【LaTeX Overleaf】 论文修订

news2025/2/23 11:30:12


1 批注功能-使用changes 宏包

在 LaTeX 中,changes 宏包是一个非常有用的工具,用于在文档中添加批注、插入和删除修改。它特别适用于论文写作和文档审阅。以下是如何使用 changes 宏包的一些基本步骤和示例:

(1)安装 changes 宏包

首先,确保你的 LaTeX 环境已经安装了 changes 宏包。如果没有安装,可以使用 TeX Live 或 MikTeX 等工具进行安装。


在你的 LaTeX 文档的导言区添加以下行以加载 changes 宏包:


你可以根据需要选择不同的标记样式,如 markup=underlinedmarkup=highlight






  • 插入文本:使用 \added 命令

  • 这是一个\added{新增的}句子。

  • 删除文本:使用 \deleted 命令。

  • 这是一个\deleted{需要删除的}句子。

 替换文本:使用 \replaced 命令。


 添加批注:使用 \highlight\comment 命令。







% Define authors and their colors
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 1}, color=orange]{R1}
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 2}, color=blue]{R2}
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 3}, color=green]{R3}

\title{Enhanced Example Document with Changes from Multiple Reviewers}


This is an enhanced example document that demonstrates various modifications from different reviewers.

Here we will demonstrate how to use the \added[id=R1]{changes package to} add annotations and modifications. This document has been reviewed by multiple reviewers, each providing their feedback and suggestions. 

In the methods section, we \deleted[id=R2]{will describe our techniques in detail.} \replaced[id=R3]{use the changes package}{use other tools} to mark modifications. The methods employed in this study include both qualitative and quantitative approaches. \highlight[id=R3]{It is essential}to describe the statistical analysis in detail.\added[id=R1]{We also conducted a comprehensive literature review to support our methodology.}

This is the results section, where you can use \highlight[id=R1]{highlight} to emphasize important content. \replaced[id=R2]{The results show a significant improvement in accuracy.}{The results are inconclusive and require further analysis.} \added[id=R3]{Additional experiments are needed to validate these findings.}

In the discussion section, you can \comment[id=R2]{add more details} to explain the results. \deleted[id=R1]{The discussion lacks depth in certain areas.} \added[id=R1]{The implications of these results are far-reaching, suggesting that the proposed methods can be applied to a wide range of applications.} \highlight[id=R2]{Be sure to compare these findings with previous studies.}

The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the study. \replaced[id=R3]{Future work should focus on refining the methodology and exploring new applications.}{The current study provides a solid foundation for future research.} \deleted[id=R2]{It is essential to address the limitations mentioned in the discussion.}



2 报错问题:






\chadded{new text} %用于标记新添加的文本。
\chdeleted{old text} %用于标记被删除的文本。
\chreplaced{old text}{new text} %用于标记替换的文本。



% \usepackage[commandnameprefix=always,final,markup=default,authormarkup=none]{changes}

% Define authors and their colors
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 1}, color=orange]{R1}
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 2}, color=blue]{R2}
\definechangesauthor[name={Reviewer 3}, color=green]{R3}

\title{Enhanced Example Document with Changes from Multiple Reviewers}


This is an enhanced example document that demonstrates various modifications from different reviewers.

Here we will demonstrate how to use the \chadded[id=R1]{changes package to} add annotations and modifications. This document has been reviewed by multiple reviewers, each providing their feedback and suggestions. 

In the methods section, we \chdeleted[id=R2]{will describe our techniques in detail.} \chreplaced[id=R3]{use the changes package}{use other tools} to mark modifications. The methods employed in this study include both qualitative and quantitative approaches. \chhighlight[id=R3]{It is essential}to describe the statistical analysis in detail.\chadded[id=R1]{We also conducted a comprehensive literature review to support our methodology.}

This is the results section, where you can use \chhighlight[id=R1]{highlight} to emphasize important content. \chreplaced[id=R2]{The results show a significant improvement in accuracy.}{The results are inconclusive and require further analysis.} \chadded[id=R3]{Additional experiments are needed to validate these findings.}

In the discussion section, you can \chcomment[id=R2]{add more details} to explain the results. \chdeleted[id=R1]{The discussion lacks depth in certain areas.} \chadded[id=R1]{The implications of these results are far-reaching, suggesting that the proposed methods can be applied to a wide range of applications.} \chhighlight[id=R2]{Be sure to compare these findings with previous studies.}

The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the study. \chreplaced[id=R3]{Future work should focus on refining the methodology and exploring new applications.}{The current study provides a solid foundation for future research.} \chdeleted[id=R2]{It is essential to address the limitations mentioned in the discussion.}









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