
news2025/1/23 4:06:20


2.wiki/Augmented reality
3.In-Depth Review of Augmented Reality: Tracking Technologies, Development Tools, AR Displays, Collaborative AR, and Security Concerns
4.Design and Implementation of Augmented Reality Browser for Mobile Terminal
5.FUSE: Towards AI-Based Future Services for Generating Augmented Reality Experiences

1.1 AR的简单定义

AR can be defined as a system that incorporates three basic features: a combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.
(1) 虚实融合
(2) 实时交互
(3) 虚拟和现实对象的精确3D配准。

1.2 概念区分AR/MR/VR

1.3 AR所需的硬件

1.3.0 Chipset

1.3.1 Displays


  1. 光学组合器
  2. 微型显示屏

1.3.2 Tracking

motion tracking technologies: digital cameras and/or other optical sensors、accelerometers、GPS、gyroscopes、solid state compasses、radio-frequency identification (RFID)

下图来自:In-Depth Review of Augmented Reality: Tracking Technologies, Development Tools, AR Displays, Collaborative AR, and Security Concerns

1.3.3 Input Device


1.3.4 Networking


1.4 AR所需的软件和算法

1.4.1 Alighment (Registration) and Tracking


Registration or alignment of partial 3D models is the process of bringing them all into the same reference frame by means of a suitable transformation.
部分 3D 模型的配准或对齐是通过适当的变换将它们全部带入同一参考系的过程。

Registration technology enables virtual images to be superimposed accurately in the proper environment. The main flow of 3d registration technology has two steps. First, determine the relationship between the virtual image, the model and the direction and position information of the camera or display device. Second, the virtual rendered image and model are accurately projected into the real environment, so the virtual image and model can be merged with the real environment. For the three-dimensional registration technology based on computer vision, it sets the reference point to realize the determination of the direction and position of the real scene by the camera or the display. –Research on Tracking and Registration Algorithm Based on Natural Feature Point

To realize the three-dimensional registration process in augmented reality, the internal and external parameters of the camera are required. In fact, the camera calibration determines the intrinsic matrix, and the extrinsic matrix contains a translation component T and 3 rotation components. Therefore, the external parameter matrix M of each frame of the image obtained in the three-dimensional registration can be uniquely determined.The position of the point, that is, the accurate registration position of the virtual object in the real scene.–Research on Tracking and Registration Algorithm Based on Natural Feature Point



下图来自:In-Depth Review of Augmented Reality: Tracking Technologies, Development Tools, AR Displays, Collaborative AR, and Security Concerns


The first stage is to detect interest points, fiducial markers or optical flow in the camera images. This step can use feature detection methods like corner detection, blob detection, edge detection or thresholding, and other image processing methods.

The second stage restores a real world coordinate system from the data obtained in the first stage. Some methods assume objects with known geometry (or fiducial markers) are present in the scene. In some of those cases the scene 3D structure should be calculated beforehand. If part of the scene is unknown simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) can map relative positions. If no information about scene geometry is available, structure from motion methods like bundle adjustment are used. Mathematical methods used in the second stage include: projective (epipolar) geometry, geometric algebra, rotation representation with exponential map, kalman and particle filters, nonlinear optimization, robust statistics.
第二阶段:根据第一阶段获得的数据恢复真实世界坐标系。一些方法假设场景中存在具有已知几何形状(或基准标记)的对象。在某些情况下,应事先计算场景 3D 结构。
如果场景的一部分未知,同时定位和建图 (SLAM) 可以绘制相对位置。
第二阶段使用的数学方法包括:对极几何、几何代数、指数图旋转表示(Connecting the Lie algebra to the Lie group is the exponential map)、卡尔曼和粒子滤波器、非线性优化、鲁棒统计。

1.4.2 Rendering (lighting、shading, etc.)

Rendering is the process of generating a visual representation of a 3D scene or object from a 3D model. In augmented reality, rendering is a critical step in creating realistic and immersive AR experiences. It involves the use of computer algorithms to calculate how virtual objects should appear in the user’s view, considering factors like lighting, shadows, textures, and perspective.

AR rendering pipeline.
The camera or a set of sensors capture information about the environment.
The information is processed to:
(1) calculate camera extrinsic parameters and
(2) build understanding of the environment in order to generate augmentations in the form of text, images, 3D objects or neural scene representations.
(3) Finally, the extrinsic and graphic primitives are fed to the renderer which creates 2D images ready to be displayed.


1.5 AR目前面临的几大问题(软件方面)






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