BulingBuling - 活法自如 [Reset Your Routine] - 2

news2025/1/26 15:28:43

2. What matters most to you?


Learn how to prioritize what fits into your routine.

Get to your why (找到原因)


So as you begin to figure out your new personalized routine, one crucial ingredient is going to involve digging deeper into what is actually important to you. The next chapter is devoted to helping you answer this lifelong question, what matters most to you?


Now, this might seem like a philosophical query, or a way of indulging whimsical wants. But crucially, wants are important. And unless we get clear on what actually matters to us in life, the years run by and we begin to resent all that vanished time. You know those years where we could have been learning an instrument or spending more time with our children?


Now, thankfully, we don't have to travel to different corners of the world to answer this question. What matters most to me? In fact, you might find that if you just take the time to listen to your own quiet intuition, the answers probably already within you. Using simple tools and techniques, you can help draw out these quiet, intuitive threads.

因此,为了帮助你具体回答 "什么对我来说最重要 "这个问题,我们将探讨畅销书作家、子弹日记(简称 "子弹日记")的创造者作家卡罗尔的一种久经考验的工具。无论你使用子弹式日记多年,还是从未见过或听说过,这种简单的日记方法都将帮助你从生活的乘客转变为飞行员。

So, to help you answer the question of what matters most to me concretely, we're going to explore a tried and tested tool from best selling author, Writer Carol, creator of the bullet journal, or bujo for short. Whether you've used a bullet journal for years or never seen one, or heard of one before, the simple journaling method will help you transform from a passenger in your life to the pilot.


Okay, I know that's a big promise, but let's just take it one step at a time. On the surface, bujo looks like a particular format for journaling and taking notes. But once you dive deeper beneath the surface, actually a holistic methodology for taking action, clarifying your values, focusing your attention on what matters to you. So we're going to take a listen to the very first chapter of the blank, and then discuss how we can use writer Carol's tool to design our own routine road map. Alright, let's jump in.

Excerpt from The Bullet Journal Method, Chapter 1 (摘自《子弹日记法》第 1 章)


When is a planner more than a planner, when it's a to do list calendar journal and mindfulness meditation tool all in one. In short when it's a bullet journal. The bullet journal offers a surprisingly simple method for tracking experiences, collating tasks and organizing information. Learn to interrogate how you spend your time, you won't just keep track of what you do, you'll habitually reflect on why on why you doing it.

浏览一下 Instagram 上的子弹日记标签,你会发现超过 600 万条帖子。这是 600 多万张洁白的笔记本页面图片,上面点缀着漂亮的笔迹、引人入胜的符号和精心设计的颜色编码。目的并不是无意识地填满页面。你的 "BUJO",也就是人们常说的 "子弹头日记",应该只留给对你真正重要的东西。面对现实吧。如今,真正的专注是很难得的。生活中充满了各种干扰,比如收件箱里的一堆紧急邮件。

Skim through the bullet journal hashtag on Instagram and you'll find over 6 million posts. That's 6 million plus images of crisp white notebook pages embellished with beautiful handwriting, intriguing symbols, and elaborate color coding. The goal isn't to mindlessly fill up pages. Your bujo, as bullet journals are often called, should be reserved only for what's truly important to you. Let's face it. These days, true focus can be hard to come by. Life is filled with distractions, like that pile of urgent emails in your inbox.

而且,它也充满了各种选择,就像你的 Netflix 队列中的节目一样。写日记不应该增加你的压力。相反,它应该帮助你专注于真正重要的事情。这样,你才能完成真正的目标。这就是为什么bujo过程不是从写日记开始的。它始于一份心理清单,旨在整理你的大脑。具体方法如下.

And it's saturated with choices too, like the shows sitting in your Netflix queue. Bullet journaling shouldn't add to your stress. Instead, it should help you focus on what's actually important. So you can accomplish your authentic goals. That's why the bujo process doesn't start with journaling. It begins with a mental inventory designed to declutter your brain. Here's how to do it.


Take a loose sheet of paper and divided into three columns. And the first column list all the things you're currently doing, both at work and in your personal life. In the second column, list all the things you should be doing. In the third list all the things you want to be doing. This exercise might take a long time, and you might need more than one piece of paper. That's fine. Keep going until your mind is emptied.


You'll be left with a map of how you spend your days. In other words, you'll see a snapshot of your time and the choices you've made about how you spend that time. Are they the choices you want to be making? Look at each task and ask yourself, is this task important to me? Is it necessary? If the answer is no, cross it off your inventory. It's not going in your bujo. Before you've even cracked your notebook open, you've learned one of bu's key lessons. What you leave out of your bullet journal is just as important as what you put in.

Get to work (开始工作 )


What you leave out is just as important as what you leave in. This message from Writer Carol was honed over many years. After being diagnosed with a learning disability early on in his life, writer was forced to figure out alternate ways to find focus and productivity. To repeat the key learnings from this chapter, your routine inventory should consist of all the things you're currently doing, all the things you should be doing, and all the things you want to be doing. Once you've made this list, it's important to hone in on everything that you're currently doing. For each activity you've written down, ask yourself, is this task really important to me? Is it necessary?

我们有太多的时间都花在了我们并不关心的任务上,花在了那些无法让我们更接近个人目标的活动上。如果我们一开始就不知道自己是谁,也不知道自己目前在做什么来充实自己的时间,我们就无法做真正的自己。因此,我们必须从培养自我意识开始。我们都知道,深入了解自己和自己的价值观是非常有价值的,但有时这可能会让人感觉过于艰巨,无法承担真正了解自己是谁这一艰巨任务。这时,编制清单就能帮上忙。它们能让我们更清晰地了解我们现在是谁,以及我们是如何展现给这个世界的。 在这样做的过程中,它们也为我们提供了一个指南针,让我们朝着自己想要成为的那种人前进。

So much of our time is devoted to tasks we don't care about, activities that don't bring us any closer to our personal goals. We can't be true to ourselves, if we have no idea who we are in the beginning or what we're currently doing to fill our time. And that's where we have to begin with a process that requires steady cultivation of our self awareness. We all know that it can be tremendously valuable to deeply understand ourselves and our values, but sometimes that can feel too daunting to undertake that huge task of truly understanding who we are. This is where making inventories can help. They offer us a clearer image of who we currently are and how we're presenting to the world. And in doing so, they also provide us with a compass when is towards the kind of person we want to become.


And what so powerful in writer's work is the idea that change is entirely possible. Once we've held up that mirror to ourselves, it's easier to examine what we need to do in order to get there. Ultimately, reflective practices like journaling and note taking are about integration. That's that slow discovery of our past, present and future selves, bringing different sides of ourselves into alignment. And to make that process a little bit simpler to start, we've included a tool for you, which you can find right in this chapter.

My Routine Audit (我的例行审计)

Time needed: 20 minutes


20 分钟后,思考一下你写下的内容。

现在,针对每项活动问自己几个问题: 这项任务对我真的重要吗?我是否可以为我的其他目标和梦想腾出更多空间?

好了,20 分钟计时现在开始。记住,不要限制自己。要梦想远大!

Draw or copy this chart and make a list of all the activities you’re currently doing, should be doing, and want to be doing.

After 20 minutes reflect on what you’ve written down.

Now for each activity ask yourself some questions: Is this task really important to me? Could I be making more space for my other goals and dreams?

Okay, 20 minutes on the clock starts now. And remember, don’t censor yourself. Dream big!

Recap of Chapter 2


What matters most to you? 

- 你很有可能花了很多时间在对你来说并不重要的事情上,但这是你可以改变的。

当然,首先,你需要找出这个大问题的答案,而 Bullet Journal 可以帮到你。

• There’s a good chance you spend lots of time on things that don’t matter much to you–but that’s something you can change.

First, of course, you need to figure out the answer to that big question and the Bullet Journal can help.

- 创建你自己的日常审计。列出你 "正在做"、"应该做 "和 "想要做 "的所有事情。


现在查看 "当前正在做 "一栏。对于你写下的每一项活动,问问自己,这项任务对我来说真的重要吗?它有必要吗?

• Create your own routine-audit. Make a list of all the things you’re ‘currently doing’, ‘should be doing’, and ‘want to be doing’.

Use the tool in this chapter to show you how to start!

Now go through the ‘currently doing’ column. For each activity you’ve written, ask yourself, is this task really important to me? Is it necessary?

- 记住:你漏掉的和你留下的一样重要。


• Remember: what you leave out is just as important as what you leave in.

Inventories help us understand who we currently are and how we’re presenting to the world. Crucially, they can also serve as a compass, pointing us towards the kind of person we want to become.






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