论文速递|Management Science 6月文章合集

news2025/3/12 10:39:14






Promotional Inventory Displays: An Empirical Analysis Using IoT Data促销库存展示:使用物联网数据的实证分析


Jacob Z. Zeng, Ashish Agarwal, Ioannis Stamatopoulos




4 Jun 2024


Problem definition: Despite their widespread use, promotional inventory displays’ campaign execution is opaque. Brands (manufacturers) can only verify in-store display presence through manual, on-site audits, which are costly and limited in scope. This lack of visibility into execution makes it difficult for brands to quantify the sales impact of displays and properly evaluate campaign performance.

Methodology/results: We use Internet-of-Things (IoT)-generated data on the real-time location of about 15,000 displays from 10 display campaigns in about 5,000 stores of a Fortune 500 retail chain, paired with the stores’ point-of-sale (POS) data between September 2017 and March 2018, to measure the operational execution and effectiveness of display campaigns. First, we find that campaigns are poorly executed: 29% of displays never made it to a store’s floor, and those that made it only spent 62% of the campaign there. Second, we find that poor execution deprives brands of substantial sales, especially during campaign weeks: placing a display on the floor during an arbitrary week increases the targeted products’ sales by 7.3%, and placing it on the floor during a campaign week boosts sales by another 2.3%.

Managerial implications: Our results enable brands to optimize investments in promotional display campaigns and execution. We project that brands would suffer a 3.1% dollar sales decrease during campaign weeks by discontinuing current campaigns. However, they could achieve up to a 6.9% dollar sales increase during campaign weeks through improved execution.






Dual Value of Delayed Incentives: An Empirical Investigation of Gift Card Promotions延迟激励的双重价值:对礼品卡促销的实证研究


Bharadwaj Kadiyala, Özalp Özer, A. Serdar Şimşek




10 Jun 2024


Problem definition: Gift card promotions offer a tiered incentive (a gift card) to customers for purchasing regularly-priced products, with higher expenditure receiving a larger incentive. We empirically investigate the impact of gift card promotions on customer purchase behavior by collaborating with a major U.S.-based department store that targets gift card promotion emails on its online channel.

Methodology/results: We use a collection of discontinuities in the retailer’s targeting policies and corresponding fuzzy regression discontinuity designs to estimate localized causal effects of the gift card promotion. We find that gift card promotion provided to customers whose most recent purchase was 4 and 13 months ago, respectively, increased their purchase probability by 11.24% and 26.64%, and their average expenditure by 9.53% and 1.9%, respectively. Overall, the gift card promotion generated, on average, $100K in incremental sales per promotion from these customers alone. Furthermore, the promotion induced customers to seek out products from niche categories and increased spending on high-end brands. Gift card promotion emails also had a dominant advertisement effect, that is, customers who received the gift card promotion email increased expenditure even if they did not participate in the promotion.

Managerial implications: (i) Gift card promotions are a viable strategy to boost short-term sales and to alter the distribution of the types (brand, category) of purchased products. (ii) Retailers should optimize gift card promotion tiers based on the tradeoff between increased customer expenditure and promotion expenses and consider the advertisement effect when targeting the promotion emails. (iii) Contrary to popular belief, retailers benefit from customers’ redeeming gift cards because they spend more due to the gift card, validating the dual value of the delayed incentive.






Direct Trade Sourcing Strategies for Specialty Coffee特种咖啡的直接贸易采购策略


Scott Webster, Burak Kazaz, Shahryar Gheibi




12 Jun 2024


Problem definition: Leading specialty coffee roasters rely on direct trade to source premium coffee beans. We examine a roaster who sells two basic types of roasts: (1) a single-origin roast sourced from a specific locale and (2) a blend roast that uses a mix of beans from sources that vary over the course of a year. The prices of blend roasts are lower than those of single-origin roasts and appeal to a larger market. We study how characteristics of the operating and market environment affect the optimal sourcing strategy for single-origin beans.

Methodology/results: We develop a two-stage stochastic program with recourse that reflects these characteristics. A roaster has the option to allocate some of the single-origin beans for sale under a blend label, known as downward substitution. We identify three distinct optimal sourcing strategies—specialized (no downward substitution), diversified (consistent downward substitution), and mixed (between these extremes)—and show that they are robust under different definitions of yield and demand.

Managerial implications: We identify four main insights: (1) Two factors determine which strategy is optimal: the mean price of the inferior product (blend label) and the marginal cost of the superior product (single-origin label). (2) When compared with the newsvendor model, we find distinct structural differences across strategies. For example, whereas the effects of increasing uncertainty on optimal quantity align with the newsvendor model under a mixed strategy, the effects are distinctly different under specialized and diversified strategies (e.g., monotonic decreasing behavior for specialized, no change in quantity under diversified). (3) The weighted average price of an agricultural product is decreasing in negative yield–price correlation. We coin this as the “farmer’s curse,” which carries lessons for direct trade sourcing (e.g., advocating against paying the grower at postharvest market prices). (4) We find evidence of a virtuous feedback loop wherein the grower–roaster relationship becomes stronger over time. Our findings also point to a simple signal that policymakers may use to identify coffee growing locales where targeted interventions can improve grower welfare.

问题定义:领先的特种咖啡烘焙商依赖直接贸易来采购优质咖啡豆。我们研究了一家销售两种基本类型烘焙咖啡的烘焙商:(1) 来自特定地区的单一产地烘焙咖啡,(2) 使用一年中不同来源混合豆的混合烘焙咖啡。混合烘焙咖啡的价格低于单一产地烘焙咖啡,并且吸引了更大的市场。我们研究了运营和市场环境的特征如何影响单一产地豆的最佳采购策略。


管理意义:我们确定了四个主要的洞见:(1) 两个因素决定哪种策略是最佳:劣质产品(混合标签)的平均价格和优质产品(单一产地标签)的边际成本。(2) 与新闻摊贩模型相比,我们发现不同策略之间存在明显结构差异。例如,与混合策略下的新闻摊贩模型相比,增加不确定性对最佳数量的影响是一致的,而在专业化和多样化策略下的影响则截然不同(例如,专业化策略下的最佳数量呈单调递减行为,多样化策略下数量不变)。(3) 农产品的加权平均价格随着产量与价格的负相关性而降低。我们称之为“农民的诅咒”,这对直接贸易采购有启示(例如,反对以收获后市场价格向种植者支付)。(4) 我们发现了一种良性反馈循环的证据,即种植者与烘焙商之间的关系随着时间的推移变得更加牢固。我们的发现还指向了一个简单的信号,政策制定者可以使用它来识别咖啡种植地区,那里的有针对性的干预可以改善种植者的福祉。



Capacity Allocation and Scheduling in Two-Stage Service Systems with Multiclass Customers多类客户的两阶段服务系统中的容量分配和调度


Zhiheng Zhong, Ping Cao, Junfei Huang, Sean X. Zhou




13 Jun 2024


Problem definition: This paper considers a tandem queueing system in which stage 1 has one station serving multiple classes of arriving customers with different service requirements and related delay costs, and stage 2 has multiple parallel stations, with each station providing one type of service. Each station has many statistically identical servers. The objective is to design a joint capacity allocation between stages/stations and scheduling rule of different classes of customers to minimize the system’s long-run average cost.

Methodology/results: Using fluid approximation, we convert the stochastic problem into a fluid optimization problem and develop a solution procedure. Based on the solution to the fluid optimization problem, we propose a simple and easy-to-implement capacity allocation and scheduling policy and establish its asymptotic optimality for the stochastic system. The policy has an explicit index-based scheduling rule that is independent of the arrival rates, and resource allocation is determined by the priority orders established between the classes and stations. We conduct numerical experiments to validate the accuracy of the fluid approximation and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed policy.

Managerial implications: Tandem queueing systems are ubiquitous. Our results provide useful guidelines for the allocation of limited resources and the scheduling of customer service in those systems. Our proposed policy can improve the system’s operational efficiency and customers’ service quality.






Adaptive Seamless Dose-Finding Trials自适应无缝剂量寻找试验


Ningyuan Chen, Amin Khademi




13 Jun 2024


Problem definition: We study early-stage dose-finding clinical trials with simultaneous consideration of efficacy and toxicity without parametric assumptions on the forms of the unknown dose-efficacy and dose-toxicity curves. We propose algorithms that adaptively allocate doses based on patient responses, in order to maximize the efficacy for the patients during the trial while minimizing the toxicity.

Methodology/results: We leverage online learning to design the clinical trial and propose two algorithms. The first one follows dose-escalation principles and analyzes the efficacy and toxicity simultaneously. The second one uses bisection search to identify a safe dose range and then applies upper confidence bound algorithms within the safe range to identify efficacious doses. We show the matching upper and lower bounds for the regret of both algorithms. We find that observing the dose-escalation principle is costly, as the optimal regret of the first algorithm is in the order of N3/4, worse than the optimal regret of the second algorithm, which is in the order of N2/3. We test our proposed algorithms with three benchmarks commonly used in practice on synthetic and real data sets, and the results show that they are competitive with or significantly outperform the benchmarks.

Managerial implications: We provide a novel insight that following the dose-escalation principle inevitably leads to higher regret. The first proposed algorithm is suitable to use when little information about the dose-toxicity profile is available, whereas the second one is appealing when more information is available about the toxicity profile.






Routing and Staffing in Customer Service Chat Systems with Generally Distributed Service and Patience Times具有一般分布的服务时间和耐心时间的客户服务聊天系统中的路由与人员配置


Zhenghua Long, Tolga Tezcan, Jiheng Zhang




14 Jun 2024


Problem definition: We study customer service chat (CSC) systems, in which agents can serve multiple customers simultaneously, with generally distributed service and patience times. The multitasking capability of agents introduces idiosyncratic challenges when making routing and staffing decisions.

Methodology/results: To determine the dynamic matching of arriving customers with available agents, we first formulate a routing linear program (LP) based on system primitives. Inspired by the optimal solution of the routing LP, we design a parsimonious dynamic routing policy that is independent of arrival rate and service capacity information. We also use the optimal solution to develop closed-form approximations for crucial performance metrics and show that a similar LP can be utilized to make staffing decisions. Through extensive simulation experiments, we showcase the efficacy of our approximations and staffing decisions. Furthermore, under our proposed policy, the CSC system exhibits a unique stationary fluid model in which the steady-state performance measures align with our approximations.

Managerial implications: The extant literature primarily focuses on Markovian systems with exponential distributions. In this paper, customers’ service and patience times are allowed to be generally distributed to agree with practical settings. Our findings indicate that the distributions have a significant impact on routing policies, staffing decisions, and system performance.






How to Conclude a Suspended Sports League? 如何结束一个暂停的体育联赛?


Ali Hassanzadeh, Mojtaba Hosseini, John G. Turner




18 Jun 2024


Problem definition: Professional sports leagues may be suspended because of various reasons, such as the recent coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. A critical question that the league must address when reopening is how to appropriately select a subset of the remaining games to conclude the season in a shortened time frame. Despite the rich literature on scheduling an entire season starting from a blank slate, concluding an existing season is quite different. Our approach attempts to achieve team rankings similar to those that would have resulted had the season been played out in full.

Methodology/results: We propose a data-driven model that exploits predictive and prescriptive analytics to produce a schedule for the remainder of the season composed of a subset of originally scheduled games. Our model introduces novel rankings-based objectives within a stochastic optimization model, whose parameters are first estimated using a predictive model. We introduce a deterministic equivalent reformulation along with a tailored Frank–Wolfe algorithm to efficiently solve our problem as well as a robust counterpart based on min-max regret. We present simulation-based numerical experiments from previous National Basketball Association seasons 2004–2019, and we show that our models are computationally efficient, outperform a greedy benchmark that approximates a nonrankings-based scheduling policy, and produce interpretable results.

Managerial implications: Our data-driven decision-making framework may be used to produce a shortened season with 25%–50% fewer games while still producing an end-of-season ranking similar to that of the full season, had it been played.








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三星电子推出性能更强、容量更大的升级版1TB microSD 存储卡

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Aker ASA引领行业变革,旗下互联网投融资平台重磅起航

全球领先的海洋科技公司 Aker ASA 正式宣布,将于近期推出其全新的互联网海洋产业投融资平台。这一平台的推出标志着Aker ASA在海洋资源开发和投融资领域的又一重大进展,旨在为投资者提供创新、可靠的投资机会,同时推动海洋产业的可持续发展。 Aker ASA 作为行业内的领导者,以其…



【IEEE出版】第五届大数据、人工智能与软件工程国际研讨会(ICBASE 2024,9月20-22)

第五届大数据、人工智能与软件工程国际研讨会&#xff08;ICBASE 2024&#xff09;将于2024年09月20-22日在中国温州隆重举行。 会议主要围绕大数据、人工智能与软件工程等研究领域展开讨论。会议旨在为从事大数据、人工智能与软件工程研究的专家学者、工程技术人员、技术研发人…

Echarts 横向条形图的右侧标签靠右显示对齐,不被遮挡

解决方案&#xff1a; 再添加一个y轴&#xff0c;隐藏刻度线即可。 配置如下&#xff1a; 在这里插入代码片yAxis: [{type: category,axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: #EFEFEF, // 轴线颜色width: 1, // 轴线线宽type: solid // 轴线线条类型&#xff0c;可选为 solid、dashed…


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一、新建项目&#xff1a; 1.打开pycharm&#xff0c;新建一个Python项目 &#xff08;1&#xff09;右键项目列表区&#xff0c;找到我们之前配置好的外部工具&#xff0c;点击Pyside6 QtDesigner 打开Qt Designer后会是这个界面&#xff1a; &#xff08;2&#xff09;此时…

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