Aeron:两个代理之间的单向IPC(One-way IPC between two agents)

news2025/1/13 16:50:44


本例展示了如何通过 IPC 在调度于不同线程的两个代理之间传输缓冲区。在继续学习本示例之前,最好先复习一下Simplest Full Example ,因为该示例展示的是 IPC 通信,没有增加代理的复杂性。读者还应熟悉Media Driver


  • 以默认模式运行的嵌入式Media Driver(发送器、接收器和指挥器的代理(an agent for Sender, Receiver, Conductor))(an embedded media driver running in default mode (an agent for Sender, Receiver, Conductor))
  • 通过publication发送 IPC 数据的代理(SendAgent)(an agent to send the IPC data over a publication (SendAgent))
  • 通过subscription接收 IPC 数据的代理(ReceiveAgent)(an agent to receive the IPC data over a subscription (ReceiveAgent))

Code Sample overview

代码示例包含在 ipc-core 项目 com.aeroncookbook.ipc.agents 命名空间中的三个文件中。它们是:

  • - the class responsible for setting up Aeron and scheduling the agents;(负责设置 Aeron 和调度代理的类)
  • - the class holding the Agent responsible for sending data;(负责发送数据的代理的类)
  • - the class holding the Agent responsible for receiving data.(负责接收数据的代理的类)


 Execution Output

15:13:42.814 [main] starting
15:13:42.964 [receiver] received: 1000000


public static void main(String[] args)
 final String channel = "aeron:ipc";
 final int stream = 10;
 final int sendCount = 1_000_000;
 final IdleStrategy idleStrategySend = new BusySpinIdleStrategy();
 final IdleStrategy idleStrategyReceive = new BusySpinIdleStrategy();
 final ShutdownSignalBarrier barrier = new ShutdownSignalBarrier();

 //construct Media Driver, cleaning up media driver folder on start/stop
 final MediaDriver.Context mediaDriverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context()
         .sharedIdleStrategy(new BusySpinIdleStrategy())
 final MediaDriver mediaDriver = MediaDriver.launchEmbedded(mediaDriverCtx);

 //construct Aeron, pointing at the media driver's folder
 final Aeron.Context aeronCtx = new Aeron.Context()
 final Aeron aeron = Aeron.connect(aeronCtx);

 //construct the subs and pubs
 final Subscription subscription = aeron.addSubscription(channel, stream);
 final Publication publication = aeron.addPublication(channel, stream);

 //construct the agents
 final SendAgent sendAgent = new SendAgent(publication, sendCount);
 final ReceiveAgent receiveAgent = new ReceiveAgent(subscription, barrier,
 //construct agent runners
 final AgentRunner sendAgentRunner = new AgentRunner(idleStrategySend,
         Throwable::printStackTrace, null, sendAgent);
 final AgentRunner receiveAgentRunner = new AgentRunner(idleStrategyReceive,
         Throwable::printStackTrace, null, receiveAgent);"starting");

 //start the runners

 //wait for the final item to be received before closing

 //close the resources

 Constructing support objects

final String channel = "aeron:ipc";
final int stream = 10;
final int sendCount = 1000;
final IdleStrategy idleStrategySend = new BusySpinIdleStrategy();
final IdleStrategy idleStrategyReceive = new BusySpinIdleStrategy();
final ShutdownSignalBarrier barrier = new ShutdownSignalBarrier();

这部分代码构建了一些支持对象。(This section of the code constructs a few support objects.)

  • Line 1 holds the channel definition, in this case aeron:ipc
  • Line 2 holds the stream ID to use, in this case 10
  • Line 3 is the number of integers to send over IPC
  • 第 4、5 行构建了代理使用的空闲策略(IdleStrategy)。在这种情况下,只要 doWork 工作周期返回 0,空闲策略就会忙于旋转。(Line 4,5 constructs the IdleStrategy to be used by the agents. In this case, whenever the doWork duty cycle returns 0, the idle strategy will busy spin.)
  • 第 6 行是一个屏障,用于协调样本的关闭。一旦 ReceiveAgent 总共接收到一个发送计数整数,它就会向屏障发出信号,触发关闭。(Line 6 is a barrier that will be used to co-ordinate a shutdown of the sample. Once the ReceiveAgent has received a total of sendCount integers, it will signal the barrier, triggering the shutdown.)

Constructing the Media Driver 

//construct Media Driver, cleaning up media driver folder on start/stop
final MediaDriver.Context mediaDriverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context()
 .sharedIdleStrategy(new BusySpinIdleStrategy())
final MediaDriver mediaDriver = MediaDriver.launchEmbedded(mediaDriverCtx);

本节代码使用定义的上下文构建Media Driver。上下文是一个对象,其中包含Media Driver的所有可选配置参数。在本例中,有两项配置被重写,以确保Media Driver在启动和关闭时整理Media Driver目录。一旦上下文准备就绪,Media Driver就会作为嵌入式代理启动。

See also: Media Driver

 Constructing Aeron, the Publication and the Subscription

//construct Aeron, pointing at the media driver's folder
final Aeron.Context aeronCtx = new Aeron.Context()
final Aeron aeron = Aeron.connect(aeronCtx);

这部分代码再次使用 Context 构建 Aeron 对象。有了这个上下文,我们就能让 Aeron 知道Media Driver的 Aeron 目录在哪里。一旦上下文准备就绪,Aeron 对象就会连接到Media Driver。接下来,我们将使用之前定义的通道和流 id 创建 IPC 发布和订阅(IPC publication and subscription)。

//construct the subs and pubs
final Subscription subscription = aeron.addSubscription(channel, stream);
final Publication publication = aeron.addPublication(channel, stream);

Constructing and scheduling the agents

//construct the agents
final SendAgent sendAgent = new SendAgent(publication, sendCount);
final ReceiveAgent receiveAgent = new ReceiveAgent(subscription, barrier, sendCount);

//construct agent runners
final AgentRunner sendAgentRunner = new AgentRunner(idleStrategySend,
     Throwable::printStackTrace, null, sendAgent);
final AgentRunner receiveAgentRunner = new AgentRunner(idleStrategyReceive,
     Throwable::printStackTrace, null, receiveAgent);

//start the runners



  • 第 6-7 行和第 8-9 行:这两行分别构建了发送和接收的代理运行程序。请注意,每行都给出了空闲策略,用于控制线程在 doWork 工作周期后如何使用资源。
  • 第 12 和 13 行:这两行为每个代理创建新线程,并开始工作周期。

Shutting down cleanly

//wait for the final item to be received before closing

//close the resources

代码的最后部分负责等待 ReceiveAgent 触发屏障,然后正确清理资源。首先关闭代理,然后关闭 aeron 对象,最后关闭Media Driver。如果不注意关闭过程中的执行顺序,可能会出现核心转储或其他看似严重的故障。 


public class SendAgent implements Agent
 private final Publication publication;
 private final int sendCount;
 private final UnsafeBuffer unsafeBuffer;
 private int currentCountItem = 1;
 private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SendAgent.class);

 public SendAgent(final Publication publication, int sendCount)
     this.publication = publication;
     this.sendCount = sendCount;
     this.unsafeBuffer = new UnsafeBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(64));
     unsafeBuffer.putInt(0, currentCountItem);

 public int doWork()
     if (currentCountItem > sendCount)
         return 0;

     if (publication.isConnected())
         if (publication.offer(unsafeBuffer) > 0)
             currentCountItem += 1;
             unsafeBuffer.putInt(0, currentCountItem);
     return 0;

 public String roleName()
     return "sender";


send 对象负责通过提供的 Aeron Publication 发送 sendCount 整数。doWork 方法用于保持代理的工作周期,该方法会被持续调用,直至代理关闭。一旦达到 sendCount 限制,它就会停止向publication发送更多信息,并开始闲置。


  • Line 18 to 34: the doWork method holding the duty cycle for this agent
  • 第 22 行和第 34 行:这两条返回语句都返回 0,这将导致选定的空闲策略 BusySpinIdleStrategy 调用 ThreadHints.onSpinWait()
  • 第 25 行:只有当publication已连接时,才会返回 true。一旦连接,就可以安全地向publication提供信息。
  • 第 27 行:这将为publication提供缓冲数据。
  • Line 30: this logs the last sent integer, for example 15:13:42.818 [sender] sent: 123
  • Line 41: this sets the thread name to sender, as is visible in the log output.


public class ReceiveAgent implements Agent
 private final Subscription subscription;
 private final ShutdownSignalBarrier barrier;
 private final int sendCount;
 private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReceiveAgent.class);

 public ReceiveAgent(final Subscription subscription,
                     ShutdownSignalBarrier barrier, int sendCount)
     this.subscription = subscription;
     this.barrier = barrier;
     this.sendCount = sendCount;

 public int doWork() throws Exception
     subscription.poll(this::handler, 1000);
     return 0;

 private void handler(DirectBuffer buffer, int offset, int length,
                     Header header)
     final int lastValue = buffer.getInt(offset);

     if (lastValue >= sendCount)
     {"received: {}", lastValue);

 public String roleName()
     return "receiver";

接收代理负责轮询所提供的订阅并记录接收到的值。一旦达到 sendCount 值,接收代理就会发出屏障信号。该对象中最有趣的部分是:

  • 第 17-21 行 - doWork 方法保持着该代理的duty cycle 。duty cycle由两部分组成,一部分是轮询订阅,将事件传递给提供的处理程序,另一部分是返回 0。通过配置的 IdleStrategy,返回 0 将导致线程停顿一微秒。
  • Line 26 - this logs the integer value received, for example: 15:13:42.814 [receiver] received: 5
  • Lines 29-32 - this signals the barrier, triggering the clean shutdown of the process.
  • Line 38 - this sets the role name to receiver, as visible in log output.


在英特尔笔记本电脑上,本示例每秒可传输约 1 千万条 4 字节信息。如果使用的是 Linux 系统,且有可用的 /dev/shm,代码会自动使用。通过交换 NoOpIdleStrategy,并将media driver线程移至 DEDICATED,每秒可传输超过 2000 万条信息。主要更改见下文。请注意,您需要确保硬件上至少有 8 个物理内核。

final IdleStrategy idleStrategySend = new NoOpIdleStrategy();
final IdleStrategy idleStrategyReceive = new NoOpIdleStrategy();
final ShutdownSignalBarrier barrier = new ShutdownSignalBarrier();

//construct Media Driver, cleaning up media driver folder on start/stop
final MediaDriver.Context mediaDriverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context()
     .conductorIdleStrategy(new BusySpinIdleStrategy())
     .senderIdleStrategy(new NoOpIdleStrategy())
     .receiverIdleStrategy(new NoOpIdleStrategy())
final MediaDriver mediaDriver = MediaDriver.launchEmbedded(mediaDriverCtx);

//construct Aeron, pointing at the media driver's folder
final Aeron.Context aeronCtx = new Aeron.Context()
     .idleStrategy(new NoOpIdleStrategy())
final Aeron aeron = Aeron.connect(aeronCtx);


有一个相关的 Two Agent example of OneToOneRingBuffer 非常相似,只不过它使用了 Agrona 的 OneToOneRingBuffer,并通过 BusySpinIdleStrategy 每秒发送大约 1800 万条 4 字节信息,或通过 NoOpIdleStrategy 每秒发送超过 5000 万条信息。

六、Using the C Media Driver

要使用 Aeron 的 C Media Driver测试此示例,您需要执行以下操作:

首先,从源代码中构建 C Media Driver(说明因操作系统而异,此部分参考博客即可,建议翻墙进行操作,贴出cookbook只是帮助借阅):

  • Building the C Media Driver on macOS
  • Building the C Media Driver on CentOS Linux 8
  • Building the C Media Driver on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Building the C Media Driver on Windows 10

Next, start the C Media Driver with default settings

  • ./aeronmd (Linux/macOS)
  • aeronmd (Windows)

Then, remove the Media Driver from, and reduce the Aeron context to defaults:

//construct Media Driver, cleaning up media driver folder on start/stop
//final MediaDriver.Context mediaDriverCtx = new MediaDriver.Context()
//        .dirDeleteOnStart(true)
//        .threadingMode(ThreadingMode.SHARED)
//        .sharedIdleStrategy(new BusySpinIdleStrategy())
//        .dirDeleteOnShutdown(true);
//final MediaDriver mediaDriver = MediaDriver.launchEmbedded(mediaDriverCtx);
//construct Aeron, pointing at the media driver's folder
final Aeron.Context aeronCtx = new Aeron.Context();
final Aeron aeron = Aeron.connect(aeronCtx);

Aeron 和Media Driver将默认使用同一目录。


14:30:00.293 [main] starting
14:30:00.758 [receiver] received: 10000000




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