hang out
drop by/in 来访
what are you up to?
Thanks a bunch.
tied up
Stay tuned 敬请期待
hop on/into the bus/car.
hail a cab
off track 偏题了
in the same boat
fed up 厌倦了
bad hair days 看起来不太好的时间
Booth/stand/stall/kiosk 都是货摊,要区别
pull over 靠边停车
lemon 修不好的车或者电脑
In the mood 等待
bad rap 欺骗
pickles 泡菜
mix-up 失误
on the house, compliments of the house 免费
pagging out 大吃大喝
junk food 垃圾食品
stay in shape
cardio 有氧运动
fine print
flat rate 一口价
throw in 免费附送
throw up 吐了
bungee jumping 蹦极
scuba 水肺潜水
up for 准备好做某事
the home stretch 冲刺期
keep an eye open 警惕
arcade 有拱顶的游乐场
gratuity 小费,要注意和tip区别
pros and cons 优缺点
grace period 宽限期
roll in 大量出现
put aside 存钱
overdrawn 透支
It is about the time. 等待很久,终于来了。
pay through the money 被敲竹杠
racket 球拍
rain check = reschedule 重新约
go window-shopping 只逛不买
shop around 货比三家
talk shop 闲暇时间继续谈工作
a steal 很好的价格
across 对面
right away 马上
at all 强调,一点点
stuffy nose 鼻塞
general practitoner/GP 全科医生
physician 医生
co-pay 自付
feel under the weather 感觉生病了。
root canal 根管治疗
freebies 免费样品
first thing 越早越好
ordinances 社区条例
count me in 算我在内
grab a quick bite 简单吃吃
pick out 挑选
pick up on 理解
pick on 戏弄
show someone around
dying to 渴望
a stroll 散步
staycation 居家休息
concourse 大厅
get around to 有时间做
good deed 好人好事
take for granted 认为是当然的
come with the territory 在所难免
jury duty 陪审
pain in the neck 很讨厌
stepped up to the plate 开始行动,挺身而出
get the hang of 掌握窍门
prom night 毕业舞会
bride and groom 新郎新娘
bachelor bachelorette 未婚男女
take me back 让我想起
jet-lagged 时差
on the rocks 濒临完蛋
make up 恢复关系
look down 看起来不开心
put off 推迟
turn out 导致...结果
diaper 尿布
or so 差不多 = approximately about 不过简单很多
in ages 在长期一段时间
upbeat 乐观
give away 送人
passed away 逝世 也可以直接用passed
go out 交往
put up with 将就下去
decline 拒绝
lined up 列入计划
look beyond 看的更宽
make a fresh start 再开始
picking on 找茬
shift work 非常规时间工作
walk out 上班脱岗
way too much
give it a shot 试试
blow it 搞砸
come across 产生印象
follow-up 后续
in the know 已知部分
foot in the door 第一步
get up to speed 跟上进度
catch on 学习
do the trick 生效
How do you think it went?你认为事情怎么样?
take you up on 接受建议
out of the blue 出乎意料
stand out 被注意
sugar daddy/cougars 有钱老男女
trophy wife/arm candy
blind date 相亲