C++文件系统操作6 - 跨平台实现查找指定文件夹下的特定文件

news2025/1/9 19:25:52

1. 关键词

C++ 文件系统操作 查找指定文件夹下的特定文件 跨平台

2. fileutil.h

#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include "filetype.h"
#include "filepath.h"

namespace cutl

     * @brief The file guard class to manage the FILE pointer automatically.
     * file_guard object can close the FILE pointer automatically when his scope is exit.
    class file_guard
         * @brief Construct a new file guard object
         * @param file the pointer of the FILE object
        explicit file_guard(FILE *file);

         * @brief Destroy the file guard object

         * @brief Get the FILE pointer.
         * @return FILE*
        FILE *getfd() const;

        FILE *file_;

     * @brief Find all files in a directory by name.
     * @param dirpath the filepath of the directory to be searched
     * @param name the name of the file to be found, substring match is supported.
     * @param recursive whether to search the whole directory recursively, default is false.
     * If true, means search the whole directory recursively, like the 'find' command.
     * @return filevec the vector of file_entity, filepaths in the directory.
    filevec find_files(const filepath &dirpath, const std::string &name, bool recursive = false);

     * @brief Find all files in a directory by extension.
     * @param dirpath the filepath of the directory to be searched
     * @param extension the extension of the file to be found, with dot, like ".txt".
     * @param recursive whether to search the whole directory recursively, default is false.
     * If true, means search the whole directory recursively, like the 'find' command.
     * @return filevec the vector of file_entity, filepaths in the directory.
    filevec find_files_by_extension(const filepath &dirpath, const std::string &extension, bool recursive = false);

} // namespace cutl

3. fileutil.cpp

#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "fileutil.h"
#include "inner/logger.h"
#include "inner/filesystem.h"
#include "strutil.h"

namespace cutl
    file_guard::file_guard(FILE *file)
        : file_(file)

        if (file_)
            // CUTL_DEBUG("close file");
            int ret = fclose(file_);
            if (ret != 0)
                CUTL_ERROR("fail to close file, ret" + std::to_string(ret));
            file_ = nullptr;
        // ROBOLOG_DCHECK(file_ == nullptr);

    FILE *file_guard::getfd() const
        return file_;

    filevec find_files(const filepath &dirpath, const std::string &name, bool recursive)
        filevec filelist = list_files(dirpath, filetype::all, recursive);
        filevec result;
        for (auto &file : filelist)
            if (file.type == filetype::directory)
            auto filename = cutl::path(file.filepath).basename();
            if (filename.find(name) != std::string::npos)
        return result;

    filevec find_files_by_extension(const filepath &dirpath, const std::string &extension, bool recursive)
        filevec filelist = list_files(dirpath, filetype::all, recursive);
        filevec result;
        for (auto &file : filelist)
            if (file.type == filetype::directory)
            auto extname = cutl::path(file.filepath).extension();
            if (cutl::to_lower(extname) == cutl::to_lower(extension))
        return result;

4. list_files

list_files函数的定义参见: http://sunlogging.com/2024/07/25/cpp_common_util/fileutil_list_files/

5. 源码地址

更多详细代码,请查看本人写的C++ 通用工具库: common_util, 本项目已开源,代码简洁,且有详细的文档和Demo。






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