谣言检测文献阅读一—A Review on Rumour Prediction and Veracity Assessment in Online Social Network谣言检测文献阅读二—Earlier detection of rumors in online social networks using certainty‑factor‑based convolutional neural networks谣言检测文…
mysql> create table student(sno int primary key auto_increment,sname varchar(30) not null unique,Ssex varchar(2) check (Ssex男 or Ssex女) not null,Sage int not null,Sdept varchar(10) default计算机 not null);
mysql> create table Course(Con int primar…
1.统计字符 统计字符串中每个字符出现的次数 s l like summer very much
s s.replace(" ","")
d dict()
for i in s:if i in d:d[i] 1else:d[i] 1
for i in d:print(i,d[i]) 2.求不重复的随机数 #导入随机数
import random
a int(input(&q…