What is the point of industry awards?
Booze, sweat and plexiglass
booze:美 [buz] 酒精饮料;烈酒;<俚>喝酒
sweat:英 [swet] 汗水;辛勤劳动 注意发音
plexiglass:美 ['pleksɪˌglɑs] 树脂玻璃;塑胶玻璃
Industry awards are ridiculous and ubiquitous. That both of these things are
true is doubtless a sad commentary on the human condition. But it also tells
you something about the things that employees value.
The ridiculousness is obvious. All the attributes of glamorous awards shows
are replicated save for one ingredient: glamour. At awards shows on TV,
almost everyone looks comfortable in their glad rags. At industry awards
shows, almost no one does. The bow ties are clip-on; the talk is of when the
tuxedo has to be returned to the rental shop. Every so often someone
suddenly goes over on her new heels and disappears spectacularly from
view. There is a sense of excitement but mainly because the drinks are free.
Everyone is a bit sweaty.
glamorous:美 [ˈɡlæmərəs] 富有魅力的;迷人的;光鲜亮丽的;
glamour:美 [ˈɡlæmər] 魅力;吸引力;诱惑力(多因财富或地位所致)
awards show:颁奖典礼
glad rags:特定场合穿的衣服;最好的衣服
例子:She put on her glad rags for the big party. (她穿上了漂亮的衣服去参加那个盛大的派对。)
bow ties:领结
例子:He wore a bow tie to the formal dinner. (他在正式晚宴上戴了蝴蝶结领结。)
tuxedo:美 [təkˈsidoʊ] (男士在正式社交场合穿的)无尾晚礼服
rental shop:租赁店
every so often:偶尔;不时
save for:唯一的例外
例子:The room was empty save for a single chair. (房间里除了一个椅子之外什么都没有。)
go over:失去平衡,突然摔倒
例子:She went over on the icy sidewalk and hurt her ankle. (她在结冰的路面上摔倒,扭伤了脚踝。)
There is a brief moment of anticipation when the identity of the celebrity
host for the evening is revealed, followed by an even briefer moment of
silence, then the sound of 400 people asking “Who’s that?”. The host will
attempt to strike a serious note about the importance of the work that all the
nominees do (how the world depends on the composites industry, why
baking soda will end poverty) while guests neck the bubbly and
surreptitiously pocket copies of the menu.
composites:美 [kəm’poʊzɪts] 复合材料;(composite的复数)
baking soda:小苏打;碳酸氢钠;发酵粉
bubbly:美 [ˈbəb(ə)li] 起泡酒;气泡饮料;(通常指)香槟酒
surreptitiously:美 [ˌsʌrəp’tɪʃəslɪ] 秘密地;暗中地;偷偷摸摸地
例子:He necked his beer and ordered another one. (他一口气喝完了啤酒,然后又点了一杯。)
neck the bubbly:快速地喝掉香槟
例子:At the wedding reception, everyone was necking the bubbly to celebrate. (在婚宴上,每个人都在快速喝香槟庆祝。)
pocket: 偷偷拿走,藏起来
例子:He pocketed the pen when no one was looking. (当没人看见时,他偷偷把笔拿走了。)
copies of the menu: 菜单的副本
例子:They took copies of the menu as souvenirs from the special dinner. (他们拿了菜单的副本作为这次特别晚餐的纪念品。)
Then it’s on to the main event. When the awards are actually handed out,
pictures of the nominees are shown on a screen so you can see what
everyone looks like sober (and ten years younger). Some categories are so
absurd that you start to suspect someone is playing a practical joke. Britain’s
water industry really does compete to win the award for “Leakage Initiative
of the Year”; the wedding industry hands out a gong for the best barn venue.
Others are even more prestigious. “The Supreme Award is the highest
accolade at the Brick Awards” is not a made-up sentence.
hand out: 颁发,分发
例子:The teacher handed out the test papers to the students. (老师把试卷发给了学生们。)
awards are handed out:颁奖
practical joke:恶作剧;玩笑
accolade:美 [ˈækəˌleɪd] 荣誉;赞扬;奖励;
例子:He looked much different when sober compared to when he was partying. (他清醒时的样子和在聚会时的样子差别很大。)
No one involved thinks this is a completely fair fight. The pool of candidates
may well be self-selecting: nominees often send in their own entries. The
judging process is usually opaque. It costs a lot of money to attend awards
dinners and you would not blame the organisers for making sure that the
trophies are shared out a bit. It’s not quite a case of “all must have prizes”.
But if your firm stumped up for a platinum table with a magnum of
champagne and a guaranteed position at the front of the ballroom, it
probably expects something in return.
fair fight:公平的斗争
trophies:美 [ˈtroʊfiz] 奖杯;(trophy的复数)
platinum:美 [ˈplætɪnəm] 铂;白金;
magnum:美 [ˈmæɡnəm] 大瓶;大容量瓶
entries: 在评选中提交的作品
- 解释:在比赛或评选中提交的参赛作品或申请。
- 例子:The competition received over 500 entries from participants around the world. (比赛收到了来自世界各地的500多份参赛作品。)
stump up:支付一大笔钱
例子:They had to stump up a significant amount of money to secure the venue for the event. (他们不得不支付一大笔钱来确保活动场地。)
The winners don’t care about any of that. (The losers try to look
magnanimous and then write bitter columns like this one.) When their names
are announced, they sway to the front and grin awkwardly for a
photographer. They return to their tables clutching a gigantic piece of
plexiglass; colleagues crowd round to examine it as though it were the
Rosetta Stone. Once every category, attendee and weak joke has been
exhausted, the host wraps up. People head to the bar for a final drink. “Is it
still free?” they ask hopefully.
magnanimous:美 [mæɡˈnænəməs] (尤指对敌人或对手)宽宏大量的;慷慨的;
wrap up:圆满完成;圆满结束(工作、协议等)
例子:The host wrapped up the ceremony with a final speech. (主持人用最后的演讲结束了典礼。)
Once every category, attendee and weak joke has been exhausted, the host wraps up.
sway: 轻轻晃动
sway to the front:轻轻晃动着走到前面
例子:She swayed to the music as she danced. (她随着音乐轻轻摇摆着跳舞。)
crowd round:围聚
例子:The children crowded round the magician to watch his tricks. (孩子们围聚在魔术师周围观看他的魔术表演。)
weak joke: 不怎么好笑的笑话
weak joke 是指一个不怎么好笑的笑话,通常是指那些缺乏创意或幽默感、不引人发笑的笑话。
- At the awards dinner, the host told a weak joke that barely got any laughs from the audience. (在颁奖晚宴上,主持人讲了一个不怎么好笑的笑话,几乎没有引起观众的笑声。)
- Despite his weak jokes, the presenter managed to keep the audience engaged with his enthusiasm. (尽管他的笑话不怎么好笑,主持人还是通过他的热情让观众保持了兴趣。)
- weak joke: Once every category, attendee and weak joke has been exhausted, the host wraps up.
- 当每个类别、参与者和不怎么好笑的笑话都结束后,主持人结束了活动。
If these ceremonies are so absurd, why do they persist? Some reasons are
obvious. A night out is fun. Awards do add lustre to the winners’ CVs: if you
were in the brick industry, you’d definitely like to be able to say that you
have won the Supreme Award. They can burnish the reputation of
overlooked departments within firms. And for the companies shelling out for
tables, awards are a little bit of cheap marketing to the outside world.
lustre:英 [ˈlʌstə] 光泽;光彩;光辉;
add lustre to the CVs:为简历增光添彩
burnish:美 [ˈbərnɪʃ] 提高;加强
burnish the reputation:提高声誉
Burnish 在这里的意思是“提升”或“改善”。在这个语境中,它指的是通过赢得奖项来提升或美化某个部门的声誉。
- 例子:Winning the prestigious award helped to burnish the company’s reputation in the industry. (赢得这个有声望的奖项有助于提升公司在行业中的声誉。)
shell out: 花费(很多钱)
Shell out 意思是“支付”或“花费(通常是指大量金钱)”。在这个语境中,它指的是公司为参加颁奖晚宴而支付的费用。
- 例子:The company shelled out a significant amount of money for a table at the awards dinner. (公司为颁奖晚宴的一张桌子支付了大量费用。)
But award ceremonies also survive because they tap into employees’ deeper
needs. They offer a sense of recognition, however imperfect, for your work.
There is validation in knowing that your boss put you forward for a gong, or
that the sanitation industry sees you as a rising star. Awards impart a sense of
collective purpose. This is not just a roomful of sweaty people; this is the
grounds-management industry and by God, it is something worth
tap into:利用;开发;挖掘
Tap into 的意思是“利用”或“挖掘”。在这个语境中,它指的是颁奖典礼利用了员工的更深层次需求。
- 例子:The company managed to tap into the employees’ need for recognition and motivation. (公司设法利用了员工对认可和激励的需求。)
offer a sense of recognition:提供一种认可
sanitation:美 [ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn] 环境卫生
collective purpose:集体使命感
Impart 的意思是“传递”或“赋予”。在这个语境中,它指的是奖项传递了一种集体目标感。
- 例子:The training imparted valuable skills to the participants. (培训为参与者传授了宝贵的技能。)
a roomful of:一屋子的
Awards can also make people feel as if they are on a team. Competition is
one of the central facts of capitalism, but for many employees the contest
can feel abstract. Once a year the civilised surroundings of a large hotel
ballroom provide a simulacrum of that competition. Over napkins folded
into flowers, nominees come face to face with the employees of rival
companies. Winners are greeted as heroes; losers get consoling pats on the
back. Awards are absurd, but they make you feel as if you belong.
simulacrum:美 [ˌsɪmjəˈleɪkrəm] 模拟物;不理想的模拟;模拟