import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm, uniform
from scipy.integrate import quad
import sys, os, time, fileinput
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
# sample data from normal distribution
N_data = 10000
# preload sample data
x_data = np.array([])
# point source samples
Ng = 5
N_scales = uniform.rvs(size = Ng)
scales = 0.005 * uniform.rvs(size = Ng)
scales = 0.005 * np.ones(Ng)
locs = 0.8 * uniform.rvs(size = Ng) + 0.1
for n in range(Ng):
nm_small = norm(scale = scales[n], loc = locs[n])
x_data_small = nm_small.rvs(size = int(N_scales[n] * N_data / 20))
x_data = np.concatenate((x_data, x_data_small))
# gaussian samples
nm_large = norm(scale = 0.1, loc = 0.5)
x_data_large = nm_large.rvs(size = N_data)
x_data = np.concatenate((x_data, x_data_large))
# uniform samples
uni = uniform
x_data_uni = uni.rvs(size = int(N_data / 2))
x_data = np.concatenate((x_data, x_data_uni))
# plot histogram of distribution
counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(x_data, bins = 100, density = True)
N = len(x_data)
# load pywt haar wavelets for comparison
import pywt
wavelet_name = 'haar'
wavelet = pywt.Wavelet(wavelet_name)
phi, psi, x = wavelet.wavefun(level=9) # level does not affect timing
L = int(x[-1] - x[0])
# rescale to unit length
x = x/L
phi = np.sqrt(L) * phi
psi = np.sqrt(L) * psi
# define standard haar wavelet and scaling function
def haar_mother_(t):
return (np.heaviside(t,0) - np.heaviside(t-1,0) ) * np.interp(t,x,psi)
def haar_scale_(t):
return (np.heaviside(t,0) - np.heaviside(t-1,0) ) * np.interp(t,x,phi)
x_p = np.linspace(-1,1,1000)
plt.plot(x_p, haar_scale_(x_p - 0), c = 'red', alpha = 0.5)
plt.plot(x_p, haar_scale_(2 * x_p - 1), c = 'lightblue', alpha = 0.5)
plt.plot(x_p, haar_scale_(2 * x_p - 0) - haar_scale_(2 * x_p - 1), c = 'purple')
# define dyadic version of wavelet and scaling function
def psi_(x,j,k):
return 2**(j/2) * haar_mother_(2**j * x - k)
def phi_(x,j0,k):
return 2**(j0/2) * haar_scale_(2**j0 * x - k)
j1 = 7 # maximum scale (6 -> ~2 min , 7 -> ~9 min)
klist1 = np.arange(0,2**j1 - 1 + 0.5,1) # translations
Nk1 = np.size(klist1)
scale_info = [j1, klist1]
# plot the density estimate using scaling coefficients
def angles_for_equal_components_(N):
""" Generate the angles in spherical coordinates corresponding to a
vector whose components are all equal """
# N = Number of angles required to specify sphere
arg_for_sqrt = np.arange(N+1, 3-0.5, -1)
polar_list = np.arccos( 1 /
azi_list = np.array([np.pi/4])
return np.concatenate((polar_list, azi_list))
def initial_scaling_angle_generator_(N, choice):
"""Generates a set of initial scaling angles on the sphere
N = Dimension of Euclidean Space
choice = Determine type of scaling angles to generate
'random': Generate a random sample of angles on the sphere
'unbiased': All scaling coefficients have the same positive value
'equiangle': All angles correspond to pi/4"""
if choice == 'random':
return np.concatenate((np.pi * np.random.random(size = N - 2), 2*np.pi*np.random.random(size = 1) ))
elif choice == 'unbiased':
return angles_for_equal_components_(N-1)
elif choice == 'equiangle':
return np.concatenate((np.pi/4 * np.random.random(size = N - 2), np.pi/4*np.ones(1) ))
def ct(r, arr):
coordinate transformation from spherical to cartesian coordinates
a = np.concatenate((np.array([2*np.pi]), arr))
si = np.sin(a)
si[0] = 1
si = np.cumprod(si)
co = np.cos(a)
co = np.roll(co, -1)
return si*co*r
def scaling_coefficients_(scaling_angles):
convert scaling angles in hypersphere to scaling coefficients
return ct(1,scaling_angles)
def sqrt_p_(x_data, scaling_angles):
Calculate the square root of the density estimate as the wavelet expansion
with the scaling coefficients denoted by the scaling angles
N = len(x_data)
j1, klist1 = scale_info
phi_arr = np.array([phi_(x_data,j1,klist1[nk]) for nk in range(Nk1)])
scaling_coefficients = scaling_coefficients_(scaling_angles)
scaling_coefficients_mat = np.outer(scaling_coefficients, np.ones((N,)))
scale_terms = scaling_coefficients_mat * phi_arr
return np.sum(scale_terms, axis = 0)
def safe_log_(x):
# guard against x = 0
return np.log(x + 1e-323)
def unbinned_nll_(x):
return -np.sum(safe_log_(x))
def unbinned_nll_sqrt_p_(scaling_angles):
sqrt_p_arr = sqrt_p_(x_data, scaling_angles)
p_arr = sqrt_p_arr * sqrt_p_arr
return unbinned_nll_(p_arr) / N
from iminuit import cost, Minuit
# unbiased initial scaling angles
initial_scaling_angles = initial_scaling_angle_generator_(Nk1, 'unbiased')
# initial_scaling_angles = initial_scaling_angle_generator_(Nk1, 'random')
# define iminuit object for minimization
m = Minuit(unbinned_nll_sqrt_p_, initial_scaling_angles)
# limited to sphere
limits_theta = [(0,np.pi) for n in range(Nk1-2)]
limits_phi = [(0,2*np.pi)]
limits = np.concatenate((limits_theta, limits_phi))
# set limits
m.limits = limits
# run fit
m.errordef = Minuit.LIKELIHOOD
Migrad | |
FCN = -0.3265 | Nfcn = 10376 |
EDM = 8.51e-09 (Goal: 0.0001) | time = 544.2 sec |
Valid Minimum | Below EDM threshold (goal x 10) |
SOME parameters at limit | Below call limit |
Hesse ok | Covariance accurate |
# plot the fit
x_plot = np.linspace(0,1,128)
scaling_angles_fit = m.values[:]
sqrt_p_plot = sqrt_p_(x_plot, scaling_angles_fit)
p_plot = sqrt_p_plot * sqrt_p_plot
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot, label = 'fit')
counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(x_data, bins = 128, density = True, label = 'data')
sqrt_p_plot_j1 = sqrt_p_plot
j0 = j1 - 4
level = j1 - j0
scaling_coefficients_fit = np.abs(scaling_coefficients_(scaling_angles_fit))
coeffs = pywt.wavedec(scaling_coefficients_fit, wavelet_name, level=level)
scaling_coefficients_j0 = coeffs[0]
wavelet_coefficients_j0 = coeffs[1:]
klist0 = np.arange(0,2**j0 - 1 + 0.5,1)
Nk0 = np.size(klist0)
scale_info = [j0, klist0]
def sqrt_p_coarse_(x_data, scaling_coefficients_j0):
Coarse representation of the density estimate
N = len(x_data)
j1, klist1 = scale_info
phi_arr = np.array([phi_(x_data,j0,klist0[nk]) for nk in range(Nk0)])
scaling_coefficients_mat = np.outer(scaling_coefficients_j0, np.ones((N,)))
scale_terms = scaling_coefficients_mat * phi_arr
return np.sum(scale_terms, axis = 0)
x_plot = np.linspace(0,1,128)
sqrt_p_plot_j0 = sqrt_p_coarse_(x_plot, scaling_coefficients_j0)
p_plot_j0 = sqrt_p_plot_j0 * sqrt_p_plot_j0
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot_j0)
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot)
counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(x_data, bins = 100, density = True)
plt.legend(["Coarse", "Fine", "Data"])
# Fit summary using DWT
counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(x_data, bins = 100, density = True)
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot_j0, label = 'Coarse')
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot, label = 'Fine')
plt.plot(x_plot, sqrt_p_plot**2 - sqrt_p_plot_j0**2, label = '$p_f - p_c$')
# stationary wavelet transform (test)
# Note: You can't just take the scaling coefficients from the coarse representation;
## need to take the inverse (see next cell)
# This leads to a shifted signal (idk why)
sqrt_p_plot_j1 = sqrt_p_plot
j0 = j1 - 4
level = j1 - j0
scaling_coefficients_fit = np.abs(scaling_coefficients_(scaling_angles_fit))
coeffs = pywt.swt(scaling_coefficients_fit, wavelet_name, level=level, norm = True, trim_approx = False)
scaling_coefficients_j0 = coeffs[0][0]
wavelet_coefficients_j0 = coeffs[1:]
klist0 = np.arange(0,2**j1 - 1 + 0.5,1)
Nk0 = np.size(klist1)
scale_info = [j1, klist1]
def sqrt_p_coarse_(x_data, scaling_coefficients_j0):
N = len(x_data)
j1, klist1 = scale_info
phi_arr = np.array([phi_(x_data,j1,klist0[nk]) for nk in range(Nk0)])
scaling_coefficients_mat = np.outer(scaling_coefficients_j0, np.ones((N,)))
scale_terms = scaling_coefficients_mat * phi_arr
return np.sum(scale_terms, axis = 0)
x_plot = np.linspace(0,1,128)
sqrt_p_plot_j0 = sqrt_p_coarse_(x_plot, scaling_coefficients_j0)
p_plot_j0 = sqrt_p_plot_j0 * sqrt_p_plot_j0
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot_j0)
plt.plot(x_plot, p_plot)
counts, bins, _ = plt.hist(x_data, bins = 100, density = True)
plt.legend(["Coarse", "Fine", "Data"])
工学博士,担任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》《中国电机工程学报》《控制与决策》等期刊审稿专家,擅长领域:现代信号处理,机器学习,深度学习,数字孪生,时间序列分析,设备缺陷检测、设备异常检测、设备智能故障诊断与健康管理PHM等。