Stationary wavelet Transform (translation invariant)
Haar wavelet
Hard thresholding of detail coefficients
Universal threshold
High-pass filtering by zero-ing approximation coefficients from a 5-level decomposition of a 16Khz sampling freq.
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.signal import detrend
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from pywt import Wavelet, threshold, wavedec, waverec
import pywt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
Create custom functions
def NearestEvenInteger(n):
"""! Returns the nearest even integer to number n.
@param n Input number for which one requires the nearest even integer
@return The even nearest integer to the input number
if n % 2 == 0:
res = n
res = n - 1
return res
def std(trace, nlevel=5):
"""Estimates the standard deviation of the input trace for rescaling
the Wavelet's coefficients.
Standard deviation of the input trace as (1D ndarray)
sigma = np.array([1.4825 * np.median(np.abs(trace[i])) for i in range(nlevel)])
return sigma
def mad(x):
"""Mean absolute deviation"""
return 1.482579 * np.median(np.abs(x - np.median(x)))
def get_universal_threshold(trace):
num_samples = len(trace)
sd = mad(trace)
return sd * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(num_samples))
def get_han_threshold(trace: np.array, sigma: np.array, coeffs: np.array, nlevels: int):
# count samples
num_samples = len(trace)
# han et al threshold
details_threshs = np.array([np.nan] * len(coeffs[1:]))
# threshold for first detail coeff d_i=0
details_threshs[0] = sigma[1] * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(num_samples))
# threshold from 1 < d_i < NLEVELS
for d_i in range(1, nlevels - 1):
details_threshs[d_i] = (sigma[d_i] * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(num_samples))) / np.log(
d_i + 1
# threhsold for d_i = nlevels
details_threshs[nlevels - 1] = (
sigma[nlevels - 1] * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(num_samples))
) / np.sqrt(nlevels - 1)
return details_threshs
def determine_threshold(
trace: np.array,
threshold: str = "han",
sigma: np.array = None,
coeffs: np.array = None,
nlevels: int = None,
if threshold == "universal":
thr = get_universal_threshold(trace)
elif threshold == "han":
thr = get_han_threshold(trace, sigma, coeffs, nlevels)
raise NotImplementedError("Choose an implemented threshold!")
return thr
Load Quiroga's dataset
# download simulated dataset 01
!curl -o ../dataset/data_01.txt http://www.spikesorting.com/Data/Sites/1/download/simdata/Quiroga/01%20Example%201%20-%200-05/data_01.txt
# get project path
proj_path = os.getcwd()
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0100 37.0M 100 37.0M 0 0 26.1M 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 26.1M# dataset parameters
SFREQ = 16000
nyquist = SFREQ / 2
# load dataset
trace_01 = np.loadtxt(proj_path + "/dataset/data_01.txt")
tmp_trace = trace_01.copy()
# describe
duration_secs = len(tmp_trace) / SFREQ
num_samples = len(tmp_trace)
print("duration:", duration_secs, "secs")
print("number of samples:", num_samples)
duration: 90.0 secs
number of samples: 1440000
array([-0.05265172, -0.03124187, -0.00282162, ..., 0.01798155,
0.01678863, 0.0119459 ])1. Parametrize
# - implement Han et al., threshold
# - clear approximation threshold
WAVELET = "haar"
THRESH = "han" # "universal"
THRESH_METHOD = "hard" # 'soft'
RECON_MODE = "zero" # 'smooth', "symmetric", "antisymmetric", "zero", "constant", "periodic", "reflect",
# calculate cutoff frequency
freq_cutoff = nyquist / 2**NLEVEL # cutoff frequency (the max of lowest freq. band)
print("Cutoff frequency for high-pass filtering :", freq_cutoff, "Hz")
2. Preprocess# detrend
detrended = detrend(tmp_trace)
# normalize data
scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1), copy=True)
detrended = scaler.fit_transform(detrended.reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0]
normalized = detrended.copy()
3. Wavelet transform
# find the nearest even integer to input signal's length
size = NearestEvenInteger(normalized.shape[0])
# initialize filter
wavelet = Wavelet(WAVELET)
# compute Wavelet coefficients
# coeffs = wavedec(normalized[:size], wavelet, level=NLEVEL)
# translation-invariance modification of the Discrete Wavelet Transform
# that does not decimate coefficients at every transformation level.
coeffs = pywt.swt(normalized[:size], wavelet, level=NLEVEL, trim_approx=True)
coeffs_raw = coeffs.copy()
# print approximation and details coefficients
print("approximation coefficients:", coeffs_raw[0])
print("details coefficients:", coeffs_raw[1:])approximation coefficients: [2.83647772 2.84106911 2.84452235 ... 2.83109023 2.83292184 2.83465441]
details coefficients: [array([-0.00950856, -0.00603211, -0.00248562, ..., -0.01120825,
-0.0104237 , -0.00988739]), array([-0.01276296, 0.00053794, 0.0101203 , ..., -0.03684457,
-0.03087185, -0.02255869]), array([-0.0351023 , -0.02894606, -0.01932213, ..., -0.00506488,
-0.019433 , -0.0299413 ]), array([-0.01386091, -0.01500663, -0.01406618, ..., 0.00959663,
0.01430558, -0.00087641]), array([-0.00386154, -0.00512596, -0.00548882, ..., 0.00021516,
0.00087345, 0.01160962])]4. Denoise
THRESH = "han"
# estimate the wavelet coefficients standard deviations
sigma = std(coeffs[1:], nlevel=NLEVEL)
# determine the thresholds of the coefficients per level ('universal')
# threshs = [
# determine_threshold(
# trace=coeffs[1 + level] / sigma[level],
# threshold=THRESH,
# sigma=sigma,
# coeffs=coeffs,
# nlevels=NLEVEL,
# )
# * sigma[level]
# for level in range(NLEVEL)
# ]
# determine the thresholds of the coefficients per level ('han')
threshs = get_han_threshold(
# a list of 5 thresholds for "universal"
# apply the thresholds to the detail coeffs
coeffs[1:] = [
threshold(coeff_i, value=threshs[i], mode=THRESH_METHOD)
for i, coeff_i in enumerate(coeffs[1:])
# reconstruct and reverse normalize
# denoised_trace = waverec(coeffs, filter, mode=RECON_MODE)
# denoised_trace = scaler.inverse_transform(denoised_trace.reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0]
# reconstruct and reverse normalize
denoised_trace = pywt.iswt(coeffs, wavelet)
denoised_trace = scaler.inverse_transform(denoised_trace.reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0]
5. High-pass filter
# clear approximation coefficients (set to 0)
coeffs[0] = np.zeros(len(coeffs[0]))
# sanity check
assert sum(coeffs[0]) == 0, "not cleared"
6. Reconstruct trace
# reconstruct and reverse normalize
# denoised_trace = waverec(coeffs, filter, mode=RECON_MODE)
# denoised_trace = scaler.inverse_transform(denoised_trace.reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0]
# reconstruct and reverse normalize
denoised_trace = pywt.iswt(coeffs, wavelet)
denoised_trace = scaler.inverse_transform(denoised_trace.reshape(-1, 1))[:, 0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
# raw
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax.set_title("Raw signal")
# denoised
ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax.set_title("Denoised signal")
Power spectrum
fs = 16e3 # 16 KHz sampling frequency
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 3))
# Welch method
freqs, powers = signal.welch(tmp_trace, fs, nperseg=1024)
axes[0].plot(freqs, powers)
axes[0].set_xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
axes[0].set_ylabel("PSD [V**2/Hz]")
# Welch method
freqs, powers = signal.welch(denoised_trace, fs, nperseg=1024)
axes[1].plot(freqs, powers)
axes[1].set_ylim([1e-12, 1e-4])
axes[1].set_xlabel("frequency [Hz]")
axes[1].set_ylabel("PSD [V**2/Hz]")