName);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx2")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_EnumDevicesEx2(UInt32 nTLayerType, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST stDevList, String pManufacturerName, MV_SORT_METHOD enSortMethod);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible")]
private static extern Boolean MV_CC_IsDeviceAccessible(ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo, UInt32 nAccessMode);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetSDKLogPath")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetSDKLogPath(String pSDKLogPath);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_CreateHandle")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_CreateHandle(ref IntPtr handle, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_CreateHandleWithoutLog")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_CreateHandleWithoutLog(ref IntPtr handle, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO stDevInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_DestroyHandle")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_DestroyHandle(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_OpenDevice")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_OpenDevice(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nAccessMode, UInt16 nSwitchoverKey);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_CloseDevice")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_CloseDevice(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_IsDeviceConnected")]
private static extern Boolean MV_CC_IsDeviceConnected(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackEx(IntPtr handle, cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForRGB")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForRGB(IntPtr handle, cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForBGR")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterImageCallBackForBGR(IntPtr handle, cbOutputExdelegate cbOutput, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_StartGrabbing")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_StartGrabbing(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_StopGrabbing")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_StopGrabbing(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetImageForRGB")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetImageForRGB(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetImageForBGR")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetImageForBGR(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetImageBuffer")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetImageBuffer(IntPtr handle, ref MV_FRAME_OUT pFrame, Int32 nMsec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_FreeImageBuffer(IntPtr handle, ref MV_FRAME_OUT pFrame);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pData, UInt32 nDataSize, ref MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX pFrameInfo, Int32 nMsec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_ClearImageBuffer")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_ClearImageBuffer(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_Display")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_Display(IntPtr handle, IntPtr hWnd);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame(IntPtr handle, ref MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO pDisplayInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetImageNodeNum")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetImageNodeNum(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nNum);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetGrabStrategy")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetGrabStrategy(IntPtr handle, MV_GRAB_STRATEGY enGrabStrategy);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetOutputQueueSize")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetOutputQueueSize(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nOutputQueueSize);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetImageInfo")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetImageInfo(IntPtr handle, ref MV_IMAGE_BASIC_INFO pstInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetDeviceInfo")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetDeviceInfo(IntPtr handle, ref MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO pstDevInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAllMatchInfo(IntPtr handle, ref MV_ALL_MATCH_INFO pstInfo);
/* 设置和获取相机参数的万能接口 */
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetIntValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetIntValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pIntValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetIntValueEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetIntValueEx(IntPtr handle, String strValue, ref MVCC_INTVALUE_EX pIntValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetIntValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetIntValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetIntValueEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetIntValueEx(IntPtr handle, String strValue, Int64 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetEnumValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetEnumValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pEnumValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetEnumValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetEnumValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetEnumValueByString(IntPtr handle, String strValue, String sValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetFloatValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetFloatValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pFloatValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetFloatValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetFloatValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBoolValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBoolValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, ref Boolean pBoolValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBoolValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBoolValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue, Boolean bValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetStringValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetStringValue(IntPtr handle, String strKey, ref MVCC_STRINGVALUE pStringValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetStringValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetStringValue(IntPtr handle, String strKey, String sValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetCommandValue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetCommandValue(IntPtr handle, String strValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_InvalidateNodes")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_InvalidateNodes(IntPtr handle);
/* 相机参数获取和设置,此模块的所有接口,将逐步废弃,建议用上面的万能接口代替 */
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetWidth")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetWidth(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetWidth")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetWidth(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetHeight")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetHeight(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetHeight")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetHeight(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetX")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetX(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetX")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetX(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetY")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAOIoffsetY(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetY")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAOIoffsetY(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeLower")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeLower(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeLower")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeLower(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeUpper")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAutoExposureTimeUpper(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeUpper")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAutoExposureTimeUpper(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBrightness")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBrightness(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBrightness")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBrightness(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetFrameRate")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetFrameRate(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetFrameRate")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetFrameRate(IntPtr handle, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetGain")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetGain(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetGain")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetGain(IntPtr handle, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetExposureTime")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetExposureTime(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetExposureTime")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetExposureTime(IntPtr handle, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetPixelFormat")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetPixelFormat(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetPixelFormat")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetPixelFormat(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAcquisitionMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAcquisitionMode(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAcquisitionMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAcquisitionMode(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetGainMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetGainMode(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetGainMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetGainMode(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetExposureAutoMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetExposureAutoMode(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetExposureAutoMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetExposureAutoMode(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetTriggerMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerMode(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetTriggerMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerMode(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetTriggerDelay")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerDelay(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetTriggerDelay")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerDelay(IntPtr handle, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetTriggerSource")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetTriggerSource(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetTriggerSource")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetTriggerSource(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_TriggerSoftwareExecute")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_TriggerSoftwareExecute(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetGammaSelector")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetGammaSelector(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetGammaSelector")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetGammaSelector(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetGamma")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetGamma(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_FLOATVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetGamma")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetGamma(IntPtr handle, Single fValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetSharpness")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetSharpness(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetSharpness")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetSharpness(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetHue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetHue(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetHue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetHue(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetSaturation")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetSaturation(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetSaturation")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetSaturation(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBalanceWhiteAuto")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceWhiteAuto(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_ENUMVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBalanceWhiteAuto")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceWhiteAuto(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioRed")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioRed(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioRed")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioRed(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioGreen")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioGreen(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioGreen")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioGreen(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioBlue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBalanceRatioBlue(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioBlue")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBalanceRatioBlue(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetDeviceUserID")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetDeviceUserID(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_STRINGVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetDeviceUserID")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetDeviceUserID(IntPtr handle, string chValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetBurstFrameCount")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetBurstFrameCount(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetBurstFrameCount")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetBurstFrameCount(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetAcquisitionLineRate")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetAcquisitionLineRate(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetAcquisitionLineRate")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetAcquisitionLineRate(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetHeartBeatTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetHeartBeatTimeout(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_SetHeartBeatTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_SetHeartBeatTimeout(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
/* 设备升级 和 寄存器读写 和异常、事件回调 */
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_LocalUpgrade")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_LocalUpgrade(IntPtr handle, String pFilePathName);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetUpgradeProcess")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetUpgradeProcess(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pnProcess);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_ReadMemory")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_ReadMemory(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pBuffer, Int64 nAddress, Int64 nLength);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_WriteMemory")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_WriteMemory(IntPtr handle, IntPtr pBuffer, Int64 nAddress, Int64 nLength);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterExceptionCallBack(IntPtr handle, cbExceptiondelegate cbException, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBack")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBack(IntPtr handle, cbEventdelegate cbEvent, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterAllEventCallBack")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterAllEventCallBack(IntPtr handle, cbEventdelegateEx cbEvent, IntPtr pUser);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_CC_RegisterEventCallBackEx(IntPtr handle, String pEventName, cbEventdelegateEx cbEvent, IntPtr pUser);
/* GigEVision 设备独有的接口 */
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_ForceIpEx(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nIP, UInt32 nSubNetMask, UInt32 nDefaultGateWay);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetIpConfig")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetIpConfig(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nType);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetNetTransMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetNetTransMode(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nType);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetNetTransInfo")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetNetTransInfo(IntPtr handle, ref MV_NETTRANS_INFO pstInfo);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetDiscoveryMode")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetDiscoveryMode(UInt32 nMode);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGvspTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGvspTimeout(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGvspTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGvspTimeout(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGvcpTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGvcpTimeout(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGvcpTimeout")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGvcpTimeout(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetRetryGvcpTimes")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetRetryGvcpTimes(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nRetryGvcpTimes);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetRetryGvcpTimes")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetRetryGvcpTimes(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pRetryGvcpTimes);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetResend")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResend(IntPtr handle, UInt32 bEnable, UInt32 nMaxResendPercent, UInt32 nResendTimeout);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetResendMaxRetryTimes")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResendMaxRetryTimes(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nRetryTimes);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetResendMaxRetryTimes")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetResendMaxRetryTimes(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pnRetryTimes);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetResendTimeInterval")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetResendTimeInterval(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetResendTimeInterval")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetResendTimeInterval(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pnMillisec);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPSPacketSize")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPSPacketSize(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPSPacketSize")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPSPacketSize(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPD")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCPD(IntPtr handle, ref MVCC_INTVALUE pstValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPD")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCPD(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nValue);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGevSCDA")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCDA(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pnIP);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGevSCDA")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCDA(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nIP);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_GetGevSCSP")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_GetGevSCSP(IntPtr handle, ref UInt32 pnPort);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetGevSCSP")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetGevSCSP(IntPtr handle, UInt32 nPort);
[DllImport("MvCameraControl.dll", EntryPoint = "MV_GIGE_SetTransmissionType")]
private static extern Int32 MV_GIGE_SetTransmissionType(IntPtr handle, ref MV_CC_TRANSMISSION_TYPE pstTransmission