combit Report Server 28
- Added Microsoft SharePoint Online task action.
- Added support for PostgreSQL 15.
- Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022.
- Added new option to Microsoft Excel export template. Converting texts starting with “=” into Excel formula.
- Improved interactive message in case of lost connection to the database server.
- The “Customize export profile” button on the export page is now hidden if the selected export configuration has no properties that can be edited.
- Improved the text for advanced encryption settings when configuring the system email address.
- The selection dialog for data sources, report templates and subreports in a report template now hides the currently selected elements in the selection area. This applies also to the selection of the user group and the selection of the export report template.
- The display of error messages on the export page has been improved to allow a re-export attempt.
- Importing data now displays a loading indicator until the import has finished.
- Improved vertical scrolling in the query assistant’s condition editor dialog.
- Updated System.Data.SqlClient package to 4.8.5 due to security vulnerability GHSA-8g2p-5pqh-5jmc.