
news2025/3/10 10:56:56



  1. 服务端源码 :实现Kafka Broker的核心功能,包括日志存储、控制器、协调器、元数据管理及状态机管理、延迟机制、消费者组管理、高并发网络架构模型实现等。

  2. Java客户端源码 :实现了Producer和Consumer与Broker的交互机制,以及通用组件支撑代码。

  3. Connect源码 :用来构建异构数据双向流式同步服务。

  4. Stream源码 :用来实现实时流处理相关功能。

  5. Raft源码 :实现了Raft一致性协议。

  6. Admin模块 :Kafka的管理员模块,操作和管理其topic,partition相关,包含创建,删除topic,或者拓展分区等。

  7. Api模块 :负责数据交互,客户端与服务端交互数据的编码与解码。

  8. Client模块 :包含Producer读取Kafka Broker元数据信息的类,如topic和分区,以及leader。

  9. Cluster模块 :包含Broker、Cluster、Partition、Replica等实体类。

  10. Common模块 :包含各种异常类以及错误验证。

  11. Consumer模块 :消费者处理模块,负责客户端消费者数据和逻辑处理。

  12. Controller模块 :负责中央控制器的选举,分区的Leader选举,Replica的分配或重新分配,分区和副本的扩容等。

  13. Coordinator模块 :负责管理部分consumer group和他们的offset。

  14. Javaapi模块 :提供Java语言的Producer和Consumer的API接口。

  15. Log模块 :负责Kafka文件存储,读写所有Topic消息数据。

  16. Message模块 :封装多条数据组成数据集或压缩数据集。

  17. Metrics模块 :负责内部状态监控。

  18. Network模块 :处理客户端连接,网络事件模块。

  19. Producer模块 :生产者细节实现,包括同步和异步消息发送。

  20. Security模块 :负责Kafka的安全验证和管理。

  21. Serializer模块 :序列化和反序列化消息内容。

  22. Server模块 :涉及Leader和Offset的checkpoint,动态配置,延时创建和删除Topic,Leader选举,Admin和Replica管理等。

  23. Tools模块 :包含多种工具,如导出consumer offset值,LogSegments信息,Topic的log位置信息,Zookeeper上的offset值等。

  24. Utils模块 :包含各种工具类,如Json,ZkUtils,线程池工具类,KafkaScheduler公共调度器类等。



分区状态机记录着当前集群所有 Partition 的状态信息以及如何对 Partition 状态转移进行相应的处理;副本状态机则是记录着当前集群所有 Replica 的状态信息以及如何对 Replica 状态转变进行相应的处理。


    //在 KafkaController 中
    //一个管理器:Channel 管理器,负责管理所有的 Broker 通信;
    //相关缓存:Partition 信息、Topic 信息、broker id 信息等;
    //四种 leader 选举机制:分别是用 leader offline、broker 掉线、partition reassign、最优 leader 选举时触发;
    //启动副本状态机,初始化所有 Replica 的状态信息,如果 Replica 所在节点是 alive 的,那么状态更新为 OnlineReplica, 否则更新为 ReplicaDeletionIneligible;
    //启动分区状态机,初始化所有 Partition 的状态信息,如果 leader 所在 broker 是 alive 的,那么状态更新为 OnlinePartition,否则更新为 OfflinePartition


   * Invoked on successful controller election. First registers a broker change listener since that triggers all
   * state transitions for replicas. Initializes the state of replicas for all partitions by reading from zookeeper.
   * Then triggers the OnlineReplica state change for all replicas.
  def startup() {
    // //初始化所有副本的状态信息
    handleStateChanges(controllerContext.allLiveReplicas(), OnlineReplica)

    info("Started replica state machine with initial state -> " + replicaState.toString())

   * Invoked on startup of the replica's state machine to set the initial state for replicas of all existing partitions
   * in zookeeper
    // 这里只是将 Replica 的状态信息更新副本状态机的缓存 replicaState 中,并没有真正进行状态转移的操作。
  private def initializeReplicaState() {
    for((topicPartition, assignedReplicas) <- controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment) {
      val topic = topicPartition.topic
      val partition = topicPartition.partition
      assignedReplicas.foreach { replicaId =>
        val partitionAndReplica = PartitionAndReplica(topic, partition, replicaId)
        //如果 Replica 所在机器是 alive 的,那么将其状态设置为 OnlineReplica
        if (controllerContext.isReplicaOnline(replicaId, topicPartition))
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, OnlineReplica)
        else {
          // mark replicas on dead brokers as failed for topic deletion, if they belong to a topic to be deleted.
          // This is required during controller failover since during controller failover a broker can go down,
          // so the replicas on that broker should be moved to ReplicaDeletionIneligible to be on the safer side.
          //否则设置为 ReplicaDeletionIneligible 状态
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, ReplicaDeletionIneligible)

   * This API is invoked by the broker change controller callbacks and the startup API of the state machine
   * @param replicas     The list of replicas (brokers) that need to be transitioned to the target state
   * @param targetState  The state that the replicas should be moved to
   * The controller's allLeaders cache should have been updated before this
    //用于处理 Replica 状态的变化
  def handleStateChanges(replicas: Set[PartitionAndReplica], targetState: ReplicaState,
                         callbacks: Callbacks = (new CallbackBuilder).build) {
    if (replicas.nonEmpty) {
      info("Invoking state change to %s for replicas %s".format(targetState, replicas.mkString(",")))
      try {
        replicas.foreach(r => handleStateChange(r, targetState, callbacks))
        //向 broker 发送相应请求
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable => error("Error while moving some replicas to %s state".format(targetState), e)

   * This API exercises the replica's state machine. It ensures that every state transition happens from a legal
   * previous state to the target state. Valid state transitions are:
   * NonExistentReplica --> NewReplica
   * --send LeaderAndIsr request with current leader and isr to the new replica and UpdateMetadata request for the
   *   partition to every live broker
   * NewReplica -> OnlineReplica
   * --add the new replica to the assigned replica list if needed
   * OnlineReplica,OfflineReplica -> OnlineReplica
   * --send LeaderAndIsr request with current leader and isr to the new replica and UpdateMetadata request for the
   *   partition to every live broker
   * NewReplica,OnlineReplica,OfflineReplica,ReplicaDeletionIneligible -> OfflineReplica
   * --send StopReplicaRequest to the replica (w/o deletion)
   * --remove this replica from the isr and send LeaderAndIsr request (with new isr) to the leader replica and
   *   UpdateMetadata request for the partition to every live broker.
   * OfflineReplica -> ReplicaDeletionStarted
   * --send StopReplicaRequest to the replica (with deletion)
   * ReplicaDeletionStarted -> ReplicaDeletionSuccessful
   * -- mark the state of the replica in the state machine
   * ReplicaDeletionStarted -> ReplicaDeletionIneligible
   * -- mark the state of the replica in the state machine
   * ReplicaDeletionSuccessful -> NonExistentReplica
   * -- remove the replica from the in memory partition replica assignment cache

   * @param partitionAndReplica The replica for which the state transition is invoked
   * @param targetState The end state that the replica should be moved to
  def handleStateChange(partitionAndReplica: PartitionAndReplica, targetState: ReplicaState,
                        callbacks: Callbacks) {
    val topic = partitionAndReplica.topic
    val partition = partitionAndReplica.partition
    val replicaId = partitionAndReplica.replica
    val topicAndPartition = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
    // Replica 不存在的话,状态初始化为 NonExistentReplica
    val currState = replicaState.getOrElseUpdate(partitionAndReplica, NonExistentReplica)
    val stateChangeLog = stateChangeLogger.withControllerEpoch(controller.epoch)
    try {

      def logStateChange(): Unit =
        stateChangeLog.trace(s"Changed state of replica $replicaId for partition $topicAndPartition from " +
          s"$currState to $targetState")

      val replicaAssignment = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition)
      assertValidTransition(partitionAndReplica, targetState)
      targetState match {
        case NewReplica => 其前置状态只能为 NonExistentReplica
          // start replica as a follower to the current leader for its partition
          //从 zk 获取 Partition 的 leaderAndIsr 信息
          val leaderIsrAndControllerEpochOpt = ReplicationUtils.getLeaderIsrAndEpochForPartition(zkUtils, topic, partition)
          leaderIsrAndControllerEpochOpt match {
            case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
              if(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch.leaderAndIsr.leader == replicaId)
                throw new StateChangeFailedException(s"Replica $replicaId for partition $topicAndPartition cannot " +
                  s"be moved to NewReplica state as it is being requested to become leader")
              //向该 replicaId 发送 LeaderAndIsr 请求,这个方法同时也会向所有的 broker 发送 updateMeta 请求
                                                                  topic, partition, leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch,
                                                                  replicaAssignment, isNew = true)
              //对于新建的 Partition,处于这个状态时,该 Partition 是没有相应的 LeaderAndIsr 信息的
            case None => // new leader request will be sent to this replica when one gets elected
          //将该 Replica 的状态转移成 NewReplica,然后结束流程。
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, NewReplica)
        case ReplicaDeletionStarted => //其前置状态只能为 OfflineReplica
          //更新向该 Replica 的状态为 ReplicaDeletionStarted;
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, ReplicaDeletionStarted)
          // send stop replica command
          //发送 StopReplica 请求给该副本,并设置 deletePartition=true
          //broker收到这请求后,会从物理存储上删除这个 Replica 的数据内容
          brokerRequestBatch.addStopReplicaRequestForBrokers(List(replicaId), topic, partition, deletePartition = true,
        case ReplicaDeletionIneligible => //其前置状态只能为 ReplicaDeletionStarted
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, ReplicaDeletionIneligible)
        case ReplicaDeletionSuccessful => //其前置状态只能为 ReplicaDeletionStarted
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, ReplicaDeletionSuccessful)
        case NonExistentReplica => //其前置状态只能为 ReplicaDeletionSuccessful。
          // NonExistentReplica 是副本完全删除、不存在这个副本的状态
          // remove this replica from the assigned replicas list for its partition
          //在 controller 的 partitionReplicaAssignment 删除这个 Partition 对应的 replica 信息;
          val currentAssignedReplicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition)
          controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment.put(topicAndPartition, currentAssignedReplicas.filterNot(_ == replicaId))
          //将这个 Topic 从缓存中删除。
        case OnlineReplica =>//其前置状态只能为 NewReplica, OnlineReplica, OfflineReplica, ReplicaDeletionIneligible
          //副本正常工作时的状态,此时的 Replica 既可以作为 leader 也可以作为 follower
          replicaState(partitionAndReplica) match {
            case NewReplica => //其前置状态如果为 NewReplica
              // add this replica to the assigned replicas list for its partition
              //从 Controller 的 partitionReplicaAssignment 中获取这个 Partition 的 AR;
              val currentAssignedReplicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition)
              //如果 Replica 不在 AR 中的话,那么就将其添加到 Partition 的 AR 中;
                controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment.put(topicAndPartition, currentAssignedReplicas :+ replicaId)
            case _ => //其前置状态如果为:OnlineReplica, OfflineReplica, ReplicaDeletionIneligible
              // check if the leader for this partition ever existed
              //如果该 Partition 的 LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch 信息存在,那么就更新副本的状态,并发送相应的请求
              controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.get(topicAndPartition) match {
                case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
                  brokerRequestBatch.addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers(List(replicaId), topic, partition, leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch,
                  replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, OnlineReplica)
                case None => // that means the partition was never in OnlinePartition state, this means the broker never
                             // started a log for that partition and does not have a high watermark value for this partition
          //最后将 Replica 的状态设置为 OnlineReplica 状态。
          replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, OnlineReplica)
        case OfflineReplica => //其前置状态只能为 NewReplica, OnlineReplica, OfflineReplica, ReplicaDeletionIneligible
          // send stop replica command to the replica so that it stops fetching from the leader
          //发送 StopReplica 请求给该副本,先停止副本同步 (deletePartition = false)
          brokerRequestBatch.addStopReplicaRequestForBrokers(List(replicaId), topic, partition, deletePartition = false)
          // As an optimization, the controller removes dead replicas from the ISR
          val leaderAndIsrIsEmpty: Boolean =
            controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo.get(topicAndPartition) match {
              case Some(_) =>
                //将该 replica 从 Partition 的 isr 移除这个 replica(前提 isr 中还有其他有效副本)
                controller.removeReplicaFromIsr(topic, partition, replicaId) match {
                  case Some(updatedLeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
                    // send the shrunk ISR state change request to all the remaining alive replicas of the partition.
                    val currentAssignedReplicas = controllerContext.partitionReplicaAssignment(topicAndPartition)
                    if (!controller.topicDeletionManager.isPartitionToBeDeleted(topicAndPartition)) {
                      // 发送 LeaderAndIsr 请求给剩余的其他副本,因为 ISR 变动了
                      brokerRequestBatch.addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers(currentAssignedReplicas.filterNot(_ == replicaId),
                        topic, partition, updatedLeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch, replicaAssignment)
                    //更新这个 Replica 的状态为 OfflineReplica
                    replicaState.put(partitionAndReplica, OfflineReplica)
                  case None =>
              case None =>
          if (leaderAndIsrIsEmpty && !controller.topicDeletionManager.isPartitionToBeDeleted(topicAndPartition))
            throw new StateChangeFailedException(
              s"Failed to change state of replica $replicaId for partition $topicAndPartition since the leader " +
                s"and isr path in zookeeper is empty")

    catch {
      case t: Throwable =>
        stateChangeLog.error(s"Initiated state change of replica $replicaId for partition $topicAndPartition from " +
          s"$currState to $targetState failed", t)

上面 Replica 各种转移的触发的条件:




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